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Findings of the Study 59

Chapter 3


This chapter presents the findings of the study. The

researchers’ answer to the objectives of the study can be

found here. Other findings related to the objectives of the

study can also be seen here along with figures and tables

to further support the finding.

Drop-Up Information Requirements

This objective discusses the information

specifications of the proposed mobile application for the

users which are the dropping areas, sellers, and buyers.

Order Tracking Data. Order tracking data is

automatically received by the admin of the application for

the revenue streams that company will gain from the

transactions. This data consists of the transaction records

that the dropping area users and sellers have. This data

will be the basis of the company on how much they will

charge for the dropping area as well as the sellers.

User’s Information. User’s information shall comprise

the user’s full name, sim card number, Facebook account,

and address. Users are also required to post an ID and a

matching profile picture for more validation. User’s

Findings of the Study 60

information is required and must be visible for other users

to communicate with in case of transactions.

Hardware Requirement. Table 3 shows the minimum and

the recommended requirements to run the mobile application.

For the Central Processing Unit (CPU) Quad-Core is the

minimum and Octa-Core is the recommended requirement. For

the Random Access Memory (RAM), it is recommended to have

6GB, but the user can use a phone with 2GB as minimum.

These requirements must be met by the users in order for

them to install the application and avoid errors.

Table 3

System Requirements

Specification Minimum Recommended

Requirements Requirements




Android Android 9.0 Android 10.0(Q)

Version (Pie)

App permission Network and Storage Network and Storage

Software Requirement. The application is only limited

to smart phones that are run by Android operating system.

The android version shall comprise a minimum SDK version 29

Findings of the Study 61

(Android Pie) since the application is not so heavy that it

needs high specifications of the phone to run. The

researchers considered that the application should be

available for a lot of users.

App Permissions. Users must permit access to the

storage and network. Permitting access to storage enables

sellers to upload pictured items to the dashboard and to

send a request. The access to the network on the other hand

must also be permitted by the users for them to access

real-time updates on the applications like new

notifications and uploaded products.

These requirements must be met by the users to run the

application. Though users don’t have to use the recommended

specifications but also the minimum.

Drop-Up Architecture Framework

This finding provides detailed diagrams of the

system’s synopsis and presents the architecture framework

of the system’s design. The researchers used the 4+1 model

view architecture which consists of logical view, process

view, physical view, development view, and the use case

view. 4+1 model view architecture was used for the

researchers to organize the description of the architecture

of their system.
Findings of the Study 62

The logical view shows the components of the

researcher’s system as well as its interactions. Using

class, object, state machine and sequence diagrams the

logical view can also be modeled. The process view on the

other hand captures the concurrency and synchronization

aspects of the design and it can be modeled with UML´s

activity diagrams. Development view then describes the

organization of the software in its development environment

and it can be modeled using UML´s component and package

diagrams. Physical view describes the mapping of the

software onto the hardware. To model this view deployment

diagrams can be used. Finally, the use case view, it is

illustrated by selected use cases or scenarios. This view

contains diagrams describing what the system does from a

black box perspective and contains use case diagrams.

Though there are a lot of models to represent each

view, the researchers use Unified Modeling Language (UML)

diagrams to represent each model view. Before writing and

coding, UML diagrams will help the researchers to focus on

the structures and develop a clear understanding of what

shall be implemented. Errors then will also be recognized

easier with the help of the diagrams.

Figure 12
Findings of the Study 63

The 4+1 Architectural Framework.

The researchers used UML diagrams to represent the

different views. Use case diagrams are used to represent

use case view, sequence diagrams for logical view, logical

diagrams to represent the process view, package diagram for

the developmental view, and deployment diagrams for the

physical view.

Logical View. This view pertains to the end users and

is concerned with the system’s functionality. Sequence

diagrams are interaction diagrams that detail how

operations are carried out. It is also a type of

interaction diagram because it describes how—and in what

order—a group of objects works together. These diagrams are

usually used by software developers and business

professionals to understand requirements for a new system

or to document an existing process. Sequence diagrams have

two types, the UML diagrams, and code-based diagrams as for

the researchers they will use UML diagrams.

Findings of the Study 64

Sequence diagrams in UML are time focused for they

show the interaction visually using the vertical axis of

the diagram to represent time, what data are sent and when

and where the interaction takes place in a collaboration

that either realizes a use case or an operation.

