PART1 20个话题(更新)

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1. Work or study

What subjects are you studying?

I’m currently studying computer science, with a focus on machine learning.

Why did you choose to study that subject?

I didn’t choose this subject. Rather, it chose me. I’ve always been fascinated by how computer programs work
since I was a child so I knew from day one that I will study computer science.

Is it interesting?
Yes, it is very interesting. There’re many interesting things to learn and to experiment with. It’s not easy, but I
enjoy the challenges it presents.

Do you prefer to study in the morning or in the afternoon?

I generally prefer to study in the afternoon or in the evening, because I usually go to bed at round 4am, which
means I spend most of my mornings sleeping.

Are you looking forward to working?

Absolutely. There’s not a day when I don’t wish I could finish my education earlier and join the workforce

Do you like your subject?

Yes, in my opinion, there’s no other subject that would suit me better than computer science. When I learn or
work on my coding assignment, it literally feels like play.

What work do you do?

I work as a corporate legal counsel. I help my company review contracts and settle legal disputes.

Why did you choose to do that type of work?

For the money obviously. I make around 300,000 yuan a year, even though the work itself is boring and
tedious and doesn’t bring me much joy.

Do you miss being a student?

What’s there to miss? I can’t even remember what the life of student was like.

Do you like your job?

On some days I do and on others I don’t. Like any job, mine has its ups and downs. Sometimes you do a good
job and everybody appreciates it, but there’re also those days on which things just don’t go the way you
expect no matter how hard you try.

2. HOME (Your Accommodation)

Can you describe the place where you live?

I live in a 2-bed room apartment in a modest neighbourhood, not very far from the city centre.

How long have you lived there?

I’ve lived here for almost 10 years. I moved in about 10 years ago when I began working for a company in the
Who do you live with?
Just me and dog Boris. I don’t really like having other humans around, so I just live by myself.

Do you plan to live there for a long time?

I don’t see any reason to move at the present moment, but I can’t really be certain about the future. Maybe
I’ll get a different job in another city or decide to get married one day, then I’ll probably need to find a new

What’s the different between where you are living now and where you have lived in the past?
I used to live in another neighbourhood in another part of the town with my parents, but other than the
location, I think the main difference is that my current neighbourhood seems to have more older folks hanging
around doing nothing all day, while my old neighbourhood was mainly occupied by young professional

Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?

A flat. A house is just too much of a nuisance, too many things to take care of, while in a flat I don’t need to
worry about anything other than cleaning the my rooms.

In the future, what type of place would you like to live in?
I would like to move to a mansion on the beach in the future, provided I could afford it.

What kind of neighbourhood/environment/surroundings/home would you like to live in?

I’d like to live in a neighbourhood of friendly people, preferably located in a pleasant area near the beach,
with ample road-side parking spaces.

What do you usually do in your house/flat/room?

Well, bit of this and that. Mostly just watching TV and sleeping because I don’t really have that many other
things to do when I’m home.

Which room does your family spend most of the time in?
We love to spend our time in the kitchen, cooking and talking or drinking tea or coffee together, exchanging
our thoughts and experiences of the day.

What part of your home do you like the most?

I like my bedroom the best, it’s the place where I spend most of my time when I’m home, and I generally
enjoy being in it.

Are the transport facilities to your home very good?

They’re ok. There’s bus stop about 10 minutes’ walk from my place, and there’s a train station not very far
away, though they’re not super convenient but I won’t complain.

3. Hometown

What’s the name of your hometown ?

It’s a village called 狗熊岭, which literally(字面上的意思,得分词) means brown bear ridge, because a large
number of bears used to inhabit the woods around the village.

Is that a big city or small place?

It’s a very small village, the surrounding area is teeming with wildlife. The nearest town is almost 2 hours’
drive away, so it’s not a very accessible place.

Please describe your hometown a little.

Sure. Like I said, it’s a small village surrounded by woods, and not many people live here. Most of the
residents work or used to work in the logging industry, because the woods are dense, providing good
resources for the logging industry.

