Project Work On FOODMANDU

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Submitted by:
Komal Kumara Lama
Renuka KC
Sushil Budhathoki
Bibek Chaudary

Submitted to:
Mr. Mahesh Dahal

Department of Computer Science

Kantipur College Of Management and
Information Technology


This is to declare that the project work report entitled “FOODMANDU” submitted for
BBA is our original work and the report has not formed the basis for the award of any
degree, diploma, or other similar title.

Name Signature
Komal Kumari Lama .................................
Sushil Budhathoki .................................
Bibek Chaudary ................................
Renuka Kc ..................................


This is certifying that the project work entitled “FOODMANDU” submitted by

Group-E, ‘for the partial fulfilment of the requirement for BBA embodies the
bonafide work done by us under my supervision.

Signature of Supervisor
Name:-Mr. Mahesh Dahal
Date: - 08/12/2077

Foremost, we would like to extend our sincere gratitude and appreciation to Mr.
Mahesh Dahal our supervisor for his invaluable guidance and persistent help during
the entire period of preparation of the project work report.
We would equally gratify to thank KCMIT College for the support during the project
work report preparation. We would also grateful to Mrs. Lalita Chand (Principal),
who gave the permission and help in the different situation to complete our project
Special thanks go to our friends all who support and help us to complete our project
We would like to express our sincere gratitude towards Tribhuvan University for
providing us with this opportunity enabling us to conduct report & for the comment
on the presentation that has improved our presentation skills by that comment and
tips. This experience has served significantly for the present researcher to gain life
time experience in the field of study.

Foodmandu is the fastest, easiest and most convenient way to enjoy the best food of
your favourite restaurants at home, at the office or whenever you want to. Foodmandu
is an ecommerce-based organization emphasizing on promoting e-business in Nepal.
As a pioneer food delivery service provider, Foodmandu makes life easier through
online ordering.
It is the first company providing online delivery of food in Nepal. Foodmandu is an
on-demand food delivery company that provides service across Kathmandu, Lalitpur
and Bhaktapur. The company operates or a daily by delivering food from popular
restaurants to foodie consumers. Foodmandu understood Nepalese love for the food
and revolution the way they perceive it. As this company is founded in 2010, having
partnership with 10 restaurants and starting now it has grown to more than 200
employees serving 200,000+ customers from 500+ partner restaurants to serve the
desire and satisfaction of the customers. Transaction with this company has become
easier, it provides the facilities of cash payment as well as card payment system which
help to attract with the company. Foodmandu delivery rider brings food right at
doorstep in minutes.

Title page: …………………………………………………………………………………… I
Declaration: ………………………………………………………………………………….. II
Certificate: ………………………………………………………………………………… III
Acknowledgement: ………………………………………………………………………….IV
Abstract: …………………………………………………………………………………….. V
Table of contents: ………………………………………………………………………… VI
Chapter: I..................................................................................................................................1
1.2Online opportunities..................................................................................................1
1.3Business models..........................................................................................................2
Figure: 1............................................................................................................................2
Figure: 2............................................................................................................................3
Figure: 3............................................................................................................................3
Marketing Strategies and Payment Method..........................................................................4
2.1Marketing Strategies.................................................................................................4
2.2Payment methods.......................................................................................................5
Business Problems Analysis and Solution............................................................................6
3.1 SWOT Analysis.........................................................................................................6
3.2 PESTLE Analysis......................................................................................................7
3.3 Problems:...................................................................................................................8
3.4 Solutions:...................................................................................................................8
Home Page............................................................................................................................9

Introduction and background of the organization
Foodmandu is the pioneer food delivery service provider in Nepal, established in
2010 A.D. The owner or the developer of “Foodmandu” is Mr. Manohar Adhikari
who is also the CEO at Foodmandu. Their main objective is to deliver food online
through various hotels and restaurants across the Kathmandu, Latitpur, Bhaktapur and
Pokhara. This company is the fastest growing ecommerce company of the nation and
awarded by entrepreneur’s achievement awards. Having partnership with 10
restaurants and starting now it has grown to more than 200 employees serving
200,000+ customers from 500+ partner restaurants to serve the desire and satisfaction
of the customers. This company offers delivery within a radius of up to 11 kilometers.
Emphasizing the value of time and making us available whatever we want from local
to continental cuisines and letting us escaped horrendous city traffic while we sit back
relaxed at home, foodmandu made a business out of it, and a profitable one at that.
Foodmandu is a customer centric company with high focus on client satisfaction.  We
know that your time is valuable and sometimes every minute in the day counts. That’s
why we deliver! So you can spend more time doing the things you love.

