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AN , [Faculty of Computers | Year 2016-2017 | & | | Information Second - term Exam | DataBaset vA] 24:5 = Ze) | | 18212 Three Hours | Q1 Choose the correct answer make a table for your answer with the number of question and your choice number and word (18 points, symbol is used to denote. the. © SELECT operation. a)X b)o op On 2, Process of suppression of details regarding storage and data type to highlight important features for better understanding is called, a) data abstraction _b) structural abstraction ¢) client abstraction d) server abstraction 3, In database management sysem, module which support handling of data search, data access and data storage is classified as, a) structural module b)logical module c)elient module _—, in the database. b. Change the class of student ‘Smith’ to 2. c. Add anew course, <‘Knowledge Engineering’, ‘CS4390’, 3, *Ca">. d. Remove the record for the student whose name is ‘Smith’ and whose student number is 17. (Faculty of Computers Year 2016-2017 & tna ox Sggond - term Exam ataBase) 18212 Three Hours Q3 (12 points) Specify the following queries in SQL on the database schema of Figure 1. a, Retrieve the names of all senior students majoring in ‘CS’ (computer science). b. Retrieve the names of all courses taught by Professor King in 2007 and 2008. c. For each section taught by Professor King, retrieve the course number, semester, year, and number of students who took the section. d. Retrieve the name and transcript of each senior student (Class = 4) majoring in CS. A transcript includes course name, course number, credit hours, semester, year, and grade for each course completed by the student. 4 (12 points} Specify the following queries on the COMPANY relational database schema shown in Figure 2, using the relational operators. a, Retrieve the names of all employees in department 5 who work more than 10 hours per week on the ProductX project. b. For each project, list the project name and the total hours per week (by all employees) spent on that project. c. For each department, retrieve the department name and the average salary of all employees working in that department. . List the last names of all department managers who have no dependents. 25 (6 points Consider the following requirements for a database that is to be developed for a retailer: Information is to be kept about customers, products and orders. Each customer has a unique customer number, one or more addresses, and an account. This account is used to provide credit facilities to the customer. Each account has a credit limit and a balance indicating the amount of money that the customer currently owes to the company. Customers place orders. An order may include one or more products. For each of these products the order indicates the quantity of the product ordered. Also, each order has a unique number and two dates. One of these dates indicates when the order was made and the other indicates when the goods need to be delivered. Products have unique numbers and a short description. For each of them the company maintains an indicator of the quantity currently in stock. Design_an_ER-diagram for this database. Specify keys, mapping cardinalities, pation constraints and existential dependencies (if necessary) in your diagram. Faculty of Computers Year 2016-2017 & Information Second - term Exam DataBase?” Three Hours eumret mee [oiir [omy [Sn [eae [pene a sty [Siro ow eer (SEE SS race [evorsaa fai Fosse | woe brseonen | = os ae = = Frankin | T | Wong | 33445555 | 1955-12-08 |638 Voss, Houston. Tx_| M_|40000 |osesessss | 5 Soe aes TET [ase leoamrr [over te oat cna Sone [son fnescnt + fea | S[ nics | sesemr [avtz0 pt bombast pow seesos | « Panay Teas [Rane eseoaae [67081575 Fv at Hanae 7 w_foon soci one Se Tae [a Teaser aaneosas | error [ann Rox Fen: [ Fone owes igure Conever seers | earsrs : i Arnad[/V__[abber | se7oe70e7 [7990-0828 [oe0Duts. Hoannu x [w [zo Paresnoi ae ee See bsbae eter eels dea eel emt strlaedolote _— Sass [Geis pcae ane a eee ae | Corerrest| Seamer | er | maar ieee o aiises | esnaea eats earare Fa a eo [rari a | seresaaz1 | 19200101 2 sana Se bia = = [Heedquartors 1 ‘e88605555 1as108-18 s Belare Sra Fan oS Tnersoe s Sugortand Sen — joe fe oe oe worst teil [be ee ae Taos [ps epee Ce pane [se fae [oa [8 sean f en eee eel lols wanes [ts epee rie weeaaes [| is ee seas [es Rebar [as [eed erences easiness | a r00 ae eo a Saran scam [108 a oper 30_| 300 393446686__| Alice F_| 1986-04-05 | Daughter Figure 1 Figure 2 4 Qo yoy Kec) S Kafrelsheikh University Probability and Statistics /Time: 3 Hours Faculty of