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"Ilm al-Gharib al-Hadith" is a field of Islamic studies that deals with the study of
rare or unique Hadith narrations that have unusual wording or transmission
chains. These narrations are called "gharib" or strange. Scholars in this field
analyze these narrations to understand their authenticity and meaning. This
helps in understanding Islamic teachings in a deeper and more nuanced way.

2. "Ilm al-Fiqh al-Hadith" is a field of Islamic studies that focuses on the

understanding and application of the Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon
him) teachings and actions, as recorded in the Hadith literature. This field
involves studying the Hadith literature, which contains the sayings, actions, and
tacit approvals of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as reported by
his companions and followers.

3. "Ilm al-Usool al-Hadith" is a field of Islamic studies that deals with the principles
and methodology of Hadith scholarship. This field involves studying how Hadith
narrations are verified for their authenticity and reliability. Scholars in this field
analyze the chain of narration, narrators' biographies, and the content of Hadith
narrations to ensure their accuracy. This helps to ensure that only reliable
Hadith narrations are used to understand and apply Islamic teachings.

4. "Ilm al-Nasikh wal-Mansukh" refers to the study of abrogation in Islamic

teachings. This means that some rulings or teachings in Islam were replaced or
cancelled by later revelations or rulings. Understanding this concept is important
for Islamic scholars and jurists to properly interpret Islamic teachings and avoid
confusion or contradiction.

5. "Ilm al-Takhreej al-Hadith" is a field of Islamic studies that deals with the
process of identifying and extracting Hadith narrations from their original
sources. This field involves studying the sources of Hadith literature, such as
collections of Hadith, and identifying the narrations that are relevant to a
particular topic or subject.

6. "Sahih Sitta" refers to the six most authentic books of Hadith in Sunni Islam.
These six books are:
Sahih al-Bukhari
Sahih Muslim
Sunan Abu Dawood
Jami al-Tirmidhi
Sunan al-Nasa'i
Sunan Ibn Majah
These six books are considered to be the most authentic collections of Hadith
narrations after the Quran, and are highly respected by Islamic scholars and jurists.
They contain thousands of Hadith narrations, and are used as a primary source of
Islamic law and practice.

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