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Review Article

Deltoid Ligament Rupture in

Ankle Fracture: Diagnosis and

Simon Lee, MD The last stage of a supination-external rotation ankle fracture involves
Johnny Lin, MD either transverse fracture of the medial malleolus or rupture of the
deltoid ligament. When the deltoid ligament ruptures, a “bimalleolar
Kamran S. Hamid, MD, MPH
equivalent” ankle fracture occurs, and the surgeon is presented with
Daniel D. Bohl, MD, MPH several diagnostic and therapeutic challenges. In the native ankle,
the deltoid ligament provides restraint to eversion and external
rotation of the talus on the tibia. In bimalleolar equivalent ankle
fractures, there is often gross medial instability even after fibular
reduction. Retraction of the deltoid with subsequent healing in a
nonanatomic position theoretically may cause instability, persistent
medial gutter pain, and loss of function with risk of early arthritis.
In mild cases, deltoid injury may not be obvious, and potential
diagnostic techniques include preoperative and intraoperative stress
radiography, MRI, and ultrasonography. The most common injury
pattern is avulsion from the medial malleolus, and most current repair
techniques involve direct repair of the capsular and deltoid injuries
involving suture anchors in the medial malleolus and imbrication of
the superficial and deep deltoid fibers. To date, there is limited
From the Department of Orthopaedic
Surgery, Rush University Medical evidence of superior clinical outcomes with the addition of deltoid
Center, Chicago, IL. repair compared with open reduction and internal fixation of the fibula
Dr. Lee or an immediate family alone.
member serves as a board member,
owner, officer, or committee member
of the American Orthopaedic Foot and
Ankle Society. Dr. Lin or an immediate
family member has received research
or institutional support from Arthrex
M ost rotational injuries about
the ankle fit the supination-
external rotation (SER) model of the
reduction and internal fixation (ORIF)
of both malleoli is indicated to restore
stability to the mortise. However,
and has received nonincome support landmark 1950 study by Lauge-Han- when the deltoid ruptures and the
(such as equipment or services),
commercially derived honoraria, or
sen.1,2 According to this model, with medial malleolus remains intact, the
other non–research-related funding the foot supinated, external rotation of injury is termed a bimalleolar equiv-
(such as paid travel) from Medwest. the talus on the tibia produces (1) alent ankle fracture, indicating that
Neither of the following authors nor rupture of the anterior-inferior tibio- although the medial malleolus re-
any immediate family member has
received anything of value from or has
fibular ligament, (2) oblique fracture mains intact, the ruptured deltoid
stock or stock options held in a com- of the lateral malleolus, (3) rupture of ligament renders the ankle function-
mercial company or institution related the posterior-inferior tibiofibular lig- ally unstable. ORIF of the fibula is
directly or indirectly to the subject of ament (or posterior malleolar frac- recommended in these cases, and the
this article: Dr. Hamid and Dr. Bohl.
ture), and (4) either transverse fracture syndesmosis is typically repaired with
J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2018;00:1-11 of the medial malleolus or rupture of syndesmotic fixation if unstable.
DOI: 10.5435/JAAOS-D-18-00198 the deltoid ligament. When the medial However, controversy remains re-
malleolus fractures before the deltoid garding the assessment of deltoid
Copyright 2018 by the American
Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. ligament ruptures, the injury is called a integrity and long-term consequences
bimalleolar ankle fracture, and open of deltoid repair.

Month 2018, Vol 00, No 00 1

Copyright Ó the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Deltoid Ligament Rupture in Ankle Fracture

Figure 1 ondary to external rotation force.