Sequence diagrams are also used primarily to show the

interactions between objects in the sequential order that

those interactions occur. Much like the class diagram,

developers typically think sequence diagrams were meant

exclusively for them. However, an organization's business

staff can find sequence diagrams useful to communicate how

the business currently works by showing how various

business objects interact. Besides documenting an

organization's current affairs, a business-level sequence

diagram can be used as a requirements document to

communicate requirements for a future system


During the requirements phase of a project, analysts

can take use cases to the next level by providing a more

formal level of refinement. When that occurs, use cases are

often refined into one or more sequence diagrams.

Figure 13

Sequence Diagram of Login and Registration

Findings of the Study 65

The figure shows the diagram for the process of admin

login and registration. For every time the user logs in,

the system will ask the user to input their mobile number.

The system then verifies the mobile number that the user

gave by giving a one-time pin (OTP) verification. A one-

time password (OTP) is an automatically generated numeric

or alphanumeric string of characters that authenticates a

user for a single transaction or login session. An OTP is

more secure than a static password, especially a user-

created password, which can be weak and/or reused across

multiple accounts. OTPs may replace authentication login

information or may be used in addition to it to add another

layer of security.
Findings of the Study 66

If the user did not receive any OTP verification, then

the number given by the user is either incorrect or

invalid, else the user will proceed to the next step. The

system will show a profile set up for the user to input

his/her name and address which automatically he/she will

become a registered buyer which the user will be directed

to the shopping dashboard.

On the other hand, if the user has already registered

before, he/she will only enter his/her registered number

for the process. The user will just receive an OTP to which

will serve as his/her password to login. Mobile numbers

that were registered and other information that the user

inputted will be automatically saved in the system’s


Figure 14

Sequence Diagram Product Management

Findings of the Study 67

The figure shows the diagram for the sellers. Sellers

may post products for sale that will be shown on the

buyer’s dashboard. Input products will be automatically

stored on the system’s database upon posting. The seller

may edit his/her post depending on his/her own will. The

editing process updates the database record upon saving.

The process happens in real-time, but devices need to

refresh their dashboard to see the updates that have been


Figure 15

Sequence Diagram Sales Invoice

The figure shows the diagram for the buyer’s process.

The process starts when the buyer will comment on the

seller’s post. The buyer may comment on anything to the

seller if the comment verifies the purchase. The seller

Findings of the Study 68

then verifies the purchase that the buyer made, after

verifying the seller will request for dropping in any of

the registered dropping areas. If the dropping area

approves the dropping request, the seller and buyer will

then be notified. The buyer then receives his/her own

invoice which contains the amounts to be paid and the

dropping area’s address.

Figure 16

Sequence Diagram Request Management

The figure shows the diagram for the dropping area’s

request management. Sellers may add dropping requests and

will be shown on the dropping area owner’s dashboard. Drop

requests will be automatically stored on the system’s

database upon posting. The dropping area owner may

approve/decline the seller's dropping request, send cash

out details and even penalize dropping requests sent by the

sellers depending on his/her post depending on his/her own

Findings of the Study 69

will. Every dropping area owner’s decision, regarding

approving, decline, sending cash out details, and penalize

will be stored in the database, and then will be loaded and

shown to the notifications panel of the seller. The process

happens in real-time, and devices need to refresh their

notifications to see the latest notification updates.

Process View. This view is concerned with the system's

dynamic aspects and its run-time behavior. It describes the

system’s processes and how they interact. The process view

addresses concurrency, distribution, integration,

performance, and scalability. Activity diagram is a

graphical representation of a system or process, depicting

the flow of activities from start to finish. It is a type

of behavior diagram in the UML that is used to model the

behavior of a system or process, focusing on the workflow

and the actions that take place.

Activity diagrams provide a visual representation of a

system or process, showing the flow of activities and the

relationships between them. They are useful for

understanding the behavior of a system or process,

identifying bottlenecks or areas for improvement, and

communicating the process to stakeholders.

Findings of the Study 70

The figure shows the activity flow of the login

process of the proposed mobile application. The diagram

visually shows the series of actions or flow of control on

how the users can log in in the application. The proposed

application requires users to register by using their

contact number to acquire an OTP pin for security and

verification purposes to avoid fraudulent activities within

the application. When the user successfully inputs the

correct pin the application dashboard is shown with all the

products that are being sold in the application.