Computers& Information Second year The second semester exam. (2016-2017) Date: 25-5-2017 Answer the following questions T- (@) Let the sample S is partitioned by event A and its complement 4” P(BI A): P(A) P(B/ A): P(A)+ P(B/ A’): P(A’) ‘Then prove that P(4/B) (b) A single fair die is rolled. Let A~(3} and B=(1,3,5}. Are A and B independent. Daf the density function f(x) for random variable is ae* , x20 ror-f 0 otherwise Find the moment generating function (m.g.f) & variance and standard deviation (S.D ). XA pair of fair dice is rolled Let X denote the sum of the number of dots on the top faces. a-Construct the probability distribution of X. b- Find P(X 29). c-Find the probability that X takes an even value. ¥ Seventeen percent of victims of financial fraud know the perpetrator of the fraud personally . a- Use the formula to construct the probability distribution for the number X of the people in a random sample of five victims of financial fraud who knew the perpetrator personally. b- A investigator examines five cases of financial fraud every day. Find the most frequent number of cases each day in which the victim knew the perpetrator. c-A investigator examines five cases of financial fraud every day . Find the average number of cases per day in which the victim knew the perpetrator. 5- Write down the 5-steps for the following test: (a) Asample of scores on an examination given in Statistics are: Men 72 '69 |98 (66 {85 {76 79 |80 {77 Women [81:67 | 90 |78 {61 (80 :76 ‘At the .01 significance level, is the mean grade of the women higher than that of the men? (Coe 2.896, t 01,6 = 3.143, t 01 w= 2.624, t 01,15 = 2.602, t 0,16 = 2.683) With my best wished Prof. Dr. Osama Abo-Seida ‘Academic Year 2016/2017 Level Two Data Communications «ar251) (60 marks) College of Computers and 2 Pages Information, Date: 29/5/2017 Time: 180 minutes Question number one: (40 Marks) Ke Kafrelsheikh University a. Define using a graph Data Communication model, then state the function of the protocols used in network communication. (7 Marks) b. Explain what the arrows in the following diagram indicate to, and what causes performance degrades? (8 Marks) c. Differentiate between: (15 Marks) 1. Error detection and error correction control mechanisms. 2. Congestion Control and flow Control, 3. Mid-split and Dual-cable. 4. Firewalls, Gateway, and proxy. 5. Bitrate and Baud rate. 6, Radio waves, Microwaves and Infrared Waves. 7. Crosstalls and Attenuation. 8, Frequency Division and Code Division Multiplexing, 9, Sevial and Parallel Data Transmission. d. If data to be transmitted is corresponding to the following polynomial representation x5 + x2 4 1 and predetermined divisor is 101, then tictermine whether data bits are accepted, or it is considered as there some data corruption occurred in transit. What types of errors may occur? (10 Marks) Question number two: (20 Marks) a. True or False: (6 Marks) 1. The routers bookkeeping tasks includes (queuing buffers, updating tables. () 2. For mdata bits, r redundant bits are used, then there are m#r+ bit codeword. () 3. The level of shielding requixed affects the cable cost. ( ) b. 4. 4. A communication satellite acts as a big microwave repeater; however laser transmission system acts as a connector between two LANs. () 5. In baseband transmission each transmission system is allocated a part of the total bandwidth; however broadband uses the complete bandwidth of the cable. () Given available bandwidth of 200 kHz which spans from 100 to 300 kHz. Determine the carrier frequency and the bit rate if we modulated the data using FSK with d= 1? (5 Marks) An analog signal carries 8 bils per signal element. If 500 signal elements are sent per second, compute the bit rate. (5 Marks) What is the required bandwidth for a low-pass channel if a 5 Mbps were sent by using baseband transmission? (5 Marks) Best Regards Dif Mai R Hirativem - 7 Page 2 of 2 Tey hte 1 My Faculty of Computers |__Year 2016-2017 & Second - term Exam Information 1/6/2017 Computers and Ethics Hanae ‘Two Hours Answer the following questions QL. (10 Points) Define professional ethics and give three examples of violating Professional Ethics? Q2. (10 Points) Write short notes about Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practice (Short Version)? Q3. (10 Points’ Write short notes about guidelines of ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct? O4. (10 Points’ Write short notes about Guidelines and Professional Responsibilities? QS. (20 Points) Discuss the ethical methodology of the decision a company should consider the following ethical problems? a. Schedule Pressure and safety critical