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Clinical Evaluation of a Fissure Sealant Placed by Acid

Etching or Er:YAG Laser Combined with Acid Etching

Basak Durmusa / Figen Eren Giraya / Sertac Pekerb / Betul Kargulc

Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy of conventional acid etching alone (acid etching) and Er:YAG laser combined with
acid etching (laser + acid etching) on fissure sealant (FS) retention of first permanent molars (FPMs) after 18
Materials and Methods: Using a split-mouth design in 51 children, a total of 204 FPMs were sealed with acid etching
alone or laser plus acid etching (laser+acid). The retention of sealants and occurrence of caries were evaluated at
3, 6, 12, and 18 months. Statistical analysis was performed using Pearson’s chi-squared tests.
Results: The retention rate for FS in the laser+acid group was significantly higher than that of the acid-etch group
at 12 (p = 0.0161) and 18 (p = 0.0227) months. Six FSs in the acid group and five FSs in the laser+acid group
were completely lost after 18 months. The incidence of caries in the acid-etch group was 22% (n = 18) vs 10%
(n = 8) in the laser+acid group at 18 months. The difference in caries development between the groups was not
significant (p > 0.05).
Conclusions: As enamel pretreatment, Er:YAG laser combined with acid etching significantly improves FS retention
over conventional acid etching alone.
Key words: dental acid etching, lasers, pit and fissure sealants

Oral Health Prev Dent 2017; 15: 157–162. Submitted for publication: 08.12.14; accepted for publication: 20.11.15
doi: 10.3290/j.ohpd.a37927

I n recent years, dentistry has focused on preventive pro-

cedures and reducing caries risk.5 Although only 12.5% of
all tooth surfaces are occlusal, more than two-thirds of caries
success of FSs depends on the sealant retention, the main-
tenance of sealant integrity, and the properties of the seal-
ant material.26,37,38
in children develop on these surfaces.34 The most appro- Retention rates vary according to the proper isolation
priate and cost-effective treatment for the prevention of oc- of the working field, viscosity of the sealant material,
clusal caries in children at high risk is the application of preparation of enamel surfaces, and use of an adhesive
pit-and-fissure sealants.3,15 Sealants help to control caries system.36 The use of phosphoric acid is a well accepted,
by forming a physical barrier that prevents metabolic ex- standard method for roughening enamel surfaces. Unfor-
change between fissure microorganisms and the oral envi- tunately, conditions are not always optimal, and organic
ronment.3,24,37 remnants as well as fissure morphology and aprismatic
Although sealants have been shown to be successful enamel structure can reduce etching performance and thus
preventive restorations, it is rare for them to be retained compromise adhesion.12 Saliva contamination is a fre-
completely over the lifetime of the tooth. Even when applied quently faced problem after pretreatment of the enamel
appropriately, 5%–10% of sealants can be expected to fail with phosphoric acid to create microporosites for retention.
annually.16 Several clinical studies have indicated that the When the microporosites are coated with saliva, the reten-
tion and effectiveness of the fissure sealants are jeop-
ardised.31 Concerns raised due to the disadvantages of
a Associate Professor, Department of Paediatric Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry,
Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey. Performed the clinical treatment, wrote acid etching, which include technical sensitivity and isola-
the manuscript, read and approved the final manuscript. tion problems,11,30-32 have led researchers to focus on al-
b Associate Professor, Department of Paediatric Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, ternative methods for sealant retention, such as enamelo-
Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey. Drafted and proofread the manuscript, plasty, an air-polishing system, or laser treatment.4
read and approved the final manuscript.
The use of erbium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet (Er:YAG) laser
c Professor, Department of Paediatric Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Marmara
University, Istanbul, Turkey. Study design, drafted and proofread the manu- irradiation for dental applications has become increasingly
script, read and approved the final manuscript. widespread since FDA approval in 1997, and its use for
pretreatment and surface conditioning in pit-and-fissure
Correspondence: Basak Durmus, Department of Paediatric Dentistry, Faculty of
Dentistry, Marmara University, Buyukçiftlik Sok. No:6 Kat:4, Nisantasi, Istanbul, sealing has since been under discussion.4,14,20,27 The
Turkey. Tel: +90-216-421-1621-1540; Email: laser irradiation of hard dental tissue modifies the calcium:

