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Important Persons in the New Testament

Jesus of Nazareth Judas Iscariot

The central figure of the New Testament, whose One of the Twelve Apostles. Judas betrays Jesus
life, death and resurrection are chronicled in the to the authorities in exchange for thirty pieces of
books. The four Gospels describe Jesus's life until silver. According to Matthew Judas commits
his resurrection, and the remainder of the New suicide out of remorse (Matthew 27:3-10)
Testament concerns itself with the community of
followers of Jesus that steadily grows after his Stephen
death. A leader of the Hellenists, a faction of the Jewish
Peter Christians, in Jerusalem during the years after
Jesus's ascension. Stephen preaches against the
The first of Jesus's disciples. Extremely devoted temple (Acts 6-7). When brought for trial before
to Jesus and his mission. Simon is able to the Jewish court. Stephen seals his fate by
recognize Jesus as the Messiah before the other issuing a ringing condemnation of the Jewish
apostles. As a result, Jesus makes him the "rock"- leadership.
renaming Simon "Peter, which means rock-on
which his church would be built (Matthew 16:13- Timothy
20) Although Peter denies his association with The traveling companion and fellow missionary of
Jesus after Jesus's arrest. Peter later becomes Paul. Timothy coauthors letters with Paul-such as
one of the leaders of the church in Jerusalem. 1 Corinthians and Philippians-and serves as his
John the Baptist emissary throughout the Christian communities of
the Mediterranean.
The forerunner to Jesus, spreading the word of
Jesus's imminent arrival. John the Baptist is an Mary, Mother of Jesus
old ascetic who lives in the desert wears a Luke’s narrative of Jesus’ infancy focuses heavily
loincloth and feeds on locusts and honey on the courage and faith of Mary, who becomes
Mary Magdalene impregnated by the Holy Spirit. She is also one of
the only people who remains with Jesus through
A female follower of Jesus since the time of his the crucifixion. Gospel writers who have a high
Galilean ministry, when he exorcises her of seven esteem for the female leaders in the early church
demons (Luke 8:2) Mary Magdalene is a close community point to Mary as a model of
friend of Jesus. She is one of the women who discipleship.
discover that Jesus's body is not in his grave.
Following this event, she witnesses the Joseph
resurrected Jesus. She is also known as Mary of Mary’s husband. Joseph is a direct paternal
Magdala. descendant of the great King David, which makes
Pontius Pilate Jesus an heir to the Davidic line. This heritage
reinforces Jesus’ place in the Jewish tradition.
As prefect, Pontius Pilate governs Judea by the
authority of the Roman Empire during the time of Luke
Jesus's trial in Jerusalem. The Gospels differ on A traveling companion of Paul. Christian tradition
the extent of Pilate's responsibility for Jesus's dating back to the second century a.d. claims that
crucifixion. What is clear, however, is that Pilate Luke is the author of the Gospel that bears his
holds the ultimate authority to determine whether name and of Acts of the Apostles.
or not Jesus should be executed.
The high priest who presides over Jesus's trial.
Praised early in Acts for his generosity toward the Though it is Pilate who declares the verdict of
church, Barnabas later becomes one of Paul's Jesus's guilt, the Gospel writers are insistent that
traveling companions and fellow missionaries, Caiaphas is also responsible for the crucifixion.
joining Paul in spreading the Gospel among the

