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Andhra Pradesh State Irrigation Development Corporation Limited. (A State Govt. Undertaking) GUIDE LINES FOR PUMP SELECTION FOR LIFT IRRIGATION SCHEMES: ISSUED BY DESIGNS WING ASSLDU, HMITED REGD. OFFICE, HYDERABAD. (FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION ONLY) JUNE, 1990 Andhra Pradesh State Irrigation Development Corporation Limited (A State Govt. Undertaking) GUIDE LINES FOR PUMP SELECTION FOR LIFT IRRIGATION SCHEMES ISSUED BY { DESIGNS WING | APSA.D.C. LIMITED i REGD. OFFICE, : HYDERABAD. (FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION ONLY) JUNE, 1990 GUIDE LINES: FOR. PUMP SELECTION FOR LIFT IRRIGATION SCHEMES ‘This Book-let on Pump Selection For Lift Inigatiqn:Schemes is in Two parts. Part-Is This pavt deals with the Guide lines of Selection for Pumps for Lift vigation Sehemos, ‘The guidelines ave fiamed-as per the standards specified by the American Hydraulic Inatitute and Indian Standard Institute:and various books by renowned authors on the subject. Worked out examples for Pump Selection both in the caso of Horizontel Centaifugal and vertical turbine pumps are also enclosed for guidance of field officers, Part If: Ready Reckonet Tables are appended in this part to sorve the purpose of a quick end approximate Selection of Pumps and Motors at ficld level-and for fixing up the sizes of Sumpwell, Pump House on thumb rule Besis, ‘The managomontof Andhiva Pradesh Stato Inigation Development Corporation Ld, is highly srateful to Sri K. Moinuddin, Superintending Bagineor (Rid) and Sri Ch. Venkatramaiah, Executive Engineer (LD Whoworkedii this comporation eatlierfor their valuable contribution in preparation of this Book let. The Management also expresses grateful thanks tothe officors now workingin Designs ‘wing ofthe corporation for their efforts in bringing ont this Book-letin proper shape forthe use of our ficld Engineers. 5 ” sd) K. RAMTREDDI, ME, MISB, LAs, Vice-Chairman & Mariaging Director SLNo ~2 CONTENTS Description Introduction Part-I Guide Lines for Pump Selection for Lift Irrigation Schemes - Part I (a) Pump selection Procedure ., for Horizontal Shaft Pumps (b) Model Pump selection for Horizontal Centrifugal Pumps (© Pump selettion Procedure for Vertical Turbine Pumps (@ Model pumpselection for Vertical Turbine Pumps Annexures I to XV. Part II- | Ready Rockoner Tables for selection of Horizontal Centrifugal Pumps Page No. Lto2 Bto5 6 to 10 11 to13 14 to 15 16 to18 19 to 62 63 to 87 INTRODUCTION The following aspects ave covered in Part I: Planning of an L.I.Scheme consists of the following steps after identifying the ayacut that is to be provided with irrigation facility under the Scheme; 1. Selection of suitable site at source of water for locating the head work, Intake structure and delivery Cistorn, 2, Assossment of water requirement for the proposed crops in the identified ayacut, 8, Determination of type of pumps and estimation of tatal HP of motors to be installed. 4, Fixing of dimensions of Civil works like; Sumpwell, Pump house; Cistern etc, 5, Selection of diameter and the type of pipe requited for pressure main. Invigation is practised in India from ancient times and experience and expertise is available on all items of works in irrigation system except Lhe Pump Selection. Though certain good Books are available for Pump Selection, all the required information is notavailablein onecompact Booktoserve the needs of the corporation, This booklet is prepared keeping that in view and after going through the Literature available o: this subject and after collectingthe required information from the different Books written by the renowned Authors. It dealsin sufficient detail how to proceed with the selection of the Suction and Delivery Pipes, type of Pump and Motor suitable to the scheme and also the dimensions of Civil works like; Sump well, Pump House, Cistern ete., Inaddition tomaking useof the works done by different authorities on thissubject, the following. standards are referred to for laying down the procedure of pump selection and hydraulic design of. intake (sump), 1, Indian Standard Specifiations. 2 Standards of American Hydraulic Instituto for Horizontal shaft Centrifugal pumps, 8. "Standards of Amorican Wator Works Assocation (AWWA) for vertical turbine pumps. 4, Standards of British Hydraulic Research Association (BHRA) for Hydraulic design of Intake (Sump). Since specifications and standards used, are of different countries, the units used are also different viz,, metric, f.p.s, and American units in the following pages and Annexures, Mr. K, Moinuddin, retired Superintending Engineer who earlier worked in the Corporation had taken lot of pains to compile information on this subject from the various Books and this has been utilised for bringing outthis Booklet. The corporation is highly grateful to him forthe excellent service rendered by him in this regard In Annexures I to XV the following are presented. 8 Guide lines of permissible velocities in suction pipe, delivery pipe column assembly and pressure main, b) — Schomatic diagrams for two typical layouts, © Drawing indicating the relative positions of pumps and motors. @ efficiency and cushion to be adopted. ©) Graph for reading permissible suction lifts. £)_ Ficld information required for soleetion of pumps and motors, ® Hydraulic tables for assessing friction losses. kor for During the course of planning, designing and preperation of estimates in APSIDC Limited, it is felt that there is need for a guide which can help the field Officers for a quick Selection of pumps for ‘agiven site conditions. ‘This is very much necessary as the design of Sump Well, Pump House and other electrical and Mechanical equipment depends upon the type of Pump, HP, of the Motor, their physical sizes, clearence required ete., Diametre of the pressure main and type of pipes proposed have an effect on the design of pump, and HLP. of Motor, as the frietional loss through the pipes will add to the total head of water to be lifted. ‘Theready reckoner tables prepared will help to select better alternative in given site conditions, ‘These tables ate for arriving at approximate H.P. of the Pumpsets. Sizes of Sump well /Jack Well and Pump House is only for preliminary estimation on thumb rule basis, However, to arrive at the exact required H.P. of the pumpsets and dia of Sumpwell/Jack well and Pump House, for preparation of detailed estimates, detailed calculations should be madeas per the guidelines of Pump Selection and Model calculation given in Part - ‘The Corporation expresses its grateful thanks to Sri Ch, Venkatramaiah who worked as Executive Engineer (LI in this Organisation for his taking keen interest and pains in preparation of these thumb rule tables shown in part - If for the guidence of the field Engineers, PART -I GUIDE LINES FOR PUMP SELECTION FOR LIFT IRRIGATION SCHEMES i. ‘The following Data should be invexiably made available for finalising the pump selection for e life irrigation scheme; 44) Schematic Diagram of the LI scheme giving the layout, location of pump house, suction, delivery, Pressure Mains and Delivery Cisterns. by Hydraulle particulars in the Proforma given in Annexure - XI, «) Longitudinal section (LS) of thePressure main toindicate whether itisin euttingor banking andwhether thereis any sudden drop or tisein the pressure main. Insuch cases, hends are {o be provided for which fiction losses are to tho computed and added. 4) Aplin showing the alignment of the pressure main for the same purpose Le. for providing {00° or 120° bends whereever there is a change in bearming of the pressure main. Specimen, Schematiodingrams of LI schemes with Horizontal and V.1.Pumpsaregiver in Annexure - XIII, XIV respectively. ‘The pump selection is done broadly as per the guidelines given below: 2 Ifthe total suetion lift including losses is Tess than 7.60 Mts., Horizontal Shaft Pumps are onctally suitable, Hence, ia such eases, pump selections are to be worked out for Hosizontal shaft pumps initially. 4, Ifthe total suetionlift including loseosis more than 7.60 Metres, We must goin for V-T. Pumps only. Hovizontal shaft pumps are not suitable. Hence, pump selection is tobe worked ovt for ‘V.