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As 2 negatively charged bodies are brought into close

proximity the repelling forces between the 2 bodies?
a) Will increase. /
b) Will decrease.
c) Will remain constant.
2. Unless otherwise specifical ,any values given for current or
voltage in an AC circuit are assumed to be
a) Instantaneous values
b) Effective values
c) Maximum values
3. A good conductor of electricity is amatorial
a) Through or along which electrons move freely /
b) That contains few electrons
c) Through or along which proton move freely
4. An atom consists of
a) Protons only
b) Ions and neutrons
c) Protons , neutrons,electrons /
5. The nucleus of an atom is
a) Positive charged /
b) Negative
c) Zero potential
6. An electron is
a) Positive
b) Negative /
c) Non charged
7. Which theory describes specifically the internal molecular
force of matter as they relate to electric power?
a) The atomic theory
b) The electron theory /
c) The molecular theory
8. If a DC circuit carries a current of 2 amperes , how much
charge is being transferred?
a) 6.28 electron per second
b) 2 coulombs per second /
c) 12.56 coulombs per second
9. If an electrolytic capacitor is used as a load capacitor in a
rectifier circuit, one of the critical parameter is ?
a) Capacity
b) Temperature /
c) Peak voltage
10. Find the equivalent total capacitance of 4 pico
farad ,0008 microfarad ,000.000.008 farad in series.
a) 20 picofarad
b) 0,05 microfarad
c) 2 picofarad
11. Electrolytic capacitors are only suitable for use where
the applied voltage ?
a) Never reverses /
b) Is AC or DC
c) Is DC but it’s polarity maybe reversed without damage the
12. The most common secondary cells are manufactured
using ?
a) Zinc and carbon
b) Mercury and silver
c) Nickel – cadmium and manganese /
13. The type of electrolyte used in a ni-ca battery is ?
a) A strong alkaline solution /
b) A strong add solution
c) A solid substance
14. The electrolyte contained in lead -acid battery is ?
a) Sulphuric acid ( H2SO4) /
b) Hydrochloric acid ( HNO3)
c) Nitric acid (HCL)
15. A photo cell consists of
a) A junction of two dissimilar metal
b) Two electrodes separated by an electrolyte
c) Two interconnecting layers of a semiconductor
16. What is the electrolyte in a nuckel – cadmium cell ?
a) solphuric acid and water
b) potassium hydroxide and water /
c) hydrogen and water
17. the voltage at the battery terminal ?
a) increases with increasing load current
b) does not depend of the value of the external load
c) decrease when the internal resistance of the battery
increases /
18. the electrolyte level of a nickel – cadmium battery is
the lowest when the battery is
a) being charged
b) in discharged condition /
c) under load condition
19. the electromotive force produced in a thermocouple
is depend on ?
a) the difference in temperature between the hot and cold
junctions /
b) the temperature at the hot junction
c) the temperature at the cold junction
20. the serving and charging of nickel-cadmium and lead-
acid batteries together in the same service area is likely to
result in?
a) a normal battery service life
b) an increased chance of explosion
c) a contamination of both type of batteries /
21. two point charges each having a positive charge q
will ?
a) attract each other
b) repel each other repulsive force is inversely
proportional to the square of the distance between the
point charges /
c) repel each other the repulsive force is inversely
proportional to the distance between the point charges
22. to prevent static electricity damaging on aircraft
a) shielded cables are used
b) the aircraft in bonded and has dischargers /
c) the aircraft is protected by aluminum in construction
23. normaly when the temperature of a metal increase its
electrical resistance ?
a) increase /
b) decrease
c) remains constant.
24. Which of the following materials has the highest
permeability ?
a) Copper
b) Air
c) Iron /
25. What is the normal method used to reduce the effect
of eddy current losses in magnetic circuit?
a) Use of smaller gauge wire
b) Use of iron cores
c) Cores are laminated /
26. If a current is passed through a conductor which is
positioned in a magnetic filed:
a) A force will be exerted on the conductor /
b) The current will increase
c) There will be no effect until the cinductor is moved
27. The purpose of a voltage regulator is to control the
output voltage of the :
a) Generator at varying loads and speed
b) Batteries at varying loads
c) Generator at varying speeds and the batteries at varying
loads /
28. To insure correct load sharing between AC generators
operating in parallel:
a) both real and reactive loads must be matched /
b) only reactive loads need to match.
