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Domestic Violence

Submitted by: Submitted To:

Manisha Ghimire

Roll No: 110

Department of Social Work


The preparation of project on “Domestic Violence”” would not have been possible
without the help and support of some people. I would like to thank my colleagues
for their friendship and encouragement during the long birth of this Project.
Table of content

 Introduction
 Problem statement

 Research methods
 Analysis and interpretation

 Areas of social work intervention

 Conclusion

 Annex
 Reference
Domestic violence is not physical violence alone. Domestic violence is any behavior the purpose
of which is to gain power and control over a spouse, partner, girl/boyfriend or intimate family
member. Abuse is a learned behavior; it is not caused by anger, mental problems, drugs or
alcohol, or other common excuses. Domestic violence includes economic, physical, sexual,
emotional, and psychological abuse of children, adults, or elders. Domestic violence causes
worsened psychological and physical health, decreased quality of life, decreased productivity,
and in some cases, mortality. Unfortunately, each form of family violence interrelated forms of
violence. The "cycle of abuse" is often continued from exposed children into their adult
relationships and finally to the care of the elderly.

Family and domestic violence are abusive behaviors in which one individual gains power over
another individual.
 Intimate partner violence typically includes sexual or physical violence, psychological
aggression, and stalking. This may include former or current intimate partners.
 Child abuse involves the emotional, sexual, physical, or neglect of a child under 18 by a
parent, custodian, or caregiver that results in potential harm, harm, or a threat of harm.
 Elder abuse is a failure to act or an intentional act by a caregiver that causes or creates a
risk of harm to an elder.

Domestic violence is a serious and challenging public health problem. Approximately 1 in 3

women and 1 in 10 men 18 years of age or older experience domestic violence. Domestic
violence encompasses behaviors used in a relationship by one party, especially to control the
other. The people involved can be married or not, be of the same sex or not, live together,
separated, or dating. We can all be victims of domestic violence. Victims can be rich or poor, of
any age, sex, religion, culture, ethnic group, sexual orientation, education, or marital status. The
person commits the crime of domestic violence who inflicts physical or psychological abuse,
once or several times, on a person who is particularly defenseless due to age, disability, illness,
pregnancy, or economic dependence. 

In Nepal, most of the cases of domestic violence are practiced against women, in the different
forms that are present today. domestic violence can occur in the family environment because of
the cultural habits based on patriarchal discourses. In these contexts, of cultural practices and
habits built over the countless changes of generations, the social condition of women has always
been one of submission and subjugation to men. Many forms of domestic violence against
women are a consequence of the lack of understanding of the current female condition, which
bears the same rights conferred on men. 
However, it doesn’t mean that husband doesn’t suffer from domestic violence. He can also suffer
from domestic violence by the hands of his wife or, by the hands of his wife brother and male
relative. Section 2 Ka of domestic violence Prevention and control Act 2009 has interpreted
domestic violence as physical, psychological, sexual, or economic torture caused by one person
to another person. 
Problem Statement
A problem statement is a concise description of the issues that need to be address by a problem-
solving team and should be presented to them before they try to solve the problem.

Domestic violence can be physical, economic, emotional, sexual, or psychological. Physical

domestic violence is an attempt to impose physical injury such as grabbing, slapping, hitting,
biting, etc. Physical violence can also be withholding necessary resources to sustain health such as
medication, food, sleep, or forcing alcohol or other drug use. Economic abuse is an attempt to
make the victim financially dependent. Such as sustaining control over financial resources
including the victims earned income, forbidding employment, on the job harassment, or
withholding information about family expenses. Emotional abuse can be the attempt to undermine
the victim’s self-worth. This could be belittling the victim, name calling, insults, criticism,
manipulating, etc. Sexual abuse is any sexual contact without consent. For example, marital rape,
attacks on sexual parts of the body, forced sex, forced prostitution. Sexual abuse can also be an
attempt to undermine the victim’s sexuality by treating them in a derogatory manner, criticizing
sexual performance, or withholding sex. Psychological abuse is the attempt to implant fear. This
could involve intimidation, threats of physical harm, harassment, mind games, and stalking.
Psychological abuse can also be an attempt to isolate victim from friends and family member.