How long have you lived there?

I lived there during my entire childhood and most of my adolescence. I moved to the city only after I began

Do you like living there?

Yes I do. Although it’s just a small place without the amenities you often see in big cities, but people there are
amazing. They’re simply folks mostly, but they genuinely care about each other and there’s really congenial
feeling in the village.

What do you like (most) about your hometown?

The number and diversity of wildlife around my hometown is blind-blowing. I used to go out there to trap
rabbits and steal honey from beehives with my mates every day, and we really had a great time in the woods.

Is there anything you dislike about it?

The only thing I can complain about is the lack of good internet connection in my village. The internet service
there is notoriously slow and reliable, and I can’t live a day without checking my social media updates every
other hour.

Do you think you’ll continue living there for a long time? Do you plan to continue living there?
I don’t currently live there so I can’t say I’ll continue living there. But I think I may move back there after I
retire, because it’s a really good place for older folks.

Where would you like to live?

I’d like to live in silicon valley. I’ve heard there’re many high-end jobs there that pay really well. Do you know
how I can move there?

4. Transportation
What form of transport do you usually use?
I usually just walk from place to place. It’s free and it helps me exercise my legs after being in a seated position
for too long.

Why did you choose that form of transport?

Mainly because it doesn’t cost any money. I’m not suggesting that I’m poor but I believe one must spend
wisely, so I don’t see how someone could justify taking the bus or taxi every day.

What vehicles (or means or transport) do people in China most often choose to use?
I think most people in China travel by car if they drive, and those who don’t generally use motorbikes or the
public transport systems, like buses or trains.

What will become the most popular means of transport in China?

Shared bicycles are becoming increasingly popular these days, you can scan the QR code with your phone and
unlock them, and after you’re done you could just leave them wherever you’re. I think they’re going to
become the most popular means of getting around in urban centers in the future.
What do you think of the transport situation in your hometown?
Because my hometown is just a small village, you could just walk wherever you want without a problem. If
you need to travel a little bit further or to the nearest town, you could drive a hitch a ride. So I’d say the
transport situation there is superb.

Would you say transport costs are high in your hometown?

It’s actually quite low because walking doesn’t cost money. Riding your own bicycle or electric mopeds
doesn’t cost much either. So I’d say the transport costs in my hometown are virtually non-existent.

How has the transport system in your hometown changed in the past?
It hasn’t changed much except that in the past most people just walked wherever they need to and in recent
years, some people have begun to use electric bikes, but they are still very clean and environmentally friendly.

5. Advertisements
Are there many advertisements in your country?
Of course there’re. Advertisements are everywhere in my country and I bet you can’t even hide from them.

Why do you think there are so many advertisements now?

Well I’m not sure to be honest. Maybe it’s because there’s a lot of competition in the market these days and
every business must find ways to promote themselves.

How do you feel about advertisements? Do you like advertisements?

I like them. Most advertisements, whether they’re still images in newspaper or videos on TV or your phone,
are quite entertaining and informative. I honestly think my life would be rather dull without them.

What kind of advertisements do you like the most?

The funny ones of course, because they are really entertaining. Like a couple years ago there’s this advert for
a soil chemical enhancer in my country, which went viral on social media because it gives everybody a good

Do advertisements (ever) influence your choice about what to buy?

All the time. In fact, I generally avoid buying brands that I haven’t seen on TV or newspaper, because I believe
those brands are not credible(reliable).

Where can we see advertisements?

Where can you not see them? You don’t need to seek them out, you just need to sit at home and they’ll come
to you.

What are the various places where we see advertisements?

Everywhere. If you take a walk, you’ll see them on the street. If you take public transport, you’ll see them
played in the in your buses and trains. Even if you just stay at home, you’ll see them on TV or on your phone.

Do you prefer advertisements on TV or those in magazines?

This question seems to imply that I actively look for advertisements. I don’t really care where I see them
because they’re going to be there anyway no matter what you do, so I don’t really have any preference.

