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F. 4 LIBERAL STUDIES 2020-2021

Hong Kong Today – Socio-political participation

Name: ___________________________ Class: _______ ( ) Date: _______________

Learning Focus:
• Understanding the social media influence young people socio-political participation

Socio-political participation

1.1 Definition of socio-political participation

• Social participation means participating in social activities or public affairs

(e.g. raising funds by flag selling).
• Political participation means taking actions that can influence public policies
(e.g. participating in elections and demonstration).

• Social participation and political participation are closely related. Therefore, any

behavior that aims at influencing public affairs or policies can be considered examples

of socio-political participation.

1.2 Levels and forms of socio-political participation

a. Levels of socio-political participation

• The level of socio-political participation generally refers to the degree to which people
are willing to input various resources (e.g. time, money, knowledge, physical and
mental effort) to express their concern about, participate in and manage socio-political

• The more resources they are willing to input, the higher their level of socio-political
participation is, and vice versa.
Warm up exercise:
Statements Always Often Sometimes Seldom Never

How often do you participate in the following activities?

1) Fund raising by flag selling
2) Demonstration
3) Voluntary work e.g. helping the poor
4) Voluntary work e.g. cleaning HK
5) Voting
6) Express opinions in consultations

b. Forms of socio-political participation
The forms of people‘s socio-political participation are shown in the table below:

Type of Form Matching Examples

participation with the

Institutionalized Participate in elections, A. Join the Antiquities Advisory

means including becoming a B Board and give suggestions
candidate and voting. about relevant issues.

Join different advisory B District Council elections

bodies and express Legislative Council
opinions on different A elections
policies and issues.

Respond to the C Express opinions on the

government’s public government’s energy
consultation D policy through e-mail.

Give suggestions to or D Make submissions on

lodge complaints with consultative documents of
government departments. C constitutional reforms.

Non-institutionalized Organize or participate in E • Political parties such as

means collective actions such as H the Democratic Party
processions, • Social groups such as
demonstrations and Hong Kong Unison

Form or join political F • Reports and commentaries

parties and social groups. E in newspapers
• News reports and current
affair programs broadcast
by television
Express opinions or G Comment on government
initiate public opinions F policies in the Chief
through the mass media. Executive’s Facebook.

Express opinions on the H • July 1 Procession

government officials’ • Procession on the first day
websites. G of the New Year
• Occupy Movement

c. Classify the following examples into different unofficial channels of socio-political participation given.

Mass media Protests Petitions Cultural and art Civil

activities disobedience

Traditional Demonstration, Collect Movie, Deliberately

printed Demand action, signatures, Drama, violate the law
newspapers, Strike, Prepare a letter Documentary, which is against
Free newspapers, (Need to apply for for petition, Artistic work social justice in
Online media, the letter of no Give it to the order to fight for
TV stations and objection) related officials justice

Examples Unofficial channels

明報 MingPao, 文匯報 Wen Wei Po, 大公報 Ta Kung Pao e.g. Mass Media: Traditional
printed newspapers
都市日報 Metropolis Daily, am730, 晴報 Sky Post Mass media: Free newspaper
6000 citizens joined the protest against Lantau Tomorrow Vision Protest
Rare disease patients asking for drug subsidies Petition
香港 01 HK01, 立場新聞 Stand News, 眾新聞, 端傳媒, 香港獨 Mass Media: Online media
立媒體 Hong Kong In-media
無綫電視 TVB, 奇妙電視 Fantastic Television Limited, 香港電 Mass Media: TV station and
台 RTHK radios
Strike by medical staff (2020) Protest (strike)
Thousands of Hongkongers defy police ban to commemorate Civil disobedience
Tiananmen Massacre victims at Victoria Park
香港電台節目: 義想天開 Cultural and art activities: Drama
Nurses demand action over staffing shortages, saying public Protest
hospitals need more staff not money
一批旅遊業從業員請願要求早日恢復適度通關 Petition

Ladder of citizen participation
An American scholar, Sherry Arnstein, categorized people’s socio-political participation into eight levels and three types according to how much power they
share in government’s policy making.

Public power 8 Citizens hold absolute

Citizen power of decision. Citizens
control dominate
7 Citizens hold most of
Delegated the power of decision.
6 The government and
Partnership citizens jointly
formulate policies.
Symbolic 5 The government gives in
participation Placation to public opinions.

