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5/16/2023 Alemante A. 1



5/16/2023 Alemante A. 2
 Types of conductors
 Line supports
 Sag-tension calculations
 Effect of wind and ice
 String Chart
 Sag Template
5/16/2023 Alemante A. 3
Main Componenta overhead line
i) conductors: which carry electric power from the sending end station to the receiving
end station

ii ) support structures: which are attached to supports and insulate the conductors from
the ground

iii ) insulators : which are attached to supports and insulate the conductors from the
iV) Cross arms: which provide support to the insulators

V) Shield wires: which provides grounding and communication services for the
overhead transmission line.

Vi) Miscellaneous items:- such as phase plates, danger plates, lightning arrestors, anti-
climbing wires etc.
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5/16/2023 Alemante A. 6
Conductor Material
The conductor material used for transmission and distribution of electric power
should have the following properties :

i. high electrical conductivity.

ii. high tensile strength in order to withstand mechanical stresses.

iii. low cost so that it can be used for long distances.

iv. low specific gravity so that weight per unit volume is small.

All above requirements are not found in a single material.

 The metals which posses the above properties

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are copper, aluminum and steel, 7
Commonly used conductor materials
The most commonly used conductor materials for overhead lines are:

Copper: properties
 best conductivity
 higher current density,
 It has low specific resistance
 It is durable
 Aluminum: properties
It is cheaper than copper
 It is lighter in weight
 It is second in conductivity (has approximately 60.6% conductivity in
compared to annealed copper wire.
 For same ohmic resistance, its diameter is about 1.27 times that of copper.
 At higher voltages it causes less corona loss

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 diameter of the conductor is more, so it is subject to greater wind pressure
 Since the conductors are liable to swing, so it requires larger cross arms
 Low melting point
 Joining of aluminum is much more difficult than that of any other material
 Galvanized steel: properties
 It is lowest in conductivity
 It has high internal reactance
 It is much subjected to eddy current and hysteresis loss
 In a damp atmosphere it is rusted

The choice of a particular material will depend upon the cost, the required
electrical and mechanical, properties and
the local conditions.
Alemante A. 9
Line supports
The line supports are poles and the chief requirements for such supports are:
I. They must be mechanically strong

II. They must be light in weight without the loss of strength.

III. They must be cheap.

IV. Their maintenance cost should be minimum.

V. They must be easily accessible for point and erection of line


VI. They must have longer life.

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Line supports

The choice of supporting structure for a particular case

depends upon:-
i. line span
ii. Cross sectional area
iii. line voltage
iv. Cost
v. local conditions

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Classifications of Line Supports

Depending on the materials from which they are made from, line supports can
be classified in to

i. Wooden poles,

ii. Steel poles,

iii. R.C.C. poles and

iv. Lattice steel towers


5/16/2023 Alemante A. 12
Wooden Poles
 Shorter span (up to 50m)

 Less cost & used for

distribution purpose in
rural areas.

 Used for voltage up to

20 kv

 Smaller life (20-25


 Less mechanical
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5/16/2023 Alemante A. 14
Steel Poles
 Greater mechanical strength

 Longer life

 Larger spans

 Used for distribution

purpose in cities

 Three types:
 Rail poles
 Tubular poles
 Rolled steel joints

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Reinforced Concrete Poles
 Greater mechanical strength
 Longer life
 Longer spans

 Good outlook

 Little maintenance

 Good insulating properties

 Two Types:-
 Single pole
 Double poles

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RCC poles

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Steel Towers:-
• Practically wooden, steel & RCC are for distribution purpose up to 11KV.
• For long transmission system at higher voltage levels

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Types of Transmission line Towers
Depending on their purpose (functions) overhead towers can be
classified in to 5.
1- Suspension Tower

2- Tension Tower

3- Angle Tower

4- End Tower

5- Transposition Tower

5/16/2023 Alemante A. 19
Suspension Tower Tension Tower
Suspension Tower (Span ≈ 1000 m)
 The line tensioned with the
 Used for River crossing, Railway/
Highway crossing tower, Mountain
crossing etc.  Dead end towers

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Angle Tower End Tower

 This type of towers exists in the beginning and

at the end of the line .
 exposed to tension in one side.