What do you think is the purpose of advertisements?

Well it’s quite simple really. Businesses advertise to send messages about their products or services to
consumers, and given the kind of competition in the market today, companies that don’t advertise are going
to fail miserably.

What do you think about the development in advertising in China today?

I know that advertising is a huge industry making trillions every year and keeping millions of people employed,
so I think its development is largely positive.

6/ Sleep
How many hours are you asleep for every night?
Between 5 and 7 hours in general, depending on what time I go to bedtime. Sometimes I go to bed earlier and
sometimes later, but I always get up at the same time at 6am in the morning.

Is it necessary to take a nap every day?

I rarely nap so I don’t think it’s necessary for me. But I know some people like to take a nap from time to time,
but whether that’s good for them is debatable in my opinion.

Do old people sleep a lot? Why?

On the contrary, old people seem to sleep less according to my experience. I have no scientific explanation for
this. Maybe old people’s bodies have stopped regenerating their tissues or are doing it at a much slower rate,
so they don’t require as much sleep as they used to.

What time do you usually go to bed?

Between 10pm and 1pm on most nights, depending what I was doing. When I don’t have much to do, I’d go to
bed early. But if I had unfinished work or went out partying, obviously I wouldn’t be able to sleep as early as
I’d like to.

Do you always have a good sleep?

Yes, I do. I don’t know about you or anyone else, but I always get a solid sleep without any interruption on
most nights.

7.Daily Routine
What part of your day do you like the best?
I like the afternoon the best. I spend most of my afternoons meeting people for coffee or catching up on my
social media updates, it’s really the most exciting part of my day.

What’s your daily routine?

I generally wake up at 6am in the morning, leave for work at 7am and work through the entire morning. After
lunch, I usually meet people for coffee or read some books. In the evening, I typically work for another 4-5
hours before going to bed.

What is the busiest part of the day for you?

Morning of course. I usually schedule most of my meetings and calls in the morning, so this is the time when I
tie up loose ends and jump from one thing to another in quick succession.

What’s the difference of routine between you and your teenager time?
I think the main difference is that these days I can set my own daily routine while during my teenager years,
how I spend my time during the day was mostly determined by others.

what’s your attitude toward jewelry?
Love them. I’m particularly fond of gold jewelry, but I also like other types of jewelry, like diamonds,
rubies or emeralds.

What kind of jewelry do you like to buy?

I like to buy gold jewelry, like gold chains, bracelets and rings, with nice inscriptions or engraving on them. I
think gold jewels have a special appeal that makes them irresistible.

Why so many people choose to buy expensive jewelry?

It has a lot to do with tradition. Throughout history, expensive jewelry have been a status symbol and their
value tend to persist through time.

How often do you wear jewelry?

I wear them all the time. Let me show you, here’s you can see a gold chain which I wear every day around my
neck, and I wear these rings on my fingers, two on each side, because I’m superstitious about it, I believe this
arrangement brings good luck.

How often do you use your dictionary?
I hardly ever use one because I don’t read too much. Some people may need them because they’re always
reading and learning, but I’m quite happy with what I already know so I don’t need one.

Do you like paper dictionary or electronic dictionary?

Electronic. Paper dictionaries are burdensome, so I don’t really think anyone would prefer them over
electronic dictionaries.

What kind of dictionaries have your used before?

I remember I had quite a few when I was a child, for different languages, but they’re all now replaced by my
phone. My phone has this amazing dictionary app that retrieve information from the internet, so it can access
a lot more information than anything paper-based.

How will dictionaries change in the future?

Well like all things, I think dictionaries will become smarter in the future. They’ll have built-in AI and show you
meanings of words before you even need to refer to them.

How often do you buy others gifts?
I buy gifts about every two weeks, for different purposes. Sometimes it’s for someone’s birthday, sometimes
it’s to congratulate someone.

Do you like to send expensive gifts?