1.2Online opportunities
1.2.1 Marketing campaign:
A marketing campaign is any event or activity designed to reach new and existing
leads, contacts, and/or clients for the purpose of generating new business for your
firm. Marketing campaign contain all the information/details about services provided
by the company. It has designed to get consumers' attention in several ways, such as
television, print advertising, and social media and email marketing. A multitude of
channels are used and coordinated to deliver effective results.

1.2.2 All in one solution:

It can help you enormously with everything you need to know
about online marketing. It means the both customer and the service provider can
communicate through the internet regarding their complaints as well as compliments,
payment, services, etc. Both can be benefited through online services of the company
as they have the direct links.
1.2.3 Accept credit card:
Here, other opportunities which is related to the payment. According to the new
generation people carry cards in replace of cash, they do their transaction through
cards. Also prefers the online payment through debit/credit cards, which helps to save
their time and efforts. By accepting the credit card, the company helps to grow and
make true statement of income and expenditure.

1.2.4Secure shopping:
It is also the online opportunities of “Foodmandu”, the transaction between the buyer
and seller becomes secure. When consumer orders theirs food through the online they
can track their location of restaurants as well as hotels and be aware about what they
have order. Likewise, seller can also be aware about the order made by the customers
so that there is no chance of fraud. So, there is a secure shopping between seller and
1.2.5Service standard plan:
Online opportunities helps to set the right standards in customer service is crucial for
performance. Customer service standards are the measurable micro goals towards the
bigger goal of customer satisfaction. Are there any problems in the consistency in
food quality, quantity and taste, and the expected customer service which is treated by
the company and how they treated the customer in the field of online delivery? Once
customer service goals or standards are determined, employees need frequent
feedback on their performance so that they know if they are reaching their goal.

1.3Business models
1.3.1Basis of transaction type:
This Company follows aggregator model, through it doesn’t produce or warehouse of
foods and services & provides the delivery.

Figure: 1
1.3.2Basis of transaction parties:
Transaction parties mean, collectively, the Originator, the Servicer, the Seller and the
Issuer. It follows Business to Consumer (B to C), the company sells foods directly to
its consumer.

Figure: 2

1.3.3Subscription model:
The subscription model is a business model in which a customer must pay a recurring
price at regular intervals for access to a product. It earns some revenue through
restaurants registration and their yearly subscription. Its recurring nature is attractive
to businesses as a stream of income and as a means for improving customer lifetime

Figure: 3

Marketing Strategies and Payment Method

2.1Marketing Strategies
2.1.1 Search Engine Marketing:
It is used to increase the visibility of a website in search engine result page (SERPs).
It is also called alternately referred to as paid search or pay per click (PPC). It is
arguable the fastest way to drive traffic to a website. It reaches consumers at exactly
the right time; when they are open to new information.

2.1.2 Social Media marketing:

It refers to the use of social media and social networks to market a company’s product
and services. Foodmandu set up and optimize company a page within each platform to
increase the visibility of company’s social contents. Sites like Facebook, Twitter and
Instagram are commonly used to execute social media marketing.

2.1.3 Email Marketing:

Email marketing is when business use email to promote their product and services.
Foodmandu prepare online newsletter and promotional emails and organize their
distribution through various channels. It measures the performance of digital
marketing efforts using a variety of web analytics tools. Email marketing is very
effective and flexible.

2.1.4 Twitter Marketing:

Twitter is a powerful social networking tool and search engine. Twitter use in
marketing to engage with your audience and the platform to meet your overall social
media goals. One of the strategies of twitter is that to catch your eye, jump right to it
with their links.

2.2Payment methods
2.2.1 Khalti wallet:
Khalti, the emerging digital wallet and payment gateway in Nepal has announced the
partnership with Foodmandu, Nepal’s no. 1 online food delivery platform. This
collaboration will facilitate users to make digital payments for food ordered online
through Foodmandu app and website. The payment of services provided by
‘Foodmandu’ which makes customer to free from any extra burden in lacking of cash
and helps to promoting digital payment system. Foodmandu users will get 5% cash
back from Khalti on each payment and other offers on digital payment through Khalti.

2.2.2 Cash Payment:

A cash payment is bills or coins paid by the recipient of the goods or services to the
provider. It means cash on delivery of goods and service where customers can order
their food from available restaurants and made payment cash on delivery basis which
make easier to customer to trust about us.