-Pumps. Howovor in cortain cases where even though the-total suction iftis less than 7.50 Metres, we nay have to go in for V.T.Pumps because of high speefic speed. Exact suction{iftis determined on the graphs of iSstandards or onstand of American Hydraulic Institute after working out the spoctie speed of the pump and reading it against the total head of the pump. Exeoptin cases of very lowpowered pumpsof the range upto 16H, sution it will generally be less than 7.5 Mts. 4, Initilly 2+) Nos. ie. 2Nos. working and one stand byeis worked out. Sometimes with this ‘rvangoments, it may so happen that there is Tittle margin between total suction lift and permis ‘ole suetion lift as per the Graph (Annexure - VID. This situation arises when the discharge of each pump is high which, when combined with the other parameters Tike; total hoa and speed! and gives a vory high specific speed, To veduee the specific speed, we will have tofirsttny to redues the speed from 1460 Rpm (nominal) to960 Rpm (nominal) Sincototal head of the scheme is constant, in order to bring down the specific speod to the manageable Timits cithordischarge isto be reduced by increasing the No.of pumps or the speed ofthe prime mover nay be reduced. Sinca specific speed varies directly with Q, reduction will not be so significant ac it is incase of reducing speed of the motor, say from 1460 to 960 Rpm (nominal). This however increase the size of pump and motor and also the cost of the equipment, Even then if itis not suitable then we will have to inevease the number of pumps toreduee the discharge and thereby redueetho specifiespeed i.e. pump selection is tobe tried with (8+) Nos. or 4+ 1) Nos 4 ‘System Resistance losses: when 2.0r more pumpsarerun in parallel to feed @ common pressure main there will be a certain amount of reduction in total discharge. This is called system resistanceloss, To take car of this, each pump has to be disigned for a slightly higher discharge after taking into account the percentage losses as given below: ‘The exact quantity of reduction in discharge can be computed by drawing the system = Head curve, since it is not possible before fixing the supplying agency and the make and model ‘of pump the percentages geven below ave applied which give a faitly correct assessment of the loss of dischage from each pump, However ina mojor scheme say for an ayacut of 10,000 acres ‘thetenderers may beasked to furnish thesystem-Head curvesof parallel operation, along oa with their offer a ep dometa Waring, ‘a. When there is no pressure main Ni othe b For (1+1) system of pumps: = Nil ’ c. For (2+ 1) system of pumps: 6% 2 ob da. For (3+1) system of pumps a 15% 3 e For (4+ 1) system of pumps = 10% q 4 or ol tis pu Pon L6Smm . Dd nd per Ahi Gen alo 7 Soom, wp fe rTP? Roo ww wie (eb meer Ahoue 17? Foo me pwrdor mec pre PUMP SELECTION PROCEDURE FOR HORIZONTAL SHAFT PUMPS Discharge through each pump isto be arrived after considering system resistance osses, ‘Suction side: Static suction itt = Pump axie vel - LWL in sump well Pump axislevel = Platform lovel of pump + 0.9m to 0.5 m “the dia, of suction pipe is to be arrived for the discharge, keeping the velocity ‘through the suction pipe within the permissible velocities given in enclosed Annexure “iL a. BntranceLosses =) KV? % Where Kisconstant = 05 v = Velocity in suction pipe ‘ = Gravitational foree ic. 32.2 ft/sec? b, Frictional Losses in suction pipe & fitting; ‘Approx. length of suction pipe = 26" to 80" approx. or the actural length’ Equivalent 90° bend = Ne Rquivalent length of 1 No.of Bell mouth or Foot valve with strainer: ‘total equivalent length L__ = 25' + Equivalent ongth of 90? bond + Bell mouth or Foot valve, Frictional losses in suction pipe ean be obtained from the William and Hagen Formula:or form 1S Standards, Losses as per the Formula = 469 a 8 XL al > Where D = Diaof suction pipe in ft Q = Discharge through each suction pipe in Crusees. L = Equivelont length of suction pipe and fittings. ° 20 for MS. or ERW pipe (Old or New) ‘Total suction lift including losses w stati suction lift + Bntrance losses + Frictional losses in Svetion pipe & fittings. . (A) Delivery side: Statie delivery head Delivery level at Gistern - Pump axis level ‘The dia.of delivery pipe is to be arrived for the discharge, koeping the velocity through the tivory pipe within the permissible limits given in enclosed Annexure AV (A). 8 ¢. Frictional losses in delivery pipe and fittings: Approx. length of delivery pipe = 28° approx. or as per actuals. Equivalent length of Reflux value = No. Equivalent length of Siuice Valve = No. Equivalent length of 90° Bends = _2Nos. Total equivalent Iongth = Loss of head in delivery pipes and fittings can be obtained from the Formula; vas Losses as pertheformula = 282 x By x Der Where D = _ Delivery pipe dia. in ft. Q= Discharge through delivery pipe in Cusecs, L = Equivalent length on delivery side, C= 120 for MS. or ERW pipe (New or Old) ‘Loss of head in the Manifold being small itis ored, 4. Loss of head in Presure Main: The dia, of pressure main is to be arrived for the discharge, keeping in view the maximum permissible velocities given in enclosed Annexure -1V (C). To antive at the most economical dia. of pressure main, alternates may be worked out changing the dia, of pressure main, calculating HP, of each pump set and the cost, water rates etc., Equivalent length of pressure main = ~—=—Length of pressure main inft. + equivalent length of 8 Nos. of 90° bonds (minimum) ‘Total length can be arrived; ‘The loss of head in pressure main can be obtained from the Lossesasporthe Formula = 282. x By x L ar Where“ D = Die, of pressure main in ft. Q = Discharge in Cusecs, C = 110 for pressure main of ce pipes or 180 for PVC pipes L_ = Total length of pressure main in ft. Sr.K. Moinuddin, Retired Superinteding Engineer of APSIDC has taken pains to compile frictional losses in Suction, Delivery and Pressure Mains for different discharges and diameters and types of 1 pipes and prepared the hydraulle Tables from the book written by William and Hazen. (Enclosed as Annexure - XV) These can be referred to, to arrive at the losses readily. & Exitlosses Where V = Velocity in pressure main end g = 922 te/sec? Total delivery head including losses = Static delivery head + losses in delivery pipe and fittings + loss of head in pressure main + Exitlosses . (B) ‘Total pumping head of each pump; = Total suction lift includinglosses + Total Delivery head including losses + 1/2Dia.of pressuremain inf. Care may be taken that discharge occurs through the exit in the atmospheric conditions ie. the pipe should novor come under submorged condition, ‘The above total pumping head is used for finding the Ns (specific speed) setestest + Add 10% on losses for ageing of pipes ‘This total pumping head is adopted for the purpose of finding out HIP. of the pump _ oH Specie speed at 1460 Rpm (nom) Ny +=» 885 MGO 2 Where = Discharge in Cum/Sec. h = Total head including losses, in Metres Note: For a Double suction pump Q/2 may be taken instead of Q or specific speed may be divided by Exact suitability of the pump ean be obtained from the Graphs as per IS 5120/1977 i.e. as per enclosed Annexure - VII. Alternatively if the graphs of American Hydraulic Institute are referred to the formule is N = Ng Me Where N= speed in rpm, Q = discharge in American gallons h = Total head in ft. ‘The abvantages aro 1) Classification of with respect to impeller design of the pump is done more precisely. i) Suction lift for @ doublesuetion pump can be read directly. ‘The suction lift line on the Graph for the duty conditions (.c. discharge and head) should be more than the total suction lift including losses, ‘There must be minimum difference of 0.50 Metres If there is no souh safe margin, the number of pumps may beincreased. Even then if itis not within the limits, V.T. pumps have to be necessarily proposed. 8 ‘HLP.Caleulations HP 62.45xQxH ‘550%xn Where Q = Discharge of each pump in Cusees H_ = Total pumping head in feet. n= Overall efficioncy of the pump as given in the enclosed Annexure -Vi Cushioning is to be added as per enclosed Annexure - VI. ‘The HP is to be rounded off to the nearest range of HP. Sizes of Sump-well, Pump house Based on the sizes of pump, motor and as per the dimensions given in the drawing (i.e, ‘Annoxure-I) the sizes of sumpwell, pump house can be arrived. Approximate sizes of Pumps, motors are shown in the Annexue - VII and IX, respectively Hydraulic Design of Approach channel and Intake For obtaining the maximum degree of streamline flow, flow to the intake or sump is trained right from the point of entry into the channel. Ideal conditions for the most satisfactory working of the pump is, when itruns in still water. Since itis not possible to allow this condition, certain standards Dased on the model studies are adopted. i) Velocity in the approach channel should be restricted to 1 to 1 1/2 ft/sec2 0.8 to 0.46 m/sec. fi) Angle of approch should he kept within the range of 45? to 75° with reference to the chord on which the pumps arelocated i.e. on the axisnormal tothe flow of water in the intake, The angle of approach should vary direetly with the quantity of flow. iii) Portion of the intake or sump from the location of pump upto the length of longitudional separators should have zero slope i. it should be perfectly levelled. iv) To minimise the effect of interference when two adjacent pumps are working, separators of specified lengths may be provided and raised to the height of max. or atleast normal level of ‘water in the sump. v) Backing wall may be provided. vi) Iftrash rack is provided in g major LI scheme it should