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and D.

Radford, contains many interesting reminiscences

Calhoun was nominated for the Vice-presidency. Of the other

or moving his limbs in any way as may be desired. (b) There

subject to be found among medieval writers and turn to modern

traders. The inclusion of the indirect losses and the other

published by J. Wellhausen in the Zeitschrift der deutschen

Purpurin. Anthrapurpurin. Flavopurpurin. Anthragallol.

iron the powder charge was reduced in proportion, and this

ammonium chloride was obtained. On these grounds O. Silberrad

Contaminated as it was with potassium and with platinum from

Practically the only foreign market for Algerian wine is

though the instrument by which the ship is let may be called a

Explosive shells do not appear to have been in general

circumscription (academie) of Lyons. It forms part of the

adopted in Germany to describe this kind of country, which

in 1905 its operation was extended to the 31st of March

visited districts which had not been traversed by Europeans

(March 23). Banks's main army, early in May, lay far down the

instances colleges are supported entirely by one county, as

and the majority of the Swiss cantons provide for an inquiry

the water which has to be aerated. On a large scale, use is

Suhag, on the opposite side of the river, whence there is railway

greatness. Of these the most conspicuous is the mausoleum of

superintended the publication of the Jena edition of Luther's

tribes) and the head-rest. Circumcision is practically universal.

Italian fleet is governed on principles analogous to the

proposed that such portion of lands lately conquered from

only assured on the introduction of the Jena glasses by E.

seq.); Sozialpolitischer Briefwechsel (1894); Statuts de

a large section of Baluchistan and Persia within the official

Contracting Powers have agreed to renew at fixed intervals,

freedom with which blood and treasure were spent to enforce

amendment. But the passage, by the legislature, of vagrancy

The formation of such communities in the East does not date

237). In 1856 there was a protracted lawsuit as to who were

At the opening of the Berlin conference Spain had established no

12th May 1894. By this agreement King Leopold recognized the

allotment note must be in a form sanctioned by the Board of Trade.

Daphlas and Akas, are supposed to be descended from a Tibetan

AlBr3, is prepared in the same manner as the chloride. It

the working air, by the combustion there of gaseous or other

friendship. Adolphus was called to the bar in 1822, and his

numbers. How Addison, who was dying, felt after this painful

answer to Pilate's question, ``Quid est veritas''--namely,

aldehyde. With sodium bisulphite they form the so-called

portrait which he has drawn of himself in his own Memoirs

Thomas Roe's time, A.D. 1615, ``it was a goodly city as large

the present republics of Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador) was

use of the route by the coast of Africa to the south and

unhesitatingly translates it Weissland, ``whiteland.''

the key of the position; but his ships were dashed to pieces

produced in the end a synthesis of Plato and Aristotle with an

Ancient America. -- As a single specimen of an altar, wholly

to vary in value and in direction by means of four

(chaps. i.-x.), and history (chap. x.-end). The historical

army, retreating from Persia, is said to have lost 18,000

potash, it forms potassium valerate. Amyl nitrite finds

them traces sufficient to set up the disorder in a drove of

invaluable. To them we owe not merely the possession of

consul. When Lord Exmouth was about to bombard the city in

was identified with AElfric (995--1005), archbishop of

they are universally brought by a public officer at public

1840 restored it to the Porte. The chief productions of the

as far as the Danube on the N., the Inn on the S. and the Lech

re-establishes the original conditions, thus enabling the

Nice. The broad-gauge railways in the department cover 56

assemblies, such as meetings for ostracism, were held in the

which we can examine are thus of the nature of averages.

the perilous Pongo in 1557 and invaded the country of the

water. The waste of heat in the chimney gases is accordingly

and he had the support of his clergy. Berengaria left him

subject, from poetry to astronomy, from dogmatic theology to

suitable for most industrial purposes, and at the same time

gorged with blood at the expense of internal organs. More

3. For many centuries algebra was confined almost entirely

Sea, has been considerably reduced in numbers by pelagic

rival. Therefore the French government strove to unite the

constituents they supply. The non-nitrogenous substance

of the text; anagnosis, settlement of accents; tenn??,

nature. Hans Przibram also extracted a tyrosinase from the

ALBANUS LACUS (mod. Lago di Albano), a lake about 12

drudgery on the farm; the farmer does more work, produces

during Albany's absence in England, he was sentenced to death for

$16,614,577. In the production of foundry pig-iron Alabama

of abrasion, effected by the aid of such abrasives as emery and

Mariette, Abecedario; Emile de la Chavignerie and Auvray,

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