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Sebaceous Carcinoma Epidemiology and Genetics:

Emerging Concepts and Clinical Implications for
Screening, Prevention, and Treatment
Michael R. Sargen1, Gabriel J. Starrett2, Eric A. Engels3, Elizabeth K. Cahoon4, Margaret A. Tucker5, and
Alisa M. Goldstein1


Sebaceous carcinoma is an aggressive skin cancer with a 5-year including recent population data and tumor genomic analyses
overall survival rate of 78% for localized/regional disease and that provide new insights into underlying tumor biology. We
50% for metastatic disease. The incidence of this cancer has been further discuss emerging evidence of a possible viral etiology for
increasing in the United States for several decades, but the this cancer. Finally, we review the clinical implications of recent

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underlying reasons for this increase are unclear. In this article, advances in sebaceous carcinoma research for screening, preven-
we review the epidemiology and genetics of sebaceous carcinoma, tion, and treatment.

Introduction 2.4 cases per million persons, with an average of 800 cases per year in
the United States (7). Incidence is also higher for males (3.5 cases/
Sebaceous carcinoma is a rare skin cancer that arises from the
million persons) than females (1.7 cases/million persons), and
sebaceous oil gland. Individuals with this cancer have a 5-year overall
increases with age, with the highest incidence observed among indi-
survival rate of 78% for localized/regional disease and 50% for met-
viduals ≥80 years old (22.7 cases/million persons; ref. 7). Seventy-eight
astatic disease (1–3). In addition to its aggressive behavior, treatment-
percent of cases occur in non-Hispanic whites, who have approxi-
related morbidity for sebaceous carcinoma can also be significant
mately a 4-fold greater incidence than African Americans (7).
because tumors predominantly occur on the head and neck, with
oncologic management often requiring complex facial reconstruction
and radiotherapy (1, 2, 4–6). Therefore, it is critically important to Sebaceous Carcinoma Risk Factors
understand the epidemiology and biology of this rare cancer to
Figure 1 summarizes known and suspected risk factors for seba-
improve early detection and to reduce morbidity and mortality for
ceous carcinoma.
In this article, we review the current state of sebaceous carcinoma
DNA mismatch repair and microsatellite instability
research, including several recent studies highlighting the importance
Pathogenic germline variants of DNA mismatch repair genes
of ultraviolet radiation (UVR) and immunosuppression as risk factors
(MSH2, MSH6, and MLH1) have been identified in 8%–29% of
for tumor development and the possibility of a viral etiology. We also
individuals with sebaceous carcinoma (8–11). These variants also
summarize the clinical implications of this research for screening,
cause hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer syndrome, also
prevention, and treatment of sebaceous carcinoma.
known as Lynch syndrome, and affected individuals have an increased
risk for additional malignancies affecting the skin (keratoacanthomas)
Epidemiology and internal organs (gastrointestinal and genitourinary). Patients with
sebaceous carcinoma and other cancers caused by germline mutations
Sebaceous carcinoma incidence has been increasing in the United
of DNA mismatch repair genes are classified as having a specific form
States since 1973 when the Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results
of nonpolyposis colorectal cancer syndrome called Muir–Torre syn-
(SEER) cancer registries started collecting tumor data (1, 4, 7). From
drome (OMIM 158320). Tumors in these patients are characterized by
2000 through 2016, the overall incidence for sebaceous carcinoma was
microsatellite instability (12, 13).
Given the highly elevated risk for multiple cancer types in patients
with Muir–Torre syndrome (12) and the relatively low incidence of
Clinical Genetics Branch, Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, NCI, sebaceous neoplasms in the general population, several prior stud-
Rockville, Maryland. 2Laboratory of Cellular Oncology, Center for Cancer ies (10, 14, 15) have recommended performing mismatch repair IHC
Research, NCI, Bethesda, Maryland. 3Infections and Immunoepidemiology staining of all sebaceous neoplasms to screen for possible underlying
Branch, Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, NCI, Rockville, Maryland. germline mutations (10, 14, 15). Moreover, identifying tumors with
Radiation Epidemiology Branch, Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics,
these mutations may also have implications for treatment; the immune
NCI, Rockville, Maryland. 5Human Genetics Program, Division of Cancer Epide-
miology and Genetics, NCI, Rockville, Maryland. checkpoint inhibitor, pembrolizumab (anti-PD-1 antibody), is
approved by the FDA for the treatment of solid tumors in adults and
Corresponding Author: Michael R. Sargen, NCI, 9609 Medical Center Drive,
children with microsatellite instability caused by defective DNA
Room 6E-542, Rockville, MD 20850. Phone: 240-276-7354; Fax: 623-666-6616;
E-mail: mismatch repair (16–19).
Clin Cancer Res 2021;27:389–93
doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-20-2473 Population and tumor data also implicate UVR as a risk factor for
2020 American Association for Cancer Research. sebaceous carcinoma. In the United States, 73% of cases occur on | 389
Sargen et al.