be located at the entry of water into the seperate compartments. vii) Enough margin in-depth may be kept for providing minimum submergence which depends on ‘the cavitation, characterstic of thepump and which is furnished by the maunfacturers, ‘Net positive suction Head calculations Available NPSH at LWL = Pr-P-A Whore Pr = Atomospheric pressure - As shown in XITA or XII C P_ = Vapour pressure As shown in XIIB. A. = Total suction lift including losses. Max. Water Lwvel = Platform level - 1.00 Metre, Available NPSH at Max.WL = Available NPSH at LWL + (Max. W.L. - LWL) ‘The manufacturer of the pump should be asked to specify the NPSH required for the pump he isoffering, There should bea clear margin of 0.6 metres between NPSH available at LWLand NPSH required. The NPSH available should be more by at least 0.6 metres than the NPSH required. When this is not the case, cavitation will occur during running of the pumps and so the particular pump is notsuitable. Wewill haveto go in only for such of the pumps whose NPSH required isless than NPSH. available at LWL by the presevibed marg eclection of type of impeller ‘Whereas in contrifugal pumps, reading the grahp itself will indicate tho type ofimpeller which is required for the duty conditions as itis diveetly related to the suetion lift, it will not be the casei vertical turbine pumps as there is no question of suction lift, Hence it is absolutely necessary in selecting vertical turbine pump to check the specifiespeed and the duty condition with reference to the configuration of the impeller design, In American units, thespecific speeds for different types ofimpellers are given in the following tables. ‘Type Centrifugal ‘Mixed Flow Mixed Flow Axial Flow Double-suction Double-suetion propeller propeller ng 1250 2200 6500 13500 gpm 2400 2400 2400 2400 Head (ft) 10 48 33 20 rpm 870 1160 1750 2600 D, (in) 19 12 10 7 DD, 06 on 0.9 40 ‘Thesespecificspeeds may be compared with the total pumping head andit may heseen whether they are matching, Ifthey donot change the speed of the prime mover according to the requirements, 10 DEL PUMP SELECTION FOR HORIZONTAL CENTRE PUMPS Hydraulic particulars Discharge 10 Cusees LWLin sump well 88.545 Metres, Bottom finished level or sill level of sumpwell 86.595 Metres Platform level of pumps + 98.50 Pressure main dia Tobe arrived Length of pressure main 149,00 Ft, or 45.50 Metres No.of Rows of pressure main One Delivery level at cistern + 101.80 Metres Static suction lift 93.50 + 030-8854 = 6.255 Mis, or 17.24 feet Static delivery head = 101.80- (98.5 + 0.80) = 8Metres or 26.26 feet, Since the static suction i checked hereunder: isless than 7.50 Metres, the suitability of Horizontal shaft pumpsis, No.of pumps proposed - @¥2) = 8Nos Discharge = 10,00 Cusees System resistance losses for (2+1) system at 5% - 0.50 Cusees 10.50 Onsecs Discharge of each pump = 30.50 = 6.25 Cusees or 0,1487 Cum or 148.68 LPS or 2857 USGPM or 1964 IGPM. Selection of suction pipe, assuming 14° 5.25 Ve = seyrgye 491 Fe/see 4 he. The velocity in 12" dis. suction pipe is 6.68 ft/see. against the permissible limit of 4.5 ft/see. Hence, 12" dia, suction pipe is not suitable. The velocity in 14” dia. suction pipe is 4.91 ft/soe. which is within the permissible limit of 6.0 ft/sec. Hence , 14° dia, (850 rm dia. ) suction pipe is recommended, Entrance losses = 0.6 x (4.91 = 0.19 ft.... (a) 2x 822 Frictional losses in 14” dia, suction pipe & fittings; Totallength = =_ 25 +86+80 = IT Lossofhead = = 2 x91 0.66 f. +b) (as per Table) i000 Or 469 x sas x 91 = 062f, agna [120 ‘Total suction lift including losses = 17.24 + 0.19 + 0.62 = 18.05 ft. or 5.50 Metre 2A uw Selection of delivery pipe, assuming 12" dia, (300 mun dia) delivery pipe. Va= 6.68 Ft/sec ‘Tho velocity in 10° dia. delivery pipe is 9.62 ft/sec. against the permissible limit of 6.5 ft/sec. Hence, 10° dia, delivery pipeis not suitable, The velocity in 12° dia, (800 mm dia). delivery pipe is 6.68 ft/sec. which is with+in the permissible limit of 8.5 ft/sec. Hence 12° dia (800 mm dia.) delivery pipe is proposed, Frictional losses in 12” dia. delivery pipe & fittings. = Total length = 25+ 44 + 6.5 + 2x30 = 196.67 Lossofhead= 16.8 x185.5 —-2,07ft.....(0) (asperTeble) 1000 or 4.69 x fi M5 x1355 = 1.06 ft apse 20. Loss of head in the manifeld being small, itis ignored. Loss of head in pressure inain, assuming 24° dia, (600 mm ) vPro = 10 = 8.18 ft/sec. Tx pay 4 fe ‘The velocity in 20° dia, pressure main is 4.58 ft/sec. against the permissible limit of 4 ft/sec. Henee, 20° dia, pressure main is not suitable, The velocity in 24" dia, (600 mm dia.) pressure main is 8.18 ft/soe, which is within the permissible limit of 4 ft/sec. Hence, 24" dia. pressure main is recommended. Total length= 149+ 9x63= 338 ft. Loss ofhead= 1.08x898 = —0.65ft. ......@) (as perTable) 1000 Or 469 x [1075 x 998 = -0.63ft. eanay — lid 2 Exitlosses = (us = OBL...) 2x 32.9 Total delivery head incluc = 26.25 +2.07 + 0.654016 = 29.13 ftor 8.88 Meters ..... (B) ‘Total pumping head of each pump = 18.05 +2919 41.00 = 48.18 ft. oF 14.68 M. for Ns ‘Add 10% for ageing on losses. = 48.18 f. 0.29 ft, 48.47 ft. or 14.77 M, per HP. Specific speed at 1460 Rpm. NS = 8.65 146061487 14.68)" = 24 2 g losses As per IS 6120/1971, the suction lift limit for single stage, double suction, radial flow pumps is about : 6.20 Metres against our requirement of 5.50 Metres, Hence, Horizontal Shaft, single stage, double suction, radial flow pumps running at 1460 rpm. are recommended. HP Caleulations: f ‘ HP = 6245x525x4847 = 98.52 at i 550 x 0.75) ’ ‘Add 10% towards Cushioning = 8.85 Next range is 50 HP. 42.37 ‘ Hence, @+1) Nos, 60 HP, 1460 Rpm. (Nominal) motors are recommended. - i NPSH caleulations 7 f Available NPSH at LWL = 83.9-3.0- 18.05 = 12,85. or 3.92 Metres (As shown in Annexure XTfa, XIMb and Xile) Max. water level = 93.60- 1.00 = 92.50 Metres : LWL = 88.545 Motres i Difforonce = 8.955 Motre or 12,98 ft, ; Available NPSH atMax.W.L, = 12.85 + 12.98 = (25.89, or 7.87 Metres. 13 : PUMP SELECTION PROCEDURE FOR V.T. PUMPSETS: Ifthe static suction lift is more than 7.50 Metres, V-T, Pumpsets are to be proposed. Discharge of each pump is to be arrived after considering system resistance losses. L Jection of delivery pipe & Column assembly: ‘The delivery pipe dia. can be arrived from V = Q/A and keeping in view the permissible velocities for detivery pipes and column pipe given in the enclosed Annexure -1V (B). Losses in delivery pipe & fittings. Approx. length, - 38 Reflux valve = 1No. 90° Bends = BNos, Sluice valve = No ‘Total equivalent length = ‘The losses can be arrived either by Tables or from Formula as explained in case of Horizontal pump selection, Il, Selection of Column assembly, Line shaft: Approx. HP. = Ab xdischargex static pumpinghead x 130 860 x 0.75 100 Dia, of line shaft in Inches. = ofa x g21000 321000 7000 x 1460 ‘a. The losses in column assembly can by atrived from the Tables of Johnston Pump Comipany, enclosed Annexure - X. b, Entry losses = 05xv c. —_Lossesin strainer = IIL, Loss of head in pressure main may be worked out as explained in the case of Horizontal pump selection, IV. Exit losses = Ww 2g Static pumping head Delivery level at civtain - L.W.L. in Jack well h = Total pumping head of each pump = Statie pumping head + losses in delivery pipe + losses in column assembly + Entry losses + losses in strainer + loss of head in pressure main + Exit losses + 1/2 dia, of Pressure main. ‘This h is for Ns purpose Total pumping head 1 h + 10% on losses towards ageing of pipe His for HP purpose. Ns Specific speed = 3.65x1460VQ @ 1460 RPM. (Nom) aye 4 HP calculation = 62,45xQxH ‘850x n ‘Add cushioning as per Annexure - VI Mi 24 + 160 mm (Approx) Where d - Diaof column assembly in mm, ‘The inner dia,of Jack woll-curn-Pump house, length of chord ete, areto be calculated as per the standards, details shown in the enclosed Annexure - Il 15 MODEL PUMP SELECTION FOR V.1, PUMPSETS ‘Hydraulic Paitioulars: Discharge 16,20 eusees. LWLin Jack well v +145,286 Metres. MEL in River ». -+166.285 Metres. Bottom finished lovel or Sill evel of Jack well eum pump house «+ 143,886 Metres, Plat form lovel of pumps «+ 167.285 Metros. Pressure mein dia _ | Tobe arrived. Length of pressure ‘main 490 Motres or 1608 ft. No. of Rows of pressure main one Delivery level at cistern a» +158.735 Metres. Static suction lift - 187.285 - 145.285 . 12 Metre or 39.87 ft. since thestatiesuction iftis morothan 7.60 Metres, Horizintal shaft pumpsetsarenot suitable, Hence, V.T. Pumps are proposed. No. of pumpsots a Qe = BNos. Discharge of the scheme 15,20 cusecs, ‘System resistance losses at 6% for (2+ 1) system. 2:18 eusees. Total = 15,08 cusers. Discharge of each pump ~ 16.98 = 7.98 cusecs. 