Figure 17

Activity Diagram of Login Process

Findings of the Study 71

The figure shows the activity flow as a seller of the

proposed mobile application. The diagram visually shows the

series of actions or flow of control on how the seller can

access the seller category of the application. The proposed

application would ask the seller to input his/her contact

number and the OTP pin that was sent to log in in the

account. If the credentials are correct the seller’s

dashboard is shown showing his/her products that he/she

posted to be sold.

The seller then checks his/her products if the product

has been mined by buyers who are willing to buy. The seller

then processes a request dropping of the item to the chosen

dropping area by the buyer. If the dropping area approves

the request the seller, then notifies the buyer that the

item was approved for dropping by the buyers chosen

dropping area and details as to when the item will be

dropped. If the dropping area was not approved the seller

will notify the buyer that the chosen dropping area cannot

accommodate the item and must choose a different dropping

area from the choices to secure the business transaction.

Figure 18

Activity Diagram of Seller

Findings of the Study 72

The figure shows the activity flow as a dropping area

of the proposed mobile application. The diagram visually

shows the series of actions or flow of control on how the

dropping area user can access the dropping area dashboard

of the application. The proposed application would ask the

dropping area user to input his/her contact number and the

OTP pin that was sent to log in in the account. If the

credentials are correct the dropping area dashboard will

Findings of the Study 73

show. The user then checks if his/her dropping area has

some dropping or cash out request to be approved or

declined. If the user can still accommodate some dropping

request made by sellers, the user then approves the request

thus this will notify the seller about the approval of the

said request. The business transaction then will end when

the dropping area notifies the seller that dropped item has

been claimed by the buyer and payment has been made. The

user can decline any dropping request if his/her physical

store cannot accommodate any more items as it reaches its

holding capacity thus this will inform the seller of

request being reject for the capacity of the dropping area

has reached its capacity. By declining the dropping request

the transaction with the seller ends.

Figure 19

Activity Diagram of Dropping Area

Findings of the Study 74

The figure shows the activity flow as a buyer of the

proposed mobile application. The diagram visually shows the

series of actions or flow of control on how the buyer can

access the main dashboard of the application. The proposed

application would ask the buyer to input his/her contact

number and the OTP pin that was sent to log in in the

account. If the credentials are correct the dashboard will

be shown.

The buyer can view different products from the

dashboard that were posted by different sellers. If the

buyer took a liking from one of the products, the buyer

then comments mine on the comment section for the seller to

see that the buyer is willing to buy the seller’s item.

After completing these requirements, the buyer then waits

for a notification from the seller whom he/she is

transacting with. If the purchase was successful, the buyer

will receive a notification from the seller that the chosen

dropping area approved the dropping request and he/she will

receive details about the dropping date and payment. The

transaction will end when the buyer picks up his/her item

from the dropping area and payment has been completed.

Figure 20

Activity Diagram of Buyer

Findings of the Study 75

Development View. This view describes the organization

of the development process and the development environment

for the system. It includes the tools and techniques used

to build, test, and deploy the system, as well as the

development process itself. The development view is

concerned with the development process and the organization

of the development team. It also ensures that the system is

built in a way that is maintainable, scalable, and

reusable, which is essential for long-term success.

Package diagram shows the dependencies and

relationships between packages in a software system. A

package is a container for related elements, such as

classes, interfaces, and other packages. In a UML package

diagram, packages are represented as rectangles with the

Findings of the Study 76

package name at the top. The contents of the package are

listed inside the rectangle. Dependencies between packages

are shown as arrows pointing from the dependent package to

the independent package. The arrows may include labels that

indicate the type of dependency, such as "uses" or

"inherits from".

The diagram which is shown in figure 20 shows the

package diagram for the proposed mobile application. The

data package, logic package, and presentation package are

the three sub-packages that make up the Drop Up

application. The data package identifies Firestore as the

application’s database provider. The logic package is made

up of business logic and the Firebase authentication

technique that was employed in the application.

Figure 21

Package Diagram
Findings of the Study 77

Physical View. This view describes the system's

hardware components, such as servers, network devices, and

storage devices, and their connections and configurations.