Vol 15, No 2, 2017 157

Durmus et al

phosphorus ratio, reduces the carbonate:phosphate ratio, dated pumice (Nada Pumice paste, Patterson Dental Sup-
and leads to the formation of more stable and less acid- ply; St Paul, MN, USA) to remove salivary pellicle and any
soluble compounds, thus reducing susceptibility to acid remaining plaque.
attacks and caries.10,13 It is also thought to have an anti-
bacterial effect by trapping free ions and forming remineral- Study Groups
isation microspaces.6,10 Furthermore, tooth isolation is not In group 1 (acid-etch group), the fissures of teeth #16 and
required for this procedure. With all these beneficial features, #46 (n = 102) were etched with 35% phosphoric acid (Voco-
this technique seems to be promising for overcoming the cid, VOCO; Cuxhaven, Germany) for 30 s, rinsed for 15 s,
problems faced during fissure sealant application. However, and dried for a few seconds until the surfaces were chalky
studies on the quality of FSs following Er:YAG laser prepar- white. In group 2 (laser-plus-acid-etch group [laser+acid]),
ation are scarce and not conclusive.5,22 the fissures of teeth #26 and #36 (n = 102) were irradiated
Therefore, the aim of this 18-month clinical study was to with an Er:YAG laser system (Fotona Medical Lasers, Fidelis
evaluate the efficacy of two enamel pretreatment methods PLUS Er:YAG Dental Laser; Ljubljana, Slovenia) using a non-
– conventional acid etching alone and Er:YAG laser condi- contact handpiece (R02) with the following settings: wave-
tioning in combination with acid etching – on sealant reten- length: 2.94 μm; power: 2 W; energy output: 120 mJ; short
tion on FPMs. pulse duration (SP); frequency: 10 Hz; and a beam spot
size of 0.6 mm. Air and water sprays from the handpiece
were adjusted to prevent the enamel surface from overheat-
MATERIALS AND METHODS ing. The laser beam was aligned perpendicular to the fis-
sure in noncontact mode at a distance of 1 to 2 mm in ac-
The proposed approach was a randomised cohort study cordance with the manufacturer’s instructions for etching.
approved by Yeditepe University Ethics Commitee (AUG- The duration of exposure depended on the time needed to
YC-2011-0131) and performed in accordance with the ethi- guide the laser beam evenly across the pits and fissures to
cal standards laid down in the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki be irradiated. Following laser irradiation, the fissures were
and its later amendments. also etched with 35% phosphoric acid using the same pro-
Considering the power of the study to be 80% and the cedure as in group 1.
effect size 5%, the required sample size was evaluated to Following pretreatment, all teeth were rinsed, air dried,
be 94 teeth each in the experimental and control groups. and sealed with a light-curing, highly filled, fluoridated nano-
To compensate for possible dropouts, we started the study hybrid fissure sealant (Grandio Seal, VOCO) and were light
with 102 participants each in the laser acid groups. cured for 20 s (Bluephase C5, Ivoclar Vivadent; Schaan,
The participants consisted of 51 children (27 boys and Liechtenstein). After the materials were placed on the pits
24 girls, aged 7–10 years (mean age 8.14 ± 0.88 years), and fissures, the occlusion was checked with articulating
categorised as high caries risk (dmft: 4-6), with all four paper. Any premature contacts were removed using fine-grit
newly erupted, caries-free, untreated FPMs attending the round diamond burs (Dia-Burs, MANI; Tochigi, Japan) to en-
Department of Paediatric Dentistry, University of Marmara sure that the sealant material did not produce occlusal in-
(Istanbul, Turkey). Individual caries risk was based on the terference. The material surfaces were polished with rubber
dmft index of each patient with caries registered at the cav- cups (Polydentia; Mezovicco, Switzerland).
itation level at the visit of FS placement, which was consid-
ered the initial visit for the purposes of the study. All seal- Clinical Evaluation
ant placements were performed by the same trained and Two experienced clinicians (S.P., B.D.), who were unaware
experienced paediatric dentist (F.E.G). At each follow-up of which preparation method had been used, evaluated the
visit, the children were examined by two calibrated staff restorations at 3-, 6-, 12- and 18-month follow-up visits.
members (B.D., S.P.) in a dental chair with reflector light, They reached a consensus if their findings differed. Sealant
air-water spray, and a mirror. retention and caries occurrence were evaluated in terms of
All patients were advised to follow a preventive pro- caries formation (present or absent), and retention was
gramme that included oral hygiene instructions, use of classified as completely retained (CR), partial loss (PL), or
fluoridated toothpaste and diet counselling. total loss (TL) using Simonsens’s criteria.28 The ‘completely
retained’ sealant category did not address sealant wear. If
Clinical Procedures some peripheral fissures were uncovered following sealant
Prior to the clinical procedure, each child and parent were wear, but no ledges were present, the sealant was classi-
informed about the protocol of the study, and written in- fied as completely retained (ledges indicate bulk loss of
formed consent was obtained. A total of 204 maxillary and some adjacent sealant). A score of ‘partially loss’ was given
mandibular FPMs were sealed by the same paediatric den- when, following either wear or material loss, part of a previ-
tist (F.E.G.) in 51 patients under the split-mouth design. ously sealed pit/fissure was exposed. ‘Total loss’ signified
Prior to sealant application, the teeth were carefully iso- that no trace of sealant was detectable (Fig 1).28 In the
lated with cotton rolls and a flexible plastic saliva ejector to event of partial or total loss, the FSs were replaced or re-
prevent saliva contamination. The fissures of the teeth paired, and those teeth were eliminated from the study.
were cleaned with a prophylaxis brush using a nonfluori-

