Machine Learning

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To understand the basics of Machine Learning and then to showcase the importance of Machine
Learning in modern times as well as to state its advantages and future scope and how SparrowAi
can further your goals in this field.


· The primary purpose of machine learning is to discover patterns in the user data and then
make predictions based on these and intricate patterns for answering business questions
and solving business problems. Machine learning helps in analyzing the data as well as
identifying trends.
· The goal of machine learning is often — though not always — to train a model on
historical, labeled data (i.e., data for which the outcome is known) in order to predict the
value of some quantity on the basis of a new data item for which the target value or
classification is unknown.
· To help understand how SparrowAi can help in achieving these goals.

· Machine learning is a field of study that looks at using computational algorithms to turn
empirical data into usable models. The machine learning field grew out of traditional
statistics and artificial intelligences communities.
· From the efforts of mega corporations such as Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon,
and so on, machine learning has become one of the hottest computational science topics
in the last decade. Through their business processes immense amounts of data have been
and will be collected. This has provided an opportunity to re-invigorate the statistical and
computational approaches to autogenerate useful models from data.
· Machine learning is generally considered to be a subfield of artificial intelligence, and
even a subfield of computer science in some perspectives. Machine learning contains
ideas that have been inherited over a period of time and adapted from several disciplines,
rendering it a real multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary field.
· The major fields or domains related to machine learning include the following:
1. Computer science
2. Mathematics
3. Statistics
4. Artificial Intelligence
5. Data Mining
6. Deep Learning
7. Data Science
8. Natural Language Processing
· Data science is an extensive interdisciplinary field spanning all the other fields that are
subfields within it. The idea behind data science is using methodologies, algorithms, and
techniques to extract information from data and domain knowledge. Concepts of data
mining and pattern recognition techniques, such as knowledge discovery of databases
(KDD), developed after relational databases became prominent.
· These fields concentrate more on the capability and method of extracting information
from big datasets. Machine learning derives concepts, which are more related to the
analysis phase. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a superset involving machine learning as one
of its focused areas. The fundamental concept of AI is to develop an intelligence as
revealed by machines based on their awareness of their environment and input
parameters/attributes and their response to performing anticipated tasks based on
· Machine learning generally deals with algorithms and techniques that can be utilized to
recognize data, construct representations, and accomplish tasks such as predictions.
Another major subfield of AI associated with machine learning is natural language
processing (NLP), which derives mainly from computer science and computational
linguistics. Currently, text analytics is a prominent area among data scientists for
processing, extracting, and understanding natural human language.
· Deep learning is a subfield of machine learning that deals with methods associated with
representative learning to improve data by gaining experience. It employs a hierarchical
and layered structure to represent the given input attributes and its current surroundings,
utilizing a nested, layered hierarchy of concept representations. Hence machine learning
can be utilized to solve real-world problems.
· ML is a subset of AI. It is defined as the collection of using various algorithms to teach
computers to find patterns in data to be used for future prediction and forecasting or as a
quality check for performance optimization.
· ML provides computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed. Some
of the patterns may be hidden and therefore, finding those hidden patterns can add
significant shareholder value to any organization.
· ML domain is about developing an algorithm to produce an outcome based on previous
experience and data (Suciu, Marginean, Kaya, Daume, & Dumitras, 2018). In recent
years, ML, primarily housed in computer science, has seen an explosion of research and
development and subsequent applicability in multiple application areas, ranging from
space application, autonomous machines, to cognitive science and genetic sequencing.
· The disruptive economic impact of ML has been estimated in trillions of dollars
(Brynjolfsson & Mitchell, 2017). The basic idea behind ML methods is that a computer
algorithm is trained to “learn” the behavior presented as part of previous experience
and/or dataset to the extent that an outcome can be produced by the computer algorithm
when it is presented with a never-before-seen dataset or situation.

