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Tienda de comestibles


Milene: Hi, I'm Milene. I'm going to start visiting the city of Nuevo Chimbote. But there's a
problem, I can't use Google Maps because I don't have an internet connection, so I'm going to
ask aid. Here we go!
Milene: Excuse me, I'm a tourist and I don't know some addresses here. You can help me?
Miriana: Hi Milene, nice to meet you. No problem, I can help you.
Milene: Great, I’m Milene, and I'm from Mexico. Nice to meet you.
Miriana: I’m Miriana, nice to meet you, too.
Milene: ¿Well… How do I get to the Main Square, please?
Miriana: Now we are in the restaurant "La Granja Linda". The main square is in front of this
restaurant. Cross the track and there it is.
Milene: And where is the church?

Miriana: There are three churches near the square. The main church is the Cathedral, it is in
front of the square, next to the Bank of the Nation. The other church is three minutes from the
plaza, walk straight on Pacific Avenue, then turn left on Jirón Samanco. Finally, there is the
Christian and Missionary Alliance Church, to get there, go straight one block on Country
Avenue and turn left.

Milene: Perfect, thanks.

Milene: ¿Are there museums near the square?

Miriana: No, there aren't.

Milene: mm.. Is there a fire station in your city?

Miriana: Yes, there is

Milene: ¿How do I get there?

Miriana: Take a taxi, and go straight down Pacific Avenue. The Fire Company is between the
Banco de la Nation and the Buenos Aires Police Station, you will be there in five minutes.

Milene: Nice! And where is the library?

Miriana: There are many libraries, the closest one is the Municipal Library, it is next to the
Cathedral, in front of the main square.

Milene: ¿Is there a department store in your city?

Miriana: Yes, there is. It's not too far. Walk straight on Country Avenue and cross the pedestrian
bridge, then walk one block and turn right, there will be Plaza Vea, inside there are many things
to buy.
In Nuevo Chimbote, there are many people visiting the main square, it is on Pacific

Avenue. There are many restaurants around, on Brasil Avenue there are some, "El

Pescadito" and "Simbote". There is a church, it is between Argentina Avenue and

Anchoveta Avenue. And the regional hospital is behind the dermatological center.

There are too many hotels, the hotel "Aquarius" is next to the hotel "Costabella", in

front of these, there are two schools. There is a cafeteria between the restaurant

"Donde Victoria" and the Scotiabank bank, on Pacific Avenue. Around the plaza there

are no pharmacies, but in front of the BBVA bank there are some.

En Nuevo Chimbote hay mucha gente visitando la plaza principal, está sobre la

Avenida Pacífico. Hay muchos restaurantes alrededor, en la Avenida Brasil hay

algunos, "El Pescadito" y "Simbote". Hay una iglesia, está entre la Avenida Argentina y

la Avenida Anchoveta. Y el hospital regional está detrás del centro dermatológico.

Hay demasiados hoteles, el hotel "Aquarius" está al lado del hotel "Costabella", frente

a estos hay dos colegios. Hay una cafetería entre el restaurante "Donde Victoria" y el

banco Scotiabank, en Pacific Avenue. Alrededor de la plaza no hay farmacias, pero

frente al banco BBVA, hay algunas.

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