Either the superficial or the deep
deltoid ligament can rupture as an
avulsion from the medial malleolus
(majority), as an avulsion from the
distal insertion (minority), or as a
midsubstance tear (least common).10-12
Ruptures are most commonly of both
the superficial and deep portions but
can also be isolated to either portion
Michelson et al13 conducted a
cadaver study of different stages of
SER ankle injuries in which they
transected ligaments and/or made
Schematics showing the anatomy of the deltoid ligament. A, The superficial bony osteotomies to simulate frac-
deltoid ligament consists of the superficial posterior tibiotalar ligament, tures and then subjected the cadaver
tibiocalcaneal ligament, the tibiospring ligament, and the tibionavicular ligament.
specimens to axial loading through
B, The deep deltoid ligament consists of the deep posterior tibiotalar ligament
and the deep anterior tibiotalar ligament. physiologic motions. These authors
demonstrated that the talus continues
to move in a physiologic manner
calcaneal, tibiospring, and tibiona-
Anatomy and following SER stages I-III, presum-
vicular ligaments (Figure 1, A). Second,
Biomechanics ably because the deltoid functions as
the deep ligament is confluent with
an effective medial tether, stabilizing
the tibiotalar joint capsule and inserts
The tibiotalar joint has been described the talus sufficiently to guide its
onto the medial aspect of the talus as
as a mortise and tenon joint because of motion. It is only when the deltoid
the deep anterior tibiotalar ligament
its similarity to the woodworking joint ligament is rendered incompetent
(originating from the anterior malleo-
of the same name. The medial, lateral, (SER stage IV) that talar motion be-
lus just deep to the tibionavicular and
and posterior malleoli, together with comes abnormal.
tibiospring ligaments) and deep pos-
their supporting ligaments and the In another important cadaver study,
terior tibiotalar ligament (originating
contours of the tibial plafond and talar Ramsey and Hamilton14 demonstrated
from the posterior malleolus and in-
dome, stabilize the talus under the the implications of small changes in
tercollicular groove) (Figure 1, B).
tibia.3,4 The syndesmotic ligaments tibiotalar alignment. These authors
The deltoid ligament is critical in the
stabilize the fibula within the incisura. showed that even a 1-mm lateral
normal biomechanics of the ankle,
On the lateral side, the anterior and deviation of the talus on the tibia re-
serving as the tether of the talus to the
posterior talofibular ligaments and sults in a 42% reduction in the tibio-
medial malleolus to guide the talus
the calcaneofibular ligament pro- talar contact area. This phenomenon
through normal physiologic motion.6-8
vide restraint to talar inversion and represents a dramatic alteration in
The superficial deltoid is understood to
anterior/posterior talar translation. joint kinematics that has the potential
be the primary restraint to hindfoot
On the medial side, the deltoid com- to lead to abnormal cartilage wear and
eversion, whereas the deep deltoid is
plex stabilizes the talus against the degenerative change.
understood to be the primary restraint
medial malleolus.
to talar external rotation.7 Valgus tilt-
The deltoid complex is a large, fan-
ing of the talus within an intact mortise
like structure that originates from the Diagnostic Techniques
requires complete ruptures of both the
medial malleolus and inserts broadly
deep and superficial ligaments.6,9
onto the talus, calcaneus, and navic- Distinguishing bimalleolar equivalent
ular5 (Figure 1). The deltoid can be ankle fractures from isolated lateral
divided into two ligaments based on its malleolar fractures is critical because
insertion sites. First, the superficial Pathoanatomy and isolated lateral malleolar fractures can
ligament originates primarily from the Pathomechanics generally be managed nonsurgically,
anterior malleolus of the medial mal- whereas lateral malleolar fractures
leolus, fanning out to include the In the Lauge-Hansen1,2 model of SER associated with deltoid incompetence
superficial posterior tibiotalar, tibio- injury, the deltoid is ruptured sec- constitute unstable injuries requiring

2 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright Ó the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Simon Lee, MD, et al