And being a social worker, I can address this problem a bit and can put effort to throw it out
from the root level by cooperating with the organizations and experts on women issue. Also,
with co-operating with a team we can conduct awareness programs to give proper information
about their own protection from such violence. And those who have been victims can be done
counseling to help them to overcome the trauma and speak against the violence.
Research Method
Methodology is an analysis of the principle or procedure of inquiry in a particular field. It is also
known as mini-research.

For the preparation of this project, I am using both primary and secondary data on the present
status of domestic violence faced by individual; Sources of data collection are given below:

Primary data are: -

● Query on police station

Secondary data are: -

● News
● Articles
● Interview on the web by the professionals
● Visual data from the reliable organizations
Analysis and Interpretation
After doing several findings and reading I could conclude that many peoples of different age,
gender, caste and races have been facing the domestic violence problem in Nepal. Due to poor
security in the community and growing conditions of poverty. Moreover, women and girls are
not given much priority though it has always been saying that they should be given priority and
they fall under the vulnerable groups. While taking the data from the evidences the victims were
not only children and women but even the differently abled person and men are also the victims
of such abuse.

While analyzing the conditions of such violence through various reliable data, I could see that
the lack of security in the community also have been causing the problem. There are many
significant conditions when the chance of violence is high like, when they are alone in the house
or a particular place, when they come across to the person with greater age then them and
sometimes power of patriarchal society have caused the problem. Also, when they would be in
their own house the chances of domestic harassment have been increased.

After research, I have come to a conclusion that, the most affected group are females and
differently abled people. Females are not safe in their own homes and are in need of proper
security, in the present context of Nepal. Government should be made aware about the arising
problem and consequences it can cause in coming days.
Areas of social work intervention
Whenever there emerges a social problem in a society, the professional social workers and social
work students should take their initiatives to tackle that crisis. In case of the various issues
related to the domestic violence faced by young girls, women, children and as well as men either
the professional social workers or social work students can take following intervention
techniques to cope up with the problem in various levels:

Levels of social work intervention

➢ Micro level
1. Providing proper counseling to the victims of violence.
2. Making aware about the unflavored touch and look
3. Encourage the young girls and women to apply to self-defense to protect to
4. Conducting awareness program focusing on women and children
5. To advocate about the harassment

➢ Mezzo level
1. Group counseling
2. Encourage them to report against the violence
3. Awareness program
4. Conduct different activities in shelter to build rapport and encourage them in
activities to occupy their free time.

➢ Macro level
1. Awareness program through drama
2. Helping the government authorities to keep an accurate record of the existing
number of any violence.
3. As most of the laws and provisions are out of date or they fail to include the
issues related to domestic violence and the victim rights, social worker should pressure
government to amend it from time to time.
4. To aware the police force and law makers about the consequence about the
5. Pressure the police force to implement the laws.

In conclusion I can say that domestic violence is the main problem in Nepal and many girls and
women are mostly being affected. Moreover, women are the vulnerable group of the society so
they are especially being affected because of the unemployment, economic crisis and lack of
security. Since Covid-19 the rape cases and violence cases are increasing day by day. Thus, such
arising problem of sexual harassment should be eradicated from the root level in the country.
During the research I found out that the women and children are not safe in their own homes and
also found out that the violence cases have increased rapidly after the lockdown. And also, the
police and public are not aware about the domestic violence because this is not seen as the
problem in the society and we don’t have the culture of expressing about simple violence which
is resulting in depression case and suicide.

Case study 1

A 35-year-old woman who was continuously victim of domestic violence committed suicide
because of regular mental breakdown., She was found hanging on the fan of the celling and later
when the investigation was held it was found that her neighbors were totally aware about the
regular violence and screaming sounds from her house. Although the neighbors were aware of
the violence it was neglected as the household tradition of the husband and wife which later on
lead to the untimely death of the women.

Case study 2

Popular singer and songwriter Samriddhi Rai tweeted on twitter at 4:05am in the morning of
Thursday March 26; that a woman was beaten harshly by her husband and the whole
community could hear the crying of the women and as Samriddhi rai could not resist anymore,
she had tweeted.
Reference: -

[1] Ministry of Women, Children & Social Welfare.

[2] Ministry of Health and Population and Nepal Health Sector Support Programme.
2019. Survivor perspectives on the nature, risks and response to Gender-based Violence in Nepal
and the Implications for One-stop Crisis Management Centre.

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