4 The government
Consultation consults the public about
the policy.
3 The government informs
Informing the public about policy
Non-participation 2 The government guides
Therapy the public to accept its
policy. Government
1 The government dominates
Manipulation encourages the public to
support its policy.
Factors affecting the extent of socio-political participation

Social cohesion Sense of belonging Participation opportunity Government credibility

e.g. More cohesion → easier to When citizens have high sense of More opportunities to participate means When the government’s credibility is
gather people with same ideology → belonging to society, they are more That there are more channels to express high, she can be trusted by her citizens.
join different protests willing to build a better society. their opinions and ideas. For example, Citizens believe that the government will
(more participation) Thus, they are more devoted and approval of protests by the police, take public opinion into consideration in
would like to contribute more. They petition, consultation sessions, policy making and balance different
More cohesion in the society, it is are more likely to propose some LegCo/ district councilors to reflect their stakeholders view. Thus, she can come
easier to come to an agreement/ reach policies to improve the society, and opinion/ advisory board can make people up with the best options to society.//
broad consensus. Their contribution/ express their ideas (e.g. through feel their opinions are being heard/ She has high transparency in
opinions are likely to be accepted. consultation). Moreover, they will accepted. They think that their opinion decision-making process. Citizens are
This encourages people to participate. also pay attention to the new policies matter and can make a difference. They more willing to contribute to society,
or social and political issues arisen. are more willing to contribute their such as giving opinions to the policies
In contrast, when the cohesion is low This lead to high socio-political ideas/ express their views. This leads to initiated by the government
or there are diverging views that split participation. high socio-political participation.// more (consultation), or even providing policies
the society into different interest participation opportunities→ reduce the idea to the government.
groups, they may not share common In contrast, when the sense of threshold to take part in socio-political → They have more incentives to
goals. Thus, they may have lower belonging is low, people tend to issues contribute to the society and thus more
awareness towards new policies or neglect the current situation of the socio-political participation.
social and political issues arisen. This city. They do not care about the city When there are less participation
may lead to low socio-political and what the government is doing. Or opportunities (e.g. screening and However, when there is low government
participation. they do not understand the policies or disqualifying candidates/ differential credibility, people doesn’t trust the
the situation of the place, thus cannot treatment to various camps in Legco/ government and they think that the
Low cohesion→ people having give appropriate response or give no only selective parties are consulted in government doesn’t have the ability to
diverging views insist on their own opinion in different issues.// They some occasions) improve the society. They may think the
belief, there would be more conflicts may be indifferent and are not willing Some citizens may not want to express government isn’t trustworthy and cannot
or even miscommunication between to devote their time, effort and their views to the legislators/ councilors satisfy their needs. As a result, they are
different parties, making it difficult to resources to improve the community. due to different political views and discouraged to express their opinions on
reach consensus.// some people may This may lead to low socio-political concern. They might think that the different social issues as they don’t think

find it frustrating to deal with the participation. councilors cannot represent them. the government will listen to them/ it can
split of the country/ city OR fed up Citizens may doubt the make no difference/ It is useless to voice
with the conflicts and upset social representativeness and effectiveness of out.
order→ they decided to stay away these councils and sessions. They have low socio-political
and discourage people to participate They might think that their voice could participation.
in socio-political activities→ low not be heard easily and thus become
participation reluctant to express their views and When people do not trust the
concern. This lead to low socio-political government/ the government is having
participation. low transparency, citizens may give
more suggestions hoping to make an
// Less approval of protests→ people get improvement/ demand the government to
outraged/ feel being suppressed → join reveal more information to the public (by
more protests even if they are illegal→ having protests/ other collective
more participation movements). This increases the
socio-political participation.
→citizens are afraid of being
arrested → become more reserved→
participate less

Political culture Educational level Civic education Circulation and quality of information

Social media: The driving force behind young people’s socio-political participation?

Source A Opinion on social networking media affecting socio-political participation

Ma, editor of Yazhou Zhoukan: The main forces of the Occupy movement – Occupy Central,
Scholarism and the Hong Kong Federation of Students (HKFS) published live feeds on their Facebook
pages. They displayed their power of mobilising people and attracted ‘likes’ from a lot of young
netizens. Their promotion has become wide.
Yau, teacher: When the Internet was not that commonly used, it was hard for young people to make
public comments. Their influence was very limited. Since the rise of social networking media,
information posted by anyone can spread quickly. It has become much easier for like minds to
communicate and action. Young people can feel that individual action can be influential.