ORIF in most patients.15 The avail- become the external rotation stress Magnetic Resonance
able methods of testing for rupture test.21,22 Park et al21 took radiographs Imaging
of the deltoid ligament are reviewed of six fresh cadaver ankles with sim-
Nortunen et al23 identified 61 patients
here. ulated SER ankle fractures and found
with isolated lateral malleolar frac-
that a medial clear space of $5 mm
tures resulting from SER mechanisms.
Physical Examination with manual dorsiflexion and external
Patients were evaluated with a manual
rotation was a reliable predictor of
Swelling, ecchymosis, and medial ten- external rotation stress test, and the
deep deltoid ligament status. Michel-
derness are physical examination find- anterior and posterior portions of the
son et al22 conducted a similar study
ings that have been advocated for use deep deltoid ligament were investi-
with respect to gravity stress views
in determining whether there is injury gated using MRI. The authors found
(where the patient lies in the lateral
to the deltoid ligament in the setting that all 61 patients had injuries to the
position and gravity is allowed to
of a lateral malleolar fracture with a deltoid ligament on MRI. These were
induce an external rotation and lateral
normal medial clear space.16 Using typically just partial tears or edema;
translation stress) and demonstrated
stress radiography (discussed later) complete tears were rare, even among
similar results.
as the benchmark, McConnell et patients who had positive stress tests.
Of note, some have speculated that
al17 determined that each of these There was a high degree of variability
if the mortise is stable to weight bear-
physical exam modalities had little of medial clear space in patients with
ing, there is adequate stability to the
utility in detecting deltoid injury. similar MRI findings, and the inter-
mortise and that stress or gravity stress
DeAngelis et al18 reported similar rater reliability of MRI findings was
images are not necessary. However,
results. much lower than the interrater reli-
congruent weight bearing does not
ability of stress test findings. On the
maximally stress the syndesmosis
basis of these results, the authors rec-
Plain Radiography because the vast majority of weight
ommended against use of MRI in
Examination of the medial clear space passes directly from the talar dome to
choosing between surgical and non-
on a static (unstressed) mortise radio- the tibial plafond regardless of the
surgical management of SER fractures.
graph view is another method that has presence of the fibular lateral buttress.
Of note, one group used MRI to
been advocated for identifying deltoid On the basis of the current literature,
evaluate the ability of the Lauge-
ligament ruptures. On neutral or dor- stress or gravity stress films appear to
Hansen classification system to
siflexion mortise views, a wide medial be superior to simple weight-bearing
predict ligament injuries in ankle
clear space is defined as .4 mm and at films for evaluation of syndesmotic
fractures.24 They found that the Lauge-
least 1 mm more than the superior integrity.
Hansen system correctly predicted lig-
tibiotalar clear space.18,19 Ankles One algorithm is to perform either
amentous injuries in 94% of cases.
with a fibula fracture and a wide gravity or manual external rotation
medial clear space are generally con- stress testing on all patients with a
sidered to have deltoid disruption Weber B fibula fracture and a normal
medial clear space. Manual external Surgical Management
requiring surgical treatment. Notably,
a normal medial clear space is likely rotation testing consists of a patient
lying supine with the ankle internally Surgical Sequence
not sufficient to exclude deltoid liga-
ment injury because a subset of ankles rotated by 10° to obtain a mortise Surgical management of bimalleolar
with a normal static medial clear space view of the ankle in neutral dorsi- equivalent ankle fractures typically
will have widening with external flexion. The tibia is stabilized and begins with ORIF of the fibula
rotation stress (discussed later). Of an external rotation force is applied through a lateral or posterolateral
note, in an interesting study, Nwosu to the foot. Gravity stress testing is approach. The deltoid ligament or
et al20 described the “medial malleolus achieved by having the patient lie posterior tibial tendon can become
fleck sign,” thought to represent a in the lateral decubitus position with impinged between the talus and
small avulsion of bone from the the injured extremity down such that medial malleolus, preventing closure
medial malleolus in bimalleolar equiv- the weight of the foot induces an of the medial clear space and/or
alent ankle fractures. external rotation and lateral trans- reduction of the fibula. In these ca-
lation stress. For both manual and ses, clearance of the medial gutter
gravity tests, the medial clear space is through a separate medial incision is
Stress Radiography considered to have widened if it recommended. After the fibula has
The benchmark for preoperative eval- is .4 and .1 mm greater than the been fixed, the syndesmosis should be
uation of deltoid ligament integrity has superior tibiotalar joint space. evaluated using the Cotton test, in