application b. Getting a Product to Market Sits cdl Sk we aye? Final Exam of Data Structures and Algorithms (CS211) 2016/2017 (second term) Date: 5/6/2017 Time: 3hrs Kafrelsheikh University Faculty of Computers and Information Department of Computer Science Question (1) Answer the following sub-questions as required at each of them: (20 marks) (A) Define the Linear data structures, and What are the types of Linear data structures ? (2) Define the Tree-like data structures, and What are the types of Tree-like data structures (3) Define the Algorithm Complexity, and Write its representations. (4) Write the technique which used to find the maximum value in an unsorted-array, (8) Write with example the technique which used in “Binary Search Algorithm". © What are the differences between Big-O (0), and Omega (Q) Notations. Compute Big-O (0) for the three "sorting algorithms" and for the "Sequential Searching Algorithm" (7) write the function for each one of the following methods which are used with arraylist. InsertRange() AddRange( ) RemoveAt() IndexOf{ ) /o eee eee eees Question (2) Write onty, the term that expresses each of the following paragraphs: (10 marks) (A) Is a data structure, which implements the behavior (LIFO), Such that, the elements could be added and removed only on the top. (2) Is the operation which retums the highest element without removing it. (3) Is a data structure where data enters at the rear and is removed from the front. (4) Selects the minimum element from unsorted sub-list and places it into the sorted list. (G) Is the maximum depth of all nodes in the (ree data structure, (© Is the maximum of the degrees of all nodes in the free data structure. (7) It traverses a tree in a layer by layer motion, i.e. traverse all nodes of layer and then go to the next layer, (8) All nodes, which are not teaf or root (i.e. have parent and at least one child). (9) Takes the first clement ftom unsorted sub-list and places it into its suitable position in the sorted sub-list, This technique Repeated on all elements of the unsorted sub-list. (40) In it, each element contains its value and two references — to the previous and to the next element, SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSssFFFssFeFSSseF Question (3) Write the Codes by C#.Net for the following programs (15 marks) (a) Write a program, which reads from the console NV integers and prints them in reversed order. Use the Stack class Or List class (b) Write the code by Ci# using Queue to print list of numbers satisfy the process which illustrated st 4 a 2 3 m by the following figure: 5 = 1, NT, 2-N, Nez, 2°(NeI ENT, ON, oe Ne ee i (c) Suppose you have fist of 10 elements as example [19, 2, 9, 3, 18, 13, 15, 8, 5]. Using the Insertion Sorting Algorittm to sort this list in ascending order. Kafrelsheikh University Faculty of Computers and Information Department of Computer Science Final Exam of Data Structures and Algorithms (C8211) 2016/2017 (second term) Date: 5/6/2017 Time: 3brs Question (4) (15 Marks) I. Write the output of the following Codes in C# and compute Big-O. (8 Marks) A) royalett 8 void i ama arnaddl "ord arena ™eveclay"); de Wesinasday}s peeadel 2huseday" ssrivdd Fray" sre add siaterdla Congnte.viitebine( “The slamenta in the arraylice ares}, Foreach (object eb In arr 1 Console: tirltetine {Currant sac! forme) Console..writettnesebi): ste.WWritatine(" After modification on an arravlist is as: foreach {object 0b} in arr) Console.wiritetine(obj}: oeE.Popd)i cencole at foreach: (<1 IL. Write the Code by C#.Net to build all nodes of the following Binary Tree and also traverse into it and print its element by In-Order manner. (7 Marks) al QD QD oat aan Dr Osan M. Abu Zaid ‘Academic Vear 2016/2017 Level Two Web Programming r271) (60 marks) College of Computers and 2 Pages Information Date: 8/6/2017 Time: _180 minutes Kafrelsheikh University Question number one: (30 Marks) a. Asp.net page is divided into three core sections: Page Directives, Code Section and Page Layout; describe the content for each of them. (5 Marks) b. What is meant by: Event Handler, with example to Event Handling Using Controls. (6 Marks) c. Describe ASP.NET runtime transforms for the aspx page and all its components. (6 Marks) d. True or False with correction : (7 Marks) 1. Event Arguments has the following syntax: private String EventName (Void sender, EventArgs e); ( ) 2. Session_Events - is fired when a user requests a page and leaving his device. (>) 3. The property OnClientClick for a Button control allows executing server-side script, when the button is clicked. Co) 4. RequiredFieldValidator Control allows validating the input text by matching against a pattern of a regular expression. () 5. ASP.NET - File Uploading contains HtmllnputFile and FileUpload C) 6. Ad Rotator randomly selects banner graphics from a list, which is specified in an external XML file () e. Differentiate Between: (8 Marks) L. Page state and Session state Client-side and Server-side Dynamic Web Page, indicate your result with example. 