Wieduwilt 2011 Meas. Sci. Technol. 22 075201

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Meas. Sci. Technol. 22 (2011) 075201 (6pp) doi:10.1088/0957-0233/22/7/075201

High force measurement sensitivity with

fiber Bragg gratings fabricated in
uniform-waist fiber tapers
Torsten Wieduwilt, Sven Brückner and Hartmut Bartelt
Institut für Physikalische Hochtechnologie, PF 100 239, 07702 Jena, Germany
E-mail: torsten.wieduwilt@ipht-jena.de

Received 28 October 2010, in final form 31 March 2011

Published 20 May 2011
Online at stacks.iop.org/MST/22/075201

Fiber Bragg gratings inscribed in the waist of tapered photosensitive fibers offer specific
attractive properties for sensing applications. A small-diameter fiber reduces structural
influences for imbedded fiber sensing elements. In the case of application as a force-sensing
element for tensile forces, sensitivity scales inversely with the fiber cross-sectional area. It is
therefore possible to increase force sensitivity by several orders of magnitude compared to
Bragg grating sensors in conventionally sized fibers. Special requirements for such Bragg
grating arrangements are discussed and experimental measurements for different fiber taper
diameters down to 4 μm are presented.

Keywords: fiber taper, fiber Bragg grating, fiber sensor, lateral force measurement

1. Introduction effect caused by the fiber may become significant. In

[7], such a reinforcement effect is studied theoretically and
Fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) have been widely used as sensing experimentally, and an analytical formula is proposed to
elements for a large range of measurands such as temperature, determine the true strain of a structure whose strain is measured
strain, pressure, vibration, acceleration, etc. They have found by an FBG bonded to the substrate surface. If FBGs are
many attractive applications especially for structural health embedded into composite materials (e.g. thin thermoplastic
monitoring on aircraft (e.g. airplane wings) and spacecraft laminates), the fiber can also induce perturbations and defects
structures [1], on wind turbines [2], in electric power facilities in the structure. Therefore, fibers with a diameter significantly
(e.g. generator windings, power plant pipelines) and in civil smaller than 125 μm as for conventional fibers are desirable.
engineering structures. In most cases such FBGs are inscribed In [8] the authors introduced a real-time health monitoring
in conventionally sized optical fibers. A combination of system based on FBGs inscribed in a fiber with a cladding
FBGs with a tapered fiber region has been reported in [3], diameter of 40 μm (developed specifically by Hitachi Cable
and sensor elements with FBGs right in the taper transition Ltd). In this application, the FBGs were embedded in carbon
region have been discussed in [4–6]. In applications for fiber-reinforced plastic (CFRP) composite materials.
strain measurements, FBGs are embedded into composites However, one difficulty is that highly photosensitive
or bonded to the surface of the components by means of fibers which are significantly smaller than those typically
adhesives. In typical strain applications as mentioned above, used in communication applications are not commercially
substrate stiffness is great (high Young’s modulus, high cross- available, and the connecting technique to standard fiber-
section) compared to the bonding layer and the fiber structure optical components (light sources, couplers, detectors, etc.)
that contains the Bragg grating. Therefore, gratings in is difficult. A possible method to avoid these drawbacks
conventionally sized fibers with a diameter of 125 μm do would be to inscribe FBGs in the waist of a uniformly tapered
not have a strong influence on the accuracy of the strain photosensitive fiber. Additionally, Bragg gratings in such
measurement. However, if Bragg gratings are used to measure tapered fibers with small diameters become interesting also for
strain on substrates that are very thin or made of materials with the measurement of small tensile forces, since force sensitivity
small Young’s modulus (e.g. polymers), the reinforcement increases strongly with the reduced fiber diameter.

0957-0233/11/075201+06$33.00 1 © 2011 IOP Publishing Ltd Printed in the UK & the USA
Meas. Sci. Technol. 22 (2011) 075201 T Wieduwilt et al

