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FAIXXX10.1177/10711007221119111Foot & Ankle InternationalMarchand et al


Foot & Ankle International®

Greater Acute Articular Inflammatory

2022, Vol. 43(11) 1465­–1473
© The Author(s) 2022
Article reuse guidelines:
Response in Tibial Plafond Fractures as
DOI: 10.1177/10711007221119111

Compared to Ankle Fractures

Lucas S. Marchand, MD1 , David L. Rothberg, MD1,

Thomas F. Higgins, MD1, and Justin M. Haller, MD1

Background: Several factors are thought to contribute to posttraumatic osteoarthritis (PTOA) development, including
the posttraumatic inflammatory response. The purpose of this study was to compare 2 injuries at the same joint with
a different severity and prognosis. This study compared the intra-articular inflammatory response after rotational ankle
fracture (lower energy and less PTOA) with tibial plafond fracture (higher energy and more PTOA).
Methods: This prospective comparative study was conducted at a level 1 trauma center between 2014-2019. Patients
between 18 and 60 years of age with acute ankle or tibial plafond fractures were enrolled. Patients with preexisting ankle
OA, autoimmune disease, additional injury, or open fractures were excluded. Synovial fluid aspirations were obtained
within 24 hours of injury. The concentrations of interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1RA), IL-6, IL-8, and IL-10
and matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-1, MMP-3, and MMP-13 were quantified.
Results: Aspiration were obtained from 29 plafond fractures and 36 ankle fractures. Mean age was 43 years, and patients
were predominately female (64%). Age, gender, and comorbidities did not vary between cohorts. Of the plafond fractures,
13 were 43-B and 16 were 43-C injuries. Ankle fractures were predominately 44-B injuries, and 15 ankle fracture had
articular impaction. IL-10, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, MMP-1, MMP-3, and MMP-13 were all significantly higher in acute plafond
fractures as compared to acute ankle fractures.
Conclusion: This study compared articular inflammatory marker profiles after fractures of different severities. Several
cytokines were elevated in plafond fractures as compared to ankle fractures, suggesting a greater inflammatory response
with plafond fractures. Given the difference in prognosis for and higher rate of PTOA after plafond fractures, these data
strengthen the case that postinjury inflammatory response plays a role in PTOA development. Given that the postinjury
inflammatory response is one of the few modifiable variables of these injuries, future research in this area remains important.
Level of Evidence: Level II, prospective.

Keywords: posttraumatic osteoarthritis, synovial fluid, cytokines, ankle fracture

Introduction Understanding factors associated with the development of

PTOA is essential for possible prevention of this process.
Posttraumatic osteoarthritis (PTOA) can occur after a vari- Ankle PTOA typically affects younger patients and pro-
ety of joint injuries, but most predictably develops follow- gresses more rapidly to end-stage disease when compared
ing intra-articular trauma.10 The development of PTOA can to other lower extremity joints.10 This outcome can be
be disabling and is a common cause of secondary opera-
tions following injury.9,15 Clinical signs of pain and dys-
function may lag years or decades behind the initiating 1
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Utah, Salt Lake City,
injury, making it difficult to determine why some patients UT, USA
develop PTOA.7 Although PTOA is estimated to cause only
Corresponding Author:
12% of cases of symptomatic osteoarthritis overall, in con- Lucas S. Marchand, MD, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University
trast to the hip and knee joints, up to 90% of arthritic change of Utah, 590 Wakara Way, Salt Lake City, UT 84108, USA.
to the ankle may be posttraumatic in nature.7,26,28,30,31 Email:
1466 Foot & Ankle International 43(11)

Figure 1.  Radiographic comparison of rotational ankle fracture and tibial plafond fracture. (A) Anteroposterior and (B) lateral
radiographs of a tibial plafond fracture with significant intra-articular involvement and joint impaction. (C) Anteroposterior and (D)
lateral radiographs of a rotational ankle fracture with minimal intra-articular joint involvement and no joint impaction.