3. Common Language Runtime (CLR) and Net Framework Class Library V Page | of 2 Question number two: (30 Marks) a Using Java Script create a right direction marquee that stops on mouse hover, starts on mouse out, Set the movement speed based on your requirement, (© Marks) . Using CSS design the following: (5 Marks) 1. Set the Color of Visited Links. 2. Change the Color of Links when Mouse is Over. . What is the difference between the following CSS elements: (5 Marks) pf PHtpar{ Halif color: #36CFFF; color: #FFOOCC color: #FCC00 } t |. Explain the phases of ASP.NET Page Life Cycle. (5 Marks) ._ Explain the use of the following protocols: HITP, SMTP, FTP? (5 Marks) What is meant by Ajax, determine its usage? (© Marks) Best Regards Dif Mai R, Lbrakcem ae Page 2 of 2 ety AGE Fu'l marks: 60 Date: 12 / 6/2017 Pages (2) Kafrelsheikh University Faculty of Computers & Information Subject: Systems Analysis and Design Time Allowed: 3 Hours Code: 15231 (Answer the following questions) estion. Choose the correct ansv I esl (5 degrees) + is a quick way to gather massive amounts of data in short time. a. Open-ended Questions —_b. Questionnaire. JAD session _—_d. Probes 2. we vi is allowed data flows. “Oo ’/C]—-m2+ Oo —oe 4 3. Process with number 2.2 is in level s.sssssssee a. Zero b. one c. two d. three b. .. .-. Structure of interview depends on inductive reasoning. a. pyramid b. funnel c. diamond-shaped oval shaped seeresceeee Symbol is nof used in context diagram. a. Process b. External entity c. Data store d, Data flow Question2: Mark the following sentences with True or False and correct the false ones: (5 degrees) 1, Schedule feasibility refers to that; a project can be implemented in acceptable time frame. (— ) 2. Open ended question is more difficult in analysis than closed. () 3. The minus sign precedes the method, means that, method may be invoked by other classes. (__ ) 4. Diamond shape represents a condition in modular design. () 5. Use case model describes what a system does and how the system does it. ( ) Question3: Write the difference between: (20 degrees) System and design prototyping, w Effective, reliable, and maintainable system, Structured and Object-Oriented (00) analysis 4. Outsourcing and in-house software development, Question 4: Write Short notes on: (10 degrees) + Swimlanes + Transparent interface + CASE tools + Design trade-offs + Conversion to a new system Questions: Read the following problems, and then answer the questions: (20 degrees) (a) Buses come to a garage for repairs, A mechanic and helper perform the repai, record the reason for the repair and record the total cost of all parts used on a Shop Repair Order. Information on labor, parts and tepair outcome is used for billing by the Accounting Department, parts monitoring by the inventory management computer system and a performance review by the supervisor. - Draw Data Flow Diagrams. = Draw structure chart (b) Customer who has account greater than 50008 and has a good payment history. Or with us more than 5 years is a preferred customer (has more priority than other customers). = Draw decision tree. - Draw decision table. (6) In Hospital reception subsystem, receptionist schedules patient's appointment and admission to the hospital, collects information from the patient by phone and/or upon patient's arrival to the hospital. For inpatient "the patient who will stay in the hospital" he/she should have a bed allotted in a ward Receptionists might also receive patient's payments, record them in a database and provide receipts, file insurance claims and medical reports. = Draw use case diagram. (a) Once arrived at the polling station, elector gives the own elector card to station president who checks if the polling station nuraber is right. Then he checks the identity document and if ok he gives the ballot paper to the elector. Then the president waits for a cabin to get free and he gives the peneil to ihe elector and a secretary who signs the registry and put a print on the elector certificate, Once lector has voted. he/she insexts the ballot paper in the run, giving back the pencil and wking back the own ID document. = Drawaetivity diagram. Good Luck

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