Psychological Test Report Sample

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Identifying Information

Age: 26
Sex: Male
Address: #14 Manolo St., E. Pantaleon St., Sto. Domingo,Bulacan
Educational Attainment: College Undergraduate (B.S in Office Management

II. Referral Question

The client was referred to the Testing Service Unit of the Guidance and
Counseling Center for psychological evaluation.

III. Case History/Background

The client is the youngest son among the two children of Mr. and Mrs. Uy.
According to him and his father, he was very close to his mother, but he was distant from
his older brother. According to his cousin, the client grew up in an abusive environment
wherein his parents often argue. He also added that during the client's childhood, he
witnessed his father beating up his mother. He describes his brother as bossy and
"namimisikal" whenever the client failed to do what his big brother told him to do. The
client was physically bullied by his classmates when he was in high school. He was
beaten up by a group of boys when he denied them that he was gay.
Based on the client's school records, he is a transferee student from another state
university in Metro Manila. He earned his diploma in Office Management Technology at
the university in 2014. According to his father, the client shows no interest in filing for
graduation requirements because his mother died due to illness, but the client believed
"naengkanto." This happened before the announcement that he was a candidate for
graduation. The loss of her mom caused changes in his behavior. As the father narrated,
the client's previous university also referred them to undergo psychological evaluation;
however, they went to the Center for Family Ministry and undergo family counseling
instead. After several sessions, the father had seen good changes in the client's behavior
and was able to cope with the loss.
In 2015, according to the client, he tried to enroll in a degree at the University of
the Philippines; however, he could not pass the admission test. The client attempted to
appeal to the UP administration if he can be considered for any course since his score
was only a point away from the cut score, but the university refused his appeal. He then
tried to look for a job; however, he found himself hopping from different companies to
another for almost three years and felt tired after all that he always ended up resigning.
This made him realized that he needs to go back to school and get a degree for better
Last June 27, 2019, the client qualified to enroll in B.S Office Management at a
university in Mandaluyong City. Concerning his records in the Department of Student
Affairs, he was referred three (3) times for different violations in three months. The
department then directed him to the guidance center for counseling.
According to his counselor, the client was observed to be manipulative, persistent,
and have difficulty understanding and following instructions. He usually makes
troublesome actions such as getting into fights on social media and even in interpersonal
encounters with other school personnel. He usually thinks that people are against him
even with evident proof that the cause of the trouble was caused by him alone. He
appears to be disturbed and anxious while inside the academe and kept talking to
uninvolved school officials. The school officials found his behavior disturbing, for it causes
trouble and harm to other people in the university. The client was also seen arguing with
a janitor over a tumbler in the comfort room. During this encounter, he verbalized to the
janitor his intent to commit suicide if their conflicts are elevated to the Department of
Student Affairs. This situation prompts his counselor to refer him for a psychological

IV. Physical Appearance & Behavioral Observation

The client has an average height, medium body built, and fair-colored skin. He is
wearing a uniform, a white polo paired with black slacks and leather shoes. His hair and
nails were pretty kept. Upon looking directly at the face, it is notable that the client was
having a hard time sleeping because of his eye bags and dark spots around his eyes.
When asked about this, he responded that he had difficulty sleeping. He was cooperative
and engaged in completing the task. During the interview, he spoke in a loud voice and
had poor eye contact. He also added that he agreed to undergo a psychological
evaluation to prove to everyone that there is nothing wrong with him and that people are
just judgmental and hard to trust. He looks restless and agitated, and his moods fluctuate
from time to time. The client displayed no visual and auditory hallucinations; however, he
often verbalized delusion of persecution. He believed that people around him will always
find a way to maltreat him and prompt him to be violent. Nevertheless, the client is
oriented with time, place, and person.