Source B News report about anti-extradition movement

Netizens and pressure groups are now demanding the bills’ full withdrawal. They also want arrested
protesters not to be prosecuted, and have called for a probe into alleged use of force by the police.
Young people checked the online forum LIHKG every 15 minutes to keep up with the fast-developing
anti-extradition movement. They created online events inviting people to a ‘picnic’ at nearby Tamar
Park, in Admiralty. The online platforms such as LIHKG and Telegram play a key role in helping
protesters coordinate their moves and stay on message. Anonymity gives peace of mind, while coded
language identifies ‘outsiders’.
According to a survey done by the Baptist University’s Department of Government and International
Studies, a third of respondents used the online forum LIHKG, which is known for emphasizing
freedom of speech. More than half of those polled also used Telegram, the engrypted mobile
messaging app for broadcasting information and forming private and open discussion groups.

Source C An adapted article about Agnes Chow 周庭1

On 1 January 2019, Agnes Chow wrote on her Facebook page: “New worries emerge every now and
then but the most worrying would be for people to fool themselves, distort their own experiences and
bend the reality.” On one of her Form 4 days, she was home scrolling through Facebook and she
bumped into images of Scholarism at a rally. The information about anti-National Education
movement prompted her to sign up with Scholarism as a volunteer. As a member of Demosisto (香港
眾志), she announced her intention to take part in the Legislative Council by-elections in the Hong
Kong Island constituency – the same seat that fellow party member Nathan Law occupied prior to his
disqualification. She said, “Nathan Law’s (羅冠聰) performance in the legislature had impressed
others, and demonstrated that young people are capable of politics. His work often drew the
admiration of the public and even electorates who identify as‘moderate’. Although the world is dark,
we can make light. Unfortunately, she was disqualified to join the election.

Source D Website of Liber Research Community 本土研究社2: (adapted)

The monthly donation model enables independent research to continue without the clout of
consortiums, the government and vested interests. We speak independently without fear or favour. We
set up facebook to spread messages based on our research. Our research covers ten topics, including
land supply and usage, housing policies, town planning, redevelopment, environment, agriculture,
archives and files and global state-capital nexus. With concrete research, we provide more
perspectives on different issues. We aim at doing independent research so as to narrow the gap
between knowledge production and social issues. Your donation is welcome.

1. According to the sources given above, what are the features of social networking media?

Source Features and evidence

A Social networking media allow live feeds (e.g. on Facebook pages) which information
posted by anyone can spread quickly.

It also allows public comments and ‘likes’ which is easy to attract like minds to
communicate and action, e.g. mobilising people/ promoting various events

B Information are updated and shared very frequently (“Users can check online forum
LIHKG every 15 minutes to keep up with the fast-developing anti-extradition
movement”), so that it is easier to organise online events and coordinate actions of a
large group of people. (LIHKG and Telegram play a key role in helping protesters
coordinate their moves and stay on message)

Anonymity gives peace of mind, while coded language identifies ‘outsiders’/ Encrypted
mobile messaging app for broadcasting information and forming private and open
discussion groups. The high security/ privacy setting create a “safe” environment for
citizens to express their views and opinions.

C Social media such as Facebook can spread the information about different socio-political
events (e.g. ) and political groups (e.g. )


D Social networking media e.g. Facebook can help promote various groups (Liber
Research Community) and spread messages based on their research.

It also can be a platform to collect donation.

2. ‘The dissemination of social networking media is the main cause of Hong Kong people’s active
socio-political participation.’ To what extent do you agree with the statement?
Refer to the main arguments below. (1) Identify and match with the relevant sources. (2) Quote
evidence from the sources and explain your answers.