158 Oral Health & Preventive Dentistry

Durmus et al

Fig 1 Clinical photos of fissure sealent

retention at 18 months. A. Completely
retained; B. partial loss.

Statistical Analysis DISCUSSION

The results were recorded and analysed using the statis-
tical software package SPSS v. 16.0.0 for Windows (SPSS; The current study compared the efficacy of using an Er:YAG
Chicago, IL, USA). The Kappa values were high (0.95), indi- laser combined with conventional acid etching vs conven-
cating considerable intra- and interexaminer agreement. Any tional acid etching as pretreatment for FS in young FPMs of
discrepancy between evaluators was resolved chairside. children over an 18-month period.
Pearson’s chi-squared test was used to evaluate differ- The use of rubber-dam for isolation of the operating field
ences in the retention rates of the sealant between the two is well documented in the literature, and has been reported
pretreatment methods for each evaluation period at a 5% to significantly improve sealant retention rates.17,36 How-
level of significance. ever, some studies have found that retention rates of FSs
and composite resin restorations placed using rubber-dam
or cotton roll isolation are similar.2,34 Therefore, in this
RESULTS study, the operating field was isolated using cotton rolls
and a plastic saliva ejector to prevent saliva contamination
Fifty-one patients participated in this clinical study, of which during the procedure.
42 were available for all evaluations, resulting in a recall rate Surface conditioning procedures may affect the retention
of 83%. A total of 168 restorations (84 acid-etch, 84 and preventive effects of FSs in clinical approaches.29,34
laser+acid) were evaluated at the 18-month follow-up. The The pretreatment of enamel with various concentrations of
complete retention rate after 18 months was 58% for the phosphoric acid is a conventional method that has certain
acid-etch group and 77% for the laser+acid group. After 3 disadvantages; therefore, other methods such as laser
months, there was a partial loss of 6 sealants (7%) in the etching of enamel surfaces have gained popularity.25,27
acid group and 3 (4%) in the laser+acid group. After However, there have been some contradictory findings con-
6 months, there were 12 (14%) partial losses in the acid-etch cerning the use of lasers for enamel etching. Lepri et al20
group and 6 (7%) in the laser+acid group. There were 3 total reported that the use of an Er:YAG laser (80 mJ, 2 Hz) did
losses of sealant with both techniques. After 12 months, not improve the efficacy of conventional acid etching of
there were 25 (30%) partial losses of sealant in the acid-etch enamel in the bonding of sealants, nor was the laser help-
group and 10 (12%) in the laser+acid group. The retention ful in overcoming the negative effects of salivary contamina-
rates for FS in the laser+acid group were significantly higher tion. Abou El-Yazeed et al1 reported that Nd:YAG laser
at 12 (82%, p = 0.0161) and 18 months (77%, p = 0.0227) (400 mJ, 10 Hz) conditioning and the application of laser
when compared with the acid-etch group. After 18 months, followed by acid etching appeared to have identical efficacy
there was a complete loss of 6 FSs in the acid-etch group and and were superior to acid etching alone in the sealing of
5 FSs in the laser+acid group. There were no significant differ- pits and fissures. Moreover, Baygın et al4 (Er,Cr:YSGG laser
ences in retention rates between these two preparation meth- 2W, 20 Hz) and Shahabi et al27 (Er:YAG laser 100 mJ,
ods after 3 and 6 months (p = 0.4878, p = 0.3109) (Table 1). 10 Hz) reported that laser etching may constitute an alter-
The sealants were better retained on the maxillary mo- native to conventional acid etching, but that laser etching
lars, but this difference was not statistically significant did not eliminate the need for acid etching prior to place-
(p > 0.05) (Tables 2 and 3). ment of a FS. Stereomicroscopic observation revealed that
After 18 months, the incidence of caries in the acid the laser completely cleaned debris in pits and fissures,
group was 22% (n = 18) versus 10% (n = 8) in the having the advantage of reaching the narrowest, deepest
laser+acid group. The difference in caries development after parts of the fissures.18 Therefore, those authors concluded
18 months between the two methods was not statistically that the removal of debris accumulated in fissures could
significant (p > 0.05). Among the treated teeth, the caries improve sealant retention.
incidence on the mandibular first molars was higher than on These contradictory findings may be due to the different
the maxillary first molars; however, this difference was not output characteristics of lasers and experimental designs
statistically significant at 12 or 18 months (p > 0.05). of the studies, as stated by Karaman et al.19 Furthermore,