It also includes software components, such as operating

systems, middleware, and application servers, and their

interactions with the hardware. The physical view is

concerned with issues such as performance, scalability,

reliability, and availability, and it helps ensure that the

system meets its non-functional requirements. The physical

view is also important for understanding how the system can

be deployed and maintained, and how it can be integrated

with other systems. It provides a blueprint for the

system's physical implementation, and it helps ensure that

the system can be built and maintained in a cost-effective

and efficient manner. Overall, the physical view provides a

comprehensive understanding of the system's physical

structure and its relationship to the software components,

and it helps ensure that the system meets its functional

and non-functional requirements.

The deployment diagram is a key component of the

physical view in the 4+1 architectural framework. It

provides a visual representation of the physical deployment

of the software system, showing how the software components

Findings of the Study 78

are distributed across hardware nodes or servers. The

deployment diagram is particularly useful for system

administrators and infrastructure teams, who are

responsible for configuring and maintaining the system's

hardware components. It allows them to understand how the

software components are deployed across the system's nodes

or servers, and how they are connected and communicate with

each other. This understanding is essential for ensuring

that the system is configured correctly and that it is

running efficiently and reliably.

In addition to showing the physical deployment of the

software system, the deployment diagram can also be used to

model the relationships between the system's hardware and

software components. For example, it can show how the

software components are deployed on specific servers or

nodes, and how they interact with other components on those

servers or nodes. This understanding is crucial for

ensuring that the system's hardware resources are used

optimally and that the system meets its performance and

scalability requirements.

Overall, the deployment diagram is a powerful tool for

visualizing the physical deployment of the software system

and understanding the relationships between its hardware

Findings of the Study 79

and software components. It helps ensure that the system is

configured and deployed correctly and that it meets its

functional and non-functional requirements.

Figure 22

Deployment Diagram

This figure shows Drop-Up’s deployment diagram. The

figure shows the Android mobile device, the program server,

that is in three key nodes of Drop-Up's mobile


Use Case View. This view is one of the five views in

the 4+1 architectural framework, and it focuses on

capturing the functional requirements of a software system

from the perspective of its users. It provides a high-level

description of the system's functionality by identifying

Findings of the Study 80

the different types of users, their goals, and the

interactions they have with the system. The use case view

is often used to communicate the system's functionality to

stakeholders and to drive the development of test cases.

The use case view consists of a set of use case

diagrams and corresponding use case descriptions. A use

case diagram is a visual representation of the system's

functionality, showing the different types of users and the

interactions they have with the system. The use case

descriptions provide a textual description of each use

case, including the steps involved, the actors involved,

and any preconditions or post-conditions.

The use case view helps ensure that the software

system meets the needs of its users by capturing their

requirements in a clear and concise manner. It provides a

common language for developers, stakeholders, and users to

communicate about the system's functionality, which can

help avoid misunderstandings and miscommunications. The use

case view can also be used to identify gaps or

inconsistencies in the system's functionality, which can be

addressed early in the development process.

Overall, the use case view is a critical component of

the 4+1 architectural framework, as it ensures that the

Findings of the Study 81

software system meets the functional requirements of its

users. By capturing the system's functionality in a clear

and concise manner, the use case view helps ensure that the

system meets its intended goals and provides value to its


Figure 23

Drop Up Use Case Diagram

This figure shows the use case diagram of the proposed

application, Drop-Up. As seen above, every oval shape

indicates each user's functionalities. Every user has

different roles and functionalities. Buyers can login, view

products and buy products in the application. Meanwhile,

Findings of the Study 82

sellers are able to login, view products, buy products,

create posts, publish posts, add a dropping request,

request cash out details and notify buyers. Lastly,

dropping area owners can view drop requests, approve or

decline dropping requests sent by the seller, also dropping

area owners have the authority to penalize droppers and

send their cash out details, depending on his/her own will.

Drop-Up Key Features

This finding discusses the key features that the

mobile application possesses.

Figure 24

Drop Up’s OTP Verification

This figure shows the OTP verification of the

application. The app’s OTP Verification feature is used for

Findings of the Study 83

security purposes. OTP authentication sends a unique code

to a user's smartphone, which they must input to validate

their identity and perform a task. OTP verification offers

a range of benefits that can help to enhance security,

prevent fraud, and improve user experience. Upon opening

the application, the user is requested to input their

cellphone number to receive the unique 6-digit OTP. The

user input the OTP to begin accessing the application.