particularly impactful to young, working patients as it may The effect of the initial posttraumatic inflammatory response
have substantial impact on their productivity and career after intra-articular fracture on the development of PTOA
longevity.19 This ultimately may result in increased duration remains unknown. The purpose of this study was to compare
of joint pain, poor function, and increased economic impact 2 injuries involving the ankle joint that have a presumed dif-
to society, collectively highlighting the importance of this ferent severity and prognosis. This study compared the
problem.7,27,28 Ankle injuries seem to have varying rates of inflammatory response after acute rotational ankle fracture
PTOA development, where 32% of low-energy rotational with tibial plafond fracture. We hypothesized that the inflam-
ankle fractures develop significant arthrosis at 10-year fol- matory profile would be greater in tibial plafond fractures
low-up and more than 70% of plafond fractures develop given their association with higher-energy mechanism and
significant arthrosis at 5-year follow-up.21,25 more severe intra-articular injury, and higher rates of PTOA
Studying PTOA is appealing given that there is an iden- at follow-up.
tifiable inciting event that may allow clinicians a window
for intervention to attenuate or prevent its develop-
ment.1,4,9,22 Furthermore, we are able to study cellular and
subcellular events that correlate with and may contribute to This was a Level II evidence prospective comparative
cartilage degeneration and the development of PTOA fol- study. After receiving institutional review board approval,
lowing injury. The initial traumatic injury involves articular we prospectively enrolled all patients older than 18 years
impaction, soft tissue disruption, a local inflammatory and younger than 60 years who presented to our level 1
response, abnormal joint loading, chondrocyte necrosis, trauma center with a rotational ankle fracture or tibial pla-
and apoptosis.10 Additional injury characteristics such as fond fracture from July 1, 2014, through January 1, 2019
instability, inflammation, and trauma severity (especially (Figure 1). All subjects gave informed consent to participate
the presence of an intra-articular fracture) are also recog- in the study. Exclusion criteria included an age greater than
nized contributors to PTOA.4,9 Although all of these factors 60 years; any history of hip, knee, or ankle osteoarthritis
are thought to contribute to the development of PTOA, the based on previous diagnosis, prior surgical intervention in
exact mechanisms that lead to progression from injury to this regard, suggestive history, or radiographic findings;
end-stage osteoarthritis are poorly understood. regular use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; any
The posttraumatic inflammatory response has been dem- history of autoimmune disease; additional intra-articular
onstrated to have deleterious effects on the joint and can also injury; pregnancy; open fracture; non–English speaking;
play a role in cartilage degeneration.1,2,11,12,14,15 Studies have incarceration; and injury more than 24 hours prior to evalu-
demonstrated a significant intra-articular inflammatory ation. Additionally, if the ankle joint could not be aspirated
response after tibial plafond fracture that is greater than the within 24 hours, the patient was excluded. Demographic
response in tibial plateau fractures.14 However, these injuries data including age, sex, and medical comorbidities were
affect different joints and may not be fairly compared. recorded in the patient’s chart at the time of enrollment.
Marchand et al 1467