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Table 1 Distribution of sealant retention rates

Evaluation time 3 months 6 months 12 months 18 months

Acid Laser+acid Acid Laser+acid Acid Laser+acid Acid Laser+acid

Completely retained n (%) 76 (91%) 80 (95%) 69 (81%) 75 (89%) 54 (65%) 69 (82%) 49 (58%) 65 (77%)

Partial loss n (%) 6 (7%) 3 (4%) 12 (15%) 6 (7%) 25 (29%) 10 (12%) 29 (35%) 14 (17%)

Total loss n (%) 2 (2%) 1 (1%) 3 (4%) 3 (4%) 5 (6%) 5 (6%) 6 (7%) 5 (%6)

p = 0.4878 p = 0.3109 p = 0.0161* p = 0.0227*

*Statistically significant at p < 0.05.

Table 2 Distribution of sealant retention rates in the acid-etched group for maxillary and mandibular molars

Evaluation 3 months 6 months 12 months 18 months

Tooth No. 16 46 16 46 16 46 16 46

Completely retained n (%) 37 (88%) 39 (93%) 36 (86%) 33 (79%) 29 (69%) 25 (60%) 26 (62%) 23 (55%)

Partial loss n (%) 4 (10%) 2 (5%) 5 (12%) 7 (17%) 10 (24%) 15 (36%) 13 (31%) 16 (38%)

Total loss n (%) 1 (2%) 1 (2%) 1 (2%) 2 (2%) 3 (7%) 2 (4%) 3 (7%) 3 (7%)

p = 0.6979 p = 0.6713 p = 0.4732 p = 0.7811

Table 3 Distribution of sealant retention rates in the laser+acid group for maxillary and mandibular molars

Evaluation 3 months 6 months 12 months 18 months

Tooth No. 26 36 26 36 26 36 26 36

Completely retained n (%) 39 (93%) 41 (98%) 36 (86%) 39 (93%) 34 (81%) 35 (83%) 33 (79%) 32 (76%)

Partial loss n (%) 3 (7%) 0 (0%) 4 (10%) 2 (5%) 5 (12%) 5 (12%) 6 (14%) 8 (19%)

Total loss n (%) 0 (0%) 1 (2%) 2 (4%) 1 (2%) 3 (7%) 2 (5%) 3 (7%) 2 (4%)