2 Or 0.2260 eum/See, o: 226 LPS Or 9682 USGPM Or 2985 IGPM. ‘Static pumping Hoad = 168,785 - 148.285 = 13,45 Motres or 44.15 ft. -.. Selection of delivery pipe, and eolumn pipe assuming 12° delivery pipe vas 10.16 ft/See, fax afar ‘phe velocity in 30° dia delivery pipe is 14.68 f/soe, against the permissible limit of 11 ft/sec. Hence, 1" dia delivery pipe snot suitable, The velocity in 12” dla delivery pipe is 10.16 ft/see, which ie within the permissible limit of 11,60 fr/s0e, Honee, 12° dia delivery pipe and column pipe are recommended. ‘Losses in delivery pipe of 800mm dia and Pipe fittings ‘Equivalent length = H+ 904 2xG0F GH 44d (for'Toe) = 1655 ft. Loososespertables = S9.0x16K6 = AGF catia: 1000 16 ‘Or losses can be arrived from the formula also. Selection of column assembly, line shaft, a Approx HP. C245x798x418 x 190 = 69.81. 8502 0.75 4100 Noxt Rango is 75 1LP, Digoflineshat = — 3/76x921000 = 1.331" 7000 x 1460 Next Range is 11/2" to 11° 16 ‘Tholosses for 3600 US GPM with 12 dia column assembly and with line shaft dia of 11"to4 11" dia 4s4 feet. for every 100 foot length as per Annexure - X 2 16 Losses in column assembly, assuming Iength of column assembly as 40 feet, =Axd 2168, b. i00 Entry losses =05x0016' = 08 . ¢ 2x 82.2 Lossesin strainer = 0.05 x 00.16" = 0.08% ak 2x 82.2 Losses in column assembly and delivery pipe upto pressure main, = BAG + 1.6040.80+008 = = 7948... Losses in pressure main, assuming 26" 0 pressure main ver 1520__ = 4.12 fi/s0e LX a 4 fh ‘Thevalocity in 24*dia pressure mainis 4.84sec. againstthe permissible imitof 4.6 8/see, Hence 24° dia pressuremain isnotsuitable, The velocity in 26° dia pressure main is 4.12{t/seewhich is withi the permissible limit 4.5 ft/sec, Hence 26" dia pressure main is recommended, Totallength = «1608 + 3x68 1912 ft. Lossofhead = = _469 . x [i520 x asia ean 10 = 4988, ere Exit losses = G12 = oe tt : Vv 2xs22 Losses in, manifold are negligible and hence taken as ‘ni’ Half the dia. of pressuremain = 26 = — 08 ft so bel Total pumping head including losses = 44.13 +°7.94 + 4.98 + 0.26 + 1.08 Add 10% on losses towards ageing of pipes 58.9911, or 17.80 metres - For N, 58.39 + 1.32 = 59,71 or 18,20 Metres for HP. 7 Specific speed @ 1460 Rpm. (Nominal) Ne = 8.05x1460x\0596 = «202.84 or Say 202 07.80)3/4 Specific speed in US Units = 1460x /3582 = 4187 Francis/Mixed flow (68.39)8/4 Hence (241) Nos, V.T. Pumps with Francis/mixed flow Impellers running @ 1460 Rpm. (Nominal) aro proposed. HP Calculations: HP = 6245x7.98x59.71 = 69.86 550 x 0.78 ‘Add 10% towards cushioning - 694 176,80 Or say 80 HP. Hence, (2+1) Nos. 80 HP, VHS motors are recommended. nium clearanco between the Girders: 80" or 760 mm. 18 ANNEXURE. SKETCH SHOWIN PPROXIMATE DIMENSIONS H ANO_LOC ATION SHAET PUMPS. —t— Inner width of pumphowe "oie of sumpwelt PUMP HOUSE SUMP WELL G ‘Avorox size of pump + mortor = {fa be arrived trom the chart enclosed ; vide onnenure VIN & 1K: Length of chore =3(450+ Length of pumptmotor)- inner dio ot sumpwells 2.12%3x Length of chord inner fength of pumphouse & 3{ Length of pump & mctr)« 3004460 +450 +900 Inner vieth of pumphoute = 1350.90 (wich of pump) «460 Srameter of pressuremein « From pumpselection Diameter of bore! type moritolde 2x dio of pressuremoin . -ANNEXURE. HL SKETCH SHOWING THE Approx. DIMENSIONS AND LOCATION OF V-T. PUMPS: Bia of jockwell us oF KW yM_BUMP Hi BACK WALL etc: Bm O10 of colum assembly O= 1 5t0 180 ae 05 100.750 b~ 0.75 0 to 10. Bottom 26 65 ut 36 38, 8 ~ 16" a 36 9 1s" 43 40 10 20" ea 4 n 2a 63 64 cry 30" n 67 16 36" 92 6 20 a 35 96 23 4s" 180 10 26 Foot Valvo with Strainer a4 Reflux Valve _ at Bellmouth with Strainer _ 80 25 Effie Pun 2to20HP 21 to. 36 HP ee 76 to 200 HP Above 200 HP Up to2 HP :2to5HP 5to10HP ' +10 to 20 HP Above 20 HP ANNEXURE - VI : 50% - 80% 15% ANNEXORE - VII 180} 180 100 30, feo 10 60 30 40 tool 30 20 TOTAL HEAD IN METRES (4) —P & ~!%B""s0° 1880-90190 T io 106 aso $08. 4 | SPECIFIC SPEED (ng) IN REM ——oe = FIG. 27, SUCTION LIMIT CURVES FoR SINGLE STAGE, SINGLE AND DOUBLE SUCTION PUMPS 200, 200 700) [t: 700, SPECIFIC SPEED (Rg) IN REM —2e rr a 20 rags YOTAL HEAD IN METRES (H) ——se : FIG. 28 SUCTION LIMIT CURVES FOR SINGLE SUCTION MIXED FLOW pulps | 2 L Stes) 8% sinnin 34, swoTIWD TRIBE; Vai peeve SH MOUS AHN ks 3a T OF ables Fait poeerere “ores ea sn Bue evap panel ere sete Syeda tanto rd neva revernepesico pe ais ssp ap esa serps tapas etoen eet SEoe ham sec one tak poeseare emporio ana ae ge eae ere Loom oe arin pemontom sone, Seen ‘siouvouoses SLMS souso axons | Gandy avan oaaveanae 1138 ne comctnmren et Sai = ates ae (eunsenpans nouvOIES ANNEXURE - VIII (Contd) i a weeaae [nenanaee Rages geege gas gegggns ARRAGRRRE| RGRRRRRRE RARGRE REE RARER ARG | “[eseee va agsaeiss anasanag -Peblcation Ne. P9SA/RS 29 ANNEXURE- (2) Above dimensions comply with 1S: 1231, (3) Itis recommended that pulleys or ‘couplings are heated homogeneously toa temperature of about 130°C in anoll-bath for a sufficient length of time and thon slid on to the shatt ‘extension of the motors. Itis recommended that bores of ‘couplings or pulleys are machined to Tet stem -oetAlLsOr SHAFT EXTENSION Dimensions in milimoters, Weights In kgs. FRAME LC" aA [es [cy o Teyr K 190m 279 | 241 | 121 | s5me| 110 | 16 45 180. 279} -279_| 721 |_s6me_[ 110 | 16 16. 200M sie_| 267 | 199 | ome | 140 [18 19 200. 3i8 [305 | 133 | eome_|140_| 18 19 ‘225M 356_| 311 | 149 | 65me | 140 [18 19 2osM Pole) _| 356 | 311 | 149 | ome | 140 | 16 19 [2608 aoe_-ait [tee | 76mé [140] 20 [798 24 2508 (6 Pote) | 408 -| 314 | 168 | osme | 140 [716 24 ‘250M 406_[ 343 | 168-| Tomé] 140_| 20 [795 [v2 | 250-1 “24 350M (Poe) | 406] 349] 168 | o5me | 140 [16 | ee [11 | 250] 24 2608. 457 308190 | ome | 170_| 22 | -es__ | 14 | 200 [24 308 @ Pola) | 457] 368 | 190] 65me | 140 | te [eo | ti | 280 | 24’ 2BO¥A ag7_[- ata | 190] e0me[ 170-22 [05 | 14 | 200 [24 SaomPoR) | 467] 419 | 190 | 65me | 140_| 18 [eo | 11 | 280 | 24 3168 308} 406-216 | Gomes [170-| 25 | 95 | 14 | 318 [28 3188 GPa) 508 | 406 | 216 | 70me [140 [20 [745 | 12 | ts | 28 315M 08-| 457 | ate | 9omé| 170 | 25_[ "95 | ta] 916 | 28 ‘Hem (@Pom) [508 | 467 | 216 | 7ome | 140 | 20 | 745 | iz | sis [28 NOTE: (1) Tolerance on‘H’ —0.5 rsmupto 250 H7 tolerance as per 1S:2709 with frarhe; 1.0 mm 260 & 315 frames. shaft diameter as nominal bore. (4) Threaded Centre hole for coupling removal: (\) For Shatt dia. 55 to 60 mm —M 20 (i) For Shattdia, 90 mm —M 24 (6) Using ahhammerto drive the pulley or ‘coupling on to the shatt of the motor will damage the bearings. (6) Torminal box location with respect to the main shaft extension is as Iustrated in the sketch above. 30 ANNEXURE - IX (Contd,) ‘OTHER DIMENSIONS — FRAME LO" ma [ae [AC [ao [ea | es [HA] Ho [HO | tC | Ge 100M 0 | 343 | 400 | 265 | 72 | 200 | 20 | a65 | 426 | o7s | 6 ‘tel 0 [343 | 400_| 265] 72 | 330 | 20 | ass [426 | 700 [6 — 200M 72 | 386 | 470_| 200| 75 | 317_| 25 | 400 [are 745 | 7 2001 72 | a86| 470 | 200 | 75 | 954 | 25 | 400 [47a | 770 | 7 | 226M 76 | 440] 528 | 910_| 86 | a60_| 25 [450 [523 | 700 | 7. 226M (2 Pole) 78 | 440 | 525 | 310° |~65 | 360 | 26 | 450 | 523 790, 7 $508} 80 | 400| 885 | 905 | 102 | 7028 | P76 | aa 175 | 2508 (2 Polo) ‘0 | 490 [-585_| 365 | 102 |-a70_| 20] 60s [876 [eM [7 250M ‘80 | 490 | 505 | 85 | 102 | 410 | 28 | "503 | 576 ‘880 75 250M (Pala) ‘20 | 400-| 585 3a5| 102 | 410_[ 28 | 603 | 576 | 900” | 7 2608 90] 645 | 050 | 455 | 90-| 433 a2 [555 | 625 [975 [8 2805 (2 Pole) 90 | 645 | 650 | 455 | 90 | 433 | 32 | 555 | 625 945 7 260M 50 | 645 | 650] 455 | 00 | 46a [a2 [55 | 625 | i025 [9 ‘280M (2 Pola) 0-46 [660 455_| 90 | 483 [32 | 556 [625 | 995 | 7 3165 F10"| 620 | 720 | 400| 120} 490 | 32 | 630 | 720 | Gors_|9 3188 (@ Polo) Fi0-[ 620 | 700_| 400 | 120 | 490 | 32 | 630 | 720 | 1050 [75 318M 410-620 | 730 | 480| 120 |-540~|92_| 620 | 7201125 [9 ‘315M @ Pole) 410-620 | 780 | 480_[ 120-[ s40~[ 32 | 630 | 720_| 1100 | 75 SHIPPING SPECIFICATIONS BOX DIMENSIONS FRAME LC" TENGTH | BREADTH | HEIGHT | Grosswr. | Nerrwr. 60M 900 700 660 276 200 0. ‘200 200 660 295: 220 ‘200M 7020 660 650 390 305 2001. 1020 660 650 400 315 2OBM 90 ~_890 750 495 305 225M 2 Polo) 250 “290 750 500 400 2508 1090 $90 00 610 500) 2508 (2 Pale) 1080 200 ‘800 625 515 2508 1080. 290 ‘800 5 535 250M (2 Pole) 1090 990 800 650 550, 2808 1220 100. 860 ‘3007 775. 2808 (POI) 1220 1700 ‘860 925 300) 2e0M 1220 1100 860 950 885 280M (2Poi8) 1220 100 ‘860 985 340 3165S 7920 1130 370 1250 7090 3158 2 POR) 1320 1730 970 1275 1116 | 315M 7990 1730 870 1300 1140 315M @Po) 7920 1130 | 970 1325 1165 ‘The design and manufacture of our products aro subject to constant Improvements, Hence the above specitications and Iiustrations may vary allghtly from the product supplied. an a a o ANNEXURE - IX (Contd.) 