Figure 25

Buyer Feature: Invoice Notification

This feature shows the notifications panel feature of

the application. Buyers would have two different tabs of

notifications which are: a. Dropped - the first section of

the notification panel contains the seller's sales invoice,

Findings of the Study 84

buyer name and where the item was dropped. b Feedbacks -

the second section of the notification panel contains the

feedback of the seller, sent to the buyer. Lastly, every

notification has two buttons: search and order received.

Figure 26

Buyer Feature: Mine

This figure shows the comment section feature of the

application. This feature is intended for buyers to

purchase products they intend to buy via ‘Mine’ basis.

Also, this feature is intended for the sellers to sell

items to buyers who want to buy their posted products via

‘Yours’ basis. In conclusion, the comment section runs on

‘Mine-Yours’ basis, which is commonly used in online thrift

Findings of the Study 85

Figure 27

Buyer Feature: Pick You Up

This figure shows the mapping feature of the

application. This feature works like a search engine, where

the buyer must put the name of the establishment on the

search box indicated on the notification sent by the

seller. After which, the buyer must click the search

button, then the application would open the ‘Google Maps’

app, and search the establishment written on the search


Figure 28

Buyer Feature: Gotchu

Findings of the Study 86

This figure shows the feedback and rating of the

application. This feature is intended for buyers to send

feedback of the product, rate the product and to automate

the pick-up notification that would be sent to the seller

after clicking the submit button.

Figure 29

Seller Feature: My Cashout

Findings of the Study 87

This feature shows the request cash out details

feature of the application. This feature allows the sellers

to send cash out details regarding the status of items they

dropped on the dropping area where they dropped their


Figure 30

Seller Feature: Dropped

This figure shows a seller feature that enables

sellers to marked their products as dropped and declare

them as sold. Upon clicking the button. The seller would be

prompted to fill up the necessary information to notify the

buyer which he/she sold his/her item to. This would create

a sales invoice notification which will see on the buyer

Findings of the Study 88

Figure 31

Dropping Area Feature: Request Response

This figure shows the request response function that

provides a number of activities a dropping area owner may

do. These actions include accepting drop requests,

declining drop requests, penalizing drop requests, and

marking an item that has been sold in order to alert the

seller of the item. This gives the dropping area freedom to

control the number of items he or she is accepting for

quantity control.

Figure 32

Dropping Area Feature: Your Cashout

Findings of the Study 89

This figure shows the dropping area receives a cash

out detail sent by the seller, he or she would be obliged

to send the cash out details of the seller which includes

the seller’s current money stored inside the dropping area.

This feature allows the dropping area owners to send the

status of the items that the seller dropped.

Drop-Up Usability Test

This section discusses the extent of the usability of

the application from the questionnaire given to the users

during the usability testing.

Based on the purpose of the study, the respondents of

the usability testing were from the residents of Baguio

city. To calculate the sample size for the usability

Findings of the Study 90

testing, the researchers employed the use of Slovin’s


𝑁 318,676
𝑛 = : 𝑛 = = 99.96
1+𝑁𝑒 2 1+318,676(0.12 )

= 100 respondents.

With the population of 318,676 residents and a 90%

confidence level which has margin error of 0.1, the sample

size(n) was the 100 number of respondents which are the

identified users of the application.

To determine the subjective usability of the

applications, the USE questionnaire was used as a usability

survey instrument which is a 30-item question that examines

the four dimensions of usability: usefulness, ease of use,

ease of learning, and satisfaction. The USE usability scale

was chosen by the researchers for the usability testing for

its simplicity and accuracy. In conducting the usability of

the system, the researchers gained the result based on the

survey of the system.

After the completion of the questionnaires and the

analysis of the responses, the researchers have produced

their findings about the utility, satisfaction,

learnability, and simplicity of use of the suggested

system. The researchers determined the usability result

based on the feedback from the participants. Using a

Findings of the Study 91

numerical rating scale ranging from 1 to 7, the users were

asked to assess the degree to which they agreed with the


After collecting all the sheets with the answers on

them, the researchers were able to determine the outcomes

for the proposed system in terms of its utility,

satisfaction, learnability, and convenience of use. The

researchers determined the usability result based on the

feedback from the participants. Using a numerical rating

scale ranging from 1 to 7, the users were asked to assess

the degree to which they agreed with the statement.