Fractures were classified according to the AO/OTA sys- between rotational ankle and tibial plafond fractures, it was
tem.17 The presence of articular impaction was also noted determined that a total of 28 patients would be needed in
through the review of computed tomography (CT) scans by each cohort. The analysis was conducted to achieve 80%
a fellowship-trained orthopaedic traumatologist (J.M.H.). power at an alpha level of 5% based on measurements from
Injury Severity Scores were recorded for all patients.5 All the prior study.
patients were treated by one of 3 fellowship-trained ortho- Patient demographics and fracture characteristics were
paedic traumatologists (D.L.R., T.F.H., and J.M.H.). summarized descriptively and stratified by plafond and
rotational ankle fractures. Continuous variables were sum-
marized as mean (SD), median (interquartile range) and
Sample Acquisition
range, and compared between fracture types using a t test
Ankle aspirations were performed within the first 24 hours for age and exact Wilcoxon rank sum tests for the other
after injury at the time of closed reduction, spanning exter- variables that were right skewed. Sex was summarized as
nal fixation, or open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF). number and percentage of males and compared using a χ2
In cases where ORIF was performed, the aspiration was test. Characteristics specific to fracture types were summa-
performed at the start of the case prior to any surgical rized (Table 1).
approach or arthrotomy. A standardized protocol was used Eight cytokine measures were summarized as median
for all aspirations. The skin was prepared in a sterile fash- and interquartile range stratified by fracture types (Table 2),
ion. As much fluid as possible was subsequently withdrawn and also by subcategories within ankle fractures (Tables 3
from the ankle. Techniques including joint manipulation, and 4). Wilcoxon rank sum tests were used to compare each
changing limb position, and expressing fluid toward the cytokine measure between the groups. For the comparisons
syringe were used to ensure a maximal amount of fluid between plafond and ankle fractures, we also provided P
could be collected. The aspirated fluid was then transferred values adjusting for age, sex, BMI, Injury Severity Score,
to sterile centrifuge tubes and combined with protease and CCI. Because of the challenging distributions of the
inhibitor cocktail (Roche Diagnostics, Indianapolis, IN). cytokine measures, we used generalized estimating equa-
The samples were then centrifuged at 2500 rpm for 15 min- tions (GEEs) and reported permutation P values from 3000
utes. The supernatant was aspirated using a micropipette, iterations.23 In each iteration rotational ankle or plafond
placed in 2.0-mL cryopreservation tubes, and frozen at fracture types were randomly assigned to the individuals,
–80°C until subsequent analysis. and regression coefficient for fracture type was estimated
using the same GEE model. Permutation P values were the
percentage coefficients that were more extreme than the
Cytokine Analysis coefficient estimated using the original data.
The concentrations of 8 inflammatory cytokines and che- All analyses were conducted in R v4.0.x and all tests
mokines interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-1 receptor antagonist were 2 sided (R Core Team, Vienna, Austria).
(IL-1RA), IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, matrix metalloproteinase
(MMP)-1, MMP-3, and MMP-13 were determined from the
resulting supernatant with use of a human inflammatory
cytokine panel and the Millipore multiplex system A total of 65 patients were prospectively enrolled in the
(Millipore, Billerica, MA) according to the manufacturer’s study, including 36 patients with rotational ankle fractures
protocol in a 96-well plate format. These particular cyto- and 29 patients with intra-articular plafond fractures.
kines were selected based on previous results from this Average age was 39.6 years (range 20-60 years) in the ankle
study group.14,15 The assay uses antibodies linked to mag- fracture group with 23 (64%) female and 13 (36%) male
netic beads, and the relative concentration of each sample is patients (Table 1). Average age was 43 years (range 36-55
analyzed compared with the concentrations of the standard years) in the plafond fracture group, with 19 (66%) female
controls provided by the manufacturer. The assays were and 10 (34%) male patients. There was no significant differ-
performed in triplicate by an investigator masked to the ence in the average age or gender distribution between the 2
patient injury characteristics. study cohorts (P = .18 and P = .78, respectively). There
were 14 partial articular fractures (AO/OTA 43B1-3) and 15
complete articular fractures (AO/OTA 43C1-3) in the tibial
Statistical Analysis plafond group. There were 13 bimalleolar fractures (AO/
A power analysis was conducted to determine the number OTA 44B2.3, 44B3.1, 44B3.2, 44C1.2) and 23 trimalleolar
of subjects needed for the study. This analysis is based on fractures (AO/OTA 44B3.2, 44C3.3) in the ankle group. All
results from a previous published study comparing the dif- of the plafond fractures had articular impaction and 21
ference in inflammatory markers of tibial plafond and tibial ankle fractures had notable articular impaction. The Injury
plateau fractures.14 Assuming a similar difference may exist Severity Score for ankle fractures was 5.1 as compared to a
1468 Foot & Ankle International 43(11)

Table 1.  Patient Demographics and Fracture Characteristics.

