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DeZURiK Type 03 Air-O-Motor Actuator Product Manual 85-01-09 DeZURIK TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Dimensions. 3 Description ? Specifications 2 Installation 4 [Changing te Reverse Lever Action 4 Preventive Maintenance. 4 /Gracutrol Fostioner Aglusimient | 5 Repair é Parts List ‘Section 710-81 Deceription ‘The Type 03 Ai-O-Motor actuator is @ ]compact pneumatic power cevice which eenverts a signal pressure into mechanical motion. The force deve' oped can exer a straight, downwarc rust. or operate @ reversibie lever working ona pvot. The amaunt of rave is propanional to the amount of ar pressure piace against the area of the diaphragm. ‘Tne Thrust mae (Figure 1) provides more force with less stroke. The Lever model oMers much longer strokes wih tess force. FTnrust modets ae direct ac:ing — ac- twator stem moves duwntwa’d with creasing ar pressure. For leve! mode! (Figure 2), tne action can be either ‘hirect oF teverse with increasing ait pressure cepending upon the lever mounting arrangement Figure 3) Diet Ata | Figure s— Lever acton—avrect ana reverse Final Control Deviess 85-01-09, 10185 Page 10! 6 Type 03 Air-O-Motor Actuator Operator's Manual Figure 1 — Thrust mosel Figute 2 — Lever mace! win Graautrol positioner ‘Operator's Manual - 501-08, Page? Specifications ‘Construction Tat aluminum diaphragm cases and yore. Neoprene caphvagm i avaliable fol ambient Gmperatures te 160°F, Actuator stem is 816 staness steel for thrust models, Ciev-ype ines: and etem for lever mocels are aipated ster. See! levers ere avaliable m Swe tenga win’ or 8 lake-om positions, Lever hoes for egnnection fo the levis have fncion- ted needle bearings whch Go not require Mbrcaton. Ouboarc bushings recuce sie play at the pivot Beit Dimensions Rorerto Figures 46 and Mounting och the trust and lever models are supplied for base moutting. A rightangle Bracke kt (Bice No 30506505 canbe ordered wall verical mouring fs required. Sew Figure 8 Taw “reves vary withthe Move actuator. Sve Table Sonng wanges Fares ore £7-76 KPa 411 pag) and 21-109 KPa (O75 pig) See Tables A Anda for ssestion Peationer Compact. tp-mounter positioner. optional on all models, has non-interacting, exteral ze Soa Span adjustments, Maximum a pressure: 172 KPa @5 psig) Ala connections: 178° rT. Sten Point {Tmo alad prosoure othe posihioner operaling range can be gel anwwnere between 21-68 KPa (S10 B89) Operating Ranges Ranges are ajustabie copending upon the sla pont sng ana postione? span seevied, Pages rs eee ccamote fe star pom i set at 21 KPa (9 paig)ana the soan at 82 KPa (12 fe), the operating range o! the actuator is 21-108 KPa (315 pi regarcess ofthe actual ac Riator sor. Supp ‘Maximum airto-diaphragm172 ¥Pa (25 beh. Alreonnections: 8 NPI Woignt Lover Modet:7 kg (155), Thrust Model:5 kg (14 tbs.) TABLE 1 — Model Number Iniormation Selection “Type 03 Air-0-Motor Ordering Numbers Spring Range Positioner Span pag = 2:5,30 SHG 12 Full Lever ‘Shor Lever Torust Model x BSSTI-AOT BSSTI-ED1 B63T 01 (30686886-023) (0686836-031) (50686605007) x x BESTE eesTi-F A ‘est1-KOt _ (60586886-024) (30686836-032) (20686886-008) x x aeartco1 8637-601 863T1-MO-1 (0586886-025) (60586886-033) {80686806-000) x Be5T1-D-O7 B6aT E04 e6aT NO (0686886-026) (30686686-034) (30586886-001) NOTE: Farmer orcering numbers are shown in parentheses. When wall mounting is required, change the -001 tn the above order numbers 10-002 and tne wall mounting kit willbe supplied. Example: 853T1-A-0-2is @ Type 03 Full Lever, 4-11 psig soring range Alr c Pivot pin— Dreplace — = 2set screws~/ | > D va Ss The most important part of preventive ‘maintenance isa visval inspection at regular intervals. Check far he following 1. tight air connections. 