Table 4

Weighted Mean Description

Weighted Mean Interpretation

1.00 - 1.85 Strongly Disagree

1.86 - 2.71 Disagree

2.72 - 3.57 Somewhat Disagree

3.58 - 4.43 Neutral

4.44 - 5.29 Somewhat Agree

5.30 - 6.15 Agree

6.16 - 7.00 Strongly Agree

For the usability of Usefulness dimension, the table

below shows that the potential users of the application

Findings of the Study 92

agreed with the system’s usefulness with 5.76 as the mean

level of agreement. This means that the majority of the

respondents became more efficient with their activities by

using the application.

Table 5

Buyer Usability Result: Usefulness

USEFULNESS Frequency Weighted

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 mean

1. It helps me to be
0 0 1 11 35 20 18 5.50
more effective.
2. It helps me be more
0 0 2 8 22 37 16 5.55
3. It is useful. 0 0 0 8 11 26 40 6.05
4. It gives me more
control over the
0 0 1 15 30 26 13 5.33
activities in my
5. It makes the things
I want to
0 0 1 3 18 37 26 5.98
accomplish easier
to get done.
6. It saves me time
0 0 0 5 20 40 20 5.82
when I use it.
7. It meets my needs. 0 0 1 5 23 35 21 5.82
8. It does everything
I would expect it 0 0 0 3 17 42 23 6.00
to do.
Mean Level of Agreement for Usefulness Dimension 5.76

When it comes to the ease of Use dimension, table 6

below discussed that the mean level of agreement is out 6

of 7. This means buyers agreed that the system is easy,

simple, and flexible to use.

Findings of the Study 93

Table 6

Buyer Usability Result: Ease of Use

EASE OF USE Frequency Weighted

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 mean

1. It is easy to use. 0 0 0 3 13 42 27 6.12

2. It is simple to
0 0 2 1 18 44 22 6.03
3. It is user
0 0 0 4 5 33 43 6.42
4. It requires the
fewest steps
0 0 1 15 30 26 13 6.02
possible to
5. It is flexible. 0 1 0 1 19 43 21 5.92
6. Using it is
0 0 0 1 21 46 17 5.91
7. I can use it
without written 1 0 2 8 9 41 23 5.76
8. I don’t notice
inconsistencies as 0 0 1 0 20 46 18 5.88
I use it.
9. Both occasional and
regular users would 0 0 0 2 12 49 22 6.03
like it.
10. I can recover
from mistakes 0 0 0 3 16 43 23 6.03
quickly and easily.
11. I can use it
successfully every 0 0 0 1 22 44 18 5.85
Mean Level of Agreement for Usefulness Dimension 6.00

For the learnability of the system, the potential

buyers agreed that the application is very easy to

Findings of the Study 94

understand and is very flexible to use. It has a 6.08 mean

level of agreement for the ease of learning dimension.

Table 7

Buyer Usability Result: Ease of Learning

EASE OF LEARNING Frequency Weighted

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 mean

1. I learned to use it
0 0 0 1 18 47 19 5.97
2. I easily remember
0 0 0 0 15 47 62 6.09
how to use it.
3. It is easy to
0 0 0 0 16 30 39 6.26
4. I quickly became
0 0 0 3 17 44 21 5.98
skillful with it.
Mean Level of Agreement for Usefulness Dimension 6.00

For the Satisfaction dimension, the computed mean

level of agreement was 6.04 which shows that the potential

buyers agreed that they are satisfied with how the system

works and they wanted to use it.

Table 8

Buyer Usability Result: Satisfaction

SATISFACTION Frequency Weighted

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 mean
1. I am satisfied with 0 0 0 1 22 44 18 5.98
2. I would recommend 0 0 1 2 14 50 18 5.89
it to a friend.
3. It is fun to use. 0 0 0 2 19 31 33 5.98
4. It works the way I 0 0 0 0 11 52 22 6.12
want it to work.
Findings of the Study 95

5. It is wonderful. 0 0 0 0 11 50 24 6.06
6. I feel I need to 0 0 0 0 19 40 26 6.03
have it.
7. It is pleasant to 0 0 0 1 11 35 38 6.21
Mean Level of Agreement for Usefulness Dimension 6.04

With an overall mean of 5.97 this means that the

usability of the application is effective to use especially

in the field of the buyers.