2. Properties of FBGs as a function of fiber diameter

The application of longitudinal mechanical forces will change

the Bragg wavelength λB of FBGs. Below we will concentrate
on the mechanical effect alone, disregarding the temperature
effect. Correction for temperature effects typically requires
additional reference measurements for compensation. If we
assume a tensile force, a wavelength shift for an FBG in
reflection is achieved according to [9]:
λB = (1 − peff ) F, (1)
where F is the axial force, E is Young’s modulus of the fiber
material, A is the cross-sectional area of the fiber, and peff is
the effective photo-elastic coefficient of the fiber. The value
(1 − peff ) is often called the gauge factor k. The effective Figure 1. Bragg wavelength versus ambient refractive index for a
19 μm diameter fiber taper.
photo-elastic coefficient peff for isotropic materials without
shear strain is described by [9]
In general, for a fiber taper, the overlap factor will be
peff = [p12 − μ (p11 + p12 )] , (2) reduced resulting in a smaller maximum reflection value. It
2 should be noted that for a taper whose fundamental mode
where μ is the Poisson ratio and p11 and p12 are the components may spread to the surrounding medium, the Bragg wavelength
of the Pockel’s strain-optical tensor of the fiber material. The is influenced also by the refractive index of that medium.
effective refractive index neff corresponds to the modal index Figure 1 shows the ambient refractive index dependence of
of the fundamental mode in the fiber and depends on the the Bragg wavelength in the case of a fiber taper with 19 μm
wavelength and the fiber structure. diameter. For an ambient refractive index >1.444, the Bragg
From (1), it can be concluded that the force sensitivity spectrum disappears because then the ambient refractive index
SF scales inversely with the fiber cross-sectional area or the is higher than the effective refractive index of the tapered fiber.
square of the radius of the fiber as long as the strain sensitivity This becomes important in the case of the taper embedded in
Sε and Young’s modulus can be considered independent of the composites or bonded on structures.
λB Sε 1
SF = = . (3)
F E · π R2 3. Taper and fiber grating fabrication
From our measurements as described in section 4, we found
no indication for a variation of Young’s modulus with radius. For preparing the fiber taper, a CO2 laser heating technique
For a tapered optical fiber, the effective refractive index has been used. The light from a 30 W CO2 laser is divided
decreases with reduced taper radius, and consequently the by a beamsplitter into two equal beams for illumination of the
strain sensitivity is also reduced according to fiber from opposite sides and focused to a spot size of about
800 μm diameter. To achieve a defined heating region along
Sε = (1 − peff ) 2neff , (4) the fiber, both laser beams are scanned by means of movable
where peff is a function of neff (see equation (2)) and  is the mirrors. Two motor-driven linear stages are used to pull the
Bragg period. These effects become relevant for a taper radius fiber. The taper-drawing process is computer controlled in
below 8 μm as discussed in more detail in section 4. order to provide control over the laser power, the linear stage
The absolute Bragg wavelength for an FBG in a tapered motion and the scan amplitude as well as the frequency of the
fiber depends on the effective refractive index, which can be movable mirrors. During the entire tapering process, the light
calculated by the following equation: transmission and the waist diameter of the taper are measured
neff,taper and monitored. For the experiments, tapers with a waist length
λB,taper = λB,fiber . (5) of 8 mm were used. As an example, figure 2 shows a measured
taper profile for a 5 μm diameter fiber taper.
The theoretical maximum reflection Rmax from a uniform FBG
of length L varies with the overlap factor between the mode To guarantee safe handling of the tapered fiber, we
field and the Bragg grating according to [9] attached the fiber to an aluminum frame by magnetic fixation
  at two ends, which kept the fiber straight and prevented
π · nAC · η · L mechanical variations.
Rmax = tanh2 (κL) = tanh2 , (6)
λB For the fabrication of the FBGs, we used a 248 nm KrF
where κ is the coupling coefficient, nAC is the induced laser and a Talbot interferometer arrangement [10] where the
refractive index modulation for sinusoidal variation of the spatial frequency of the Bragg grating can be changed by
index perturbation along the fiber axis, η is the mode overlap variation of the angle θ FBG of the interferometer mirrors. The
(η  1), and λB is the Bragg grating’s center wavelength. Bragg wavelength is then a function of the effective refractive

Meas. Sci. Technol. 22 (2011) 075201 T Wieduwilt et al

Figure 2. Plot of a measured fiber taper profile as a function of the

taper length. Figure 3. Reflected intensity versus inscription time for a taper with
19 μm diameter.