No I don’t usually send expensive gifts because I don’t believe it’s justifiable to spend that kind of money on
gifts. Normally I buy moderate gifts that serves a practical value to people.

What kinds of gifts are popular in your country?

Chocolates are a very popular gift choice in my country, because most people enjoy chocolates and they
usually come in a pretty package that is very visually pleasing to the recipient.

Why do people send gifts?

For all kinds of reasons I suppose. Sometimes you send gifts to show people that you care about them and
value their friendship. Other times you send gifts to get on the good side of people so that they might return
the favor at some point in the future.
Do you like swimming?
Not very much these days. I used to swim a lot because I needed the exercise at the time, but these days I
don’t swim that often anymore because it’s a rather boring way to work out.

Is it difficult to learn how to swim?

I was quite easy for me. I remember I learnt to peddle and float within a couple of hours without having to
practice onshore first. But I know there’re people who have a hard time learning because they’re too scared of

Where do Chinese like to go swimming?

Some like to go swimming in pools, others like to swim in open water, like rivers, reservoirs, lakes, or in the
sea. There’s really no definitive answer to this question.

What’s the difference between swimming in the pool and swimming in the sea?
I think the pool is a safer place for beginners because it’s a stable and controlled environment, with little
uncertainty. But the sea or any other open water can be unpredictable, with waves and currents that you can
or cannot see.

12 News/newspaper

Do you often read newspapers?

No I don’t read newspapers, and I don’t personally know anyone who does. Maybe there’re still some old
people who like to read newspapers but they’re probably only doing it out of habits.

Are you interested in the news?

No I’m not. Most of the news, like some politicians winning elections in some faraway country, or some
celebrities having a divorce, are just completely irrelevant to me. Why should I be interested in those things?

Why do you want to know the latest news?

Sometimes, reading about other people’s problems can be quite entertaining. For instance, last week I read
about the kid who killed himself, that made me realise how lucky I am.

How important is it to you to get the news every day?

It’s not very important for me. I can go without getting the news for many days and I wouldn’t even notice any

What sort of news are you most interested in?

I’m particularly interested in reading about other people’s misery, like market crash causing people to go
homeless, or celebrities being caught having an affair, etc.

Which do you prefer reading, magazines or newspaper?

Definitely magazines. Magazines are far easier for me to read, because they have more pictures. Newspapers
on the other hand are always filled with words which are too boring to read.

What kinds of (types of) newspapers (or magazines) do you usually read?
I particularly like magazines such as playboy or the national geographic, because these magazines are very
graphical, with plenty of pictures to look at.
How old were you when you first started to read newspapers?
Somewhere between the age of 4 and 5 I think, which is also the time I first learnt to recognise words in their
written form.

Do you think it’s important to read newspapers?

No I don’t think it’s important. Just look at me, I haven’t been reading newspapers for a long time but I turned
out to be just fine.

Why do you think people read newspapers?

Probably because their life is just too boring and they don’t have much else to do. In my opinion, if you’re
living a rich and fulfilled life you should have time for other people’s gossips.

What different types of newspapers are there in China?

I’m sorry I’m aware of the different types of newspaper. Aren’t they all the same? They’re just newspapers,
right? Only a seasoned newspaper reader would be able to answer this question.

Do you care about the news?

No I don’t. Like I said, most of the news aren’t relevant to me anyway, and I’ve got no interest in knowing
what happened to other people.

13 Hand writing

Do you usually write by hand or using a computer (typewriter or word-processor)?

I haven’t written anything by hand for many years except writing my own name. In fact, I’d be amazed if I
could still remember how to write anything by hand.

Nowadays, how do most people write things?

I think the phrasing of this question is problematic as it assumes most people write these days, which I believe
to be false. But anyway if they do, I think most likely they would be writing in a seated position inside a quiet
room, probably with a cigarette between their lips and a cup of tea or coffee on the desk. I could be wrong but
this is how I imagine people would write.

Do you think computers might one day replace handwriting?

I think computers have already replaced handwriting just like handwriting replaced stone carving a thousand
years ago.