1500 oy RPM. 2130" Tae yao xo a a ANNEXURE -X COLUMN FRICTION LOSs CHART 10- 1400 GPM Friction losses Istod below conform to ANSI Specification 858.1 and AWWA Specification E101, whore applicable, Bold face type figures indicate capacities which are permissible under above specifications. LOSS IN FEET OF HEAD PER 100 FEET OF COLUMN OPEN OR ENCLOSED LINESHAFT war = ExPLETTY ie SAU ONT Fee INDIE Be A 3 aA 3.4 [72] 9ofi.s 3 m 3.0) 44] 60) 7.8) 97 [18a 1 a7|34| 73] 9shao 9/ val isl ie|22| 32] 4a}s7| 73] sopoalaaliao 4 9/1} rslis| 24] 20] 42] 57/75] o5hrsfiso] | 7| 14 | 16| 22| 29] 3.6 os has Val el 2a] 27 : v7|22] 27} 99 as|ar|a9| 46 a2| ao} s0| ao fais 6 | ! | V0) 1.2) Lad 17} 20) toy \ jt shart nal na! nal aa) zo) [47 |22) 27) 93} val a Bae a] oe | ea ase | Taal] Fas [| sva] iia| “] oaa % [aslo sel 62 ]7, s | 4 |s2}s9)os! 75/93 e_|72 [8.3 | 94los | {| | i % [14] 16] ta] 20/2530] 36] 42[ aul 5s[52| 70] eslioa) | 1 |v7}a0] 22) 25} 91] a7] 44] 52] 60] 68) 7.7) 86 hoz 6 | a |23} 26/29) 33/41] a9! 50] 68] 78] vofior M4AMaa2| 36) 4.41! 46] 87] 69] e1| 96 |r1.0 tie |62| 60/67) 75| 03 |i15 i %i va] is] ve] 2a] a8 1 I va] 17) 20} 25| 30 he | s}ralyalis) vy) re} za} az|s2 52) 6 8) atm | 4) 11] as/ isi rs} 20] 23) 26) 3.2) 3.9) 46) 54] 62) 7.2 iis } 9) rol val vs| rel aa} 24 45| 54) 64| 7.3| 88[1o0 | astrel22| 26} 30] a5 eal] 78 Me Ee ot 10 | Al i | Lo 1s if | 10 vél rs] a2 Mure at 9{ 12/10/19] 20] 23] a7 2h ie eofral ra 20] so] 33 33 ANNEXURE - X (Contd.) COLUMN FRICTION LOSS CHART 11800 - 15,000 GP LOSS IN FEET OF HEAD PER 100 FEET OF COLUMN, ‘OPEN OR ENCLOSED LINESHAFT or] aT “EAPACITY IN GALONS pea WINUTE Sine | sxe [ovine [WRT Fone P00 | ean 205 0] So [oo] 3a [ata] Aaa] awl We Pa 70] 95 fio . ao hos 94 fia 27 [aa 56] 6a [70] 7a] a7 96 30 [36 64] 7.1] 80] 89] 90 as [at 72} 8.2 93 42 }50 ay hoo 52 {ot 67 {79 |9a va fia fiz] io arf as Ma Jie [9 23) 36] 49 v6 [19 [22] 25 41 | 46 1.6 }24 [2.5] 2.9 aa) sd} 21 |2s [3.0 | 35 57| 6 | Tyae tol 12 Te] aa | a6lao he © SPIT) 1a 21] 24 39 4.8 14) DPhs-2%s) Ort] 13a) 1s 24) 27 44) 49 o [aa |r| uz 27} 3.1] 50] 55 9} rout] 14 [6 [19] 22 26] 40] 4.4 67 | 12) Weta] to|tifia Tap he ie afit}ial ia 9 | Bt 16 | 2% 2% | alrolatirs|va}rsl rz] rol alae | 2" jf oS tho Np a2) rap rs) 16) 18) 20; aa as t he {9} rofrafes}ra|rs| rel ns] 2a] af a7 [eo Ce EES ET a Fs [ase | ase 40) 47 [56 [68 | 51 60.170; 60 1% he 14 | Madhu 38/69/00 92 [ame 67 }00 |9.3 ' Di | Tete 23/26 [ai laelar | ae) 52] 58 06) Vie 25/30 |34/30/43| 48/54/60 | 16 | Me-2h4 27 |33 38/44/50 56) 63| 70 2% J29 |35 |aolae!sa|ss| esi 7s 2% as [ar iar| sal et | ea) 7.6] 83 he valve ie|aa}aal ar) ail 3a Se] eal val oa as | Meru ts |i7}20| 22/26) 29] 93) 36 62) 7.2) 0.3/ 9.4 he v6 fie j2r}zs|28| 32/26/40 67) 78) 90 2% velar faa] 26} 31] 3s) a0] aa 75] 88) ve o[rolia] tal vel alae 32) 37] 20 | Mery | vofary ya) 1s] 17] 1.9) a0 36) 44 2a ofr |ar 16} 18] 20] 23 38) 4. 2 9] v0 [v2] ne val 20] 23] 26 4.) 5.0) ANNEXURE - X Contd.) ‘COLUMN FRICTION LOSS CHART 10,000 - 68,000 GPM LOSS IN FEET OF HEAD PER 100 FEET OF COLUMN OPEN OR ENCLOSED LINESHAFT ea | sar EAPACITY Ht OUEANOS OF ANON reR mur = She] in A Vie 76 | aw ye [erm laa [ns fo2|r2 toa] oa 2% | au [42 p67 | 20] 90 avn | s2]ealzs|ov vm [aa fra |aator [aa ae ao | 2erhe| 23 [30 Jae far far | i aie | tr [aa [aol aa {so rie [aa [a7 [aa [so [uo MMe] V0 [9 18 at 36 fos ]72 [e2 | na | 2m | rolra ts as] s2|s6]oa|7o 2h [ra fra an av| 57 oe [70 [a7 3%asta| 13 [rs 24 55|65|70 |uo Ht vs ]is (2023 |26]29]3a 20 ua|ia]r7 [20 |22|as|aejar|s4 | ta | v0 | 19 [22 |2s [20 [92 Las [os aa apirpapispie pie 36] 2% | vo j12|ralre|r7|rs Wu-Ttho 9 fra [ia [is fey | va j ao SAPACIY it INOUSANUS OF GAWLONS FER MINUTE L a[ele[elapele pe leat] stele pelape la ai, a[retiipiz}prsttalspefr7 ie ]ao] aa al 1 | 3Mea%e a{vofrafralralrales|re fiz] re fro fa | [2vseanf vo}et}rz|vafeafasl velar rece] 20fazl2a faa! | | | 2%he | sirojirfrafistrafis 4a | 63h voli fizfis}rajrs re seal LE | Lt f vfrolvaliajis drapes fiel erica} ANNEXURE-XI Proforma of data sheet in which field Officer have to furnish details or Pumpselection to Regd. Office: Name of the scheme with stage No. ‘Name of the Division ‘TECHNICAL DETAILS ‘Total discharge LWL in sumpwell/Jackwell cum Pump House Bottom finished level of Jackwell/Sumpwell 1 1 2 3 4, Platform level of pumps 5, Length of pressure main in each row 6 Diaand material of pressure main 7. No, of rows of pressuremain 8, a. Delivery level at each cistern/each tapping, b, Discharge required at each delivery cistern/each tapping. Number of working pumps and number of stand bye pumps proposed. Note; Schematic diagram showing all the levels and all constructional features ftom souree of water upto delivery cistorn shall be enclosed, I, General information required for procurement of Pumpsete ete. 1, Location of si Quarters, of scheme with reference to Sub-division Head quarters/Division Head 2, Complete postal address of consignee for receiving Pumps, Motors ete. 3, NameofBank and Name of branch for sending the despatch documents to Executive Engineer concerned. 4. Stage of procurement of pipes for pressure main, 5. Stage of completion of connected Civil works. 6. Programmed date of comissioning of the scheme. 2. Size of sumpwell, Pump House/ Jack well cum Pump House as per actual execution. Note: ‘Phe purchase proposals are to be sent atleast Nine (9) months in advance of programmed date of commissioning. ANNEXURE: XILA ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE AT VARIOUS ALTITUDES Altitude in Feet Barometer Reading ‘Atmospheric Pressure inHg mm Hg sia ft of water -1000 31.0 7188 152 986.2 Sealevel 29.9 760 147 33.9 +1000 28.9 734 342 928 2000 218 108 18.7 316 3000 268 681 13.2 304 4000 25.8 655 12.7 292 5000 249 633 122 282 6000 24.0 610 1s 272 ‘7000 23.1 587 8 26.2 8000 222 564 109 25.2 9000 214 544 105 243 10000 206 523 10.1 23.4 37 ANNEXURE - XILB- PROPERTIES OF WATER Absolute Vapour Specific Absolute ‘Temperature Pressure Weight Specific Viscosity. OF psia fiofwater — 1b/euft Gravity* _(Centipoises) 32 0.088 0.20 62.42 1.0016 1.79 40 0.122 (0.28 62.43 1.0018 1.54 60 0178 * 0.41 62.41 1.0015 181 60 0258 (0.58 62,87 1.6008 aig 70 0368 089 2.30 0.9998 0.98 80 0.60% 12 62.22 0.9984 0.86 90 069s 16 o2a2 0.9968 gt 400 09g 28 62.00 0.9948 0.7 012% 8.0 61.86 0.9927 062 120 16933 6171 0.9908 0.56 330 22238 60 61.56 0.9878 0.61 340 2889. 68 61.38 0.9850 0.47 150 3718 88 61.20 0.9821 043 160 471 2 61.01 0.9790 0.40 370 5993 142 60.79 0.9756 037 180 qu 118 60.67 0.9720 0.35 190 9340 22.8 60.35 0.9684 082 200 11825 276 60.13 0.9649 ost 210 14123889 59.88 0.9609 0.29 + Refers to water at 68°F, weighing 62.318 lb/cu ft, and have specife gravity of 1.0 . Comb grocte Fern hurt ieienCiaapaaas 4 qe ME uahne. 7 38 s(f- sD wae Flas Fermporoture oo Folrrewhes + SU jadawnpdrtire bn Coutigrok ANNEXURE:- XILC: ‘As por the abiove table-the water equivalent Golumn of Atmosphere pressure is shown tiere under, district wise: SIN, Name ofthe District Pressure valve in Feet. 1. Srikakzulam-Distriet, 33.90: 2: Vitianagaram Disttiet: 38:00) 3, Visokhiapatnan Districts 33.90. 3 4; East Godavari Distriob 88.90' 5. West GodavartiDistiiet: 3390 § 6 Krishna Distriet 33.90 < 7. GunturDistrict™ 3390) 7 8. Prakasam District 88:50) % 9; Nallore District: 3300: 4 10. Kurnool District: 38:00 1° 14, Cuddapalt District 33:00: 11 32; Ananttipur Districts 88:00" (2 13, Chittoor Distrist: 38.00: 13 34, KhammsitiiDistriet: 88300: 14 15, Warangal:Distriet: 98.00 1s 16: Karimnagar:Distriot 38,00. 1 1% Adilabad Distyiet: 33.00; 17 18 Nalgonda Distiiet: 33.50 i¢ 19. Mahiaboobinagar District 38.00 4 20. Medak District: 33.00: L© 2a, Nizamatiad Distriet 38:00 4) 22, ° Ranga Reddi District: 88:00: + 28, Hydorabad District 88:00: 23 39 oF ary SWSHOSTT JO WVUSVIO SUVWSHOS WX - SUNXENNV ANNEXURE - XV HYDRAULIC TABLES (For Private Circulation Only) Courtesy to GARDNER 8. WILLIAMS. & ALLEN HAZEN Compiled & Edited by K. Moinuddin, BA, BE, ‘Superintending Engineer (Reta) AP State Inigation Development Corporation Limited. Ameerpet, Hyderabad - 600 016, A.P. 2 ‘The following tables show the flow of water in:pipes:computed by the Hazon & Wi y= Cat, S84, 0019 ‘Where v-='Velotity in ft/sec. 8 = hydraillic Slope. hydraulic radius in feet. and .Gisa constant, ms formula : ‘The value of ‘C’ for the very best cast iron pipes laid. perfectly straight and is now is taken as 140;¥For the now good cast iron pipes value of ‘C' cant be taken as 130. Mild Steel pipes corrodein much the sameway as cast iron pipes. Foriveted M.S, pipes Hazen & Williamshave taken theaverage value of C’lowerthan the C.1. pipei.e 110 for newpipes decreasingit to 100 for 10 year old pipes. Since mild steel ER W have become common and have replaced riveted. M.S., pipes the value of C’ after taking into consideration deerease on acount of ageing, may be safély taken as 120. ‘Hence for computing the friction losses of the Corporation schemes, the following values of C may be taken. For HDP, FRP and PVC Pipes 130-140, For Cast iron & mild steel ERW Pipes (old or new) 120 For coment concrete. 110 For the pipe fittings, equivalent length are taken from the eircular of the Chief Engineer, Minor Invigation and added to the booklet. In Hazen & Williams Tables, quantities of flow for 4” and 5° diameter pipes are given in in equivalent measures and weight of which are gion below : USg. = 0.898 Imperial gallon - 0.1837 «it. = 30037 m? = 8.785 lits = 8,88 Ibs. K, MOINUDDIN Superintending Engineer (D & P )Reta, AP. State Irrigation Development Corporation Limited ‘Ameorpet, Hyderabad - 500 016. 