Table 9

Overall Mean Level of Agreement: Buyer

Dimension in USE Questionnaire Mean Score

Usefulness 5.76
Ease of use 6.00
Ease of Learning 6.00
Satisfaction 6.04
Overall Mean Level of Agreement 5.97

For the usability of Usefulness dimension, the table

below shows that the sellers that use the application

agreed with the system’s usefulness with 5.89 as the mean

level of agreement. This means that the majority of the

sellers agreed that the application is somewhat useful.

Table 10

Seller Usability Result: Usefulness

USEFULNESS Frequency Weighted

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 mean

1. It helps me to be 0 0 0 0 4 1 5 6.10
more effective.
Findings of the Study 96

2. It helps me be more 0 0 3 1 2 4 5.70

3. It is useful. 0 0 1 0 1 3 5 6.10
4. It gives me more 0 0 0 0 4 4 2 5.80
control over the
activities in my
5. It makes the things 0 0 0 0 3 3 4 6.10
I want to
accomplish easier
to get done.
6. It saves me time 0 0 1 0 2 1 6 6.10
when I use it.
7. It meets my needs. 0 0 0 1 3 4 2 5.70
8. It does everything 0 0 1 0 4 3 2 5.50
I would expect it
to do.
Mean Level of Agreement for Usefulness Dimension 5.89

When it comes to the ease of Use dimension, table 5

below discussed that the mean level of agreement is 5.67

out of 7. This means sellers agreed that the system is

easy, simple and flexible to use.

Table 11

Seller Usability Result: Ease of Use

EASE OF USE Frequency Weighted

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 mean

1. It is easy to use. 0 0 0 1 4 3 2 5.60

2. It is simple to 0 0 0 2 1 3 4 5.90
3. It is user 0 0 1 1 2 1 5 5.80
4. It requires the 0 0 0 0 4 4 2 5.80
fewest steps
possible to
Findings of the Study 97


5. It is flexible. 0 1 0 0 2 4 3 5.70

6. Using it is 0 0 0 1 3 3 3 5.80
7. I can use it 0 0 1 0 3 3 3 5.70
without written
8. I don’t notice 0 0 0 0 5 3 2 4.90
inconsistencies as
I use it.
9. Both occasional and 0 0 1 1 2 3 3 5.60
regular users would
like it.
10. I can recover 0 0 0 0 3 6 1 5.80
from mistakes
quickly and easily.
11. I can use it 0 0 0 1 3 3 3 5.80
successfully every
Mean Level of Agreement for Usefulness Dimension 5.67

For the learnability of the system, the potential

sellers agreed that the application is very easy to

understand and is very flexible to use. It has a 5.83 mean

level of agreement for the ease of learning dimension. This

signifies that the sellers agreed that the application is

easy to learn.

Table 12

Seller Usability Result: Ease of Learning

EASE OF LEARNING Frequency Weighted

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 mean
1. I learned to use it 0 0 1 0 2 3 4 5.80
Findings of the Study 98

2. I easily remember 0 1 0 0 3 4 2 5.50
how to use it.
3. It is easy to 0 0 0 1 3 2 4 5.90
4. I quickly became 0 0 0 0 3 3 4 6.10
skillful with it.
Mean Level of Agreement for Usefulness Dimension 5.83

For the Satisfaction dimension, the computed mean

level of agreement was 5.71 which shows that the potential

seller agreed that they are satisfied with how the system

works and they wanted to use it.

Table 13

Seller Usability Result: Satisfaction

SATISFACTION Frequency Weighted

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 mean
1. I am satisfied with 0 0 0 2 3 0 5 5.80
2. I would recommend 0 1 0 1 1 3 4 5.70
it to a friend.
3. It is fun to use. 0 0 1 1 2 4 2 5.50
4. It works the way I 0 1 0 1 2 5 1 5.30
want it to work.
5. It is wonderful. 0 0 0 2 1 3 4 5.90
6. I feel I need to 0 0 1 1 1 5 2 5.60
have it.
7. It is pleasant to 0 0 0 0 1 5 4 6.20
Mean Level of Agreement for Usefulness Dimension 5.71

With an overall mean of 5.78 this means that the

usability of the application is effective to use especially

in the field of the sellers.

