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Topics Covered are Power and Industrial Plant Engineering (PIPE)

TERMS 30 Items, 1 Point Each

1. In chimneys, these combustion air and exhaust as well as the air current in a confined space on
cooling towers are called _____________
2. Machine Foundations are preferably built of concrete in the proportion of what measures of
Portland cement: sand: crushed stones? _____________
3. known as M.E. Law R.A. __________
4. In the 4th Industrial Revolution, these are programmable devices that resemble the human. They
are also capable of moving like humans and can perform functions such as weld, pick and place,
load and unload and other programmed motions. ____________
5. Number of molecules in a mole of any substance is a constant called _____________
6. The term ASTM stands for _____________
7. The ratio of the average load to the peak load over a designated period of time is called _______
8. This law states If the pressure of the confined gas is constant, the volume is directly proportional
to the absolute temperature _____________
9. When a substance in gaseous state is below its critical temperature it is called ____________
10. Drains from steam piping shall be provided with ____________ Traps
11. These valves designed to allow fluid to pass through in one direction only. __________
12. What does AFSS stand for in Industrial Plant Engineering? _____________
13. Minor losses do not make any serious effect in ____________ pipes
14. Which material is used for pipes which conduct water and air? _____________
15. NFPA standard for the installation of sprinkler systems ____________
16. A type of system in chemical plant that is compatible to the arteries and vanes. _________
17. A prominent example is the forklift truck, which is a truck used for transporting a load
horizontally and for elevating or lowering a load to store it are ___________
18. Thermal efficiency of a geothermal power plant is approximately ___________
19. This body is a theoretical body which when heated to incandescence would emit a continuous
light-ray spectrum. ____________
20. The internal combustion engines never work on this type of cycle ____________
21. What is the force which tends to draw a body toward the center about which it is rotating? ____
22. Heat transfer due to density differential __________
23. What is an apparatus used in the analysis of combustible gases? _________
24. If the fluid travels parallel to the adjacent layers and the paths of individual particles do not
cross, the flow is said to be ________
25. Heat exchanger used to provide heat transfer between the exhaust gases and the air prior to its
entrance to the combustor __________
26. Mechanism designed to lower the temperature of air passing through is a(n) __________
27. The specific gravity of a substance is the ratio of its density to the density of ___________
28. In industries, what keeps the moisture from passing through a system? ___________
29. The Combined process of cooling and humidifying is also known as __________
30. Instrument used to measure fluid velocity __________
Topics Covered are Power and Industrial Plant Engineering (PIPE)

PROBLEM SOLVING 6 Items, 5 Points Each

1. POWER PLANT: The sun generates an average of 2 kW/m2 when tapped as source of energy
where in a flat plate collector with an area of 1.5 m2 is used. Flow rate of water inside the
collector is 40 L/hr. Calculate for the temperature rise of the working fluid in ⁰C.
2. HEAT TRANSFER: Consider a person standing in a breeezy room at 20 ⁰C. Determine the total
rate of heat transfer from this person if the exposed surface area and the average outer
temperature of the person are 1.6 m2 and 29 ⁰C respectively. The convection heat transfer
coefficient is 6 W/m2 and the Emissivity is 0.95.
3. CHIMNEY: If the actual draft required for a furnace is 6.239 cm of water and the frictional loss in
the stack is 1.5% of theoretical draft, calculate the required stack height in meters. Assume that
the flue gas has an average temperature of 149 ⁰C and molecular weight of 30. Assume air
temperature of 21⁰C.
4. PUMPS: A 70% efficient pump pumps water from the ground level to a height of 5 m. How much
power is used if the flow rate is 10 m/s2.
5. MACHINE FOUNDATION: What is the required base area of the foundation to support an engine
with specified speed of 1200 rpm and weight of 9000 kg. Assume a safe bearing capacity of soil
is 47.867 kPa. Use e=0.11.
6. VARIABLE LOAD: If the rated capacity of the system is 50 MW, and the actual maximum demand
is 35,000 kW. What is the utilization factor?
Topics Covered are Power and Industrial Plant Engineering (PIPE)

ESSAY 10 Items, 3 Points Each at least 60 Words per answer to get full points

1. Define what Industrial Plant Engineering is in your own words

2. Give some major learning(s) that you were able to learn in the duration of this course
3. What industrial equipment do you think is the most important and why
4. Explain the Similarities and Differences of Adiabatic from Isentropic Processes
5. Define the three (3) ways in which heat can transfer
6. Describe The importance of mathematical solutions before we design or engineer systems
and/or processes
7. Enumerate the Laws of Thermodynamics
8. Express via mathematical model/proof the general and full definition of the conservation of
9. Cite some Industrial Machineries were you able to see or Industrial Plant Processes were
introduced during your plant tours
10. Which field in Mechanical Engineering will you pursue after graduating, passing the board, etc.

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