Main arguments Sources Explanation

Social networking media is A, B Young people, who are frequent users of social
the essential tool for networking media, have more opportunities to learn
political organisations to about social and political affairs. They will be
use as the platform for encouraged to participate.
promotion and gathering Source A states that Occupy Central, Scholarism and
people. the HKFS published live feeds on their Facebook pages.
It attracted ‘likes’ from a lot of young netizens. It shows
Source B LIHKG readers use the platform to create
online events and they keep checking for the updated
information of the anti-extradition bill movement. It
reflects that citizens are encouraged to…

Social networking media B Source B People can post comments/ express their
encourages young people to opinions via the Internet anonymously, this safeguards
play an active role in their privacy and prevents the possibilities of their
socio-political participation identities being exposed on the Internet or to the
because it ensures a sense government. With fewer concerns about their personal
of security. information being revealed or any follow-up actions
being done by the government e.g. being arrested, it
enhances the sense of security// they don’t need to be
worried about others perception on them, thus young
netizens are more encouraged to express their views
online about the social and political affairs.

Social networking media A, B, C, Source A Young netizens’ views on social or political
encourages young people to D affairs can be posted online and spread quickly on the
play an active role in Internet, more netizens can read the information and
socio-political participation show their approval by giving ‘likes’ or possting
because it helps them to comments, this makes it easier to attract like-minded
gather people with the people to communicate or discuss those topics, it is also
same demands. easier to mobilise people or promote various events/
initiate actions e.g. Occupy Central, Scholarism and
HKFS → participate more

Source B
Social networking media allows people to use coded
language to identify their mates who share the same
view and stance in a socio-political affairs, therefore,
young people may make use of social networking media
to form private and open discussion groups to
communicate and share their thoughts such as what they
want the government to do in order to solve some
conflicts/ problems. As a consequence, it can gather
people with the same demands to take action

Source C
Agnes Chow scrolling through Facebook and she saw the
information about anti-National Education movement and she
signed up as a volunteer/ join Scholarism. This shows that
when people read the information in different social medias,
they will find the people who have the same demands as
them. Therefore, they will be attracted to gather together to
work for their common goal.

Source D
Social networking media e.g. Facebook can help promote
various groups (Liber Research Community) and spread
messages based on their research. Citizens can donate money
to show support to the research community. With concrete
research, people provide more perspectives on different issues
based on similar demands. The social networking media
encourages young people from various groups to play an
active role in socio-political participation.// By getting access
to researcher’s information, they can be gathered together and
participate in different events.

Increase in young people’s A, B, C, Source A & B
sense of identity as Hong D Young people have a strong sense of identity as HK residents,
Kong residents is the main they care about the development of socio-political events in
cause of their active recent years e.g. universal suffrage and the extradition bills.
socio-political participation. These events are closely related to their well-being and the
The dissemination of social development of the society. They develop their own stance
networking media is just a and try to defend the local interests/ contribute to the society
facilitator. e.g. they watch the live streams and make public comments
and “likes”, take part in the social movements when they have
increasing sense of belongingness and responsibility to the
community. Social media (e.g. Facebook, LIHKG) provides
them the channel and platform but it is not the main cause.

Source C Agnes Chow with high sense of identity as HK

residents showed her will to make the world brighter by
joining the by-election.

Source D
With an increased sense of identity of Hong Kong residents
increased, the citizens think they have greater responsibility to
build a better society. So, in order to build a better Hong
Kong, they participated in different socio-political events. For
instance, the formation of the Liber Research Community

helps narrow the gap between knowlege production and social

issues. And the social networking site is only helping the
group to promote the research and findings faster as well as
collect donation but not causing this movement.

The main cause is the poor A,B Source B

performance of the Hong Young people participated in the protest because of the
Kong government driving alleged use of force by the police. The protestors use online
people to participate in platforms like telegram and LIHKG to keep up with their
social and political affairs. movements. When people have little trust in the government/
The dissemination of social think that the government is biased, they would challenge the
networking media is just a government and safeguard their rights.
tool. Source B
The cause of the anti-extradition movement is that the
people’s demand of a full withdrawal is ignored by the HK
government. Social media is only a tool for them to express
their views, anger and also organize protests to further
pressure the government.

Although social or political events such as strikes, protests are

promoted via the Internet, people will not join them when
they disagree with the intentions of organising these events.
When the government has high transparency or satisfactory
policies, there are no such needs for the citizens to go against
the government. However, citizens find the government faulty
or ineffective (e.g.), it arouses rage and disapproval in the
society, they may express their opinions through events such
as demonstrations, strikes. In this case, the social networking
apps will be a tool and provide a channel to promote these
kinds of events, leading the higher socio-political
participation. Thus, the main cause should be the poor
performance of the Hong Kong government, the
dissemination of social networking media is just a tool.