Findings of the Study 99

Table 14

Overall Mean Level of Agreement: Seller

Dimension in USE Questionnaire Mean Score

Usefulness 5.89
Ease of use 5.67
Ease of Learning 5.83
Satisfaction 5.71
Overall Mean Level of Agreement 5.78

For the usability of Usefulness dimension, the table

below shows that the potential dropping area’s users of the

application agreed with the system’s usefulness with 5.55

as the mean level of agreement. This means that the

majority of the respondents became more efficient with

their activities by using the application.

Table 15

Dropping Area Usability Result: Usefulness

USEFULNESS Frequency Weighted

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 mean

1. It helps me to be 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 5.40
more effective.
2. It helps me be more 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 5.40
3. It is useful. 0 0 0 0 2 2 1 5.80
4. It gives me more 0 0 0 1 1 3 0 5.40
control over the
activities in my
5. It makes the things 0 0 0 1 1 3 0 5.40
I want to
accomplish easier
Findings of the Study 100

to get done.

6. It saves me time 0 0 0 0 3 0 2 5.80

when I use it.
7. It meets my needs. 0 0 0 1 0 4 0 5.60
8. It does everything 0 0 0 1 0 4 0 5.60
I would expect it
to do.
Mean Level of Agreement for Usefulness Dimension 5.55

When it comes to the ease of Use dimension, table #

below discussed that the mean level of agreement is 5.60

out of 7. This means dropping area’s users agreed that the

system is easy, simple and flexible to use.

Table 16

Dropping Area Usability Result: Ease of Use

EASE OF USE Frequency Weighted

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 mean

1. It is easy to use. 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 6.20

2. It is simple to 0 0 0 0 2 1 2 6.00
3. It is user 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 5.80
4. It requires the 0 0 0 1 1 3 0 5.40
fewest steps
possible to
5. It is flexible. 0 0 0 1 1 3 0 5.40

6. Using it is 0 0 0 1 1 3 0 5.40
7. I can use it 0 0 0 1 2 2 0 5.20
without written
8. I don’t notice 0 0 0 1 1 3 0 5.40
Findings of the Study 101

inconsistencies as
I use it.
9. Both occasional and 0 0 0 1 1 3 0 5.40
regular users would
like it.
10. I can recover 0 0 0 1 0 3 1 5.80
from mistakes
quickly and easily.
11. I can use it 0 0 0 1 1 2 1 5.60
successfully every
Mean Level of Agreement for Usefulness Dimension 5.60

For the learnability of the system, the potential

dropping areas agreed that the application is very easy to

understand and is very flexible to use. It has a 5.50 mean

level of agreement for the ease of learning dimension.

Table 17

Dropping Area Usability Result: Ease of Learning

EASE OF LEARNING Frequency Weighted

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 mean

1. I learned to use it
0 0 0 1 2 1 1 5.40
2. I easily remember
0 0 0 0 2 3 0 5.60
how to use it.
3. It is easy to learn. 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 5.60
4. I quickly became
0 0 0 0 3 2 0 5.40
skillful with it.
Mean Level of Agreement for Usefulness Dimension 5.50

For the Satisfaction dimension, the computed mean

level of agreement was 5.69 which shows that the potential

Findings of the Study 102

dropping area’s users agreed that they are satisfied with

how the system works and they wanted to use it.

Table 18

Dropping Area Usability Result: Satisfaction

SATISFACTION Frequency Weighted

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 mean
1. I am satisfied with
0 0 0 0 2 3 0 5.60
2. I would recommend
0 0 0 0 0 4 1 6.20
it to a friend.
3. It is fun to use. 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 5.60
4. It works the way I
0 0 0 0 2 3 0 5.60
want it to work.
5. It is wonderful. 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 5.60
6. I feel I need to
0 0 0 0 2 3 0 5.60
have it.
7. It is pleasant to
0 0 0 1 2 3 0 5.60
Mean Level of Agreement for Usefulness Dimension 5.69

With an overall mean of 5.59 this means that the

usability of the application is effective to use especially

in the field of the dropping area’s users.

Table 19

Overall Mean Level of Agreement: Dropping Area

Dimension in USE Questionnaire Mean Score

Usefulness 5.55
Ease of use 5.60
Ease of Learning 5.50
Satisfaction 5.69
Overall Mean Level of Agreement 5.59

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