c) Only real loads need to match
29. In a DC current the resistance equals 200 ohm with 20
kw power calculate the voltage :
a) 2000 v/
b) 4000 v
c) 100 v
P=I^2 *R
P=V^2 / R
30. What is the resistance when a current of 5 mA flows
with a voltage of 600v?
a) 1.2 mega ohm /
b) 120 kilo ohm
c) 3 kilo ohm
V= I*R
31. An electrical circuit supplied with 28v has three
identical resistors connected in parallel given that the total
circuit is (SA) the value of an individual resistor is ??
a) R=5.6 ohm
b) R=1.86 ohm /
c) R= 16.8 ohm
32. What is the total effective resistance of a 30 ohm
resistor connected in series with two (30ohm) resistors
connected in parallel?
a) 45 ohm /
b) 90 ohm
c) 15 ohm
33. The reminal voltage of a cell falls slightly when it’s
connected to load this is because the cell
a) has some internal resistance /
b) produces more power without the load connected
c) generates less current when connected the load
34. in the electrical power system=m of some aircraft
aluminium wires are used insteads of copper wires what is
the main reason for this ?
a) the aluminium wire has samaller diameter and
therefore more flexible
b) you can use a higher current for the same diameter
c) lower weight /.
35. The following information is marked on the data plate
of an electric motor U 230 V DC & 10 ohm what is needed
power ?/
a) 2300 watts
b) 5.29 kwatts /
c) 23 watts
36. Which resistor dissipates the highest electrical power
in parallel circuit ?
a) The resistor with lower resistance /
b) The resistor with higher resistance
c) Same power in all resistors
37. When inductors are connected in series in a circuit
the total inductance is ? NOTE (assuring the magnetic
fields of each inductor do not affect the other )
a) Less than the inductance of the lowest rated inductor
b) Equal to the inductance of the highest rated inductor
c) Equal to the sum of the individual inductance /
38. The opposition offered by a coil to the flow of
alternating current is called : NOTE (disregard resistance )
a) Impedance
b) Relevetance
c) Inductive reactance /
39. A coil is sapplied with an alternating current the
current and voltage over the coil
a) Are phase
b) The current appears after voltage /
c) The current appears before the voltage
40. When there is a phase shift of 90 degrees between
voltage and current :
a) the reak load is equal to reactive
b) the reactive load is equal to the apperant load /
c) the reactive load is zero
41. An AC generator has an output voltage of 500v to
peak what would the instantaneous voltage be after 45
degree from the 0 angle ?
a) 159 v
b) 177 v /
c) 353.5v
Vo =250 Sin thita
42. A band stop filler passes
a) All low frequances
b) Only frequencies a bove and below particular
frequencies band /
c) Only frequencies in the FM band
43. Potential difference is measured in
a) Amps
b) Volts /
c) Watts
44. The standard unit of measurement of the electrical
charge is
a) Coulombs equal to amperes by voltage
b) Coulombs equal to amperes by seconds /
c) Amperes hours
45. When two DC generators are operating in parallel
control of load sharing is achieved by
a) An equalizing circuit which in conjuction with voltage
regulators varies the field excitation current of the
b) An equalizing circuit which in turn control the speed of
the generator
c) Carrying out systematic load shedding procedures
46. The conditions to be net to activate a shuat generator
are 1. Presence of aperment field 2. Closed electrical
circuit 3.generator terminals short – circuited 4. Minimum
rotation speed the combination that regroups all of the
correct statement is
A) 1.2
B) 1.3
C) 1.4 /
47. In order that DC generator will active equal load
sharing when operating in parallel in necessary to ensure
a) Their voltage are almost equal/
b) The synshronising bus-bar is disconnected from the bus-
bar system
c) Equal load are connected to each generator bus bar
before paralleling
48. When a load is connected to batteries
a) Electrical energy is charged into thermal energy
b) Chemical energy is changed into electrical energy /
c) Thermal energy is charged into electrical energy
49. Friction causes
a) Mobile electricity
b) Basic lectricity
c) Static electricity /
50. A transformer with a step up ratio (5 – 1) has a
primary voltage of ( 24 v) and secondary amperage of (.2
a) the primary amperage , disregarding losses is ?
a) 1A /
b) 0.4 A
c) 4.8 A
51. What happens to the power factor of an alternating
current generator if we connect a capacitor in parallel
a) Decrease
b) Increase /
c) Remain uncharged
52. What must be done to charge the direction of
rotation of three phase induction motor
a) Power down and then restart
b) Revers any two of the stater field coil connection /
c) Reverse all three of the staters

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