p = 0.1320 p = 0.5712 p = 0.8983 p = 0.7784

laser and conventional etching were compared only with statistically significant difference in retention rates between
respect to marginal leakage under ex vivo conditions. The the preparation methods at any evaluation period.
effect of laser etching on sealant retention in vivo has been The current study found statistically significant differ-
evaluated in only a few studies,8,19,35 so that it is difficult ences between the retention rates of the acid-etch group
to compare the present and previous findings. (65%, 58%) and the laser+acid group (82%, 77%) after 12
In a split-mouth clinical trial comparing the retention of and 18 months, respectively. Therefore, these results are
FSs placed using CO2 laser or acid etching, the retention in accordance with previous reports in which a combination
rates were statistically similar after a mean follow-up period of laser irradiation and acid etching was compared with con-
of 14.5 months.35 Furthermore, a 4-year follow-up in vivo ventional acid-etching treatment.5,8,18,27 However, one ex-
controlled study demonstrated that use of a laser on oc- planation for the present lower rates in overall retention
clusal fissures prior to application improved the retention of during a shorter follow-up period might be that initial caries
a photoactivated FS.8 In a recent study, Karaman et al19 risk status in children was positively associated with sealant
compared the 24-month clinical performance of a FS placed failure in FPMs. Other studies7,23 also reported that reten-
using several enamel preparation methods. They concluded tion decreased with increasing caries risk, agreeing with the
that 83.9% of the sealants in the laser group and 85.7% in present study, where high caries risk was associated with
the acid-etch group were completely retained; there was no higher rate of FS failure.7,23 Furthermore, it seems reason-

160 Oral Health & Preventive Dentistry

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able to assume that tooth selection or technique failure at tant surface and improved sealant retention at the 18-
the time of sealant placement were responsible for the ma- month follow-up. However, the economic aspect of sealant
jority of partial or total losses within the first six months of application must also be considered. Sealant application
placement.21 This was most likely due to inadequate mois- has to remain simple, rapid, and affordable to be used as a
ture control. prophylactic measure. Although laser treatment followed by
Possible reasons for partial and total losses in the laser- acid etching improves the retention of FSs compared to
pretreatment group have been discussed previously.4,30 acid etching alone, when the extra time and cost of equip-
The first is that that the Er:YAG laser does not create a ment and materials required are taken into consideration,
uniform etching pattern, unlike that obtained with acid etch- the cost:benefit ratio appears to be questionable.12 Never-
ing; instead, laser ablation yields a random fragmentation theless, the results of this in vivo study suggest that
and removal of dental substance with cleavage along laser+acid pretreatment is a good choice for the prepar-
enamel prisms. In addition, the beam is not emitted con- ation of enamel prior to the application of a FS.
tinuously; therefore, non-lased areas are created between
the laser pulses. Such an irregular microstructure likely
leads to bonding failures and undermines marginal sealing. CONCLUSION
Therefore, the present results support the statement of Vi-
jayaraghavan et al33 that Er:YAG laser irradiation of pits and The results of our study indicate that, at the end of an
fissures does not eliminate the need for etching. 18-month period, fissure sealants placed with Er:YAG
Higher partial and total sealant loss rates and caries for- laser treatment combined with acid etching showed sig-
mation were observed in mandibular vs maxillary molars at nificantly higher retention rates than those placed with
the end of the observation period. This finding may be re- conventional acid etching alone. However, caries devel-
lated to fissure morphology and the difficulties of isolation, opment rates were similar in both groups. Considering
leading to saliva contamination, on the mandibular molars. the potential benefits associated with the laser system,
Fissure morphology may influence the application and reten- further studies should be conducted to confirm the repro-
tion of sealants. Shallow fissures tended to show fewer ducibility of these findings.
unfilled areas than deep fissures, probably because sealant Regardless of the preparation method used before seal-
penetration and adaptation are achieved more readily in ant placement, the FS retention decreases over time and
wide-angle fissures. As stated by Ciucchi et al,12 it may be caries initiation is inevitable. Therefore, sealants should only
easier for the clinician to eliminate trapped air bubbles from be placed after careful diagnosis of caries risk and – given
shallow fissures than from deep fissures, as the dental high risk – simultaneous implementation of intensified, su-
probe or brush is betteer able to reach the bottom of shal- pervised oral hygiene measures or prophylaxis impulses.
low fissures to dislodge any air pockets.
At the beginning of the study, there were no cavitated
carious lesions on the selected molars. However, incipi-
ent enamel lesions were detected at 18 months in 22% of
the acid-etch group and 10% of the laser+acid group. This ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
is likely attributable to the fact that in high-caries–risk,
We would like to thank Prof. Dr. Nural Bekiroglu (Department of Bio-
caries-active children, the occlusal enamel of the pits and
statistics and Bioinformatics, School of Medicine, Marmara Univer-
fissures was already undergoing tissue structure changes
sity, Istanbul, Turkey) for her statistical expertise.
before FS application, which might have altered the prop-
erties of the enamel surface.9,23 Therefore, although etch-
ing is presumed to occur on sound, healthy enamel, this
is not always true. The higher organic content of this
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