43 40 RIPE: Qinus. —viaft. Hyinft, Gta C=180 120: c= 100 spam, penser 20 ose 0.00 os: 0.88: oa 0.62 25 064: o.0n 050: os 067 094: 30 ot 0.01 on70: oat. 0.94, 492 35 089 0.01 094: 107 1:24 14 40: 102 0.02. 120: 1.88 159. 2.28. 50 1:28: 0.08: 1:82) 2.08 PAL 3.39 60 153 0.04 2531 291 3.88 4.72, 0 179 0.05% 3:38 388 4.60 6a 80. 2.08 0.08; 432: 497 580 81 90 2.80 0.08. 68 18 10.0 100 2.65 010. 1 88 122 120. 8.08 ons. 108 122 mt 140 367 020: 12a: 14.0: 162 22.8 160 4108: 0:26: 167 429 208 20.1 180. 4:60 0.88: 19H. 22:2 259. 86.1 200 bar. oat 2837 270 B12 440 220° 562 Os) 28:1 32.2 377 b2 240 a8: 0.68 33:0: a7, “4 62 260: 6:64: 069: 88:5 46 6 ” 280 T6: 079, 44:0: 50 89 82 800 7:86 oor a or: 87 93 820 sa nowt 58: 65 75: 105 840: 8.68 17 63 7m 84. 7 360 oas 131 10 80 98 181 400 yoar 102 85: 98 13 160 450 m9 2.05 ww? 122 Mi 198 500 12.41 2653 129 148 an 240 850 14.04 808 1881 ar 205 287 600) 182 3,64 agi 207 240 837 650 16.59: 428 209: 240 279 390 700 1787 496: 240 276 820 449 750. 19.15 nn sia 362 510 800 20.42 6.48 808 352 410. 570 850 21.70 7:30 349: 895 458 640 900 22:98 820° gee 439 510 n0 . Hin £/35000 ft of length, 4 bt. PIPE QinUS. vin ft Hint. C= 140 C= 180 = 120 c= 100 gpm. por sec. 30 0.49 0.00 O24 0.27 081 0.44 40 0.65 0.01 0.40 0.46 0.54 0.78 60 0.82 0.01 0.61 0.70 0st 1.18 60 0.98 0.02 0.86 0.98 118 1.69 0 434 0.02 4d 131 1.82, 212 80 iat 0.03 1.46 1.67 1,94 an 90 aT 0.08 1.82 2.08 2.41 3.88 100 1.68, 0.04 2.21 2.53 2.94 431 120 1,96 0.06 3.09 3.54 4a 58 140 2.29 0.08 4a 4m 55 16 160 2.61 ont 53 60 10 98 180 2.94 0.13 66 16 87 122 200 327 0.17 80 ot 10.6 148 220 3.59 0.20 96 108 126 10 240 8.92 O24 12 12.8 148 208 260 4.25 0.28 129 48 172 24.1 280 4.58 0.38 148 120 19.7 207 300 4.90 0.87 168 194 22.5 314 320 5.28 0.42 19.0 a8 25.2 864 860 5.12 0.61 22.4 25.8 29.9 419 400 6.54 0.66 28.8 92.9 38.1 54 450 7:38 0.84 358 4.0 A185 or 600 817 1.04 435 49.9 58 al 550 8.99 1.26 62 60 6 96 - 600 98 149 6 10 81 us 650 10.62 1.75 n 81 4 132 700 14d 2.08 81 93, 108 161 750 12.26 2.34 92 106 132 172 800 13.07 2.88 104 19 138 194 850 18.89 2.99 7 133 164 27 900 14.71 3.38 329 148 172 240 950 15.52 8.74 143 163 190 287 1000 16.34 4.15 187 180 209 292 1100 17.97 5.00 187 24 249 349 1200 19.61 5.96 220 261 292 409 Hin ft./1,000 ft. of length. 45 "PIPE Qin vin H, c~ 140 c= 130 c= 120 c= 100 ceusees fps. 0.0774 039 0.00 3 0.5 07 024 0.0928 oat 0.00 0.18 0.20 024 038 0.1088 0.55 0.00 024 027 082 044 0.1238 0.63 0.01 0.30 0.85 oat 061 0.1992 om oot 0.88 0.43 0.51 ~ 071 = 0.1647 0.79 oo 046 0.58 0.61 0.86 0.1702 0.87 0.01 0.55 0.63 0.73 1.08, 0.867 0.95 0.01 0.65 oma 0.86 1.20 0.2168 1.10 0.02 087 0.99 1.16 1.62 0.2476 1.26 0.02 1.10 1.26 1.46 2.06 0.2785 14, 0.08 187 151 1.83 2.56 0.3094 1.68 0.04 1.67 191 222 3.10 0.8404 1.78 0.06 1.98 2.28 2.05 an 073 1.98 0.06 2.22 2.69 Ban 435 0.4028 2.05 0.07 2m 3.10 8.60 60 0.4392 221 0:08 eat 3.58 44 58 01464 2.36 0.09 3.64 4.08 4.70 66 0.41 2.16 032 4.70 540 6.20 88 0.619 315 0.6 60 68 80 138 0.696 8.55 0.9 76 86 10.0 140 0.744 394 ond gal 104 4 169 0.851 433 029 410.7 124 144 20.1 0.928 413 0.86 128 46 310 23.8 1.006 Baz oat 4a 169 196 205 1.088 - 5.52 oT 41.0 195 22.6 316 1.288 6.80 0.82 216 24.9 28.9 404 1.392 7.09 0.18 26.9 30.9 358 50.0 547 1.88 0.97 329 378 438 61.0 3.702 867 a7 99:20 46.1 62.0 73.0 1.887 946 1.89 46.0 53.0 610 36.0 2.168 11:08 1:89 61.0 70.0 82.0 114.0 2476 1261 2.46 78.0 90.9 104.0 46.0 2.185 aad 32, 98.0 112.0 130.0 182.0 8.094 16.16 8.85 319.0 187.0 169.0 222.0 3.404 1134 465 a4L.0 162.0 188.0 268.0 n ft. per 1000. length. 46 8". PIPE Qin vin H C=140 C= 130 =120 C=110 C= 100 cusees fps. 0.9004 0.89 0.01 041 047 0.55 om 0.9404 0.98 0.01 0.9 0.66 0.65 0.92 0.3713 1.06 0.02 0.58 0.66 0.77 1.07 0.4028 15 0.02 0.87 017 0.89 1.25 0.4382 1.24 0.02 077 0.88 1.02 1.43 ovae2 1.33 0.03 0.87 1.00 1.16 1.62 0.4951 142 0.08 098 119 181 184 0.528 1.51 0.04 1.0 1.26 1.46 2.05 0.657 1.60 0.04 122 1.40 1.62 2.28 0.588 1.68 0.04 1.85 1.55 1.80 261 0.619 Lit 0.05 148 1.70 1.97 2.76 0.696 1.99 0.06 1.85 241 2.45 343 0.774 222 0.08 2.25 2.58 2.99 418 0851 2.44 0.09 268 3.07 3.55 50 0.928 2.68 0.11 34 3.16 4.19 4.91 69 1.006 2.88 0.13 3.64 4.18 484 67 68 1.083 3.10 0.15 4.19 4.80 66 65 18 1.160 3.92 017 478 540 6.30 1A 38 1.288 8.55 0.20 53 61 cae 84 99 1.892 3.99 0.26 67 16 89 10.4 a4 1.647 448 0.30 81 93 10.8 aa 16.1 1.702 488 0.37 96 TR 12.8 16.1 180 1.857 687 0.44 13 18.0 15.1 qd 21a 2.011 5.16 0.52 131 16.1 17.5 205 245 2.166 6.20 0.80 16.1 173 20.0 28.5 28.41 2.321 6.65 0.69 110 196 22.6 26.7 818 2.476 7.09 0.78 192 22.0 255 40.0 35.8 2.785 7198 0.99 23.8 272 31.6 304 44.2 3.094 8.86 122 29.0 33.20 38.7 464 64 8.404 9.75 1.47 349 40.0 46.2 54 66 3.713 10.64 1.16 410 a 55 64 n 4.028 11.62 2.06 415 85 63 “ 89 4.382 1241 2.39 16 CH 3 85 102 4.642 13.30 24 62 a 83 97 116 4.961 1418 B12 ny 80 93 109 130 Hin /1000 ft, of ength 4 10"- PIPE Qin vin H, C+u0 CH 180 C= 1200 CHO = C= 100 eusees fps. in'tt 0.464 0.85 oot 029 034 0.39 046 0.56 0.495 0.91 0.01 0.33 088 0.44 0.82 0.62 0.526 0.96 oot 0.37 042 0.49 0.68 0.69 0.567 1.02 0.02 oat 047 0.55 0.64 0.17 0.588 1.08 0.02 0.45; 02 0.60 on 0.85 0.619 118 0.02 0.50 0.67 0.66 0.78 0.98 0.696 1.28 0.03 0.62 om 0.83 07 1.16 0.774 142 0.03 0.76 087 1.01 1.18 Lal 0.851 1.56 0.04 0.90 1.08 1.20 aa 1.68 0.928 1.70 G04 1.06 a1 141 1.65 1.97 1.006 1.84 0.05 123 141 164 1.92 2.29 1.088 1.99 0.06 141 1.62 1.88 221 2.64 1.160 218 0.07 1.60 1.84 214 2.50 8.00 1.238 2.27 0.08 181 2.08 241 2.83 3.38 1.892 2.65 0.10 2.24 2.58 8.00 8.50 4.18 1.547 2.84 0.12 2.18 3.8 3.63 427 Ba 1.102 312 0.15 8.26 3.72 432 5.10 61 1.857 3.40 0.8 3.82 440 B1 60 a 2.011 3.69 021 444 51 59 69 83 2.166 3.97 02a 61 68 68 80 95 2821 4.26 ozs 58 67 1 90 108 2.476 4.54 082 65 15 an 102 12.2 2.785 6a oat ar 93 10.8 12.7 16.1 8.094 6.97 0.60 9.9 us 13.1 154 184 3.404 624 0.60 7 184 15.6 183 218 3.3 681 on 13.7 18.1 18.3 214 25.5 4.028 138 084 16.0 18.4 213 25.0 29.9 4.332 1.94 0.98 183 210 24.8 28.5 34.0 4.642 81 112 20.80 23.80 27.60 82.5 38.6 4.951 9.08 1.28 28.5 270 a12 36.8 438 5.26 9.65 144 26.3 302 35.0 41.2 49.0 587 10.21 1.62 292 83.5 38.9 455 54.0 588 10.78 1.80 82.5 872 43.1 61 60 6.19 31.85 2.00 35.5 8 418 56 66 6.96 12.17 2.52 3 51 69 69 83 Hin ft, por 1000 ft. of length 48 12" PIPE QinUs. — vinft. H c= #130 C1200 C=10 C= 100 cusees. percsee. 0.165 0.20 0.00. 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0:08 0.309. 039 0.00: 0.08 0.07 0.08 0.08 oun 0.464 0.59: 0.01. oz od 0.16 0.19 0.28 0.619. oto oon 020: 024 0.27. oe 0.38 ota 0.99 0.02 031 0:36 OAL 0.48 0.58 0,928: 118 0.02 oa. 0.50. 0.58 0.68 oat 1.088: 1:88 0.08. 0.58 0.68 077 0.94 1.08 1:288: 158 0.08 0.74 0.85 0.99 138 1.38 1,892 aT 0.05 0.92 1.06 1.23 145 17 E64. 197 0.06 ala 129 1.50 1.16 2.10 1.702 27 0.07 184 1.64 179 2.10 2.50 1.85%, 2.68: 0.09 1.68 1.81 2.30 247 2.94 2.011 2.56 0.10 1.83 2.10 2.48 2.85 3.40 2.166 218 12. 2:10 2.40 2.19 8.26 .. 3.90 2821 2:98; oni 2.89 2.18 3.17 3.74. 4.43 2816 8:16 06) 2:69: 3.09 33 420 5.0 2.680) 855 oar 3:00" 8:45 400° 4569 56 2.785) 83551 0.20 8:88: 382 443. 520 62 2.940 aiTA! 02 3:70 424: 4:92 580 69 8.0941 si: oe 408 4:05; 5A 6.40 16 8404 4198 929: 4:85: 5.60 65. 7.60 90 BA 48; 0135 51 65, 16: 89 106 4028: saz ost 66 16 88 10.8 128 4382: 552 oat 16) 82 301 119 v4 4.642 Bar 0:54. 86 99 115 135 160 BAL. 6389: oma an 13.2 16.8 9 21.8 6.19 788 0.96 1436 166 193 22.6 27.0 6.96 887 x22 18.0 206 24.0 28:2 33.6 1.04. 985 1:60 220 254 29.2 943 41.0 851 10.84 182 265 808 35. 414 494 9.28 11.82 217 Bhi 35.7 a4 488 58 1088 108.79 2:98 412 412, 55 66 ” 12.38 16.18 3:86 53 or na 88 99 18.92 39.78 4:89 66 5 87 103 122 1547 19:10 6.08: 81 98 107 128 360 Hi; in ft. per 10004, of length. 49 14". PIPE QinUs. —vinw. Hint. C=1M0 C=180 C=120 C=O v “100 eusees porsee: 0.385 045 0.00 0.008 0.009 0.010 o.or2 oo. 0.209: 029 000 0.027 0.081 0.036 0.042 0.050 0.464 043 0.00% 0.097 0.066 0.076 0.089 0.407 osi9 0.58 oor 01098 oai2 0129 0.158 0.182 0.774 0.72 0.01 oar 0.169 o.ao7 031 0.216 0.928 087 0.01 o2m 0.288 0275 oe 0.888 5.083 1.01 0.02. 0277 og17 0.367 0.431 02 1.238 416 0.02 0351 0.406 0.470 055 066 1.892 4:30 0.03 0.440 6.50 0.58 0.68) 082 1.647 146 0.08 0.63 061 om 0.83 1.00 4.702 159 0.04 06s, 0.78 084 1.00 118 1857 1.19 0.05; om 0.86 0.99 17 198 2011 1.88 0.05 086 0.99 aaa 1.35 1.62, 2.166 2.02 0.08: 099 14 1.92 154 1.86 2321 07 43 1.28 1.50 1.75; 230 2.496 0.08. 1.28 1.46 1.69) 1.98- 2:31 23630: 2465 0.09" naz: 1.68 1.88. 2.22 2.65 20786 2160: 0110: 258: 1.82 230 2.46 2.98 2.940: 2.75 ona) kT 199 281 272 3.24 3.094 2:90 018: 192 2.20 2.54 2.99 3.67 3:404 angi oe 233 2:64, 8.05 8:60, 428 3mm: 8.48 ong 2.69 8.08 3.56 439 50 4028. 76: 022 gue 3:58 415 489 58 41932 4105 025. 