Ingles 2

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x: Hi hello boys and girls. How are you doing?

v: Very well thanks!

t: Nice!

b: Good!

C: Great, how are you?

X: Fine, thanks! do you guys have any plans for this weekend?

v: Yes, I’m going to Bogota. I’m quite excited!

t: I probably won't do anything this weekend.

b: I guess I'll just stay home.

c: I don't know. I think I'll go camping.

x: Oh, that’s interesting! back to the point, thank you for coming to this meeting. I need your help
to organize my birthday party.

c: Yes, of course!

t: yes, we will help you!

b: It will be a pleasure to organize your birthday party

v: Yes, we help you, when will the party be?

X The party is in the week.

v: Great!

t: What do you need us to bring to the party?

b: I think we can buy cakes, cookies and drinks.

c: I can take care of the decoration of the party, I will bring balloons and streamers for parties.

X: Thank you for your help, I am writing all your proposals.

c: ¡Wow nice! I'm looking forward to the party !

t: Me too! It sounds like fun!

b: where is Javier?
v: He couldn’t, he had quitted his job

x: Javier is working again? I thought he had resigned!

c: I also thought that he had resigned!

t: No, he still works at the chocolate factory!

b: I have an idea. What about giving him to bring us chocolates for the party?

v: I think it's great that Javier brings a lot of chocolates.

C: I´m calling him right now.

X: Funny, hunger is making us creative.

t: I'm pretty sure I'm going to eat a lot that day.

b: Me too, I love chocolates, so I'm going to eat a lot of them.

v: what did Javier say? will you buy the chocolates?

c: yes, Javier said he will buy them and go to the party.

t: Wonderful! And who brings the drinks?

b: I will do it, I always enjoy carry this.

v: I will carry the cakes.

x: This is incredible, thanks for being here, that's all. bye

t: Bye, see you soon

b: Bye, we're talking

v: Goodbye.

c: we won't see soon.

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