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Rizal Memorial Colleges Inc

Pro Deo et Patria



The study of school effectiveness and the identification of factors associated with

it are growing fields of research in the education sciences. The concept of school

effectiveness is broad and for this reason, school heads may perhaps identify the

school's effectiveness as the pupils' performance in the external examinations. The

parents can distinguish the school's effectiveness in the way the pupils behave at home,

and perform at national examinations. Society possibly will observe the school's

effectiveness in terms of the good moral behavior of the children (Tatlah et al., 2012).

School effectiveness is an important area of research in education; it remains an

important area that should be studied and well-managed to enhance school’s

performance. Saleem et al (2012) argued that school effectiveness is a variable that

affects academic achievement of students and the student achievement should be the

basic products of effective schools. In the same manner, many researches established

the link between organizational effectiveness and school climate. Moreover, school

effectiveness was found to be significantly correlated to teachers’ job satisfaction,

school administrator’s demographic characteristics and leadership, and relationship

between school sizes and school innovativeness (Bodur & Argon, 2019; Fidan & Oztürk,

2015; Daghan, 2019; Preston et al., 2012;).

Comprehensive studies have been made investigating different factors that

relates to organizational effectiveness. However, the study on quality management of

secondary school that could lead to school’s effectiveness is very limited. Along with
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Pro Deo et Patria

this, itis also noteworthy to mention that the society is investing huge amount of human,

financial and

material resources in establishing and running institutions of higher learning. This

makes it imperative to study the effectiveness of educational institutions. For this

reasons, the researcher of this study will look into another perspective and will address

the impact of total quality management towards organizational effectiveness of

secondary schools.

Review of Related Literatures

School effectiveness is the degree to which an institution is meeting its stated

mission. It is based on impact oriented philosophy of continuous organizational

improvement that stakeholders in the education industry strive to maintain in terms of

standards and quality. Bassey and Akpan (2010) see institutional effectiveness as the

systematic collection, analysis, organization, warehousing and dissemination of

quantitative and qualitative information concerning the characteristics and performance

of an institution. It also refers to the process of planning, implementation and evaluation

of schools’ initiatives, program and services.

One emerging philosophies when it comes to school management is the

application of Total Quality Management (TQM). It is viewed as a management

philosophy for achieving the goals of the organization. TQM approach in education

involves not only achieving high quality but also influencing all segments of the

educational process: organization, management, interpersonal relations, material and

human resources, etc. Total quality management has received wide acclaim
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Pro Deo et Patria

enhancement in industry as well as school nowadays. School are starting to explore the

potential for applying the TQM philosophy to education. This requires the number of

changes in any educational institution particularly in the attitudes and activities of the

leadership and educators, in the organization, monitoring of educational process, in the

evaluation of the result, in the culture of communication, in the school atmosphere and

especially in the area of interpersonal relations (Chuktu, 2021).

A study conducted by Avila (2017) showed that total quality management

practices is negatively correlated with school dropout rate which implied that efficient

school management could lessen school dropouts by the students. However, he also

found that both school administrators and teachers are not adept in practicing TQM,

therefore, skills training is highly recommended. A similar study highlighted that several

features of TQM such as leadership, focus on stakeholder, commitment to change,

date-based decision making, professional learning and focus on school system to have

a significant to school leadership and staff development improvement.

The introduction of TQM in school management paved way to a wider

understanding of school effectiveness. Its utilization and application in improving on how

schools operate is the focus of this study.

Objectives of the Study

This study is mainly focus on determining the impact of total quality management

(TQM) to secondary school effectiveness. The following are the questions that this

study ought to answer:

1. What is the level of total quality management practices by the school heads in

terms of:
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1.1 leadership;

1.2 strategic planning;

1.3 customer and market focus;

1.4 measurement, analysis, and knowledge management; and

1.5 human resource focus;

1.6 process management: and

1.7 business results?

2. What is the level secondary school organizational effectiveness in terms of:

2.1 flexibility;

2.2 stability;

2.3 cohesive workforce; and

2.4 skilled workforce?

3. Is there a significant relationship between total quality management and

school organizational effectiveness?

4. What feature of total quality management impacts school effectiveness?


The null hypothesis below will be formulated and tested to answer research

problem no. 3 and no. 4:

1. There is no significant relationship between total quality management and school

organizational effectiveness.

2. Total quality management has no significant impact on school effectiveness.

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Pro Deo et Patria

 Research Locale: Secondary schools in Sta. Maria West District Division of

Davao Occidental

 Research Design: Descriptive-predictive

o This research will utilize a descriptive-predictive quantitative type of study

determine the impact of total quality management towards school


 Respondents

o The respondents of this study will be the school heads and principal of

secondary school from Santa Maria West District Division of Davao


 Sampling Design and Technique: This study will utilize quota sampling

technique. It is a non-probability sampling method ideally used when a research

is focused on a particular group.

 Research Instrument: The researchers will use an adopted questionnaire from

the study of Wright (2005) and Eydi (2013).

 Data Gathering Procedures: Following the procedures and protocols of the

conduct of study set by the graduate studies of Rizal Memorial Colleges, Inc.,

with the permission to conduct the study from all authorities, the researcher is

planning to use survey questionnaire to administer the questionnaires to the

respondents. The results will be analyzed and summed up with appropriate

statistical tools advised by the statistician.

Rizal Memorial Colleges Inc
Pro Deo et Patria

Prepared by: Rose Loren Q. Paras


Avila, L. B. (2018). Total Quality Management (TQM) Practices of School

Administrators in Relation to School Performance among Teacher Education
Institutions in the Province of Quezon. KnE Social Sciences, 3(6), 879–890.

Bassey, S. U. & Akpan, R. J. (2010) . Achievement motivation among university

managers and institutional effectiveness in selected universities. Journal of Higher
Education in Nigeria. 2 (1), 29-38

Bodur, E., & Argon, T. (2019). Yenilikçi okul ve örgüt iklimine ilişkin öğretmen görüşleri
[Teachers’ views on innovative schools and organization climate]. International Journal
of Leadership Training, 1(1), 75–88.

Chuktu, Onyinye. (2021). Total Quality Management Practices and Institutional

Effectiveness of Secondary Schools in Cross River State Nigeria. European Journal of
Scientific Research. 158.

Dağhan, E. (2019) Okulların yenilikçi olma özelliklerinin öğretmenlerin iş doyumu ve

örgütsel bağlılıkları ile olan ilişkisinin incelenmesi [Examining the relationship between
schools’ being innovative characteristics and teachers’ job satisfaction and
organizational commitment] (Unpublished master’s thesis). Ondokuz Mayıs University.
Rizal Memorial Colleges Inc
Pro Deo et Patria

Fidan, T., & Oztürk, I. (2015). The relationship of the creativity of public and private
school teachers to their intrinsic motivation and the school climate for innovation.
Procedia— Social and Behavioral Sciences, 195, 905–914.

Preston, C., Goldring, E., Berends, M., & Cannata, M. (2012). School innovation in
district context: Comparing traditional public schools and charter schools. Economics of
Education Review, 31(2), 318–330.

Saleem, F., Naseem Z., Ibrahim K., Hussain K., & Azeem, M, (2012). Determinants of
School Effectiveness: A study at Punjab level. International Journal of humanities and
Social Science, Vol. 2 No.14

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