2. diaphragm case bolts, 8, stem locked into ster: retainer, 4 ‘actuator firmly attached to yoke oF adapter plate, tight actuator set screws 6. clevis pin fully engaged in clevis, 7. jam nut tight against actuator stem. SS P-Clevis pin some Figure © — Changing to reverse lever action Gradutrol Positioner Adjustment ange adustmentis changed by the six asiustmert screws (1) and) Reler to Figures 10 ana v1 The stam pats ad juSted by turing the knob ontop ofthe bostioner ‘The graduations of he exe “al cakoration seale on the knabrepre- ent values within the ditferen ranges Operator's Manual 85.04.09 Page 5 Start Fetes to Table 5 fo: adjustmer’. Al vs | a tafe tactory Set" 8 ps! i 12 pa range ee pea oor) TABLE 5 — Range and Start Point Adjustments Figure 10 — Graestol postioner Figure 11 — Range adjustment screws Operrting Range Range Adjustment Start Point Adjustment ee All screws **1" and ™ +2 _ One graduation of eoale on tart point adjustment tughtenes ‘knob represents a start point change o! 1 psi. One ‘complete turn of Ine stan point agjustment Knob represents a stant pomt change o! 10 psi ‘One graduation of scale on start pom adjustment know represents a start point change of 0.5 psi. Two ‘complete turns of tne start point adjustment Knob Tepresems a stan pornt change of 10 ps. 6 ps: ‘Tree screws "1" backed off to theten stop 36 ps) Al screws “"1" anc " backed of 10 ticuon stop ‘One gracuation of scale on start point adjustment knob represents a start pomnt change of 0.3 pei ‘Three complete tums of the start point adjustment knob represents a start point change ot 9 Ps. Operator's Manual 85-01-09, gee Repair Actuator Removal Proceed as follows to remove actuator from yoke or adapter plate to facilitate ropair-Roter to Figuroc 12 and 13. 1, Disconnect air tubina. 2. Using a screwdriver, loosen set screw In stem retainer and side re- tainer towards actuator spring te release actuator stern, Note that it mey be neceeeary to use a ecrew- river as a lever to push stem re Tainer trom groove in actuator stem. 2. Loosen set gorews in actor bate, ‘and litt actuator off yoke or adarter pizte, To remount actuator olows: +. Position stem retainer so large hole in retainer Is in View. Place actuator down flush on yore oF ‘adapter plate, and secure with set Screws in actuator base. Reise actuetor stem until it engoses large hole in stem retainer. 4, Push on stem retainer so It slides to engage large nole in stem retainer 5 Connect air ting foceec as Diaphragm Replacement +, Remove actuator from yoke or ‘adapter plate (see Actuator Removal) 2. H actuator has a Gradutrol pos tener, unscrew and remove positioner [3 Relieve soring compression as follows: (3) Place actuator in vise. (2) Tighton jawe enug againet o> and bottom of actuator. (3) Unscrew set screws in actuetor ase securing t to frame. (@) Loosen vise jaws gradually unt all spring tension 1s relieved. (8) Hemove actuator trom vise 4. Remove diaphragm ease. anc stall new diaphragm. Be gure lip around eoge of diaphragm ts securely into ‘sealing groove in upoer diaphragm case. 5 Place actuator and separates tase n vise Be sure actuator spring wil seat tn base and that set screw holes in ‘vase line up with hose in actuator tame. 6 Tighten vise jaws gradually unt! ac: tual: base contacts actuator frame. Using set screws, secure actuator base to frame. 