Month 2018, Vol 00, No 00 3

Copyright Ó the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Deltoid Ligament Rupture in Ankle Fracture

Figure 2 matics. Other surgeons repair the

deltoid only if medial-sided exposure
is already required to clear soft tissue
from the medial gutter. One group
advocates deltoid ligament repair
among high-level athletes and only
after arthroscopic confirmation of
complete deltoid ligament rupture.27
Others have used intraoperative
stress radiography to evaluate for
persistent medial-sided instability at
the end of the case, indicating repair
only among those who are intra-
operatively unstable after ORIF.12
Intraoperative stress testing can be in
the form of external rotation and talar
tilt stress12 or syndesmotic distraction
using a transfibular tap.28
One algorithm is to perform intra-
operative stress radiography after the
fibular (and, if indicated by the Cotton
test, syndesmotic) ORIF.12 An external
rotation stress is applied on the mor-
tise view, and the medial clear space
is evaluated for widening of .4
and .1 mm greater than the superior
tibiotalar clear space. Patients who
meet both of these parameters are
considered to have a positive intra-
operative external rotation stress test.
Intraoperative fluoroscopic images showing the eversion stress test. A, Importantly, this is supplemented
Unstressed ankle after fibular and syndesmotic open reduction and internal with an eversion stress test in which
fixation (ORIF). B, Eversion-stressed ankle after fibular and syndesmotic ORIF an eversion stress is applied and the
showing 9° of talar eversion. C, Unstressed ankle after fibular ORIF. D, Eversion-
stressed ankle after fibular ORIF showing 7° of talar eversion. A–D, Along with talus is evaluated for tilt (which evi-
talar eversion, one observes corresponding increases in the distances between dence suggests indicates a complete
the tip of the medial malleolus and the distal-medial radiographic projections of rupture of both the deep and super-
the talus. ficial deltoid ligaments6,9) (Figure 2).
This eversion stress test functions
similarly to the lateral talar tilt test
which a lateral distracting force is Indication for Deltoid used in patients with potential lateral
applied to the fibula and the syndes- Ligament Repair ligament instability. Corresponding
mosis is evaluated for dynamic wid- Even among those advocating deltoid to talar tilt with eversion stress, one
ening on the mortise view.25,26 If ligament repair, it remains contro- also observes increases in the dis-
the syndesmosis widens on Cotton versial in which patients deltoid tances between the tip of the medial
test, the syndesmosis should be re- repair should be performed. One malleolus and the distal-medial radio-
duced and transsyndesmotic fixation argument is that deltoid repair should graphic features of the talus. $7°
should be placed. For many sur- be performed in all patients with bi- of talar tilt is used as the cutoff to
geons, the operation is considered malleolar equivalent ankle fractures. declare a positive intraoperative ever-
complete at this point; however, for The rationale is that if the deltoid was sion stress test. This value was arrived
others, the final step in the procedure incompetent enough to consider the at as follows: All patients were stressed
consists of evaluation for deltoid fracture unstable, the deltoid should intraoperatively; the deltoid was re-
incompetence and/or potential per- be repaired to restore the medial paired only on patients for whom it
formance of deltoid ligament repair. tether and optimize tibiotalar kine- was felt that “meaningful” tilt had

4 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

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Simon Lee, MD, et al

Table 1
Published Techniques for Deltoid Repair in the Setting of Ankle Fracturea
Authors Year of Publication Technique Summary