358 432 478 53 67 40042 435, o29 407 4.65 54 64 16 Sat 507 040 5a 62 72 84 10.1 6a9 5.79 0.52 69 80 92 108 129 6.96 651 066 86 99 15 136 162 1.14 7.24, oat 104 120 139 16.4 1935 8.61 7.96 0.98 125 143 166 196 232 928 8.68 LIT 14.70 16.80 19.50 22.90 27.20 1088 10.12 159 19 28 25.9 305, 365 12.38 1.58 2.08 249 28.7 33:5 389 46.4 13.92 18.02 2.64 311 309 415) 48.9 58.0 1647 443 327 318 435 50 59 0 Hin ft. per 1000 ft, of length. 50. 16" - PIPE Qinus. — vintt Hint C=uMo C190 C=120 C=10 C= 100 cusees por see. 0.809 0.22 0.00 0.014 0.018 0.019 0.022 0.026 0.619 0.44 0.00 0.051 0.058 0.068 0.080 0.095 0.928 0.65 0.01 0.108 0.124 0.143 0.169 0.201 1.288, 0.89 0.01 0.183, 0.210 0.242, 0.287 0.840 1.547 qt 0.02 0.278 0.319 0.369 0.434 0.52 1.867 1.38 0.03 0.389) 0.446 0.52 0.61 0.72 2.166 1.55 0.04 0.52 0.60 0.69 0.81 0.96 2.476 Lm? 0.08 0.68 0.76 0.88 1.03 1.23 2.785 1.99 0.06 0.82. 0.95 1.09 1.28 1.53 3.094 2.22 0.08 1.00 1.18 1.33 1.87 1.87 3.404 2.44 0.09 1:19 1st 1,69 187 2.22 3.7138 2.68 ott 141 1.62, 187 2.19 2.62 4.023 2.88 0.18 1.68 1.87 247 2.55 8.08 4,382 3.10 0.15 187 215 2.49 2.92 3.49 4.642 3.32 0.a7 2.42 243 2.83 3.92 3.98 4.951 3.55 0.19 2.99 2.15 3.19 8.15 4.48 5.26 3am 0.22 2.69 8.08 3.67 4.19 4.99 557 8.99 0.25 2.98 8.42 397 4.85 5.6 5.88 42h 0.28 3.29 3.18 4.38 ba 62 6.19 4.43 0.31 3.61 418 4.80 56 68 6.96 4.99 0.39 4.50 6.20 60 10 84 774 6.54 0.48 55 63 13 86 102 851 6.09 0.58 68 18 ar 102 12.2 9.28 6.65 0.69 a 88 10.2 12.0 143 10.06 7.20 ost 89 102 us 13.9 166 10.83 116 0.98 102 at 13.6 15.9 19.0 11.60 831 1.08 née 133 15.4 18.1 27 12.38 8.86 122 38.1 14.9 174 20.3 24.2 13.92 997 1.54 163 18. at 252 30.2 1547 11.08 1,90 198 2.6 262 30.9 36.8 17.02, 12.19 2.80 23.6 27.0 a1 36.9 44.0 1857 13.30 214 218 318 36.9 432 62.0 20.11 14.40 3.22 gad 368 42.8 50 60. 21.66 15.61 378 36.9 422 49.0 58 68 23.21 16.62 429 419 48.0 56 66 8 Hin ft. per 1000 ft, of lenght. 51 18"- PIPE, Qinus. — vinit Hint. C=140 C= 190 C= 1200 C= 110 C= 100 cusees per sec. 0.309 017 0.00 0.008 0.009 0.010 0.012 0.015 0.619 0.35 0.00 0.029 0.038 0.088 0.044 0.058 0.928 0.62 0.00 0,061 0.069 0.079 0.094 113. 1.2388 0.70 0.01 0.103, os 0.137 0.160 0.193 1.547 0.88 0.01 0.156 0.179 0.208 0.244 0.291 1,857 1.06 0.02 0.218 0.251 0.291 o.3d1 0.409 2.166 1.22 0.02 0,290 0.333 0.988 0.454 0.54 2.476 140 0.03 0.374 0.480 0.495 0.58 0.69 2.785 1.87 0.04 0.461 0.58 0.62 0.72 0.88 8.094 4.75 0.05 0.56 0.65 0.95 0.88 1.05 3.404 1.93, 0.08 0.67 0.77 0.89 1.05, 1.25 ang 2.10 0.07 0.79 0.90 1.05 124 147 4.028 2.28 0.08 0.92 1.06 122, 1.48 um 4.932 2.45 0.09 1.05 121 139 1.64 1.96 4.642 2.63 0.10 119 1.87 1.58 1.86 2.23 AL 3.07 * 0.18 1.58 1.83 az 2.48 2.96 619 3.50 0.19 2.02 2.84 2.70 3.16 3.79 6.96 3.94 O24 2.58 2.92 337 3.93 47 114 4.38 0.80 3.07 8.53 4.09 4.80 87 851 483 0.36 3.68 4.20 485 58 68 9.28 5.25 0.43 4.31 4.95 54 67 80 10.06 6.70 0.50 4.98 57 66 18 98 10.83, 613 0.58 58 66 16 89 10.7 11.60 657 0.67 65 18 88 10.1 12.2 12.38 7.01 0.16 1A 84 a7 ua 13.6 13.15, 71.45 0.86 82 94 108 128 15.3 13.92 7.90 0.96 on 105 12a 142 172.0 14.70 8.33 1.07 10.1 116 13.4 15.7 18.80 15.47 876 119 wd 127 148 173 20.8 17.02 9.65 144 18.8 152, 12.7 20.8 24.6 18.57 10.5 1m 158 178 205 242 29.9 21.66 12.80 2.39 20.9 238 218 92.2 38.8 24.76 14.0 Bot 268 30.4 862 415 49.4 27.85 15.8 3.87 827 818 43.5 51 61 30,94 178, 4.15 400 45.8 93 63 4 H, in ft. per 1000 ft. of length. 62 20° - PIPE: Qin vin ft. Hint C=140 9 C=190 #19 CH UD C= 100 casees por see. 0.619 0.28 0.00 0.017 0.02 0.023 0.027 0.082 0.928 0.43 0.00 0.087 0.049 0.049 0.057 0.068 1.238 ost 0.00 0.062 o.o7t 0.082 0.097 0.116 1.547 on 0.01 0.094 0,107 oad 0.146 0.174 1,857 0.86 0.01 0.31 0.160 0.174 0.205 0.243 2.166 0.99 0.02 Td 0.200 0.282 0.273 0.326 2476 113 0.02 0.223 0.257 0,298 0.349 oa16 2.186 1.28 0.03 0278 0.319 0.870 0.435 0.52, 3.094 142 0.08 0.39 0.389 0.449 0.58 0.83 86 4a 0.05 ost 0.8 0.68 0.80 0.98 4.642 2.18 0.07 0.72 082 0.95 a2 1.38 5a 248 0.0 0.95 1.09 427 1.49 1.78 6.19 2.84 0.13 ame 1.89 1.62 1.90 2.28 6.96 3.9 0.6 1.52 La 2.02 2.38 2.83 14 8.55 0.20 1.84 2a 2.45 2.88 3.43 861 8.90 0.24 2.20 2.52 2.98 3.43 4.09 9.28 4.26 0.28 2.50 2.97 344 4,08 481 10.08 61 088 3.00 3.43 3.09 4.68 56 10.88 198 038 3.43 3.95 4.58 54 64 ns 532 044 3.90 448 52 61 13 12.38 ‘68T 0.60 439 ba 58 69 82 18.16 6.03 0.56 491 56 66 14 92 13.92 628 0.68 55 63 13 86 102 34.20 614 om 60 69 8.0 94 us 15.47 7.09 0.78 66 18 89 104 124 17.02 7.80 0.94 19 on 106 124 48 18.57 851 1a 94 10.7 24 146 174 20:11 9.22 82 108 124 144 16.9 201 21.66 9.98 3168, 124 342 165 194 23.1 23:21 10.64 1.16 4a 162 188 22.0 26.2 24.16 11.85 2.00 68 182 a1 24.8 298 26.30 32.06 2.25 aaa 204 23.8 218 a8. 27.85 12.77 253’ 19.7 22.1 26.2, 309 368 29.40 13.47 2.82 218 25.0 29.1 aaa 404 30.04 14.18 813 24.0 216 32.0 315 48 Hin ft, per 1000 ft. of length 58. 24". PIPE Qin vin ft Hinf, #140 C=190 Cxi20 C=110 C= 100 cusecs per see, 0.774 0.26 0.00 0.011 0.012 0.014 0.017 0.02 1.647 0.49 0.00 0.038 0.044 0.051 0.060 0.072 2.821 0.74 0.1 0.082 0.093 0.108 0.128 0.162 8.094 0.98 oor 0.138 0.159 0.185 0.218 0.259 3.868 1.28 0.08 0.210 0.240 0.279 0.828 0.390 4.642 148, 0.03 0.298 0.938 0.391 0.459 0.55 BAL 4.72 0.05 0.381 0.449 0.62 061 0.78 6.9 1.97 0.08 0.50 0.58 os7 0.18 0.93 6.96 2.22 0.08 0.62 0.72 0.88 0.98 1.16 14 2.46 0.09 0.76 087 1.02 118 141 851 201 ot 0.90 1.03 121 142 1.68 9.28 2.96 0.14 1.06 1.22 Lv 1.66 197 10.06 820 C16 1.23 141 164 1.98 2.29 10.88 3.45 0.8 141 1.62 1.88 221 2.63 31.60 3.69 oat 1.61 1.84 2.18 2.01 2.98 12.98 8.94 0.24 1.81 2.07 2.41 2.88 8.38 18.16 419 oat 2.02 2.82 2.68 8.16 a7 18.92 443 081 2.26 2.58 2.99 3.52 4.20 14.70 4.68 0.94 2.48 2.85 381 3.80 4.62 15.47 492 0.38 2.73 82 3.68 4.28 ca 37.02 542 0.46 3.26 3.74 4.33 61 61 18.57 5aL 0.64 3.82 438 bl 6.0 1 20.1 6.40 064 445 6a 59 69 8.8 21.66 6.89 om 51 58 68 8.0 985 23.21 739 0.85 58 66 1 94 108 24.16 71.88 0.98 66 15 87 102 122 26.30 8.37 1.09 13 84 97 U4 136 27.85 8.86 1.22 81 93 108 12.7 152 29.40 9.36 1.36 90 103 19 140 167 30.94 9.85 1.51 99 us 182 15.4 183 34.04 10.83 1.82, 118 13.5 15.7 18.4 219 87.18 11.82 217 138 15.8 18.4 217 259 40.23 12.80 2.55 16.3 18.4 213 25.0 299 43.32 13.79 2.96 183 aa 245 28.8 342 46.42 34a7 8.98 209 24.0 219 32.8 39.0 Hin ft. per 1000 ft, of length. 54 30° - PIPE Qin vin ft Hint. C=140 C=1890 G=120 C= 110 100 ceusees por sec. 1.647 0.32 0.00 0.013 0.015 0.017 0.02 0.024 2a2i oat 0.00 0.028 0.082 0.087 0.044 0.052 3.004 0.63 0.01 0.047 0.054 0.062 0.078 0.087 8.868 0.79 0.01 oon 0.081 0.094 oan 0.192 4.642 0.95 0.01 0.099 0.13 0.182 0.165 0.184 6Al 3.10 0.02 0.182 0.161 0.176 0.208 0.247 6.19 1.26 0.02 0.168 0.194 0.225 0.264 0.15 6.96 1.42 0.08 0.240 02a 0.279 0.829 0.391 114 1.58 0.04 0.266 0.292 0.340 0.399 0416 851 1.78 0.05 0.804 0.349 0.405 0.476 067 9.28 1,89 0.06 0.397 0.410 0.475 0.56 0.67 10.06 2.05 0.07 ald OATS 0.55 0.65 0.18 10.83 2.201 0.08 oats 0.55 0.64 ora 089 31.60 2.86 0.09 054 0.82 0.72 0.34 LoL 1288 2.62 0.10 061 0.70 081 0.95 113 13.16 2.68 oat 0.68 0.78 0.91 1.07 1.27 13.92 2.84 0.8 0.76 0.87 101 118 ae 16.47 8.15 0.15 0.92 1.06 1.23 14d 1.72, 17.02 847 019 1.09 1.26 146 1 2.06 18.57 3.18 022 1.28 147 Lm 2.02 241 20.41 4.10 0.26 4.50 1.72 1.98 2.34 2.19 21.66 4A 0.30 12 1.97 228 2.69 3.20 23.21 403 0.36 1.95 2.24 2.60 3.06 8.04 24.96 5.04 0.40 2.20 252 2,98 3.46 4.10 26.30 5.36 045 2.46 282 3.28 3.85 4.59 27.85 567 0:60 2.74 B14 3.68 428 61 29.40 5.99 0.56 3.02 347 4.01 472 56 30.94 6.30 0.62 3.83 381 444 62 62 34.04 6.93 0.5 8.96 4.5 53 62 14 87.18 7.86 0.89 4:65 54 62 13 81 40.28 8.20 1.04 ba 62 12 84 10.4 43,82 8.83 121 62 MW 83 9a ns 46.42 946 1.39 4 81 94 11.0 13.2 sa 11.03 1.89 94 108 126 14.7 115 og 1261 2.47 120 138 160 18.8 22.4 Hin f. per 1000 ft, of length. 36". PIPE Qinus. — vinft Hint. C=140 C=180 C= 120 C= 110 100 cusees per see. 8.004 oat 0.00 0.019 0.022 0.026 0.030 0.036 8.865 0.65 0.00 0.029 0.038 0.039 0.046 0.054 4.642 0.06 0.01 0.041 0.047 0.054 0.064 0.076 5AL o77 oot 0.054 0.062 0.072 0.085 0.102 619 0.88 0.01 0.07 0.08 0.092 0.108 0.129 114 1.09 6.02 0.108 O21 0.140 0.164 0.196 9.28 1.81 0.03 o.147 0.168 0.196 0.230 0.274 10.88 1.63, 0.04 0.196 0224 0.260 0.306 0.865 12.38, 1.95 0.05 0.250 0.288 0.991 0.467 13,92 191 0.06 osi 0.368 0.415 0.488 0.58 16.47 2.19 0.07 0.379 0.434 0.50 0.59 on 37.02 241 0.09 0.451 0.52 0.60 0.70 0.84 18.57 2.63 eal 0.68 0.61 on 0.83 0.99 20.1 2.85 043 0.62 om 0.82 0.96 115 21.66 3.06 0.16 on 081 0.94 a 1.32 23.21 8.28 0.7 0.80 0.92 1.67 1.26 1.49 24.76 8.50 0.19 0.90 1.08 121 142 1.68 26.20 am 0.22 1.02 1.16 134 1.58 1.88 27.85 3.94 024 qe 1.29 1.50 1.76 2.10 29.40 416 0.27 124 143 1.66 1.94 2.92 30.94 4.38 030 1.37 1.57 182 214 2.85 84.04 4.82 0.36 1.63 4.87 2u7 2.55 8.04 3713 5.25 0.43 1.92 2.20 2.65 2.99 3.68 40.28 6.69 0.50 222 2.55 2.98 3.48 44 48.28 6.13 0.58 2.55 2.92 3.39 3.98 416 46.42 657 067 2.90 B82 8.86 458 54 49.51 7.00 0.76 327 314 4.33 5a 63 52.6 144 0.86 3.65 419 4.86 6.0 68 55.7 +788 0.96 4.07 467 BA 64 16 58.8 8.92 107 4.50 52 60 10 84 619 8.16 119 4.95 61 66 18 92 69.8 9.86 1.50 62 a 82 96 4 14 10.95 1.86 75 86 10.0 aa 13.9 85.1 12.04 2.25 a9 102, 8 13.9 16.6 92.8 18.13 2.68 104 121 13.9 164 196 Hin ft. per 1000 of length. 