index neff in the fiber, the UV laser source wavelength λUV and mentioned above) is about 10 nm compared to the untapered
the angle θ FBG according to fiber.
neff λUV The gratings were fabricated with an energy density
λB = = 2neff . (7) (fluence) of 265 mJ cm−2 and a repetition rate of 10 Hz. In the
sin θFBG
course of our experiments, it was assured that the inscribing
The phase mask has a grating period of 1061 nm. We inscribed time increased when the taper diameter decreased. In the
the gratings with a length of 5 mm in the center of the 8 mm case of the sample with 19 μm waist diameter, inscription
long taper waist. took a time of about 50 min to reach the maximum reflection
Two different original fibers, manufactured by the (figure 3).
company j-fiber (Jena, Germany), were used for the FBGs The reflectivity achieved in this case was about 1.3%
in tapered fibers. The first fiber was a single-mode fiber with (figure 4(b)). For an untapered fiber, the maximum reflectivity
a Ge-doped core of about 18 mol% and a core diameter of was reached already after 10 min.
about 4 μm (j-fiber series PSP). The second, a multimode In the case of smaller taper diameters, a reasonable
fiber, had a much larger Ge-doped core with a Ge doping reflectivity was possible for the original multimode fiber. For
of about 36 mol% in the central part and a core diameter of the investigations, a 20 mm long piece of this fiber was spliced
97 μm. The first fiber would allow FBGs to be inscribed into between two conventional single-mode fibers. The aim was
tapers with a diameter down to about 20 μm. Due to the larger not to excite all the modes available in the multimode fiber.
photosensitive core area, the second fiber can also be used for Tapers were produced down to a diameter of 3.5 μm. In the
the inscription of FBGs of smaller diameter. case of a taper waist of 5.5 μm, an FBG reflectivity of 10%
The Bragg wavelength for the tapered fibers is reduced was achieved (figure 5).
in comparison to the untapered fiber due to the variation In addition to the experimental determination of
of the effective refractive index of the fundamental mode. reflectivity, the reflectivity of an FBG (L = 5 mm, λB =
The difference in the Bragg wavelength for a fiber taper with 1550 nm) in the tapered single-mode fiber was calculated
19 μm waist diameter (produced from the single-mode fiber (via equation (6)) for different values of nAC and compared

(a) (b)

Figure 4. Bragg spectrum of a taper with a 19 μm waist diameter: (a) reflected intensity versus wavelength on a logarithmic scale and
(b) calculated reflectivity versus wavelength.

Meas. Sci. Technol. 22 (2011) 075201 T Wieduwilt et al

Figure 5. Bragg spectrum of a 5 mm long FBG in a 5.5 μm Figure 7. Wavelength shift as a function of the axial force (sample
diameter taper waist. with 19.15 μm diameter fiber taper), with SF = 57.2 nm N−1

Figure 6. Calculated reflectivity of the Bragg center wavelength Figure 8. Force sensitivity of FBGs inscribed in the taper waist of
versus taper diameter for different refractive index modulation the single-mode fiber as a function of taper radius. The data points
values, compared to the experimental results. represent the mean values of the measured force sensitivity.

with the experimental measurements (figure 6). With these

shift as a function of force. The slope of the regression can be
results, a slightly higher index modulation was observed than
expected from the untapered fiber (nAC ∼ 5×10−4 ). This interpreted as the force sensitivity in nm N−1 .
might be explained by an enhancement of photosensitivity Figure 8 shows the force sensitivity of the tapered single-
resulting from the taper-drawing process [11]. mode fiber as a function of the taper radius, indicating the
strong increase in force sensitivity for taper diameters below
4. Force sensitivity of an FBG in tapered fibers 30 μm.
The experimental data shown in figure 8 were fitted using
For the determination of force sensitivity for fiber samples with a 1/R2 -dependence between the force sensitivity and the taper
diameters >10 μm, the fibers were axially loaded by attaching radius corresponding to equation (3), without taking into
different weights on the free end of the fiber, whereas the other account the dependence of the effective refractive index on the
end was fixed to a supporting structure. Tapered fibers of small radius. This assumption was applied because in the considered
diameter were vertically clamped at two ends to an apparatus taper radius range (62.5 down to 9.5 μm) the maximum
containing a force sensor with a resolution of 2 mN and a reduction of the effective refractive index (see figure 9) is
manual translation stage with a resolution of 1 μm. In this only about 0.7% (19 μm taper in comparison to an untapered
case, a tensile force was appplied by means of adjustment at fiber) and would change the value of the force sensitivity by
the translation stage. Care was taken not to introduce any
0.6% only.
mechanical twist into the fiber waist.
From the Bragg wavelength shift as a result of the force For tapers with a radius below ∼8 μm, the variation of
applied, the force sensitivity for all samples produced was the effective refractive index with radius should be taken into
derived by means of linear regression. As can be seen in account.
figure 7 (example of the 19.15 μm diameter fiber taper), an The fit curve as depicted in figure 8 was obtained from the
excellent linear relationship was observed for the wavelength software package ‘microcal origin’ using an iterative fitting