Lack et al11 2012 A suture anchor is placed in the talus to secure suture running up within
the intercollicular groove to a screw in the distal-medial tibial
metaphysis, creating an anchor-to-post reinforcement of the
subsequent repair. The sutures are then continued from the tibial
screw down to the superficial and deep deltoid fibers in a fan-like
fashion. Alternatively, if the deep ligament is avulsed from its insertion
on the talus, two sutures from the talar suture anchor are used to
repair the deep ligament to the talus; all four sutures (including the
two from the knot on the deep ligament) are then brought up within the
intercollicular groove to a distal-medial tibia screw to create a similar
anchor-to-post reinforcement.
Yu et al29 2015 One or two suture anchors in the medial malleolus are used to reattach
the superficial deltoid fibers to their anatomic origin. If the deep
ligament is avulsed from its insertion on the talus, two anchors are
placed in the medial aspect of the talus and attached to the deep
deltoid ligament.
Luckino and Hardy30 2015 One suture anchor is placed in the medial talus, and the associated
suture is run up within the medial gutter and from deep to superficial
through an oblique drill hole in the medial malleolus. The sutures are
secured to a suture button on the superficial aspect of the medial
malleolus, creating an anchor-to-button reinforcement against talar
tilt. No specific suture repair of the deltoid ligament itself was
Hsu et al27 2015 One or two suture anchors are placed in the medial malleolus and used
to reattach the superficial deltoid fibers to their anatomic origin.
Woo et al12 2017 One or two suture anchors are placed on the medial malleolus nearest
to the rupture site. If the superficial and deep ligaments are both
avulsed from the medial malleolus, an anterior suture anchor is
placed for the superficial deltoid and a posterior suture anchor is
placed for the deep deltoid. If the deep deltoid is avulsed from the
talus, one or two suture anchors are placed into the medial aspect of
the talus and used to reattach the deep deltoid.
The studies by Stromsoe et al31 and Baird and Jackson19 are not included in this table because the authors did not describe their technique for
deltoid repair.

occurred. The handful of cases for lation does not occur. Fibular and All recent descriptions have in com-
which intraoperative stress films were syndesmotic fixation appear not to mon the anchoring of suture to the
available postoperatively were retro- allow for widening medially unless the distal-medial tibia with anatomic
spectively reviewed. It was found that syndesmosis or fibula was malreduced repair of the deltoid fibers to the
the cutoff for fixing the deltoid had or fixation was inadequate. However, medial malleolus. The authors vary in
generally been about 7°; hence, this meaningful talar tilt, nevertheless, oc- the location of their skin incision,
was adopted as the threshold. Little curs in about half of these patients. In whether they incorporate the superfi-
work has been done in the literature patients with positive intraoperative cial versus deep deltoid fibers, how
to establish a threshold value for stress radiographs, deltoid repair is they address avulsion from the cal-
such a measurement; establishing indicated and performed. caneus, the number and position of
this threshold should be an area for suture anchors, and the inclusion of
future research. Widespread adop- anchor-to-post or anchor-to-button
tion of any specific threshold should Technique for Deltoid Repair reinforcement.
not be encouraged until studies Techniques for deltoid ligament repair Deltoid repair is performed as
have born such a threshold out. in ankle fracture have been described follows. A 5-cm curvilinear incision
Of note, after anatomic reduction of by several different groups (Table 1), is made midline over the medial
the fibula and syndesmosis (if neces- although the techniques have not been malleolus, and the corresponding
sary), meaningful lateral talar trans- compared with each other.11,12,27,29,30 skin flaps are mobilized to facilitate

Month 2018, Vol 00, No 00 5

Copyright Ó the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Deltoid Ligament Rupture in Ankle Fracture