Variable Plafond (n = 29) Ankle (n = 36) P Value

  Mean (SD) 43.6 (12.5) 39.6 (10.7) .18a
  Median (IQR) 45.0 (36.0, 55.0) 36.5 (33.5, 46.2) –
 Range (21.0, 60.0) (20.0, 60.0) –
Sex: male, n (%) 10 (34.4) 13 (36.1) .78b
  Mean (SD) 27.6 (6.6) 31.4 (7.5) –
  Median (IQR) 26.0 (23.0, 30.3) 29.2 (25.6, 36.5) .032c
 Range (20.1, 54.2) (21.4, 49.5) –
  Mean (SD) 5.0 (3.2) 5.1 (4.6) –
  Median (IQR) 4.0 (4.0, 4.0) 4.0 (4.0, 4.0) .68c
 Range (0.0, 17.0) (0.0, 27.0) –
  Mean (SD) 0.5 (0.9) 1.2 (2.0) –
  Median (IQR) 0.0 (0.0, 1.0) 0.0 (0.0, 2.0) .28c
 Range (0.0, 4.0) (0.0, 8.0) –
Plafond type, n (%)  
 Partial 14 (48.3) – –
 Complete 15 (51.7) – –
Ankle type, n (%)  
 Bimalleolar – 13 (36.1) –
 Trimalleolar 23 (63.8)  
Impaction, n (%)  
 0 – 21 (58.3) –
 1 – 15 (41.7) –

Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; CCI, Charlson Comorbidity Index; IQR, interquartile range; ISS, Injury Severity Score.
t test.
χ test.
b 2
Exact Wilcoxon rank sum test.

Table 2.  Cytokine Levels by Fracture Type.

Plafond, Ankle,
Median (IQR) Median (IQR)
Variable (n=29) (n=36) P Valuea P Valueb
IL-10c 50 (33, 179) 29 (11, 46) .001 .021
IL-1RAc 332 (68, 757) 407 (203, 637) .45 .06
IL-1β 2.5 (1.5, 8.1) 0.7 (0.0, 3.5) .007 <.001
IL-6 15 350 (8715, 21 565) 7949 (2066, 9643) <.001 <.001
IL-8 1429 (306, 2310) 143 (23, 709) <.001 .001
MMP-1 2024 (634, 10 935) 326 (144, 9664) .06 .06
MMP-3 435 123 (261 589, 958 092) 98 935 (27 246, 261 589) <.001 <.001
MMP-13 152 (0, 515) 0 (0, 292) .009 .07

Abbreviations: IL, interleukin; IL-1RA, IL-1 receptor antagonist; IQR, interquartile range; MMP, matrix metalloproteinase.
Exact Wilcoxon rank sum test.
Permutation test P values from linear generalized estimating equations adjusting for age, sex, body mass index, Injury Severity Score, and Charlson
Comorbidity Index.
Values reported in pg/mL, all others reported in ng/mL.
Marchand et al 1469

Table 3.  Cytokine Levels by Impaction Within Ankle Fractures.

Impaction, No Impaction,
Median (IQR) Median (IQR)
Variable (n=15) (n=21) P Valuea
IL-10b 21 (9, 64) 32 (13, 35) >.99
IL-1RAb 622 (418, 871) 317 (194, 430) .036
IL-1β 0.9 (0.0, 4.5) 0.7 (0.0, 2.2) .51
IL-6 8372 (5868, 12 314) 7714 (1044, 9032) .12
IL-8 180 (59, 1249) 97 (9, 274) .10
MMP-1 690 (203, 12 000) 246 (76, 9389) .36
MMP-3 160 639 (59 827, 261 589) 39 778 (14 433, 261 589) .23
MMP-13 0 (0, 386) 0 (0, 47) .30

Abbreviations: IL, interleukin; IL-1RA, IL-1 receptor antagonist; IQR, interquartile range; MMP, matrix metalloproteinase.
Exact Wilcoxon rank sum test.
Values reported in pg/mL, all others reported in ng/mL.

Table 4.  Cytokine Levels by Classification Within Ankle Fractures.

Bimalleolar, Trimalleolar,
Median (IQR) Median (IQR)
Variable (n=18) (n=18) P Valuea
IL-10b 27 (12, 45) 29 (12, 42) .86
IL-1RA b 366 (148, 482) 485 (218, 879) .25
IL-1β 0.3 (0.0, 0.9) 2.0 (0.1, 4.4) .11
IL-6 7949 (1040, 9027) 7992 (4925, 10852) .44
IL-8 55 (14, 223) 223 (74, 1257) .15
MMP-1 228 (115, 704) 4271 (259, 17109) .07
MMP-3 67 073 (26 210, 148 516) 256 320 (31 290, 261 589) .11
MMP-13 0 (0, 0) 24 (0, 392) .20