When do children begin to write in your country?

Most children learn at the age of 5 or 6 I think, I can’t be completely certain because I haven’t interviewed
many children. I think I’d need a sample of at least 2000 randomly selected children before I can answer this
question with some certainty.

How did you learn to write?

I learnt to write by learning it stroke by stroke, letter by letter, character by character, word by word.

Do you think handwriting is very important nowadays?

No I don’t think it’s very important. In fact I think it’s completely unimportant because you don’t get a chance
to hand-write anything these days.

How can children today improve or practice their handwriting?

Maybe there’re some apps available that can help people improve their handwriting, like some app that
teaches you how to properly hold a pen, or how to write a stroke after another.

What impression does a person’s handwriting have on other people?

I think by looking at a person’s handwriting, you can tell how old they are. Old people generally have legible
handwriting because that’s what they have been trained to do during their early days, but the younger
generation brought up in the internet age no longer understand this art.

14 outdoor activities
What do you do in your spare time?
I like to play video games in my spare time. I’m a seasoned gamer and my favourite type of games are first
person shooters like call of duty. Have you played call of duty? It’s simply the best. I wish I could tell you more
but you probably want to move to the next question now?

Do you like outdoor activities?

Yes I like all kinds of outdoor activities, like walking, hiking, camping, or fishing.

What outdoor activities do you like to do?

Like I said I love all kinds of outdoor activities, but I were to name one as my favourite, it’s got to be fishing. I
like it because it requires a lot of knowledge about fish, as well skills and a great deal of patience.

How often do you do that?

I do it probably twice a week. Normally I do it on weekends but I’d also find time during the week do catch
myself a nice fish or two.

What outdoor sports do you like and why?

My favourite outdoor sport is football. I’m actually in a local club and we play against other local amateur
clubs from time to time. I love it because it’s a great way to get the exercise and spend some quality time with
your friends.

How much time do you spend outdoors every week?

A lot, seriously a lot. When I’m not working I’m always out there taking a walk or doing something else in the

How often do you do outdoor activities?

I do it every day. On the weekends I go fishing with my friends and during the week I also spend a substation
amount of time playing sports or exercising in the open.

15 animal

Why do some people keep pets at home?

It’s hard to say. Some people may keep pets because they’re lonely or prefer the company of animals to that
of humans. Some people may just like to take photos of their pets and upload them to the internet.

What kinds of animals do you like?

I like furry and fluffy animals in general, like polar bears, foxes, cats, and so on.

Have you had a pet before?

Yes I’ve had many dogs before and I still have some. They’re lovely and playful creatures, always craving for
your attention.
Do you like to see animals in the zoo?
Yes I love to. In fact I go to the zoo quite often, because I love to just sit there and watch those animals do
whatever they do.

What’s the most popular animal in china?

It has to be dogs. Wherever you go, you always see a lot of them, so they must be the most popular animal in
the country.

16 physical exercise

What kinds of exercises do you do?

I usually do mild exercises that do not put too much pressure on my joints, like walking and swimming.
Sometimes I do a little bit of body weight training as well, like push-up and planking.

Do you think children should play sports regularly?

Absolutely. Children have too much free time these days, and the best way to make sure they don’t waste all
that free time on mindless games or causing troubles is to make them play sports.

What was your favourite sport when you were young?

I particularly enjoyed swimming when I was young. I used to swim 2 kilometres every day before lunch, and it
really helped turn my body into a great shape.

Do you like extreme sports?

You mean sports like skydiving or bungee jumping? To be honest I haven’t done any of them and I have no
intention to try. I’d much prefer sports that don’t involve me getting killed at the end of it.

What kinds of exercises are popular in your country?

Walking seems to be most popular exercise in my country. Every day and everywhere you go you’ll see people
walking, so I suppose it must be a very popular exercise.

17 App

What kinds of apps do you often use?

