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talk(现分)talking grow(现分)growing work(现分)working do(现分)doing
I(形物代)my it(形物代)its we 形物代 our come(单三)comes
season(复数)seasons leaf(复数)leaves tree(复数)trees field(复数)fields
farmer(复数)farmers kid(复数)kids scarf(复数)scarves
snow(形容词)snowy cloud(形容词)cloudy wind(形容词)windy
rain(形容词)rainy sun(形容词)sunny fog(形容词)foggy 多雾的
hot(对应词)cold warm(对应词)cool dry(对应词)wet
wet(同义词)humid can not+动词原形 will+动词原形
in+月 in+季节 in+国家 be good for+动词 ing
in the north 在北方 in the south 在南方 grow rice 种水稻
go swimming 去游泳 go fishing 去钓鱼 play in the snow 在雪地里玩
play football 踢足球 go to the beach 去海滩 have hot pot 吃火锅
stay at home 待在家 walk in the fields 在田地里工作
move in the snow 在雪里移动 swim in the sea 在海里游泳 have a picnic 去野餐
make a snowman 堆雪人 wear a scarf 戴围巾 wear a coat 穿外套
Plant trees 种树 eat watermelon 吃西瓜 eat moon cakes 吃月饼
There are four seasons in a year.
What’s the weather like? = How’s the weather?
How is the weather there?
Its weather is warm and rainy.
It’s good for growing rice.
After summer comes autumn.
It’s wonderful to have four seasons.
The leaves on the trees are red and yellow.
People stay at home to have hot pot.
Farmers are working in the fields.
People go to the beach to swim in the sea.
Cars can not move in the snow.
What are people doing?
What will you do today?
In July,kids usually go swimming.

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