V. Test Administered

Culture Fair Intelligence Test Scale 3 (CFITS3) October 22, 2019

Sack’s Sentence Completion Test (SSCT) October 22, 2019
Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test (BVMGT) October 23, 2019
Draw A Person Test (DAPT) October 23, 2019
House Tree Person Test (HTPT) October 23, 2019
VI. Testing Behavior

During the administration of the tests, the client is participative and cooperative in
doing the tasks being told to him. While taking the BVGMT, the client asked a few
questions: Where do I put the figure? Does my drawing is ok? Then he made several
erasures to make sure that the output will be excellent. As he took the SSCT he made
comments like “ano ba naman itong test na to, tipong nanghihimasok. Talagang
pinapahiran n’yo ako ha”. In contrast, the client on the remaining test made no more
comments nor asks questions. Generally, the client was able to complete all the tests
given to him.

VII. Test Results and Interpretation

Test protocols reveal that the client has a below-average level of intelligence. This
is reflected in his struggle to analyze and resolve problems that arise at school or work.
This can be seen in his inability to adapt to difficult situations and incapacity to maintain
a good relationship with others. His flawed reasoning and concentration can be attributed
to his emotional instability, impacting his school and work performance. Test results show
that client is highly agitated, irritated, and discouraged when faced with strenuous and
unusual events. His highly self-centered attitude and rigid disposition compensate for his
inward feelings of inadequacy and negativistic self-perception.
When under stressful circumstances, his low frustration tolerance hinders him from
regulating his unpleasant emotions properly. He gets very aggressive verbally and makes
rash decisions, hampering his adjustment and not minding these actions' outcome.
Fearing rejections from his peers, he yearns to have close relationships with them as he
wants to be dependent on them. His complex approach and negative outlook with his
environment render him to misinterpret social cues and situations. Interpersonal problems
are dealt with through confrontations and antagonistic behavior. The client being overly
sensitive and emotional is highly vulnerable or prone to experience unpleasant or
upsetting feelings; however, as exposed to challenging situations externalizes his
hostility, which is reflected in the cases he is acting out and verbally abusive. His feelings
of insecurity and inadequacy cause his emotional disturbances, including his high anxiety,
which implies his manipulative behavior, distrust, and suspicious beliefs. His acting-out
action validates his impulsiveness and insensitivity to others. The client's hateful criticism
or abuse results from interpersonal interactions lead to his withdrawal from such
businesses, compensated by his rage. His traumatic childhood experiences led him to
develop paranoid ways of thinking to cope with unfavorable situations.
VIII. Summary of Evaluation

The client shows many aspirations and desires to achieve his dreams in life despite
his pervasive suspicion of others. His close relationship with his mother helps him go
beyond his situation and be persistent in whatever goal he sets for himself. His intention
to go back to school after several failures at work indicates a positive sign that the client
wanted to be better despite his condition. The client holds beautiful memories of his
mother, and these inspire him to do more and persevere to finish his studies despite their
financial incapacities.
His childhood experience, traumas, loss, and misfortunes speak for the
development of his immense feeling of insecurity and inadequacy, leading to his paranoid
condition as manifested in his perceived attacks on his character, feeling of persecutions,
and his preoccupations of unjustified doubts about the trustworthiness of friends or others.
His numerous frustration over his work and loss makes him persistently hold grudges
which he externalized through involving into troubles at school and work. The client's
belief that others want to harm and exploit him without apparent reason compels him to
be hypersensitive to criticism and highly anxious about others' motives towards him,
causing him to be argumentative and rebellious. His irrational thoughts and generalization
of maltreatment causes him the feeling of inferiority and misunderstood, which manifests
in his being skeptical and vigilant.

IX. Diagnostic Impression

Paranoid Personality Disorder

X. Recommendations

Based on the salient signs and symptoms reflected on the client's psychological
tests results, the following treatments are recommended:

• Cognitive Behavior Therapy

• Psychodynamic Therapy
• Fostering self-help through the help of his family
• Individual Supportive Psychotherapy that focuses on
➢ increasing general coping skills
➢ developing trust and empathy
➢ improving social interaction, communication, and self-esteem.

Prepared by:
Attending Psychologist

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