Mostly I use social media and online shopping apps. Social media apps help me stay connected with friends
and the outside world, while online shopping apps let me buy whatever I want without leaving my house.

What kinds of apps would you like to have in the future?

I’d really love to have an app that tells me how much I’ve spent on online shopping or how much time I’ve
spent looking at other people’s social media updates, because I’d really love to know how much money and
time I’ve wasted on these useless activities.

What’s the most popular app in your country?

The most popular app among people I know in my country has to be wechat. Have you used wechat? It’s
super user-friendly. And you know what? In addition to letting you text people, it also allows you to do group
chat or video conferencing, and you can even use it to pay for your shopping.

What was the first app you used?

I really can’t remember. But one of the first apps I used was momo. It was a great app that allows you to see
who’s around you so that you can find attractive people to talk to.
Do old people in your country like to use apps?
Yes I’d say so. A lot of old people I know are using wechat to interact with one another. They also like to post
updates on their social media and wait for their friends to comment on it.

18 music

When do you listen to music?

I listen to music almost every minute I’m awake. I listen to music when I’m brushing my teeth or eating my
breakfast, then I go to walk while listening to some uplifting music. Because I do manual labour so I usually
work with my headphone on all day, and I play light soothing music at night to help me sleep.

How much time do you spend listening to music every day?

About 12 to 14 hours I’d say. Like I said already, I listen to music nearly all the time I’m not sleeping, so I think
that adds up to 12 hours a day easily.

What kinds of music do you like to listen to?

I listen to all kinds of music. Like I said, in the morning and while I’m working, I like to listen to cheerful and
uplifting music, like salsa and meringue. In the evening I listen to soothing music like Mozart or Brahms.

What’s your favourite kind of music?

It’s got to be classical music, Beethoven and Tchaikovsky specifically. Their music has an inexplicable charm
that transcends time and space.

Have you ever been to a concert before?

I go to concerts all the time. I enjoy all sorts of concerts, whether it’s rock or classical. In fact, going to concert
is one of my main weekend activities, and I also use it as an opportunity to socialise.

19 names

Do you like your name?

Not particularly. I’ve always wished I could have a better name, a cooler name, a name that demands respect
from people.

Does your name have any special meaning?

None what-so-ever. My parents didn’t bother to find me a name with special meaning, well, even if they
wanted to they probably couldn’t considering that they weren’t very literate. So they just picked some
random words and named me such and such.

What kinds of names are popular in China?

The most popular names are those that reflect people’s patriotism and love for the country, like 建国 建军
爱国 爱民,and so on. The other popular names are those that people think could bring fortune to their
children, like 福贵,吉祥,如意。

Are there many Chinese people who have the same name as you?
There’re many, too many perhaps. It’s one of the most common names in China, and last time I checked,
there’re over 400 people with exactly the same name as I do in my village alone.

Is there any tradition about naming babies?

Yes. Naming a baby is thought to be a very important event, and most parents aren’t very confident that they
could do a good job. So they usually hire a soothsayer, who would examine the child’s birth date and hour,
and determine the star alignment of the child’s birth time. Then this soothsayer would choose words helps
the child draw the divine energy from that particular star alignment. It’s quite complicated so I won’t bore you
with more details.

20 rainy days

Do it rain much in China? Where? When?

During certain seasons, like late spring or early summer, the majority of china would be under heavy rainfall.

Is there any part of China where it doesn’t rain much?

Because China is a huge country spanning over multiple climate zones, I’m sure there’re some places that
don’t see much rain all year round.

When (in what month/season) does it rain most in your hometown?

In summer of course. Summer in my hometown is always hot and damp, and rain is actually much appreciated
in this season as it provides a much needed relief of the heat and humidity of the season.

In which season does it rain most in other parts of china?

Also in summer I believe, thought I can’t be 100% sure.

Can you remember any time when it rained particularly heavily in your hometown?
Yes. Last summer it rained for 7 days in a row, and many parts of my hometown were flooded as a result. I
hope this sort of extreme weather won’t repeat itself this summer.

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