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Transposion Tower

 The Phases are transposed at the tower

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Spacing between the conductors
Generally the following formulae is used for obtaining spacing between the
conductors (phases) : -

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Sag and Tension Calculation
 based on the fact that when a wire of uniform cross-section is suspended between two
points at the same level, the wire sags down and assumes the shape of a parabolic or
catenary shape.
Sag (s) is the vertical difference in level between the point of hanging points (support)
and the shallowest (lowest) point of the conductor.
Clearance (C) is the vertical difference between the shallowest (lowest) point of the
conductor and the ground.
As sag increase clearance decreases & vice versa.
Span length (L) is the horizontal distance between two consequentive poles

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5/16/2023 Alemante A. 25
From practical point of view economic design dictates the following
Sag of conductor should be minimum to refrain from extra pole height
Sufficient clearance above the ground level is necessary
Avoid excessive horizontal spacing b/n towers (Span)
Elastic property of the wire is considered.
Elastic property measured by its modulus of elasticity
𝜎 = kg/m2
Where, 𝜎 = 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑡 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 (kg/m2)
T = conductor tension (kg)
A = actual cross section of conductor (m2)
𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 = 𝜎
Modules of elasticity = -----------+++++++
Strain is the
Alemante A.

5/16/2023 26
Sag and stress in conductor are dependent on the following things
i. Initial tension put on them when the are clamped in place
ii. Weight of the conductors themselves
iii. Ice or sleet clinging to them
iv. Wind pressure
v. Effect of temperature change in Sag and stress
Sag and stress vary with temperature
If the conductor stress is constant while the temperature changes ,the changes in length of
the conductor is:-

∆t = t1-to= ∆𝑙=l1-lo
To = initial temperature
Lo = conductor length at initial temperature
L1 = conductor length at t1
cofficient of linear expansion of conductor per degree centgrade
∆t= change in temperature in C0
5/16/2023 ∆𝑙= change in conductor length in meter 27
If the temperature is constant while the conductor stress changes (loading) ,the
changes in length of the conductor is:-

To= initial tension of conductor (kg)

∆𝑇=change in conductor tension

M = modulus of elasticity of conductor (kg-m)

A= actual metal cross section of conductor (m2)

5/16/2023 Alemante A. 28
Calculation of sag
‡ It is a standard practice to keep conductor tension less than 50% of its ultimate tensile strength

‡ minimum safety factor in respect of conductor tension should be 2.

𝑼𝒏𝒍𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏 (𝑺𝒕𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒈𝒕𝒉)
Safety factor =
𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒖𝒄𝒕𝒐𝒓 𝑻𝒆𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏 (𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑻𝒆𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏 )

(i) When supports are at equal levels:-

Consider a conductor between two equilevel supports A and B with O as the lowest point .

It can be proved that lowest point will be at the mid-span.

 l = Length of span

 w = Weight per unit length of conductor

 T = Tension in the conductor

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II. When supports are at unequal levels
 In hilly areas, we generally come across conductors suspended between
supports at un equal levels.

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Effect of ice covering and wind over the line
‡ The above formulae for sag are true only in still air and at normal temperature when
the conductor is acted by its weight only However, in actual practice, a conductor
may have ice coating and simultaneously subjected to wind pressure.
‡ The weight of ice acts vertically downwards i.e., in the same direction as the weight
of conductor.
‡ The force due to the wind is assumed to act horizontally i.e., at right angle to the
projected surface of the conductor.