 Patriarchal - a family in which the authority is
held by the father and makes the major
 Matriarchal - authority is held by the mother
Herod the Great  Matrifocal- the woman is the central and most
important member.
The King of Palestine from 37 to 4 B.C. According  Matricentric - the female is the authority figure
to Matthew, Herod hears of Jesus's birth and in the absence of the male work.
decides to kill the child, who is prophesied to  Equalitarian - a family structure in which the
become king of the Jews. To evade Herod's husband the wife are equal in authority and
orders, Joseph takes Jesus and Mary to Egypt
Based on Residence
The Family, Education, and Culture  Patrilocal - a custom in which the married
couple lives in the household or community of
The Family the husband's parent.
 Matrilocal - involves a married couple living in
- The smallest and most important social household or community of the wife's parent's.
institution, with the unique function of  Neolocal - the couple lives apart from either
producing and rearing the young. spouse's parents or other relatives.
- Composed of a group of interacting  Avunculocal - prescribes that the newly
persons untied by blood, marriage, or married couple resides with or near the
adoption, constituting a household, maternal uncle (mothers' brother ) of the
groom. This type of residence is very rare. The
carrying a common culture, and opposite is amitalocal residence.
performing basic functions.
- A socially sanctioned group of persons Based On Descent Or Lineage
united by kinship, marriage or adoption - the way in which kinship and linage are traced over
who share a common habitat generally generation.
and interact according to well defined
social roles that maintain and protect its  Patrilineal - the father's side of the family is
members and perpetuate the society. defied as kin.
(Bertrand)  Matrilineal - the mother's side of the family is
- A relatively small domestic group of kin defined as kin.
 Bilateral - the system used in most industrial
who functions as a cooperative unit for
societies, children's kinship is tied to both
economic and other purposes. sides of the family and both male and female
children are entitled to inherit.
Classification of Family  Bilineal - descent is through the father's and
- Family orientation mother's line.
o The family into which people are
born and in which the major part Based on number of spouses
of their socialization takes place.  Monogamy - consisting of only one husband
- Family of procreation and one wife married at a time. This means
o The family that people create that a widower or a widow can marry again.
 Polygamy- one man married to two or more
when they marry and have
women at the same time.
children.  Polyandry- one woman married to two or
more men at the same time.
Family  Cenogamy - group sex. Two or more men and
Structure/Composition sex two or more women having together at the
1. Nuclear or Conjugal (Based on marriage ) same time one after the other.
- A two generation family group which consists
of a couple and their children usually living Choice of Mate
apart from other relatives; places emphasis on
 AIl societies place some restrictions on the
the husband-wife relationship.
choice of sexual and marriage partners.
2. Extended or Consanguine (Shared Blood )
 Incest taboos are powerful prohibitions,
- A group which consists of one or more nuclear
against sexual relations between close relative
families plus other relatives; consists of the
(e.g. between father and daughter, mother and
married couple, their parents, siblings,
son, brother and sister).
grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins;
place primar emphasis on the "blood ties" with
Marriage Norms or Patterns
various relatives.
 Endogamy - prescribes marriage within one's
Based on Dominance of Authority group- same social category ( e.g. race,
religion, village, social class).

 Exagomy - the social norm that prescribes  Romans 12:4-8 
marriage outside one's own group.          We are one body, individually
 Homogamy- the practice of marrying people members one of  another.
with the same social, racial, ethnic, and  Hebrews 10:24-25  
religious background (as most Americans do)
         Rouse one another to love and good
Important Functions works.
 It increases the chances that the children of a  James 2:14-17  
union will be exposed to reasonably consistent          Our faith is dead if we ignore others
socialization experiences. in need.
 It reduces disputes over disputes over issues  1 Peter 4:8-11  
other that child socialization.          Serve one another with the gifts you
 Although people tend to marry others much have  received.
like themselves, another tendency operates
 1 John 3:16-18
and this is called marriage gradient- the
tendency of men to marry women below them          We  ought to lay down our lives for
in age, education, and occupation. one another.
 1 John 4:19-21 
General Functions of the Family           Those who love God must love
 Reproduction and rearing of the young their brothers and sisters.
 Cultural transmission or enculturation
 provide the needed socialization of the child Family
with respect to his role and status.
 Provide love and affections and a sense of “The existence of each individual is deeply tied to
security for its members. that of others: life is not simply time that passes;
 Provide environment for personality life is a time for interactions.” (Pope Francis,
development and growth of self-concept in Brothers and Sisters to Us [Fratelli Tutti], no. 66) 
relation to others.

Educational Implications Principle Of Subsidiarity

 Since the family is very important institution, This principle states that,  in order to protect basic
education for the family lite should be part of
the curriculum. justice, government should undertake only those 
 People who intend to get married should be initiatives which exceed the capacities of
oriented regarding their obligations so that the individuals or private groups acting 
marriage will be successful. independently. 
 in Japan, there is a school for brides. There
should be a school or course, not only for the
brides but also for grooms.
 Since average Filipino family is big, the school
should teach the advantages of small families.


 Genesis 2:18 
         It is not good for man to be  alone
 Genesis 4:8-15  
         I am my brother’s and sister’s
 Leviticus  25:23-43  
         What you own belongs to the  Lord
and is given for the good of all.
 Jeremiah 7:5-7 
          If you act justly with one another,
God will  dwell in the land.
 Micah 6:6-8
         Act justly, love kindness, walk
humbly with God.
 John 15:12-17
         This is my commandment: love one
another as I have loved you.       
 Acts 2:43-47
         Life  among the believers.

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