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ꪯ Yaxchilan

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YAXCHILAN- Chiapas, Mexico

Yaxchilan (green stones) is one of the best known Classic Period (400-900 A.D.)
archaeological zones. It is located within a rainforest on the Usumacinta River
that forms a part of the border between Mexico and Guatemala. It is situated
within a horseshoe bend of the river which afforded it a protective status, and
allowed it to control the trade between the Peten and the Gulf of Mexico.

Its ancient name has now been deciphered as Pa’ Chan (Divided Sky). This
large site contains dozens of structures, many of which have intricately carved
lintels. The high level of craftsmanship is absolutely stunning in their execution
and design. The historical information derived from them have helped to explain
the history of the rulers of Yaxchilan and their interactions with other sites within
the region.These lintels are best observed and photographed from a prone
position as the inscriptions have been carved on their underside. There are also
an abundant number of impressive stelae (carved stone markers) found
throughout the site.

The site is located in the state of Chiapas. It is reached by traveling from

Palenque southeast on the main highway about 140 miles/224 kms to the border
town of Frontera Corozal. Lodging, guides and transportation down the
Usumacinta River to the site can be arranged in this town. Travel further
downstream to the equally jungle shrouded Maya site of Piedras Negras can
also be arranged from here. Make sure you take your passport as Piedras
Negras is in Guatemala, and you must first check in at the military checkpoint a
bit further downstream. This area of Mexico is a bit remote. Check security
conditions before leaving from either Palenque or San Cristobal de las Casas.

HOURS: 10 A.M.-5 P.M.

ENTRANCE FEE: U.S. $4.25/80 pesos
GUIDES: None on-site. Make arrangements at Frontera Corozal
SERVICES: Bathrooms
ACCOMMODATIONS: Lodging, guides and transportation to the ruins can be
found at Frontera Corazal
GPS: 16d 54' 11" N, ()d 57" 57" W
MISC: Due to security concerns and its inaccessibility, most visitors take an
organized tour


Yaxchilan has a very well defined history. A series of at least 19 recorded kings
have been identified covering a time span of over 400 years. Numerous stelae
(stone carved markers) found here and at other sites, as well as the on-site
hieroglyphic stairways, have recorded a time line of events such as royal births,
accessions, deaths, marriages, alliances, conquests and defeats.

The early history of Yaxchilan appears around 350 A.D. and continued for
around six centuries until it was abandoned about 810 A.D. Its rise in importance
began about 410 A.D. under the rule of Mahk’ina Skull I, who initiated a long
lineage of kings. By 510 A.D. the city attained a position as a regional capital. It
expanded under the reign of Bird Jaguar II in 681 A.D. and he and his
successors left an in-depth record carved on the numerous stelae and lintels.
Bird Jaguar IV (Yaxun Balam IV) came to the throne in 752 A.D., and became
one of the most well-known kings from the Classic Period.

Yaxchilan was in continual rivalry with downstream Piedras Negras for control
over the Usumacinta River. Some of the texts deciphered here record military
engagements against that site.

Yaxchilan’s early explorers included Desire Charnay who had named the site
Ville Lorilland in the 1880's to honor his financial backer. Others were Maler
(1897), and Maudslay (1899) who photographed the site and sent a number of
lintels back to the British museum. Carl Ruppert conducted excavations and
made field reports in 1931.There have been ongoing excavations,
consolidations, and restorations by INAH.

This large site contains over 80 noteworthy structures, set among several
architectural groups which run parallel to the river, and back up into the
surrounding hills. There are more than a dozen structures found along the bank
of the Usumacinta River and about the Grand/Main Plaza.

Structure 1 is situated on a natural rise facing the southwest side of the Great
Plaza. It contained four inscribed stone lintels which were removed and
photographed by Maler in the 1890’s. These lintels correspond to the end of a
Katun dated in Maya form, which corresponds to May 7, 751 A.D.,
and which details events in the life of Bird Jaguar IV.

Structure 2 is an unrestored mound where a lintel, since removed, and stela

were found. Structure 3 is a small structure located to the northwest of Structure
1 in which 2 lintels, one legible were found. Structure 5 contains a mostly eroded
hieroglyphic stairway with a succession of rulers named thereon. Structures 6
and 7 have facades that face the river. Structure 10 is a two room building atop a
9 foot/3 meter platform containing three lintels with calendric and historical
information on a late ruler, Yaxun Balam IV.

Structures 12 and 13 are located west of the main group and are situated around
a ball court. These also contain lintels that were mentioned in the early records
of the well-known Maya explorer Maudslay.
Structures 20-24 are located on the next rise behind the Great/Main Plaza, in an
area called the Central Acropolis. Lintels 15-17 once located in structure 21 are
now in the British Museum. Structure 23 contained Lintels 24 and 25 and are the
most famous of the lintels from the site, and indeed all of the Maya World. Lintel
24 depicts an important bloodletting scene featuring Lady Xoc and the accession
of her husband Itzamnaaj Balam II in 681 A.D. Lintel 25 is a masterpiece which
shows Lady Xoc invoking an ancestor who emerges from the jaws of a vision
serpent. Both of these are also housed in the British Museum. There were also
two tombs found here during the 1979 INAH excavation season.

Structure 19, also located within the Central Acropolis, is an impressive well-
preserved palace. It retains a portion of a once graceful roof comb. There are
four entry doors which lead to interior stairways that interconnect the rooms. The
palace is also known as the Labyrinth.

Further back and up a long rising stairway behind the Central Plaza is Structure
33, a beautiful palace with a soaring roof comb. A hieroglyphic stairway is
located on its broad steps. There are three doorways all containing carved lintels
which lead into a high vaulted chamber. Above the doorways are niches that
once held figures, and above the central niche within the roof comb is the
remains of a huge figure.

The next group of importance would be the West, or Small Acropolis. Structures
42 and 43 were erected by Bird Jaguar IV in 732 A.D., and commemorate
military victories of his father Itzamnaaj Balam II. Each has a carved lintel and
sculpted steps.

Structure 40 is a bi-level building located in the South Acropolis where 3 altars

and a number of stelae were located. A vivid mural, now mostly lost, was
described by Maler. There are other areas including the North West Group, and
the South East Group. A number of other lintels and stelae from the site have
been removed and are on display in museums around the world.
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site plan inah

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structure 33 momo

west acropolis jacob rus

grand/main plaza mauriciosalinasmoran

structure 6 noche de la pena

stela 35 temple 21 luisinho

structure 30 thelmadatter
path to palace 33 adrian hernandez

structure 19 thelmadatter
stela 24 michael wal
lintel 25 issac bordas
stela kimbel art museum


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