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Effect of ice covering and wind over the line

With ice - 1 is length

32 Alemante A. With Out ice - 1 is length

33 Alemante A. 5/16/2023
Sag Template
 The sag template is used for allocating the position and height of the supports
correctly on the profile. The sag template decided the limitations of vertical and
wind load. It also limits the minimum clearance between the sag and the ground for
safety purpose. The sag template is usually made up of transparent celluloid,
perplex, or sometimes cardboard.

34 Alemante A. 5/16/2023
Stringing chart
Stringing chart gives the data per sag
to be allowed and the tension to be
allowed for a particular temperature.
Stringing chart prepared by calculating
the sag and tension on the conductor
under worst conditions such as
maximum wind pressure and
minimum temperature by assuming a
suitable safety factor.
35 Alemante A. 5/16/2023
Span Length and Ground clearance at different Voltage Levels
Ground clearance CL=5.182+0.305*K, where K=( )

Table .Span length and ground clearance

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Example 2


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Example 3.

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Some Mechanical Principles
Ʃ Mechanical factors of safety to be used in transmission line design should depend to some
extent on the importance of continuity of operation in the line under consideration.
Ʃ In general, the strength of the line should be such as to provide against the worst probable
weather conditions.
Ʃ We now discuss some important points in the mechanical design of overhead transmission
(i) Tower height :
Ʃ Tower height depends upon the length of span. With long spans, relatively few towers are
required but they must be tall and correspondingly costly.
Ʃ It is not usually possible to determine the tower height and span length on the basis of
direct construction costs because the lightning hazards increase greatly as the height of the
conductors above ground is increased.
Ʃ This is one reason that horizontal spacing is favoured in spite of the wider right of way
5/16/2023 Alemante A. 40
Some Mechanical Principles
(ii) Conductor clearance to ground :
ꭍ The conductor clearance to ground at the time of greatest sag should not be less than some
specified distance (usually between 6 and 12 m), depending on the voltage, on the nature of the
country and on the local laws.
ꭍ The greatest sag may occur on the hottest day of summer on account of the expansion of the
wire or it may occur in winter owing to the formation of a heavy coating of ice on the wires.
Special provisions must be made for melting ice from the power lines.
(iii) Sag and tension :
ꭍ When laying overhead transmission lines, it is necessary to allow a reasonable factor of safety in
respect of the tension to which the conductor is subjected.
ꭍ The tension is governed by the effects of wind, ice loading and temperature variations. The
relationship between tension and sag is dependent on the loading conditions and temperature

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Some Mechanical Principles
iv) Stringing charts :
ꭍ For use in the field work of stringing the conductors, temperature-sag and temperature
tension charts are plotted for the given conductor and loading conditions.

ꭍ Such curves are called stringing Charts. These charts are very helpful while stringing
overhead lines.

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Some Mechanical Principles
(v) Conductor spacing :
ꭍ Spacing of conductors should be such so as to provide safety against flash-over
when the wires are swinging in the wind. The proper spacing is a function of span
length, voltage and weather conditions.
ꭍ The use of horizontal spacing eliminates the danger caused by unequal ice loading.
Small wires or wires of light material are subjected to more swinging by the wind than
heavy conductors. Therefore, light wires should be given greater spacings.
(vi) Conductor vibration :
ꭍ Wind exerts pressure on the exposed surface of the conductor. If the wind velocity is
small, the swinging of conductors is harmless provided the clearance is sufficiently
large so that conductors do not approach within the sparking distance of each other.
ꭍ The harmful effects of these vibrations occur at the clamps or supports where the
conductor suffers fatigue and breaks eventually. In order to protect the conductors,
dampers are used.
5/16/2023 Alemante A. 43
Active learning Method (by presentation)
• Chapter 5 (G 1 and G2 )
• Chapter 6 (G 3 and G4 )
• Chapter 7 (G 5 and G6 )
• Chapter 8 (G 7 and G8 )
• Prepare your ppt
• Randomly selected candidate will Present ( for 10 minute)
• Other Group members will answer questions (for 10 minute)
• 2 groups will present in a week
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Thank You!!!
Alemante A. 45

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