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Cognitive : Identify the different kinds of plumbing symbols.
Psychomotor : Draw the different kinds of plumbing symbols.
Affective : Appreciate the value of plumbing symbols.


Topic : Analyzing Signs, Plumbing Symbols and Data
Reference : Plumbing Module 4
Materials : Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation.

A. Warm up, check for understanding and activate prior knowledge.
1. Preliminary Activities

Teachers Activity Students Activity

a. Greetings/Prayer

"Good morning class..." (The students will stand)

“Good morning teacher, Good morning
"Let us start our day with the guidance of classmates..."
our almighty, let us pray first.” "Jam (Jam will lead the prayer.)
kindly lead the prayer."

"Before you may take your seats, kindly (Students will pick up pieces of paper)
pick up pieces of paper under your chairs."
“Okay, you may now take your seats.” "Thank you teacher."

b. Attendance
"I will check your attendance. Say present (Students will say present)
when your name is called."

c. Assignments
“So far, we don’t have any
“Yes teacher.”
“Before we start our new lesson for today.
Let’s have a review first.”

2. Review on the Previous Lesson

Teachers Activity Students Activity
“What was our topic last meeting? it all (Felly raise her right hand)
about? Anyone? “it is all about ………”

“Very good Felly. You may take your seat.” (Felly will seat)

B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation

Teachers Activity Students Activity

“So now, I am going to show you a scramble

words. All you have to do is to arrange the
letters properly in order to get the correct “Yes teacher.”
answer. Are you ready to class? I think you
are all ready."
(The teacher will show a scramble words)
(Lisa raise her right hand.)
"Strainer teacher, Thank you teacher.”
"Anyone can answer #1?"
(Jam will stand)
“Very well said. You may take your seat.”
"Pressure teacher."
" #2 who will answer? Do not answer in
(Felly will raise her right hand)
chorus, just raise you right hand. Okay, Jam?"
"The answer teacher is Vacuum."
"Excellent! Take your seat Jam."
"Yes teacher, thank you teacher."
"#3 what is the answer?
(Students answer in chorus)
"FAUCET teacher."
"Very well said Felly, Thank you. Take your
(Jam will raise his right hand)
"BLOWER teacher"
"#4 what is the answer?"
"Yes teacher"
"You all nailed it! Yes it is faucet."
"Last #5, what is the answer?"
"Very good Jam! You may take your seat."
"I think do you have already a guess what will
be our topic today."

Teachers Activity Students Activity
"Alright class, let's have another activity. I (Students will get a 1/4 sheet of paper)
want you to guess the symbol I have
showed and identify. This is an individual "Yes teacher."
activity, get 1/4 sheet of paper. Are you
ready class?
(Students will start answering)

"Yes teacher."
"Class, exchange your paper to your
seatmate. let us check your answers." (Students will check the answer)

1. Running trap
2. Faucet
3. Vacuum
4. Y strainer
5. Thermometer "Yes teacher."
(Students pass the paper in front)
"Alright class, are you done checking.
Kindly pass it to the front." (Students will clap)
"Wow! Congratulation most of you got the
highest score. Give yourselves a round of

Teachers Activity Students Activity
"There are different kinds of Plumbing Symbols "Yes teacher"
and lines. (Students attentively listening)
These are the following:

"Yes teacher."
"I want you to memorize these symbols and it's
names in order to identify what symbol it is.
These symbols are important in planning and
installing to have a successful installation of the
different area like for instance the kitchen sink, (Ana will hands up)
toilet bowl, lavatory and etc. "For me teacher, yes it is important
Is it necessary to memorized or familiarized to a sort of memorize these symbols
these symbols? Why? Anyone? yo have a knowledge, like for
example because of you have that
knowledge installing lavatory then
you will not get anyone who can do
it but yourself.'

"Very well said Ana."

"Now let us proceed to the line symbols."

Line Symbols:
1.Drain Pipe - a pipe used for drainage.
2.Soil Pipe – a pipe carrying off wastes from
toilet to septic tank.
3.Vent Pipe – a pipe used above a waste pipe or
soil pipe that allows gas to escape from the
4.Cold Water Line – a pipe installed in a
building for the distribution of potable water
and removal of water borne wastes.
5.Hot Water Line – carries the heated water to
all the fixtures, out-lets, and appliances that
require hot water.
6.Property Line – the boundary line between (Jam raised his right hand)
two pieces of property. "1. A pipe used for drainage.
7.Clean. Out – an instance of thoroughly
cleaning the inside of something. (Students will listen attentively)

"Anyone who will read #1?