Known risk factors

Ultraviolet radiation

Increasing age

Genetic susceptibility
(Muir-Torre syndrome)


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(HIV infection,
solid organ
transplantation) A
Oncogenic virus?

Figure 1.
Summary diagram of known and possible risk factors for sebaceous carcinoma. Population data analyses have identified several risk factors for sebaceous carcinoma,
which are listed in the figure. The highly elevated risk for sebaceous carcinoma among immunosuppressed populations (solid organ transplant recipients and
individuals with HIV infection), which is similar to the elevation observed for other virus-associated cancers (Kaposi sarcoma and Merkel cell carcinoma), suggests
that sebaceous carcinoma may also be caused by a virus. In addition to causing cancer in immunosuppressed patients (pathway A), an oncogenic virus could also
promote tumorigenesis in immunocompetent patients (pathway B). Among individuals with Muir–Torre syndrome, higher ambient UVR exposure is associated with
an increased risk for sebaceous carcinoma, in addition to being an independent risk factor for this cancer type.

chronically sun-exposed skin of the head and neck and 85% of tumors identified 62 cases of sebaceous carcinoma among 262,455 transplant
are diagnosed in white (non-Hispanic, 78% and Hispanic, 7%) recipients, which corresponded to a 34-fold elevation in risk compared
patients, who lack significant amounts of photoprotective melanin with the general population (22). In a subsequent study using updated
pigment in their skin (7). Furthermore, evaluation of ambient UVR TCM Study data, which included 102 cases of sebaceous carcinoma
exposure, as assessed by geographic location of residence, revealed an diagnosed among 301,075 transplant recipients and covering approx-
increased risk for sebaceous carcinoma among individuals with and imately half of all the U.S. transplant procedures performed from 1987
without Muir–Torre syndrome (7). In addition, one-third of tumors through 2017, we identified a slightly lower, but still highly elevated
have been found to manifest significant solar damage with >25% of the risk (25-fold) for sebaceous carcinoma in this immunosuppressed
mutations in these tumors exhibiting a UVR mutational signature (20). population (23). Among transplant patients, a posttransplant diag-
Despite the growing body of evidence implicating UVR in sebaceous nosis of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma, longer time since trans-
carcinoma tumorigenesis, definitive evidence of an etiologic role will plant, and induction therapy with thymoglobulin were each associated
require larger tumor-based analyses to further evaluate UVR muta- with an increased risk for sebaceous carcinoma (23). Moreover, the
tional signatures and cancer driver genes, as well as clinical studies association between squamous cell carcinoma, caused by UVR-
demonstrating a reduction in sebaceous carcinoma risk with sun- induced DNA damage, and increased sebaceous carcinoma risk sug-
protective behavior (applying sunscreen, wearing a hat, etc.) among at- gests that UVR photodamage of the skin contributes to sebaceous
risk populations (e.g., Muir–Torre syndrome). carcinoma tumorigenesis in transplant patients.