Abbreviations: IL, interleukin; IL-1RA, IL-1 receptor antagonist; IQR, interquartile range; MMP, matrix metalloproteinase.
Exact Wilcoxon rank sum test.
Values reported in pg/mL, all others reported in ng/mL.

score of 5 for plafond fractures, with no significant differ- was elevated in the patients with impaction compared to
ence between the groups (P = .68). those without (P = .036). There was no difference noted
Median cytokine levels from the ankle joint aspirate of otherwise in this subgroup analysis. Furthermore, when
the ankle fracture group were as follows: 29 pg/mL (IL-10), comparing the cytokine concentrations among the ankle
407 pg/mL (IL-1RA), 0.7 ng/mL (IL-1β), 7949 ng/mL (IL- fracture cohort and stratifying by injury type (bimalleolar
6), 143 ng/mL (IL-8), 326 ng/mL (MMP-1), 98 935 ng/mL vs trimalleolar injury), there was no significant difference
(MMP-3), and 0 ng/mL MMP-13. Median cytokine levels (Table 4).
from the ankle joint aspirate of the plafond fracture group
were as follows: 50 pg/mL (IL-10), 332 pg/mL (IL-1RA),
2.5 pg/mL (IL-1β), 15 350 ng/mL (IL-6), 1429 ng/mL (IL-
8), 2024 ng/mL (MMP-1), 435 123 ng/mL (MMP-3), and The literature has shown that PTOA occurs at a greater rate
152 ng/mL (MMP-13). Nearly all of the inflammatory cyto- in the ankle than other lower extremity joints, affects
kines were elevated in the plafond fracture group as com- younger patients on average, has significant economic
pared to the ankle fracture group (Table 2). Only the levels impact on society, and is the most common cause of arthritis
of IL-1RA were not significantly different between the 2 about the ankle joint, making this an ideal model for study-
groups (P = .45). ing PTOA.7,26,28,30,31 Furthermore, the traumatic inciting
Within the ankle fracture cohort cytokine measurements events that ultimately lead to PTOA may offer a moment for
were also compared in those ankle fractures with and with- intervention to assuage or avoid the development of arthri-
out articular impaction (Table 3). However, only IL-1RA tis altogether.1,4,9,22 Recent work has helped reveal part of
1470 Foot & Ankle International 43(11)