Figure 3 and a scalpel is used to elevate 1 cm

of tissue proximally. A drill hole of
appropriate size is created in the medial
malleolus for placement of the desired
suture anchor(s) (Figure 3, A). One or
two suture anchors are placed for
fixation of two or four sets of braided
nonabsorbable suture (Figure 3, B).
Once the anchor(s) is secured within
bone, the capsule, deep deltoid, and
superficial deltoid are imbricated and
reduced to the medial malleolus in a
“vest-over-pants” technique (Figure 3,
C and D). Suture is used to directly
repair the capsular disruption as well.
The ankle is then gently stressed in
external rotation and eversion to
confirm adequate stability.
Although much less common, it is
also worth discussing distal avulsion of
the deep deltoid from the talus. In these
circumstances, it is recommended to
use the technique described by Yu
et al29 for repair. In this technique, the
exposure is extended distally using the
same interval, but taking increased
care not to injure the posterior tibial
tendon, posterior tibial artery, and
tibial nerve. Two anchors are placed
on the medial aspect of the talus at the
Photographs showing the deltoid ligament repair technique. A, The distal tip of sites of insertion of the deep anterior
the medial malleolus is identified (arrow), and a scalpel is used to elevate 1 cm of and deep posterior tibiotalar ligaments
tissue proximally. A drill hole of appropriate size is created in the medial (Figure 1, B). These anchors are
malleolus for placement of the desired suture anchor(s). B, One or two suture
anchors are placed for fixation of two or four sets of braided nonabsorbable sutured to the deep anterior and deep
suture. C, Once the anchor is secured within bone, the capsule, deep deltoid, posterior tibiotalar ligaments, respec-
and superficial deltoid (arrow head) are imbricated and reduced to the medial tively. Depending on the location of
malleolus in a “vest-over-pants” technique. D, The defect in the deltoid ligament rupture of the superficial deltoid, that
is obliterated, and the deltoid tissue is in mild tension with the ankle in neutral
after repair. structure is repaired by either direct
suture repair (if midsubstance) or a
single suture anchor into the fibula
visualization. At this point, hori- wire may be used (traditional Pridie (if a fibular avulsion).
zontal rents in the superficial deltoid drilling), a dedicated microfracture
ligament, joint capsule, and/or deep awl is an alternative (more current
deltoid ligament can often be visu- technique). The advantage is of the
alized. The posterior tibial tendon is awl technique is that the small diam-
identified and retracted posteriorly eter wire may heat the bone, which
Studies Suggesting
and inferiorly. The talus and medial will not occur with the microfracture Adequate Results Without
tibia are often visible through the awl. Deltoid Repair
rent and are inspected for traumatic In cases of deltoid avulsion from A number of retrospective studies
osteochondral lesions. If sizable le- the medial malleolus (most common), (published mostly during the 1980s)
sions are identified, they are treated attention is turned to preparing the introduced the idea that ORIF of bi-
with microfracture using a Kirschner medial malleolus for repair. The distal malleolar equivalent ankle fractures
wire. Of note, although a Kirschner tip of the medial malleolus is identified, without deltoid repair has acceptable

6 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

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Simon Lee, MD, et al

Table 2
Studies Directly Comparing Deltoid Repair to No Deltoid Repair
Repaired/ Mean
Level of Not Follow-up
Authors Year Evidence Repaired (mo) Main Result Conclusion Limitations

Baird and 1987 IV (case series, 3/21 36 90% of patients in Exploration of the Only three
Jackson19 included the no repair group medial side of the patients in
patients with had good or ankle and repair of deltoid repair
and without excellent results. the deltoid group; no
deltoid repair Patients in the ligament are not statistical
but did not repair group necessary unless comparison;
statistically reportedly did lateral malleolar no
compare not do as well, but reduction fails to postoperative
groups) the sample size close the medial stress testing.
reportedly was clear space.
not sufficient to
compare the
and repaired
Stromsoe 1995 II (lesser quality 25/25 17 No difference Deltoid repair is No power
et al31 randomized between the two unnecessary analysis; no
controlled trial) groups in terms of assuming that the postoperative
working ability, talus is reduced to stress testing;
sports activities, the medial no subjective
pain, swelling, malleolus and the assessment
and overall anatomy of the of medial
movement. fibula is restored. instability.
Longer surgical
time was reported
for the deltoid
repair cohort.
Maynou 1997 III (retrospective 18/17 56 Subjective and Repair of the deltoid No power
et al36 comparative objective ligament is analysis.
study) assessments did unnecessary if
not differ between fibular reduction
the groups. Medial reconstitutes the
instability (defined mortise.
using a system of Exploration of the
static and stress medial side is
radiographs at indicated only
final follow-up) when fibular
was observed in reduction fails to
four patients (ie, close the medial
two in the repair clear space.
group and two in
the nonrepair
one posttraumatic
developed in
the nonrepair
group and
none in the repair
(continued )