Recently, immunosuppression has been identified as a strong risk Possible Viral Etiology?
factor for sebaceous carcinoma. Among individuals with acquired The strongly increased risk for sebaceous carcinoma among people
immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), there is an 8-fold elevation in with AIDS and solid organ transplant recipients is similar to that of
risk for this cancer (21). Similarly, an elevation in sebaceous carcinoma other virus-induced cancers, such as Merkel cell carcinoma (caused by
risk has also been observed for solid organ transplant recipients Merkel cell polyomavirus; refs. 26, 27) and Kaposi sarcoma (caused by
receiving immunosuppressive therapy (22, 23). D'Arcy and colleagues Kaposi sarcoma–associated herpesvirus/human herpes virus 8;
evaluated the incidence of rare cancer types among solid organ refs. 24, 28), which suggests that sebaceous carcinoma may also be
transplant recipients using data from the Transplant Cancer Match caused by a viral infection. However, direct evidence supporting a viral
(TCM) Study, which links the U.S. solid organ transplant recipient agent has been contradictory. The first evidence of viral involvement in
registry with 18 population-based cancer registries (24, 25), and sebaceous carcinoma was reported in 1994 by Hayashi and colleagues,

390 Clin Cancer Res; 27(2) January 15, 2021 CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH
Sebaceous Carcinoma Epidemiology and Genetics

who identified human papillomavirus (HPV) types 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, leading the authors to postulate that epidermal keratinocytes (cell of
and 33 by DNA ISH in nine of 13 (62%) sebaceous carcinomas (29). origin for cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas) may be the cell of
However, subsequent studies generally failed to identify HPV in origin for some sebaceous carcinomas. Further supporting this
sebaceous carcinomas, with only one HPV-positive case observed of hypothesis was the identification of frequent mutations of ZNF750,
85 (1.2%) examined by PCR, RNA ISH, or DNA ISH (30–33). Very a lineage-specific tumor suppressor in squamous cell carcinoma (42),
recently, 4 of 29 patients (14%) with TP53 and RB1 wild-type seba- among pauci-mutational tumors.
ceous carcinomas were reported to harbor “high-risk” HPV types, as Recently, Tetzlaff and colleagues performed next-generation
detected by RNA ISH. Furthermore, in 2 of these patients, RNA- sequencing for a targeted panel of 409 cancer-related genes in 29
sequencing confirmed the presence of HPV16 and HPV18, with no primary or locally recurrent ocular adnexal (eyelid) sebaceous carci-
other viruses detected (34). nomas (34). Their analysis identified two molecular subtypes: tumors
Further complicating the story of a potential viral etiology in with TP53 mutations (19 cases, 66%) harboring concomitant genetic
sebaceous carcinoma is that multiple viruses have been implicated. alterations of RB1 (13/19 cases with TP53 mutations) and tumors that
Collisions between Merkel cell carcinomas and sebaceous carcinomas, were wild-type for both genes. In a subsequent study, Xu and collea-
where both tumors occur simultaneously at the same anatomic site, gues performed whole-exome sequencing of 31 ocular adnexal seba-
have been reported, raising the possibility of the involvement of Merkel ceous carcinomas and also identified TP53 mutations in the majority of
cell polyomavirus (35). Epstein–Barr virus also was recently reported tumors (22 cases, 71%) with concomitant mutations of RB1 (10 cases),
in 26% of sebaceous carcinomas in China, as detected by ISH for the ZNF750 (10 cases), and NOTCH1 (seven cases) in a subset of cases (43).