7. Mount actuatox on yoke 0: adaoter late (see To Remount Actuator under Actuator Removal paragranh). sr guia! pasitione® Pesnioner spiny ‘Sprisg seat Seeing cup Actuttor Toss giaphagmeus Diaphragm case Traps Siem retainer Set coron, ‘Rewater spnng [-——a ‘Actuator ster ‘Agapter plate ‘se serow Figure 12— Thrust model cutaway view with pars cal wuts sam nut Losknut ran Diaphragm case ‘ianneagm cu ‘Acai sien Positioner spring. Frgure 12.— Lever madel cutaway Wew with pare eal ote ‘Ambroid. 3M brand ECB47 o: other Suit: | ng hole. = “Tetiator spring ee—er—vrc—c>scrvevvw NOTE: I actuator has @ Gradutro! post | able Bonding give. Assemble actuator tioner. remove positioner spring seat | and screw pesitione: out of upper case from old diaphragm and glue ittonew | Pace spring seat onto diaphragm, Gaaphragm with light coat of Phobone, | locating itm center of potitioner mount Crews pre an 03 AirO-Motor Actuator Parts List | Section 710-61 Issue 3 oles Page 10f8, ‘Section AA Frguie 109 aro. lever De Figure 2-03 AinOMotor. thst type, Parts List Page 3 Recommended ‘Spare Parts per KeyNo. PartNumber Description chee i 30089308478 Pin 2 300484062R4 Setecrew—Ouantity 2 3 30022042264 Nut 4 MP 953 Actuator Seng Positioner range (psi) spans (psi) Longlever Short iever__— Thrust tyne an — 30731025005 30731026-009 30731028-001 431 88,840 90791085-006 30781025010 3073 I025-002 an Gort2 30731025007 30731028011 30731025-003 3 —___30731025.008 30731025012 _30721025-004 #1 30089386264 Collar 42° 90049982-185 Actuator Stem—Lever type, Booss09.516 Thrust ype 423 30067446460 Gradutol Positioner 438 Positioner Spring Taw 9n6 ae eres PSi span 136 6 17 SIEARSA.177 A0NRSS25 172 50067968122 50OSEETE-1222ORETSTE 1D SOOMSMOG- 122 sts wee cee tz eee = so6ees7-122 438 30067447-460 __Posiuoner Spring Seat _ Jaa 30731026001 Stem Retainer Jes 30020106264 Set Serew 6 30669770001 Actuator Diaphragm i z 47 Bi3a77-11527" Actuator Spring—Spring range [os #11 30088406278 a 5 20049882-000 Lever Suoassembly—Long lever '30065001-000 Shor lever 51 30080383277 Lever Only—Long lever, onKs080-777 Short lever 52 30049980144 Reanng—Ouantiny 2 é '30049387-264 Glens 7 300440026 Pin é 30045376-000_ Yoke Suassembly 61 30045379233 Yoke Only 62 30049381-148 Beanng 63 30049380144 Beanng g 30049384000 Acaptor Subassemoly S41 30049385233 cantor _ 32 30085386148 Bushing _ So 30049802285 Locxman a 30049401-393 Shoulgerscrew @ ‘Soop rs7/-450__Wreneh*** (accessory supplied wih Graduirol postioner) * Any actuator parts not wentties or ealies out must be ordered Order Products Manum™ Rotary Control Valves Sie 1 12" 128 200mm! for highly erosive services. Features high trotting accuracy and four ow capacity ranges. econ Plug Valvos | Sioe 0.5 72116 1800mm) ina wide tholce of materials and resilient plug facings. HP Butterfly Valves Sizes 2-48 (60-'200mm) for applications 16-740 pal (100 Pa) plu Ina Soa extra ight mot fro tested ang PTFE seated models, \V-Pont Ball Valves ~ Sizes 120" (25 500mm), pressures {740 pa (6100 sPa) ond tomporature ratings to 1000°F (537°Cl. Flanged and fangeless desiins Resilient Seated Butterfly Valves -Sives 2:36" 80:800:nm) inva eylog with 176 ant 225 poi 210 ane 1650 KPa} pressure ratings and wafer and lugged body sys. AWWA Butterfly Valves ~ Sizos 3-120" (80-000m Mote AWWA C504 standard. 