Source A → universal suffrage(not representative)/ not

safeguarding their right for election. People participated due
to these limitations of the government→ not the social media

Source D
Liber Research Community aims at doing independent
research so as to narrow the gap between knowledge
production and social issues and provides more perspective
on different issues. When the government performs poor in
some areas like housing policies, environment(Source D)…
the community can carry out concrete research on the
problems in different perspectives. In this way, people can
evaluate the performance of the government or respond to the
government’s public consultation.
This type of community only reflects the performance of the
government in different areas. It is the government’s action
and performance that matters. People participated actively to
show their dissatisfaction towards relevant policies but not
because of the social media.
It shows that social networking media is only a tool to spread
information or gather like-minded people to respond and take
Conclusion (Consider the more influential factor that would lead to active social political participation)

Counter-argument and Rebuttal

Small extent, agree

Some people may say that the social networking media allows the message to spread quickly (e.g. …) so that it
arouses people awareness towards the social issues…→ participate more actively

However, it is the sense of identity that matters. When citizens have poor sense of identity as local residents, even
if they are aware of/ knowing more about the social issues, they do not feel obligated to contribute. People will
only participate and take actions to improve…when…

Large extent, agree

3. With reference to the information and your knowledge, analyse the impact of young people’s
active socio-political participation on their personal growth.
Aspects of
Personal Positive impact Negative impact
Social self Social circle and network Relationship?
When young people have an active When young people have an active
socio-political participation, they will go to
socio-political participation, they will have
different protests or research more on the
socio-political issue. While they do that, they some opinions and a stance on the
will find people who have the same opinions as socio-political issue. They will discuss their
them and the same political stance as them. opinions with their friends and their friends
This will lead to discussions among them and might have different opinions and stances
they may go to protests or other public
which may lead to conflicts and arguments
demonstrations together and this can lead to
friendship among them thus expanding social between them. Constant arguments could
circle (more common topics). lead to their friendship breaking which will
have a negative impact on their social self.
With higher socio-political participation, young
people may make use of social media to
When young people participate actively in
promote social events/ express their views
online e.g. posting comments, it is easier to socio-political activities (e.g.anti-extradition),
gather like-minded people, they can open they have a high sense of identity as local
discussion groups in social networking apps to citizens. However, not all people in society
communicate and share their thoughts, thus hold the same belief in particular social
they are able to develop their own social circle
affairs like blue and yellow camps. Therefore,
with people with same interests/ demands and
enhance their social self (meeting new friends). they may have divergent opinions about an
issue, leading to more conflicts between
When young citizens take part actively in them. Eventually, it will worsen their
socio-political activities, they meet other relationship which will also harm social self
like-minded people on different platforms such development.
as LIHKG or through protests, they establish
friendships with them and form a bonding with
them as they have the same goal thus their However, when young citizens take part in
social circle is expanded and their social self is socio-political activities, they may have
enhanced. friends who oppose them or do not support
their participation in these activities,
When young people join different social or arguments arise between friends and their
political events→ meet more people with the
same demands→ make new friends easily friendship is worsened or they eventuallylose
→ expand their social circles→ enhance social those friends./ “unfriend someone with
self different views→ lose friends

With higher socio-political participation,

young people may post comments/ express
their views online regarding social affairs. As
the Internet allows them to share their
opinions anonymously, they would not be
worried about others’ perceptions of them,
thus they may post hateful/ harsh comments
when they encounter people with different
opinions online, bullying is more likely to
happen which worsen interpersonal
relationship and their social development.
With higher socio-political participation,
they may have more conflicts with their
family/ parents on different political views/
means of expressing opinion/ safety in
participating in demonstration and social
movement etc. More frequent argument leads
to poorer communication and less sharing of
in-depth feelings.

