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Modification in the National Education policy

● modification in the pre board examination

As every school makes their own paper for the pre board
examination which varies from school to school, some do good
and some are unable to grab the concept of board in their paper
so to rationalize board should make paper for pre board exam.

● modification in the practical lab

We can see the practical are going the way that should go, so
during the practical lab session,sessions should be recorded
and sent to board so that instructors take it seriously.

● modification in the practical exam

During the practical exam, there should be transparency
for that viva of every student should be recorded and sent
to board.

● Compulsory subject
There should be a compulsory subject where no theory
exist based on skill like dance , art, singing, coding, logic
game like sudoku, chess, rubix cube which enhance the
skill of student.

● Transparency
Every school should update their website every time,
there should be their fee on their website and they should
list for what purpose what is the charge they included in
the fee and also provide video that this thing is available
on their school like if library charges then library,
computer charges then computer lab like this for
everything in details and if on any occasion and event
they charge some money from the student they should
provide information on the website. They should provide
where their school dress is available and what the cost of
each component is.

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