Month 2018, Vol 00, No 00 7

Copyright Ó the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Deltoid Ligament Rupture in Ankle Fracture

Table 2 (continued )
Studies Directly Comparing Deltoid Repair to No Deltoid Repair
Repaired/ Mean
Level of Not Follow-up
Authors Year Evidence Repaired (mo) Main Result Conclusion Limitations

Woo et al12 2018 III (retrospective 41/37 17 Final follow-up Radiographic Clinical
comparative medial clear space medial stability is significance
study) on gravity stress improved with of medial
examination was deltoid ligament clear space
smaller in patients repair. No clinical widening on
managed with benefit is realized postoperative
deltoid repair, for those patients stress view is
although clinical without uncertain.
outcomes were syndesmotic
similar. However, injury; however,
when restricted for patients
only to patients who requiring
also underwent syndesmotic
syndesmotic repair,
repair, medial clear supplementing
space was smaller, with deltoid repair
and clinical results in
outcomes were improvements in
superior in the patient-reported
deltoid repair outcomes. Hence,
group. deltoid repair may
be beneficial in
patients with

long-term results.32-35 The theory ration of the mortise at the time of observed in two patients in each
behind these studies is that by re- surgical treatment. Because all but group. Radiographically, one patient
approximating the deltoid tissue one of the osteoarthritic patients was developed posttraumatic osteo-
through anatomic reconstitution of asymptomatic at final follow-up, the arthritis—this was in the nonrepair
the mortise (through fibular and authors concluded that there is no group. On the basis of these findings,
syndesmotic ORIF), the deltoid need to explore or repair a ruptured the authors concluded that they could
should have the opportunity to scar deltoid in an ankle that has been not support deltoid ligament repair in
in and heal into a functional liga- anatomically reduced. cases in which fibular reduction and
ment without direct repair. In a good Later studies suggesting adequate fixation achieves an anatomic recon-
example of one of these early studies, results without deltoid repair were stitution of the mortise.
Zeegers and van der Werken retro- improved in design in that they were The first and only randomized study
spectively studied 28 lateral malleo- more commonly comparative stud- that analyzed the utility of deltoid
lar fractures that were associated ies19,31,36 (Table 2). For example, repair in ankle fractures was conducted
with ruptures of the deltoid ligament Maynou et al36 retrospectively in 1995 by Stromsoe et al.31 These
that all received lateral malleolar studied 35 patients with bimalleolar authors randomized 50 patients with
ORIF without exploration or repair equivalent ankle fractures whose Weber B and C fractures and a rup-
of the deltoid ligament. After an surgical treatment did include (n = tured deltoid ligament to receive ORIF
average of 18 months, no patient had 18) or did not include (n = 17) del- either with (n = 25) or without (n = 25)
medial laxity either clinically or on toid repair. Subjective and objective repair of the deltoid. At mean 17-
eversion stress testing. However, assessments did not differ between month follow-up, the authors found
early signs of osteoarthritis were seen the groups. Medial instability (defined no difference in terms of working
in seven patients, five of whom were using a system of static and stress ability, sports activities, pain, swelling,
noted to have had anatomic resto- radiographs at final follow-up) was and movement. The only difference

