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Dimensions of Urbanization

Urbanization is generally regarded as a four dimensional process thus it has the following four
• Structural
• Behavioral
• Ecological
• Demographic
• Structural
Urbanization brings many structural changes in the society, consequent upon the development of
industrial capitalism. Urbanization is a process of transformation from agricultural to industrial to
service sector in terms of occupational pattern. Beyond change in occupation many new institutions
are set up and katcha roads, structures are also converted into pacca.

• Behavioral
In the process of urbanization, the rural culture is wrapped up and replaced by urban culture. It
focuses on the conduct of individual regarding modern value system, change in life style,
consumption pattern, attitudes and motivations. In this process, the agro-based life styles are
changed into trade, industry, commerce, business and other occupations except agriculture.

• Ecological
It considers urbanization as a transformation process from natural to artificial/manmade
environment. For example water bodies/open spaces are filled up to meet the housing or other
infrastructural need of the increasing urban population. At the same time artificial lake or cascade is
built up for beautification of the city.

• Demographic
Urbanization is a function of population concentration in urban areas. More specifically it refers
issues of rural to urban shift of population i.e. migration, therefore, it bring changes in the age-sex
composition, level of education, fertility and mortality rate etc.

Causes of Urbanization in Bangladesh

Generally urbanization depends on socio-politico-economical factors. In the context of

Bangladesh, urbanization took place from 1951. According to Bangladesh Urban and Shelter
Sector Review (BUSSR) prepared by UNCHS in 1993, factors behind urbanization in Bangladesh
• increase of rural landlessness and polarization at the rural population;
• inability in the agricultural sector to absorb the increasing numbers of labour force,
• Natural disasters (flood, cyclone, river bank erosion etc.).
The other factors are
• Opportunities for employment, education, healthcare and other socio-economic
development in the urban area.
• Particular location of industries in major cities acts as a magnet to rural migrants.

So, we can frame the causes into two factors-push factor and pull factor. In push factor, the causes
force the rural population to come to cities. On the other hand, pull factors attracts them to be
migrants. For example, in 1981, the urban population is increased at two fold than that of in 1971.
That means, after the liberation and famine of 1974 rural population stormed into the urban for

Besides all these factors, we can identify some specific causes for rapid urbanization in Bangladesh
which are stated below:
The higher rate of population growth.
Increase of urban centers, towns etc. throughout the country due to changes in definition
of urban areas over the year.
Migration from rural to urban also plays a key role on urbanization.
Disproportionate government spending in urban areas that exacerbates inequalities.

Effects of Urbanization

Rapid urbanization particularly the growth of large cities and problems of urban slums,
environmental degradation, inadequate health services, unemployment and poverty have immerged
as major socio-economic issues in many developing countries. Though urbanization rate is one of
the key indicators of development, the positive impact of urbanization is often hampered by its
negative impact.

Positive Effects of Urbanization

1. Easy Access to Civic Facilities
In an urban area the dwellers get easy access to all the urban facilities like electricity, gas,
water, sewerage etc. The city dwellers can enjoy comfortable, easy and a high standard of
living. Also have the opportunity for better education and health care facilities.

2. Easy Communication
In the urban area global communication is so easy time-saving and frequent that anyone can
exchange ideas, information, business and money.

3. Improved Transportation
Transportation system is much more developed in urban areas than rural areas. There are
more streets, more motor vehicles and wide lanes. Due to having better transportation
system the foods and industrial goods/products are easily transported from one place to
another within short time.

4. Increase in Employment Opportunity

Urbanization leads to create jobs at various sectors in business, service, industry etc.

5. Contribution to GDP increases

With increasing rate of urbanization, its contribution to GDP also increases because the
urban areas enjoy economies of scale and also there is higher income and productivity per
capita than the rural areas.

6. Production of skilled manpower

A large proportion of population of the urban areas is rural migrants. When they migrate
maximum is unskilled but after migration the rural migrants become skilled getting the
opportunity for work in various sectors. An urban area can provide easier application of
technology, higher wages and high standard of living.

7. Industrialization and economic growth

Industrialization is both a cause and effect of urbanization. Manufacturing industries play
particularly an important role in economic development because the manufacturing sector is
relatively fast than other industry. This growth usually leads to higher employment and
increase in the pace of technological change. Thus it helps to improve the overall rate of
productivity and growth in the economy.