Moral self Values? Differentiating right from wrong? Young people may meet similar minds
during socio-political participation and
With the active socio-political participation, satisfy their social needs. However, they
they know more about different views in may be easily influenced by others and they
may participate in some radical
the society and build up their stance to the
demonstrations and violate laws. They are
recent events in society. They can learn
not able to judge whether an issue is right
how to differentiating right from wrong
or wrong. This may twist their moral value
according to their own knowledge instead
that believing it is fine to solve problems
of just following others. Also, they can
and achieve goals with aggressive and
learn what the government or citizens
violent means.
should do for the society through the
socio-political participation. This can build
up their value on what their responsibilities
are. Thus, their moral self-development

Young people active socio-political

participation would have a positive impact
on moral self. The young people know
more about the current situation through
joining their political activities. They
understand different stances and views of
stakeholders. Eventually, they can develop/
establish correct moral values. According to
Source B, the youngsters felt dissatisfied
about the bill and they started to question
the actions taken by the government are
correct or not. This shows that the
youngsters will not blindly follow either the
government or the people around them.
They develop the ability of judging right or
wrong. This improves their moral self.

Young people get to see different
perspectives through social medias, news
etc. then they can have a better
understanding on the intention of various
policies and events(fighting for rights/
opposing to laws)→ As they can see things
objectively, they can judge themselves the
right and wrong doings of various political
affairs with proves, then determine their
level of participation/events they want to
take part of→ Through critically thinking,
they can learn the ethics behind and
positively affect their moral development.

Academic Academic performance? With active socio-political participation→

self spend lots of time on it→ less time to do
Active socio-political participation revision or homework→ affect academic
improves young people’s critical thinking. performance negatively→ worsen academic
The participation allows them to understand self and personal growth
the current issues from diffrent perspectives
which facilitate them to think more
Young people spend too much time on
critically but not in a biased manner. They
can distinguish whether the government’s participating social affairs. They may not be
policies are effective from different able to manage the time between studying
perspectives. This is an important skill for and participating political activities e.g.
our studies. Occupy Central, anti-extradition bill
movement. This affects their academic
The active socio-political participation results and this affects their academic self.
improves young people’s presentation and
organisation skills. They can learn how to Young people may focus too much on
express their ideas in an organised manner//
socio-political events. They go to join
more persuasively. These can improve their
academic performance in relevant areas,e.g. protests e.g. regularly or constantly check
LS, history, Chinese/English speaking and their phones for new information and
writing… updates. They may neglect their study/ they
may join the class boycott/ they fail to show
up in class/ attend lessons and hand in
assignments on time. They may have no
time to do their homework or do revision//
they stayed in occupied areas/ were engaged
in frontline protest. As a result, they will
have bad academic performance.

Self-esteem Five different senses? Young people are easily influenced by their
With higher socio-political participation, peers, some of them actively participate in
young people use more channels to voice socio-political events because of the fear of
their opinions (e.g. consultation and use being isolated. They may not have their
social networking media platform to own opinions/ not clear about their
express their ideas), they attract people with viewpoints, they don’t know their
same views and demands to gather together individuality but simply follow the “suit”
and become more active in social and → sense of uniqueness will decrease→ low
political affairs. Therefore, they feel like sense of self esteem
their opinions are heard and valued/ they
can find the support from people around Young people are more radical?? Take more
them and improves their sense of aggressive means e.g. …? Maybe charged?
connection to the student groups→ improve Difficult to get an offer? Worsen future
relationship and affiliation to the group→ prospect in studies/ career?
improving self-esteem
These lead to doubts... question
Feeling satisfied when holding events/ themselves… worsen self-worth?
calling people to join them? Being Self-efficacy? Sense of competence?
recognised easily? Improve self-worth?
Sense of personal competence??

Life-skills When they are organising and planning for /

the socio-political events(e.g.
demonstration), they need to develop an
effective communication and decision
making because they have to gather to
discuss about their following movement.

During their socio-political participation,

they use different channels(e.g. telegram,
open a group on Facebook or Instagram) to
communicate with each other in order to
keep track of movements of other protestors
and the government. They express various
views and communicate with each other on
the following movement until they reach an
agreement on the planning. This improves
their communication skills.

