(Clean), Too. Her Life / Australia Is Sometimes (Difficult) / in China Because She (Not Speak) English

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Ying (come) / Australia / her family 6 months ago.

She likes (live) here, but her life is very different /

her life / China. / summer the weather is (hot) and (dry) / Adelaide, but / China it is (cold) and (wet) /
winter. / Saturday morning she often (go) shopping / the Central Market, but the fruit and
vegetables are (expensive) than in her hometown. She (catch) the bus / school 3 days / week and
she (think) the transport system is (good) because the buses are (fast) / in her hometown. The
population of China is (big) / Australia, so it (crowded). The streets / Adelaide are (quiet) and
(clean), too. Her life / Australia is sometimes (difficult) / in China because she (not speak) English
very well. At the moment she (learn) English / TAFE because she (want) / speak (good) English.
She (enjoy) (go) / school and she really (like) (talk) / her classmates. / the future she / like to find an
interesting job and she / like her daughter / have a good life here.
Write the story again

Ying __________________________________________________________________________

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