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viral RNA, EBER (36). Finally, genus Beta papillomaviruses, also Six tumors lacked mutations of all four genes (TP53, RB1, ZNF750, and
known as cutaneous papillomaviruses, have been proposed as suspects NOTCH1). Mutations of PCDH15 were identified in five tumors (three
because of their potential involvement in the development of other cases with TP53 mutations; one case lacking mutations of TP53, RB1,
nonmelanoma skin cancers, especially in immunosuppressed ZNF750, and NOTCH1), of which four subsequently metastasized (43).
patients (37, 38). Various studies in cell culture and mouse models However, additional studies are necessary to validate PCDH15 as a
have now demonstrated that the E6 and E7 oncoproteins of Beta prognostic biomarker including whether mutations of this gene are
papillomaviruses can tolerize cells to UV-mediated mutagene- observed among nonocular cases.
sis (39, 40). However, another report indicated that Beta papilloma- These genomic studies had several limitations. Each study analyzed
viruses, which are a common component of normal skin flora, may be a relatively small number of cases, and therefore, may have been
protective against nonmelanoma skin cancers in immunocompetent underpowered to detect less common, but biologically significant
individuals (41). genetic alterations involved in tumor development and progression.
Ultimately, due to the conflicting reports to date and the likely In addition, two studies (34, 43) were composed entirely of ocular
complexity of potential viral involvement in sebaceous carcinoma, cases; therefore, the genetic alterations identified may not be repre-
several clear lines of evidence will be needed to bring clarity. The first sentative of nonocular cases, which account for the majority of
step toward resolution will require comprehensive identification and tumors (1, 4, 7). Finally, none of the prior studies searched for
quantification of viral nucleic acids from tumors of immunocompetent differences in the genetic alterations of tumors from immunocompe-
and immunosuppressed patients with sebaceous carcinoma by unbi- tent and immunosuppressed patients.
ased DNA and RNA-sequencing. Candidate oncoviruses will have to
be further validated for the expression of gene products spatially within
tumors either by IHC or RNA scope. Animal and cellular models will
Clinical Implications of Sebaceous
also need to be developed to study the mechanisms of virus-mediated Carcinoma Research
sebaceous carcinoma oncogenesis with subsequent comparison of Management of sebaceous carcinoma
these results against patient data. Finally, conclusive evidence will The first-line treatment for sebaceous carcinoma at all sites (perio-
come if prevention of the candidate oncovirus prevents the disease or cular and extraocular) is Mohs micrographic surgery or wide-local
its precursor especially in at-risk individuals. excision according to recently published clinical practice guidelines
developed by an expert panel of researchers and clinicians (44).
Periocular tumors may require orbital exenteration if there is extensive
Sebaceous Carcinoma Genomics involvement of underlying orbital or periorbital structures (44). A
Although rare, several small case series have assessed the muta- sentinel lymph node biopsy may also be performed for periocular
tional profile of sebaceous carcinomas. North and colleagues per- tumors to evaluate the extent of disease for stage IIC or higher tumors,
formed whole-exome sequencing of 32 sebaceous carcinomas [23 which have a 15% positivity rate for metastasis (44, 45). For cases with
cutaneous tumors and nine ocular (eyelid) tumors] and identified nodal metastasis, adjuvant radiotherapy is sometimes used with
three molecular subtypes (20). The first subtype, characterized by a unclear benefit to treat the nodal basin (46). In contrast, routine
prominent UVR mutational signature and a high tumor mutation sentinel lymph node biopsy is often not recommended for extraocular
burden (>50 mutations/Megabase), was observed in 10 cases (31%). sebaceous carcinomas given the low (<1% in SEER registries) positivity
A second subtype demonstrated prominent microsatellite instability rate for metastasis (44, 47). Adjuvant radiotherapy can be considered
and was observed in nine tumors (28%), of which seven had somatic for individual cases of extraocular sebaceous carcinoma with peri-
mutations of mismatch repair genes (MLH1, MSH2, or MSH6). In neural invasion, positive surgical margins, or positive nodal basins, but
addition, one case with microsatellite instability also had a path- evidence is insufficient regarding its efficacy (44). For advanced or
ogenic germline mutation of MSH6. The last subtype (13 cases, unresectable tumors with microsatellite instability or a high tumor
41%) consisted of pauci-mutational tumors with mutations of mutation burden, the FDA has approved treatment with the immune
ZNF750 observed in nine of the 13 cases (69%). The transcriptomes checkpoint inhibitor, pembrolizumab (17–19, 48). However, treat-
and anatomic distribution of UVR-mediated sebaceous carcinomas ments specifically approved by the FDA for sebaceous carcinoma are
closely resembled those of cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas, lacking. Clin Cancer Res; 27(2) January 15, 2021 391

Sargen et al.