Young people with active socio-political

participation concern a lot about different
social and political issues,e.g.poverty,
unemployment. They will be eager to
understand these problems and try to think
about the solutions. As a result, they can
develop problem-solving skills.// they have
solve the technical and other problems that
happen during the protests…
Through joining different socio-political
activities,e.g. Occupy Central, they can
meet more people who have same stances
and demand. They communicate with one
another to share their opinions. This can
develop their communication skills, which
is an important life skill. Young people use
social networking media such as LIHKG to
organise and promote various events,e.g.
protests. They can develop leadership skills
and learn how to organise activities.
Time-management skills (to strike a
balance between their studies and
socio-political participation)

Sense of Sense of local and national identity By active socio-political participation→

identity Three levels… know about different policies and know
more about the government’s problems/
limitations and issues. Recognising so
By active socio-political participation, they
many problems, they feel very disappointed
pay more attention to the situation (e.g.
by their government, so that worsen (or
current social and political issues) and the
doubt) their sense of identity both locally
new policies initiated by the government
and nationally.
(Cognitive awareness). Young people are
more willing to contribute more in order to
build a better society (behavioural level). WHO AM I?????
For instance, they are more likely to
propose policies and opinions to the
government in order to make it happen.
This can improve the young people’s sense
of belonging because they consider they are
more like an important member of their
community(emotional attachment) e.g.
Occupy Central.

When young people participate in

socio-political activities actively, they have
more chances to access related information,
so that they can understand the situation in
Hong Kong, their awareness towards Hong
Kong is raised. They like Hong Kong and
want her to have a better future so they care
more about Hong Kong consequently.
Therefore, young people are willing to
contribute to the society and participate in
more events.
As a result, their sense of identity as Hong
Kong residents increased. Young people’s
sense of identity towards their community
will increase from cognitive or emotional

levels to a behavioural level e.g. sacriface
their time to fight for…so as to protect the
political rights/ well-being of the society
and the future generation.

Assignment 5

1. Consider the following sources:

Source A: Frequency of protests, rallies and processions within the Anti-Extradition Bill camp
and Pro-Extradition Bill camp in 2019

Figure 1 Number of protests, rallies and processions of the Anti-Extradition Bill camp and
Pro-Extradition Bill camp, by attendance size of over 10,000 and by month
(Source: Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute)

Source B: Adapted from newspaper commentaries in 2020

It is believed that arguments over the universal suffrage have led to more and more
social-political movements in Hong Kong nowadays. In fact, under the protection of the Basic
Law and the Hong Kong Bill of Rights Ordinance, Hong Kong residents have the basic rights to
participate in public meetings and processions. It reflects that Hong Kong is a city of freedom.
At the same time, these social movements make it easier for the government to understand
public opinions.

According to a survey conducted by the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2019, two-thirds
of the people reflected that public meetings and public processions become one of the most usual
ways to voice complaint to the government. About 70% agreed that the public must adhere to a
peaceful, rational and non-violent approach. About 64% of them disagreed with the use of
radical measures to force the government to respond to individual demands. However, some
demonstrators believed that peaceful assembly is not enough to highlight the urgency of issues
and more intense actions are required. In recent years, the number of prosecution cases over
illegal actions, such as torching rubbish bins and setting road barricade, has increased. This
indicates that social movements may disrupt social order. The Police are imposing conditions on
public processions more frequently to safeguard the law and order. For a few times, they
restricted the duration and areas of the protests for security issues. Yet, they are being criticized
for reducing the chance of citizen to take part in socio-political activities.

(a) Using Source A, describe TWO features of the socio-political participation in Hong Kong.
(4 marks)
Features Description
• Name 2 distinct features (Consider both the • Provide evidence from Source A to explain
overall picture and the cross-group comparison) (data)
Topic Sentence:

The first feature is…

Topic Sentence:

The second feature is…

(b) “Imposing conditions on the public processions can help government administration.” With
reference to the sources, elaborate on ONE argument for and ONE argument against this statement.
(8 marks)
Define keywords (e.g. Imposing conditions, government administration…)
Imposing conditions→ add restrictions e.g.??? (source B)
Government administration→ ???

• Students can use the following structure when writing up the argument:
Arguments FOR / AGAINST Explanation (with evidence from Sources A and B)
the statement
Topic Sentence: Evidence:
• In Source ___, …
The argument for the statement is…
• This shows that…
• s
Concluding line:
Therefore, imposing conditions on the public processions
can help government administration. of the traditional
Topic Sentence: Evidence:
• In Source ___, …
The argument against the statement is…
• This shows that…

Concluding line:
Therefore, imposing conditions on the public processions
cannot help government administration.

Assignment 5 Date: _________________


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