There are various types of Machine Learning they are as follows:

1. Supervised Learning.
· Regression
· Classification
2. Unsupervised Learning.
· Clustering
3. Reinforcement Learning.

Regression, Classification is further classified as follows:

· Regression
1. Simple Linear Regression
2. Multiple Linear Regression
3. Polynomial Regression
4. Support Vector Regression
5. Decision Tree Regression
6. Random Forest Regression
· Classification
1. Logistic Regression
2. K-Nearest Neighbours
3. Support Vector Machines
4. Kernel SVM
5. Naïve Bayes
6. Decision Tree Classification
7. Random Forest Classification

Clustering is further classified as follows:

· Hierarchical clustering
· K-means clustering
· K-NN (k nearest neighbors)
· Principal Component Analysis
· Singular Value Decomposition
· Independent Component Analysis

· Machine learning algorithms can be used to (a) gather understanding of the cyber
phenomenon that produced the data under study, (b) abstract the understanding of
underlying phenomena in the form of a model, (c) predict future values of a phenomena
using the above-generated model, and (d) detect anomalous behavior exhibited by a
phenomenon under observation.
· Machine learning can easily consume unlimited amounts of data with timely analysis and
assessment. This method helps review and adjusts your message based on recent
customer interactions and behaviors. Once a model is forged from multiple data sources,
it has the ability to pinpoint relevant variables. This prevents complicated integrations,
while focusing only on precise and concise data feeds.
· Many hospitals use this data analysis technique to predict admissions rates. Physicians
are also able to predict how long patients with fatal diseases can live. Similarly, medical
systems are incorporating these technologies for cost-cutting measures, along with
streamlining and centralizing expense reports and testing protocols. Experts even believe
that radiologists will one day be replaced by computer algorithms that continuously churn
and process data.
· Machine learning is proactive and specifically designed for "action and reaction"
industries. In fact, systems are able to quickly act upon the outputs of machine learning -
making your marketing message more effective across the board. For example, newly
obtained data may propel businesses to present new offers for specific or geo-based

· Since machine learning needs you to know computer programming, statistics and data
evaluation, the future scope of your machine learning career can also be in leadership
roles in automation or analytics environments that use data science, big data analysis, AI
integration etc.
· The automotive industry is one of the areas where Machine Learning is excelling by
changing the definition of ‘safe’ driving. There are a few major companies such as
Google, Tesla, Mercedes Benz, Nissan, etc. that have invested hugely in Machine
Learning to come up with novel innovations. However, Tesla’s self-driving car is the best
in the industry. These self-driving cars are built using Machine Learning, IoT sensors,
high-definition cameras, voice recognition systems, etc.
· Quantum computing is a type of computing that uses the mechanical phenomena of
quantum such as entanglement and superposition. By using the quantum phenomenon of
superposition, we can create systems (quantum systems) that can exhibit multiple states at
the same time. On the other hand, entanglement is the phenomenon where two different
states can be referenced to each other. It helps in describing the correlation between the
properties of a quantum system. These quantum systems are built using advanced
quantum algorithms that process data at high speed. Fast processing enhances the
processing power of Machine Learning models. Thus, the future scope of Machine
Learning will accelerate the processing power of the automation system used in various
· Giving the ability to a machine to recognize and analyze images, videos, graphics, etc. is
the goal of computer vision. The progress in the field of Artificial Intelligence and
Machine Learning has made it possible to achieve the goal of computer vision faster.

· Now, we have learned that Machine Learning is a technique of training machines to

perform the activities a human brain can do, albeit bit faster and better than an average
human-being. Today we have seen that the machines can beat human champions in
games such as Chess, AlphaGO, which are considered very complex. We have seen that
machines can be trained to perform human activities in several areas and can aid humans
in living better lives.
· Machine Learning can be a Supervised or Unsupervised. If we have lesser amount of data
and clearly labelled data for training, opt for Supervised Learning. Unsupervised
Learning would generally give better performance and results for large data sets. If you
have a huge data set easily available, go for deep learning techniques.



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