8 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

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Simon Lee, MD, et al

they reported was longer surgical time firmed deltoid rupture underwent bimalleolar equivalent ankle frac-
for the deltoid repair cohort. The au- fibular ORIF, syndesmotic fixation, tures, they found that repairing the
thors concluded that deltoid repair and open deltoid repair. Eighty-six deltoid ligament at the time of lateral
was unnecessary assuming that the percent of players returned to play, malleolus fixation has outcomes that
talus was reduced to the medial mal- and no players reported of medial are comparable to lateral malleolus
leolus and the anatomy of the fibula pain or instability at final follow-up. fixation plus syndesmotic fixation.
was restored. However, the reader Finally, Woo et al12 retrospec- They state that the former avoids the
should note that no power analysis tively evaluated 78 consecutive ca- costs and risks of any subsequent
was reported and no assessment of ses of ORIF of bimalleolar equivalent operation for removal of a syn-
medial instability (either subjective or ankle fracture over a 15-year period. desmotic implant, as well as the risk
objective) was performed. The authors changed their clinical of syndesmotic malreduction. Pro-
practice half way through this period; spective studies are needed to con-
patients in the early group (2001– firm these results.
Studies Suggesting Superior 2008, n = 37) were managed without
Outcomes With Deltoid deltoid repair, whereas patients in the
Repair late group (2009–2016, n = 41) were Future Work
Although most patients in the studies managed with deltoid repair. Inter-
The field of orthopaedic foot and ankle
mentioned earlier did well without estingly, the authors found that the
surgery is lacking a well-powered, rig-
deltoid repair, there have been pub- gravity stress view medial clear space
orous, randomized, controlled trial
lished and anecdotal reports of sub- at final follow-up was significantly
evaluating the utility of deltoid repair
populations of patients that had less smaller in patients managed with
in bimalleolar equivalent ankle frac-
than optimal outcomes.19,31-37 These deltoid repair (3.2 6 0.5 versus 3.7 6
tures. This review uncovered only
included reports of medial instabil- 0.6 mm; P , 0.001). Clinical out-
one randomized study attempting
ity, persistent medial gutter pain, and comes were similar between the
to address this subject. That study
loss of function with early develop- groups. The authors conducted a
included only 25 patients in each
ment of posttraumatic arthritis. The post hoc subgroup analysis in which
group, lacked a description of statis-
concern is that these outcomes were they included only patients who also
tical power, had minimum follow-up
related to failure of the deltoid liga- had syndesmotic injury detected in-
of only 5 months, and lacked any
ment to heal in an anatomic position. traoperatively and consequently had
form of assessment of medial insta-
It is in this setting that a number of undergone syndesmotic fixation (27
bility. The ideal study would be
orthopaedic foot and ankle surgeons in the deltoid repair group and 17 in
powered to detect a difference both in
have been performing primary del- the no deltoid repair group). In this
patient-reported outcomes and in
toid repair in subsets of patients with subgroup analysis, clinical outcomes
medial clear space widening on stress
bimalleolar equivalent ankle fractures. including the AOFAS score, VAS
views, would have follow-up of at
Several published studies support pain score, and medial-sided pain
least 2 years (to evaluate for early
deltoid repair. Yu et al29 studied 106 were all superior in the deltoid re-
development of posttraumatic arthri-
patients with distal fibular fractures pair group. These results suggest that
tis), and would carefully exclude or
associated with deltoid ligament rup- deltoid repair may be clinically
stratify on the basis of syndesmotic
tures that underwent deltoid repair beneficial in patients who not only
injury to minimize the impact of con-
as part of the primary ORIF. At an have deltoid rupture but also have
founding. Such a study would enable a
average of 27 months, clinical out- syndesmotic injury for which they
more conclusive answer to this set of
comes scores were acceptable, post- are undergoing syndesmotic repair.
controversial questions.
operative stress radiographs were all That is, the two repairs may work in
negative, and no cases of posttrau- concert to reinforce each other and
matic arthritis were seen. facilitate healing in these patients. Summary
Hsu et al27 report their experience
repairing the deltoid in 14 National Manual or gravity external rotation
Football League players with bi- A Note on the Syndesmosis stress radiography is the benchmark
malleolar equivalent ankle fractures. In one recent study, a group of au- to differentiate isolated lateral mal-
All patients underwent ankle arthros- thors argued that if the deltoid liga- leolar fractures from bimalleolar
copy and débridement as a first step to ment is repaired, syndesmotic repair equivalent fractures of the ankle. If
confirm deltoid ligament rupture. may not be necessary.38 In their ret- the medial clear space widens on
After arthroscopy, patients with con- rospective study of 27 patients with stress radiography, the patient is

Month 2018, Vol 00, No 00 9

Copyright Ó the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Deltoid Ligament Rupture in Ankle Fracture

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