2.2.3Debit/credit card:
Debit/Credit cards eliminate the need to carry cash or physical checks to make
purchases. Also, the customers can use their debit/credit card for payment of goods
and services required in “Foodmandu”. .

Business Problems Analysis and Solution
3.1 SWOT Analysis
3.1.1 Strengths:
Foodmandu creates accessibility by enabling popular food hotels and restaurants to
reach out to customers without having to visit the physical location. They also offer
convenience for their customers to place order, including pre-order option, and make
payment online through their mobile application and websites. Customers can also
easily leave or obtain reviews on the local vendors. Some factors are: -
a) Ease of communication
b) Low cost for maintenance
c) Competitive pricing
d) Quality services and products
e) Mobility

3.1.2 Weakness:
The Company also has a poor customer service whereby the services support
team responses too slow or not responsive at all. Harsh weather conditions
and faults from the vendors may indirectly lead people to have bad impressions
on the company since the company does the delivery and people have high

expectancy from their food delivery service. Also, there is not enough
promotion offered to attract customers or build brand loyalty. Some factors are: -
a) High shipping cost
b) Absence of direct interaction with customers
c) Insufficient supply chain
d) Limited number of online shoppers

3.1.3 Opportunities:
Foodmandu has the opportunity to expand and grow in cities where there is a
growing market on online food ordering. More advertisement to the
customers can lead to more sales of the services. There is a great
opportunity for the company to go outsides of the Valley. Here are some
factors: -
a)Global expansion
b) Reaching mobile users
c)Social media advertising
d) Collaboration with others firms
e)Joint ventures

3.1.4 Threats:
The main threats of Foodmandu are that there might be a same kind of company with
more facilities and services. Another big threats of Foodmandu is that people might
fraudulent call them and order many foods for fake which gives huge loss to the
company. Factors are:-
a) Heavy competitions by the large players
b) Unexpected regulation and law changes in other territories
c) Bas customers reviews
d) Local competitions

3.2 PESTLE Analysis

3.2.1 Political:
These are all about how and to what degree a government intervenes in the economy.
This can include – government policy, political stability tax policy, etc. It is clear
from the list above that political factors often have an impact on company and how
they do business. Company need to be able to respond to the current and anticipated
future legislation, and adjust their marketing policy accordingly.

3.2.2 Economic:
Economic factors have a significant impact on how company does business and also
how profitable they are. Factors include – economic growth, interest rates, exchange
rates, inflation, disposable income of consumers and businesses and so on. This has a
large impact on B2C organizations in particular.

3.2.3 Social:
Also known as socio-cultural factors are the areas that involve the shared belief and
attitudes of the population. These factors include – population growth, age
distribution, health consciousness, and career attitudes and so on. These factors are of
particular interest as they have a direct effect on how marketers understand customers
and what drives them.

It impacts the way we market our products. Technological factors affect marketing
and the management there of in three distinct ways:
 New ways of producing goods and services
 New ways of distributing goods and services
 New ways of communicating with target markets.

3.2.6 Enironment:
These factors include all those that influence or are determined by the surrounding
environment. Factors of a business environmental analysis include but are not limited
to climate, weather, geographical location, global changes in climate, environmental
offsets, etc

3.3 Problems:
 While selecting restaurants
 Convincing the restaurant to become our partners
 To gain trust from customers
 Establishing online business culture

3.4 Solutions:
 By overcoming initial hurdles
 By going beyond selling
 Focus on the delivery quality services
 By providing the their apps and websites or phone numbers for call them
 By providing credit/debit cards for them

Home Page

Unlike other food chains, we don’t involve in preparing food ourselves but
deliver foods from the restaurants from Kathmandu, Lalitpur, Bhaktapur and
Pokhara. Foodmandu is the first company in Nepal to introduce on demand
food delivery services in 2010 with innovative concepts of connecting foodies
with most popular restaurants is associated. Having started its operation in
2010, Foodmandu has now grown to more than 200 employees serving
200,000+ customers from 500+ partner restaurants. We are a customer centric
company with high focus on client satisfaction. Online order through website
or Apps.  Our delivery rider brings your food right at your doorstep in
minutes. If you don't have access to the internet, you can order via telephone
also. We lead all of them in revenue due to its experience, trust, stability, and
quality. That’s why we deliver! So you can spend more time doing the things
you love.


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