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• Even though a company’s mission and vision are not the same thing, they can coexist.

• What exactly is mission? A mission is the organization’s overarching goal and reason for being. It can
also define a company’s core value and reason for existence, as well as serve as a foundation for
developing the vision. Whereas vision is a lofty goal for the future, mission is what the organization
“stands for” in a broad sense.

What does mission does and the importance of it

• While visions evolve and change, the mission remains constant in the face of shifting technologies,
economic conditions, and other environmental factors. It acts as the glue that holds the organization
together during times of change and guides strategic choices and future decisions.

• The mission defines the organization’s enduring character and can be used as a leadership tool to
assist employees in finding meaning in their work.

• Your mission or mission statement will help you achieve your vision by aligning your people and your
organization. Your mission statement, like the rest of your strategic plan, will help you focus your team
on what needs to be done and what doesn’t. Because strategy is all about choices. So, if your team isn’t
united around the mission, they won’t know how to achieve the vision in the most efficient way


• So typically, the mission is made up of two critical parts: The core values and core purpose

• The core value guide the organization “no matter what.”

• According to Ralph Larsen , former CEO of Johnson & Johnson he explained it as the core values
embodied in our credit might be a competitive advantage, but that is not why we have them. We have
them because they define for us what we stand for, and we would hold them even if they became a
competitive disadvantage in certain situations

• The mission also includes the company’s core purpose

A framework of Noble purpose

An effective mission statement captures people’s idealistic motivations for why the organization exists,
not just products or services.

Leaders are accountable for developing a noble purpose that inspires and leads followers to high
performance while also assisting the organization in maintaining a competitive advantage. People want
to believe that what they are doing is meaningful and makes a difference in the world.

There are four basic approaches leaders take in framing an organizational purpose that helps people feel
that their work is worthwhile and they are:





(I’ll explain each of these)

Strategy in Action
Strong missions that reflect a noble purpose, as well as guiding visions, are important, but they are
insufficient to build strong, powerful organizations. Organizations must be able to translate their vision,
values, and purpose into action in order to succeed, which is where strategy comes in. Strategy
formulation is the difficult, serious work of taking a specific step toward the future.

Strategic management is the collection of decisions and actions used to develop and implement specific
strategies to achieve a competitively superior fit between the organization and its environment in order
to achieve organizational goals. It is the leader’s responsibility to identify this fit and put it into action.

It also sets a direction for the organization and its employees. Unlike once-and-done strategic plans,
effective strategic management continuously plans, monitors and tests an organization’s activities,
resulting in greater operational efficiency, market share and profitability.

(Then I’ll explain why it is important)

Deciding where to go

Strategy is defined as a broad plan of action that describes resource allocation and other activities for
dealing with the environment and assisting the organization in achieving its objectives. Leaders ask
questions like, “Where is the organization now?” when developing strategy. What is the organization’s
vision? What are the changes and trends in the competitive environment? “What actions can we take to
help us achieve our vision?” Creating an effective strategy necessitates actively listening to people both
inside and outside the organization, as well as investigating trends and discontinuities in the
environment that can be exploited to gain an advantage.

Then I’ll talk about

• Core competencies

• Synergy

• Value

• Strategy

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