6 42". PIPE QinUS. — vinft, Hinft, C=1M0 G=190 #120 C= 110 C= 100 ccusecs| per sec, 464 0.48 0.00 oo19 0.022 0.026 0.030 0.036 619 0.64 0.01 0.033 0.038 0.044 0.052 0.081 114 0.80 0.01 0.050 0.057 0.086 0.078 0.092 9.28 0.98 0.01 0.070 0.080 0.092 0.108 0.129 10.88 1s 0.02 0.092 0.106 0.123 0.45 oa72 12.88 129 0.03 oats 0.136 0.168 0.185 0.220 13,92 145; 0.03 oas7 0.168 0.198 0.230 0.273 1847 161 0.04 0.178 0.207 0.298 0.280 0.332 17.02 Ln 0.05 0.213 0.245 0.284 0.394 0.398 1867 1.93 0.06 0251 0.288 0.333 0.392 0.408 21.66 2.25 0.08 0.333 0.382 0.445 os2 0.62 24.76 2.57 0.0 0.428 0.490 067 0.67 0.80 27.85 2.89 03 053 061 om 0.88" 0.99 30.94 22 016 0.64 0.74 086 1.02 121 34.04 3.58 019 om 0.88 1.03 121 144 37.18 3.86 0.23 0.90 104 1a 142 1.68 40.23 4:18 oat 1.05 Lal 1.30 1.64 1.96 43.32 4.50 ost aa 1.98 161 1.88 2.25 46.45 482 0.36 337 187 1.83 24 2.56 49.51 515 oat 1.64 am 2.08 241 2.88 52.6 647 0.46 1.18 1.98 2.29 2.70 B21 55.7 6.79 052 1.92 2.20 2.68 8.00 3.58 58.8 ll 08 212 2.48 2,82 3a 8.95 oo 6.45, 0.64 2.38 2.08 830 3.64 4.35 65.0 6.76, on 2.56 2.92 3.40 3.99 46 68.1 7.08 0.78 2.78 319 3.70 436 62 n2 740 0.85 3.02 3.48 4.02 471 58 m3 1.72 0.98 3.28 3.76 438 5a 61 m4 “8.04 3.01 352 4.05 4.70 58 68 85.1 8.84 1a 421 482 56 66 78 92.8 9.65 145, 4.94 61 66 1 92 100.6 10.45 1.70 5.70 66 78 90 307 108.3 11.26 197” 66 16 88 103 122 1160 12.08 2.28 16 86 100 7 139 1238 1286 2.57 a4 96 uz 132 187 Hin ft per 1000 length. 87 48". PIPE Qinus. — vintt Hinf. C=140 C=130 C120 G=110 C= 100 cusoes per see. 6.19 049 0.00 0.017 0.020 0.023 0.027 0.082 4 0.62 0.1 0.026 0.080 0.035 0.041 0.048 9.28 0.74 0.01 0.036 0.042 0.088 0.057 0.068 12.98 0.98 oo 0.062 oon 0.082 0.097 0.115 1547 1.28 0.02 0.094 0,107 0.124 0.146 0.74 18.57 1.48 0.08 0.131 0.150 0.74 0204 0.248 21.66 Ln 0.05 0.74 0,199 0.282 0.272 0.824 24.76 1.97 0.08 0.222 0.256 0.298 0.849 o4lT 27.86 2.22 0.08 o2m 0.819 0.369 0.488 02 30.04 2.46 0.09 0.988 0.987 0.449 0.53 0.68 34.04 2.01 ot 0.401 0.460 0.54 0.68 0.75 37.18 2.96 0.4 472 0.54 0.63 0.74 088 40.23 8.20 016 0.55 0.68 0.73 0.86 1.02 49.32 3.45 0.18 0.63 one 084 0.98 17 46.42 3.69 021 072 082 0.95 Lig 1.33 49.51 3.94 02a 0.80 0.92 1.07 1.26 1.50 52.8 4.19 0.27 0.90 1.08, 119 14 1.68 85.7 443 031 1.00 116 1.83 1.57 187 68.8 4.68 os4 in 127 148 173 2.07 619 4.92 0.38 1.22 1.89 1.62 1.90 2.28 65.0 a7 oat 1.83 1.58, um 2.08 2.49 . 68.1 6.42 0.45 145 167 1.98 2.28 an 4 12 5.68 0.50 1.68 181 2.09 247 2.94 143 5.91 0.54 un 1.96 2.28 2.67 19 % 74 6.16 0.59 1.84 212 2.46 2.88 844 8 85.1 6.77 on 2.19 2.62 2.92 3.43 4.09 5 92.8 7.89 085 2.58 297 344 4.04 4.80 |, (100.8 8.00 0.99 2.99 3.43 3.98 4.68 56 * 108.8 8.62 116 848 3.94 4.58 5A o4 116.0 9.28 1.82 3.90 448 52 61 18 1288 9.85 151 440 6a 59 69 82 181.6 10.48 1.70 492 56 66 14 92 199.2 11.08 1 56 63 13 86 102 S147 11.69 2a2 60 10 8.0 95 118 164.7 12.81 2.85 67 16 a8 10.4 12.4 ft. per 1000 ft. : 58, a 4". PIPE, QinUS. — vintt Hinft. C=#140 C=180 C= 120 =o C= 100 eusees per see. 928 0.68 0.01 0.020 0.028 0.027 0.032 0.038 1288 0.78 0.01 0.085 0.040 0.046 0.054 0.065 16.47 0.97 0.01 0.053 0.060 0.070 0.082 0.098 18.57 Ly 0.02 0.074 0.085 0.098 0.15 0.137 21.68 1.36 0.08 0.008 0.113 0.131 0.163 0.188 24.16 1.56 0.04 0.126 odd 0.167 0.196 0.285 27.85 1.15; 0.05 0.187 0.179 0.208 0244 0.291 30.04 1.95 0.08 0.190 0.218 0.252 0.297 0.854 34.04 234 0.07 0227 0.260 0.801 0.854 0.422 37.13 2.98 0.08 0.267 0.308 0.364 oat7 0.496 40.28 2.58 0.10 0.308 0.954 041 0.482 0.68 43.32 272 ou 0.363 0.406 0.470 0.56 0.66 46.42 2.92 0.8 0.402 0.481 0.54 0.83, 0.75 49.51 3.1 035 0.468 0.52 0.60 on 0.85 526 Bal oz 001 0.58 0.68 0.80 0.95 86.7 3.60 0.19 056 0.65 0.785 0.88 1.05 58.8 3.70 021 0.62 0.72 0.83 0.98 aay 619 3.89 028 0.68 0.79 0.91 1.07 1.28 65.0 4.09 0.26 0.95 0.86 1.00 4ay 1.40 68.1 428 0.28 082 0.94 1,08 1.28 1.63 na 447 oat 0.89 1.02 1.18 1.39 1.66 m3 467 034 0.96 a 1.28 151 1.79 14 4.86 037 1.04 119 1.88 1.62 1.94 85.1 5.35 044 124 1.42, 1.64 1.98 2'30 928 5.84 0.63 1.46 1.67 1.93 2.28 2n 100.6 6.32 0.62 1.68 1.93 2.24 2.68 a4 108.3 681 oe 1.98 2.22 2.68 3.02 3.61 60 7.80 0.83 2.20 2.62 2.92 3.43 4.10 128.8 118 0.94 248 2.84 3.30 3.88 461 131.5 827 1.08 2.78 3.18 3.69 4.32 52 139.2 8.16 119 3.08 362 4.10 481 58 147.0 9.24 1.33, + Bal 391 4.53 5A 64 154.7 9.13 147 3.15 430 4.99 59 10 170.2 10.70 1.78 4.48 5.20 60 70 ba 186.7 1167 232 53 60 10 82 98 Hin ft, per 1000 ft. length. 59 60" - PIPE Qinus, — vintt Hyinft. C=140 C=180 G=120 G=110 cusecs per see. 6.19 082 0.00 0.006 0.907 0.00 0.009 0.01 928 047 0.00 0.012 0.014 0.016 0.019 0.028 12.88 0.68 0.01 0.021 0.024 0.028 0.033 0.039 16.47 0.79 oot 0.082 0.036 0.042 0.049 0.059 18.57 0.95 0.01 0.044 0.051 0.059 0.069 0.082 21.66 1.10 0.02 0.059 0.088 0.078 0.092 0.109 24.16 1.26 0.02 0.076 0.086 0.100 0.7 0.140 27.86 142 0.03 0.094 0.107 0.124 0.146 0.174 30.94 1.58 0.04 0.118 0.131 0.162 0.178 O22 84.04 173 0.05 0.136 0.156 0.181 o212 0,268 87.18 1.89 0.06 0.159 0.183 o2t2 0.249 0.298 40.28 2.05 0.07 0.185 o212 o2a1 0.289 0.346 43.82 221 0.08 o2i2 0.243 0.282 0.881 0.395 46.42 2.36 0.09 0.241 0277 0.320 0.877 0.449 49.61 2.62 0.10 o2m1 0.810 0.361 0.425 051 526 Ou 0.908 0.349 0.404 0474 0.67 66.7 0.12 0.898 0.388 0.449 0.63 0.63 588 0.14 0.972 0428 0.496 0.58 0.20 eo 0.16 0.410 0.470 0.56 0.64 0.76 696 0.19 051 0.59 0.68 0.80 0.95 14 0.24 0.62 om 0.83 0.97 116 85.1 0.29 0.74 0.85 0.98 116 1.88 28 0.36 0.87 1.00 116 1.36 1.62 1006 0.41 1.02 116 1.34 1.58 1.88 108.3 047 1.16 1.98, 1.54 181 2.17 116.0 0.54 1.82 1.61 1.75 2.08 2.46 123.8 0.62 1.48 1.70 191 281 2.18 131.5 0.70 1.66 1,90 221 2.59 3.09 199.2 0.78 1.84 21g 2.47 2.89 344 1420 0.87 2.08 2.34 2m 3.19 3.80 154.7 0.97 2.24 257 2.98 31 439 1702 ay 2.68 3.07 3.67 418 498 185.7 1.39 8.18 360 418 4.90 59 2011 13 3.63 438 4.84 87 68 2166 1.89 418 479 56 66 18 Hin ft, per 1000 ft. length, 6 66" - PIPE QinUS. — vintt Hinf. C=M0 C=180 C=12 G=10 C= 100 cusces per sec. 12.98 ose 0.00 oo18 0.018 0.017 0.021 0.024 1547 0.85 0.01 0.02 0.028 0.026 0.031 0.097 1887 078 oot 0.028 0.082 0.087 0.048 0.052 21.68 oot 0.01 0.087 0.042 0.049 0.058 0.069 24.78 1.04 0.02 0.047 0.054 0.083 0.074 0.088 21.85 a7 0.02 0.059 0.068 0.078 0.092 ooo 30.94 1.80 0.08 oon 0.082 0.095 oie 0.193 34.04 1.49 0.08 0.085 0.098 ois 0.193 0.158 37.18 1.58 0.04 0.100 0.16 0.93 0.187 0.87 40.23 1.69 0.04 0.16 0.183 0.154 0.182 0217 48.32 1.82 0.05 0.193 0.163 0.178 0.208 0.248 46.42 1.95 0.08 0.182 0.178 0.201 0.297 0.282 49.51 2.08 oor oat 0.196 0.227 0.267 oai8 528 221 0.08 0.91 o219 0.254 0.298 0.356 55.7 2.34 0.09 o2i2 0.243 0.282 0.831 0.896 58.8 247 0.10 0.285 0.269 osi2 0.368 0.488 e19 2.60 oat 0.258 0.296 0344 0.408 0.481 69.6 2.93 oa 0.820 0.368 0.427 0.50 0.60 14 826 os 0.390 0.448 0.52 oat 073, 85.1 3.08 020 0.466 0.63, 0.62 0.78 0st 92.8 391 024 0.55 0.63 0.78 0.86 1.02, 100.6 428 0.28 0.64 073 0.84 0.99 118 108.8 406 ose 0.78 084 0.97 Lu 1.86 1160 488 037 0.83 0.95 1.10 129 1.54 123.8 521 0.42 0.93 107 124 1.46 4.74 191.5 5.03 0.47 1.04 119 1.98 1.63 1.94 199.2 5.86 053 116 1.33 1.54 1.82, 2a7 1470 619 0.59 1.28 aa in 2.00 2.39 154.7 651 0.66 14 1.62, 1.88 2.20 2.62 1702 716 0.80 167 1.92 2.22 261 B12 186.7 781 0.95 19 227 2.62 3.09 368 201.1 847 4 229 2.62 3.04 2.69 4.28 2166 932 1.29 262 8.01 3.60 4 490 292.1 eat 1.48 2.99 843 3.98 4.88 56 2476 1042 1.68 337 387 449 53 63 in ft, per 1000 ft. length, a Tar PARE: Qinus; — winte Hijnti. ©=140: = 180 G12 =O = 100. cusecs: parse: 102383 oti 0.00" 0.009° 0.010: osu: 0.016: 1a 065: 0.005 0.018: 0015: oz 186%, 066: 0.0K: 0018: 0102 03a 21166: on oor 024: 01028: 05: 241763 0188: or 003%, 0.085; 01058: 27:85: 0.98: 0102 1088: 0104s 0.072: + 8004: ni0a) woe: ae? 0.054: 0087 3404" 1205 708! 01056: 01084 on104 B73 ust 08: 07066: 1075: one 40.23: wan, 08: 0.076: o0s7 ona 49:92: 1158) 104: 01087 on100: on162: 46342: 64: 008 0.099 onas: ong6: 4951 196. 0105: owe 128% 0208; ~ e263 186: 105: 026: ons ov22: oor uot 008 ones: ons9» 0259: 68:8 22085 007 163s ones 07287 ain 2199 on 169 198 1316: ~ 699 218 0.08: 0210) ont: 0:991. ae aera: one. 2555 omen oxen: x BL 10 one 73045 oso o8t 928 5285 our 01358 oui wer 100385 358 20: ona: 06: 7a: * 1083) 3:88) 028; 4765 O18 0:88 11620 48101 026: 01641 062: now = 12838: 4:98 0780: 08x 0:70; 1a 1892, 4:92 08 076: 08T: naa Sai ai 047. 092: L0r 1B: wom 08: 0156 310; x27 2105: 18697" 6x7 07: 1.285 148 2:40 5 jun Taw 079 1150; 72 2791 236303 ‘708: or 172) 191, 3120 % pp 82 105, 1:95; 2104: 862 U6 876) 119, 2:20) 262 #10 my 20800 9180; 134 2:48: 2:82 4:69 2185 9.85, 46h 2: 3:18! or * s Hyjin ft; por 1000 f; Length. i : e a a PART - Il READY RECKONER TABLES FOR PUMP SELECTION SELECTION OF HORIZONTAL CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS FO} R Q= 40 LPS or 0,040 Cumoes or 1.41 Casees or 527.34 IGPM. hh = Suction lift including losses in meters. bh, = delivery head incl 1g losses and including pressure main losses in meters. io Discharge by hy bythy RPM Typoofimpellorasper Qxh Bie With — With HP Sumpwell Pamp is LPS th 185120- 1977 75 ancy. 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