the cellular and subcellular events that may contribute to the and may increase to upward of 70% at a minimum of 5
development of PTOA, but many questions remain in this years, a frequency which exceeds that known to be associ-
regard. This is the first study to compare the inflammatory ated with rotational ankle injuries.16,21
cytokine response about a single joint following 2 distinct Several studies have evaluated the posttraumatic intra-
injury patterns. Importantly, this study demonstrates that articular inflammatory response through measuring cyto-
plafond fractures, which are known to be associated with kine and MMP concentrations.1,2,6,11,14,15 These studies have
higher rates of PTOA, have higher concentrations of many evaluated a variety of injuries to both the knee and ankle,
inflammatory cytokines following injury as compared to with synovial fluid aspirates collected at a variety of time
ankle fractures that are aspirated within the same time frame points following injury. Recently, Allen et al3 demonstrated
and analyzed via similar methods. that exposure of uninjured cartilage to synovial fluid frac-
This study helps further our understanding of the acute ture hematoma caused activation of cartilage damage path-
intra-articular inflammatory response that occurs following ways. The present study demonstrated a significant increase
joint trauma and may help further elucidate the role of this in 7 of the 8 inflammatory markers measured when compar-
response in the development of PTOA. Previous work has ing plafond to ankle fractures. The uninjured ankle was not
demonstrated a significant intra-articular inflammatory aspirated in this study as prior work has demonstrated a sig-
response after plafond fractures that is greater than the nificant difference between injured and uninjured ankles.17
inflammatory response in tibial plateau fractures.14 It was not felt that further investigation regarding a com-
However, this difference may simply have been a result of parison between injured and uninjured ankles was needed
the different mechanical and cellular environment of ankle given this data.
and knee joints. The current study reveals that the inflam- Prior work using animal models have correlated the
matory response is related to the type of injury sustained by postinjury inflammatory response to the development of
the joint and may therefore also play a primary role in the PTOA.11-13,18,29 Additionally, these studies have suggested
development of PTOA. This information supports the that the inflammatory response is modifiable although mod-
importance of the postinjury inflammatory response and ification of this process has yet to be successfully imple-
highlights the need for future investigations in this regard. mented in clinical practice. Although the inflammatory
However, we must be clear that the primary finding of this response in humans may also be contributing to PTOA, the
study has only demonstrated a correlation between an ele- initial structural damage resulting from more severe frac-
vated inflammatory response and more severe fractures. tures in addition to any chondral injury likely also contrib-
Although the more severe fractures do have a higher rate of utes. Further elucidation of the exact role each factor plays
PTOA in previous studies, the present work has not demon- in the development of PTOA may help guide future inter-
strated a causal pathway between the inflammatory response ventions and treatment.
and development of arthritis. We were unable to demonstrate any significant differ-
Tibial plafond fractures are typically high-energy inju- ence in the inflammatory response between ankle fracture
ries that occur following an axial load mechanism such as a with and without joint impaction. Similarly, the present
fall from height or motor vehicle accident (Figure 1). Ankle study did not note any difference between the various types
fractures are low-energy injuries that typically occur with a of ankle fractures investigated (bimalleolar and trimalleolar
rotational moment on the ankle that can occur with walking, injuries). Although no studies have demonstrated increasing
hiking, and sports. These injuries have different amounts of rates of long-term PTOA in ankle fractures with impaction
bone, cartilage, and soft tissue injury that could play a role or with distinct rotational ankle fracture patterns, it would
in PTOA development. Patients are profoundly impaired make sense that both articular impaction and increasing
following a tibial plafond fracture where physical function severity of a rotational ankle injury would predispose to
outcome is at least a standard deviation lower at 2 years PTOA. It would also, therefore, stand to reason that these
postinjury as compared to age-matched normal patients.20 injuries would have a more significant acute inflammatory
Additionally, general health remains poor in these patients response. The absence of this finding in the current study
over 3 years after the original injury and is similar to patients may be a result of an underpowered analysis, as there were
with chronic medical conditions.24 Most patients who sus- relatively few patients in each subgroup.
tain an ankle fracture are able to return to regular activities The current study is not without limitation. Although the
within 1 year of injury and are able to maintain excellent current available evidence suggests that the postinflamma-
function over a decade from surgery.25 tory response contributes to PTOA, this cascade is a com-
Similarly, joint arthrosis following a tibial plafond frac- plex and dynamic process that includes not only cytokines
ture occurs more frequently and can develop early in the and chemokines but also MMP’s proteins, stem cells, and
recovery process when compared to PTOA that develops immunologic cells. The present study does not fully analyze
following a rotational ankle fracture (Figures 2 and 3). all of the contributing factors to PTOA and is undoubtedly
PTOA develops in up to 40% of plafond fractures at 2 years limited in this regard. Severity of initial cartilage injury and
Marchand et al 1471

Figure 2.  Radiographic outcome of rotational ankle and tibial plafond fractures. (A) Anteroposterior and (B) lateral radiographs
of a tibial plafond fracture 12 months status post open reduction and internal fixation with evidence of end-stage posttraumatic
osteoarthritis. (C) Anteroposterior and (D) lateral radiographs of a rotational ankle fracture with well-preserved joint space and no
evidence of posttraumatic arthritis.

Figure 3.  A/B - (A) Anteroposterior and (B) lateral radiographs of a rotational ankle fracture immediately following open reduction
and internal fixation. (C) Anteroposterior and (D) lateral radiographs of a tibial plafond fracture 12 months status post with a well
preserved joint and no evidence of post-traumatic osteoarthritis.
1472 Foot & Ankle International 43(11)

reduction quality were also not measured. Furthermore, the for Advancing Translational Sciences, National Institutes of
study is limited by the lack of serum results. However, Health, through grant 8UL1TR000105 (formerly UL1RR025764).
serum testing has not been demonstrated to correlate with
synovial fluid biomarker concentrations.8,11 Lastly, we only ORCID iDs
included those patients who could be aspirated within 24 Lucas S. Marchand, MD,
hours from injury. Unfortunately, cytokine concentrations 6669
can change within hours from injury, and this may further Justin M. Haller, MD,
add variability into our data and the subsequent analysis.
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