2. AWiay Pg Valves — Sis 216" \80-400mn) for shutoft and swiching applications plus a varity of body materials, Metal Seated Full Por Ball Valves ~S 22s 2-12"(50-300mm) ae dasigned for woubie fae operation n digester blow: down applications and for handling corrosive liquids, gases and Abrasive sue, Precision Electric Control Valves — Unmatched cons! acturaey provides up to 16000 discrete repeatable trotting positions in 90" plug tation. Ascopt enalog or digit Signals Sizes 420" {100:500rnm) Permaseal Plug Valves ~ Szes 0.56" (15-160mm) in ANS! ‘lato 150 ond 300 ratings. Body styles include 2 Way, 3 Wey, jacketed, double block and bleed and fush through for SSrrunive aad high terms etre epyaicatue, Knife Gate Valves Rugged designe for eorroalvs and abrasive service on liquids, sures and dry materials Pressures (0 150 pi O30 KPa) wn secs 2-72" (50-1800 Consistency Tranamiters Rotating aenaor, AccuTran’ blade sansa open type and pan type chambers for pulp Univa Ported Gato Valves. Sizoa2 48" 50 1200me) {or sealing, corrasve and abrasive services, Reinforced astomer soeve ors bulbledigt seal ass wh Ure ‘wal ofthe pipe. ‘Cage Guided Globe Control Valves - Sis 1-16" (25-400mm was pressure ange ( ANSI 1500 plas sineveate at Ua anced construction low-noise and ant-cavitation trim options. ‘3.Way Globe Control Valves - Sizes 05.16" (15-a00mm) ‘wil presi stig 6 600 pi 4180 KPa ‘diverting services, Medium and light-duty mode {or appicauons to Class 12> and fr How press _pplictons ‘Angle Control Vales -Sios 18" (25 200mm! for applications invetving viscous or ash low processor slurtes, Single Double Seated Gabe Vales — Heavy duly Lop land batom guided valves offer high accuracy and high rangeaoay Meciurrury, cur. gurde vaves prove tugged rebiity or tight Shit. For tow pressure applica {one Snglesvatd sem guided mocels avatadle Low How Valves — Single saatea giooe style in sizes (05:2 15-50mmn) fr low andl utralow flow applications High Proseure Valves — For prossures up to 6000 psig agay eran single-seatea angle or svalghtnfough design. Sales and Service DoZURIK reprosontatives aro located in major citias throughout the world. For the name af tha representative nearact you, contact Web site: www.decur DeZURIK Sartolt Minnesota 56977-1743 Telepnene” 320.9592 fax" 320-288-22 DeZURIK of CANADA, LTD, Franklin Bhd, PO DeZURIK-JAPAN ‘th Flog 0 Fax" 51921-3006 DeZURIK UNITED KINGDOM, LD. Tato, Tokyo Tele No.1 Crosland Pork amington, Nothumberand Englond Telephone: 43-1670-71417 Toe 4e-1670-797009, Shonaha:- 200238 China Jolene. BZ 64853018 Fax 85-21 6485243 DeZURIK:MEXICO Face. Indusval incon Menforey NL CP2210 Mewizo Telephone. 6283-7071097020 Foxe 8277004 Daiichi Kuwabara Bl 187, 2 Cisumne, Hyon Ueno cine 84 32896099" Faxe81 20636584 DeZURIK-SOUTH CHINA Goneca Sigral China Limited DeZURIK ‘DEEL veer te sight ew impor ate ou lle ei td DeZURIK:NORTH CHINA Ron 103, Harw Bating Number 25, Betacngztuang Rood Hassan Dirat ng 100088 Peonles Republic China Tephene: 26 105238 1012 Fax 861062961017 DeZURIK-SINGAPORE 101 Cecl Stee, #17 00 Tog Eg Buin Sing, Senge 009559 Phones 65326°3850 Foe e527 0188 “10 Japan DeZURIK-INDIA, 220, Midas, Saher Plze SKY. Riba Anahe (E ‘Mumba: 400059 Phone, 9122838 5857 Fax 91-228965895, @| liK

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