"Okay Jam" (Missy will stand up)
"Thank you Jam" "2. A pipe carrying off wastes from
(Teacher will explain or elaborate what is drain toilet to septic tank.

"#2 who will read? May I call Missy"

"Thank you Missy, you may take your seat."

(Teacher explain and elaborate #2.)
(This will be repeated up to #7.)

Teachers Activity Students Activity
To discuss thoroughly about the topic, (Attentively listening)
here is the video presentation.
I want you to listen carefully to the
video presentation. "Yes teacher"
(After the presentation)
"Okay class, what are those symbols? (Jam will stand)
Anyone can enumerate? May I call " The symbols are ........
(Lina will stand)
"Impressive! Anyone could mention The other symbols that Jam didn't mentioned
the other symbols? May I call Lina? are .....

" Very good"

(Ana raise her right hand)
"Okay class, how about the lines The line symbols are :
symbols. What are those?"

"Very well said , Ana"

(Jam raise his right hand)
"How about the alphabet of lines, what "The alphabet of lines are:
are those? Anyone?"
"Thank you teacher"
"Excellent! Thank you Jam, please
take your seat."

Teachers Activity Students Activity
"Okay class, I have a question." (Students will response)
"Yes teacher, what is the question?"
"Since I already done discussing the
lesson, my question is what do you
learned today? Anyone?" (Lina raise her right hand)
"Yes Lina, stand up." (Lina stand up)
" I have learned the different symbols. These
symbols are very important when it comes of
planning of installation of lavatory and etc.
Lines is also important this will help to more
visualize in an actual place."
"Impressive Lina, thank you. You may "Thank you teacher"
take your seat." (Jam will stand)
"Okay, any addition? May I call Jam?" "In addition to Lina's answer, I also have
learned the symbols in the field of plumbing.
There are different kinds of symbols like
Valves, Traps and such. ......
"Very well said Jam, you may take "Thank you teacher"
your seat."
"I think you are now much ready for
the succeeding task."

Teachers Activity Students Activity
"Now class I want you to group yourselves (Students will listen carefully)
in 5 members in a group. Okay count 1 to 7. (Students count 1 to 7)
Start! Okay done, all #1 will form your
group, all #2 form your group and lastly all
#7 form your group at the back. Settle
yourselves class. I will give you 5 minutes
to collaborate and 2 mins to report your
answers. Select your representative in each "Yes teacher"
group. Okay? Now I want you to draw a
symbol of at least 10 above and answer this
1. Why are these symbols you draw is
important in the field of plumbing? (Students start answering)
Okay class, timer starts now."

"2 minutes left"

"Yes teacher "
"Times up " (Group 1 representative will go in front to
"Settle yourselves class. Okay first reporter report)
group 1 the floor is yours." "Hi everyone, I am the representative in group
1. These are the symbols we draw, each of us
has its own work here.
(Representative read and show their output)
“Good morning everyone, I am the
“Excellent! Let’s give her 3 claps.” representative of group 2.”
“Next group” (Representative read and show their output)
(The students will participate)

“Very good! Let’s give her 3 claps.”

(This is up to group 7)

Teachers Activity Students Activity
“Okay class, prepare ½ crosswise
sheet of paper and answer the
following questions. Read the “Yes teacher”
direction first. I will give you 15
minutes to answer.

Test I. Identification
Direction: Select your answer in the
box and write the correct answer in the
empty space\box.

Air Chamber Turbine steam

Faucet Duplex Oil Filter
Float Trap Air eliminator
P-Trap Cold Water
Trap Pressure









Test II. Fill in the Gap

Direction: Fill in the blank. Write your
correct answer in the space provided.

1. ______ is a pipe installed in a

building for the distribution of potable
water and removal of water borne
2. ______ the boundary line between
two pieces of property.
3. _______ a pipe used for drainage.
4. _______ a medium line used to
show edges and contours not visible to
the eye.
5. _______ heavy, solid line used to
frame in the drawing.
(The students start answering)
“Timer starts now”
“Okay 2 minutes left.” (The students pass their paper)
“Times up, pass your paper in front.”

Direction: Please research and study the following.

1. What are the plumbing parts and fittings.

2. Draw the symbols of the plumbing parts.
3. How these plumbing parts important in installing lavatory, bath tab and such.

A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediations who scored below
C. Did the remedial lesson work?
No. of learners who caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did this
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or
supervisors can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/ discover
which I wish to share with other

Prepared by:
Pre-Service Teacher

Checked by:
Cooperating Teacher

Attested by:

Student Teaching Supervisor

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