Meas. Sci. Technol. 22 (2011) 075201 T Wieduwilt et al

Figure 10. Force sensitivities of FBGs inscribed in the taper waist

Figure 9. Calculated effective refractive index versus taper radius of the multimode fiber as a function of the taper radius.
for the photosensitive single-mode fiber (λ = 1550 nm). The dotted
frame shows the taper radius range which was considered for the
single-mode fiber used. For the multimode fiber, smaller taper diameters are
possible, and therefore an even higher force sensitivity can
procedure with the Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm. The be achieved. In figure 10, the experimental results for tapers
fitting equation as a result of the fit procedure reads as follows: from the multimode fiber are shown with taper radii in the
range from 6 to less than 2 μm.
Sε 1 nm · μm2 1 From the data in figure 10 one can derive a force sensitivity
SF = = 5254 with R in μm. (8)
E·π R 2 N R2 of about ∼1900 nm N−1 for an FBG in a 3.5 μm diameter fiber
With Young’s modulus and taper radius known, it is possible taper. This means that force sensitivity is higher by more than
to calculate the strain sensitivity from the force sensitivity and, three orders of magnitude compared to an untapered fiber. If
hence, the gage factor, by means of the formulas the Bragg peak can be detected to an accuracy of 0.05 nm, it
Sε = π SF ER 2 (9) would be possible to measure forces in the range of 25 μN.
Besides the small diameter, also the higher GeO2 content
and (resulting in a smaller Young’s modulus) gives a small
π SF ER 2 Sε additional improvement in force sensitivity (SF ∼ 1/E,
k= = . (10)
λB λB corresponding to equation (3)). From the literature, it is known
According to the literature, Young’s modulus of optical fibers that Young’s modulus of pure GeO2 glass is about 44 GPa
is somewhere between 69 and 75 GPa; for bulk SiO2 a typical [13, 14]. From the analysis of the experimental measurements,
value of 72.5 GPa is reported. In order to achieve a more we have derived a value of Young’s modulus of 70.5 ± 0.5 GPa
accurate value for the strain sensitivity, we used a mechanical for the multimode fiber. Due to the lower value compared to
test machine to determine experimentally Young’s modulus of the single-mode fiber material, an additional increase in force
the untapered fiber materials. The length of the fiber samples sensitivity by about 4% can be expected.
we used was 575 mm. For the experiments, the protective In general, the tapered-FBG sensor arrangement could
coating of the fibers was removed, and the ends of the samples therefore be attractive due to its high force sensitivity, and also
were glued to aluminum mounting plates. The strain acting for measurements of small absolute forces.
on the fibers was 0.5%. From these tests, we determined
Young’s modulus of the single-mode fiber to be 73 ± 0.5 GPa. 5. Conclusion
Using the example of the taper with diameter 19.15 ±
0.15 μm, a Bragg wavelength of 1539 nm and a force We have investigated the use of fiber Bragg gratings in the waist
sensitivity of 57.2 ± 0.3 nm N−1 , we calculated the strain of tapered photosensitive single-mode and multimode fibers
sensitivity and the k-factor to be 1.204 ± 0.03 pm με−1 and for force measurements. It has been shown that it is possible
0.782 ± 0.02, respectively. The error values as mentioned to obtain fiber Bragg gratings with reflectivities of around 10%
above are the maximum absolute errors. down to taper radii of less than 3 μm. For small tapers with
The experimental k-factor is in good agreement with the a diameter of 3.5 μm, we have derived a force sensitivity
value 0.7758 ± 0.0024 as recently reported in [12], which was of about 1900 nm N−1 . This force sensitivity is about three
determined on an FBG in an untapered fiber with the same orders of magnitude higher than for FBGs in conventional
fiber structure. This implies that no taper radius dependence optical fibers with a diameter of about 125 μm. Due to the
of Young’s modulus exists in the taper radius range considered. small axial stiffness of such tapers, FBGs would be suitable
In the case where an FBG is inscribed in a 19.15 μm taper, the for sensitive strain measurements, e.g. with thin substrates or
force sensitivity is higher by a factor of ∼43 in comparison to materials of small Young’s modulus, or for measurements of
an untapered fiber. small forces.

Meas. Sci. Technol. 22 (2011) 075201 T Wieduwilt et al

Acknowledgments [6] Monzon-Hernandez D, Mora J, Perez-Millan P, Diez A,

Cruz J L and Andres M V 2004 Temperature sensor based
The authors would like to thank Manfred Rothhardt, Martin on the power reflected by a Bragg grating in a tapered fiber
Appl. Opt. 43 2393
Becker, Eric Lindner and Christoph Chojetzki for helpful [7] Li W Y, Cheng C C and Lo Y L 2009 Investigation of strain
discussions. transmission of surface-bonded FBGs used as strain sensors
Sensors Actuators A 149 201
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