8. Increase in total amount of investment

Increase investment in the public sector for the development of infrastructure such as power
generation, water treatment, transportation system etc.

9. Economic development
Urbanization contributes to several developments by attracting human resources to activate
with large economic returns. When concentration of industry and services increases, more
production takes place and helps to increase the contribution in national economy.

10. Mature social structure

Urbanization gives people a much more liberal view to life. The position of women
improves. The rate of literacy goes up and female education is appreciated. People become
very conscious about their present and future life. Thus a wide range of cultural and mental
change occurs which helps to mature social life.

11. Improved Technology

Because of urbanization more industries are established and it quickens the invention of
machinery, tools and introduces the advanced technology.
Negative Effects of Urbanization

1. Excess growth of urban population

Most third-world Mega-cities are growing rapidly both through rural-urban migration and
natural increase. High birth rates and low mortality rates contribute to increase the natural
population growth rate.

2. Unemployment and underemployment

Due to excess population most third world cities are facing problems of unemployment and
underemployment. The number of qualified competitors for limited jobs has been rising and
sometimes the migrants are bound to do jobs of lower status than their

3. Weaken infrastructure and shortage of basic services

Unplanned urbanization creates pressure on basic services and facilities. Lack of adequate
infrastructure (electricity, telecommunication, etc.) creates obstacles for economic
expansion. Longer travel time from home to workplace, costly transportation of goods,
uncertain delivery to inputs, lower productivity, higher production costs are among the
factors limiting economic efficiency of human resource development.

4. Housing scarcity
Rapid growth in urban population creates pressure on housing for many people. So land
becomes costly and the area becomes congested.

5. Increase in slums and squatter settlements

The urban poor cannot bear the expenses of high standard housing thus are pushed to live in
slums. The physical environment of these slums is very poor beyond this there is lack of
municipal services like water supply, electricity, sewerage etc.

6. Pressure on educational institution

Due to excess population the poor countries are unable to provide educational facilities in
proportion to its demand. Thus competition prevails on for admission into schools, colleges
and universities. There are many students but comparatively few institutions. So, many
brilliant students are deprived from the opportunity of better education.

7. Deteriorate the health condition

Though health care facilities are more developed in the urban areas, it is inadequate in
respect to its demand. Moreover, living in the congested areas and in polluted environment,
people suffers from various diseases such as T.B, asthma, hypertension, high blood
pressure, lungs cancer, etc.

8. Lack of efficiency in administration and management

When the size of the urban area becomes large the administration and management of the
city weakens. So, the municipal governments become unable to provide municipal services
to the excess population.

9. Deteriorate law and order situation

For excess growth rate of urban area the authority becomes unable to manage the city
properly. As a result, law and order of the city deteriorates.

10. Environmental degradation

Urbanization leads to environmental degradation. To meet housing demand for the
increasing population the people are enforced to fill up the low lying land, water bodies etc.
sometimes built houses on the agricultural land, open spaces. In slum areas, high congestion
of population results a very unhygienic environment. The excess of motor vehicles cause
air, water and sound pollution. The toxic waste of industries leads to soil, water and air
pollution. Thus urbanization causes degradation of environment.

11. Increase Poverty Rate

When urbanization rate is very high and the capacity of providing services to the urban
peoples is beyond the limit then it increases poverty rate in the urban areas. Poverty and a
lack of access to the social services lead to greater poverty.

12. Increases different types of crime

When peoples are unable to meet their daily necessities, they become aggressive and
helpless. Thus the poor people are involved with different sorts of crime.

13. Scarcity of land

This excess population creates pressure on the limited land area. This is why land-man
ration is decreasing. And only to live from hand to mouth this excess population is
migrating from rural to urban area. Thus high density of population and increased
concentration of people in urban areas result in scarcity of land for housing, industrial and
other purposes.

14. Negative impact on economy

With increasing rate of urbanization it requires more infrastructure, utility facilities and
housing thus create a pressure on economy for proving these facilities. Lack of adequate
infrastructure (electricity, telecommunication, water supply, urban transport, etc.) creates
barrier for economic expansion.

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