Reducing immunosuppression, such as lowering the dosage of organ transplant recipients) should be advised about the importance of
antirejection medications for transplant recipients and adjusting/ sun protection. HIV testing should also be considered for patients with
starting antiretroviral therapy for individuals with human immuno- newly diagnosed sebaceous carcinoma, particularly when diagnoses
deficiency virus (HIV) infection to increase CD4 counts, may also slow occur before age 50 and when there are other risk factors for HIV
down tumor growth and progression of disease. However, for trans- infection, such as intravenous drug use. Finally, if a virus is implicated
plant patients, the potential benefit of reducing immunosuppression in sebaceous carcinoma tumor development, then it may be possible to
must be balanced against the risk of graft rejection. develop a vaccine to prevent infection and reduce cancer risk.

Screening and prevention

Current management guidelines for patients with Lynch syndrome, Conclusion
developed by a Multi-Society Task Force in 2014, do not include skin Recent studies have implicated UVR and immunosuppression in
cancer screening as part of long-term management and follow-up (49). sebaceous carcinoma tumorigenesis. Further studies are necessary to
However, several studies have recommended periodic skin cancer understand the biology underlying these associations including wheth-
screening for individuals with Lynch syndrome (12) given their highly er a virus contributes to sebaceous gland neoplasia as well as the genetic
elevated risk for sebaceous carcinoma. Most guidelines (50) also alterations contributing to tumor development and metastasis in
recommend skin cancer screening following solid organ transplanta- immunocompetent versus immunosuppressed populations. Because
tion because of the highly elevated risk for cutaneous squamous cell sebaceous carcinoma is a rare cancer, it will be necessary for institu-

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carcinoma, however, the frequency of surveillance is often not spec- tions to share cases and data, which will allow for high-quality large-
ified. While performing total body skin exams of transplant patients as scale clinical and genomic studies. Moreover, these types of collabora-
part of their routine follow-up care, physicians should carefully screen tions will centralize research efforts in a manner that will allow for
for sebaceous carcinoma, which may have a yellowish appearance translational studies, including clinical trials, to investigate novel
because of the tumor's increased lipid content (5). There should also be therapies to treat this aggressive cutaneous malignancy.
consideration of more frequent exams for transplant recipients with
multiple risk factors for sebaceous carcinoma. Factors influencing Authors’ Disclosures
screening frequency among transplant patients may include evidence No disclosures were reported.
of skin with severe photodamage, prior history of skin cancer, duration
of immunosuppression, exposure to thymoglobulin, and exposure to This work was supported by the Intramural Research Program of the Division of
photosensitizing medications, such as voriconazole (23, 51). Screening Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, NCI, NIH. M.R. Sargen, E.A. Engels, E.K. Cahoon,
should also be considered for non-white patients, who may not be M.A. Tucker, and A.M. Goldstein were supported by intramural research funds from the
routinely surveilled for skin cancer, if they have multiple risk factors for Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, NCI, NIH. The authors are also grateful
sebaceous carcinoma. to Chris Buck for critical evaluation of the article.
In addition, patients should be educated on the clinical appearance
The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page
of sebaceous neoplasms (yellow/orange/red raised lesions, may ulcer- charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked advertisement in accordance
ate or bleed, and often located on the face; ref. 52) to perform self-skin with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact.
exams at home. Furthermore, to reduce risk for sebaceous carcinoma
along with other skin cancer types, these high-risk populations (HIV Received June 25, 2020; revised July 31, 2020; accepted September 3, 2020;
positive individuals, individuals with Muir–Torre syndrome, and solid published first September 9, 2020.

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