Experiment 2 Plant Diversity - Pteridophyte and Bryophytes

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I. To observe the diversity of species in bryophytes and pteridophytes.
II. To construct scientific drawing of bryophytes and pteridophytes

Exercise 8.1 Bryophytes

Compound microscope
Prepared slides
Marchantia sp. - capsule l.s
Marchantia sp. - male gametophyte (antheridium) l.s
Marchantia sp. - female gametophyte (archegonium) l.s
Polytrichum sp. - capsule l.s

1. The prepared slides which show the longitudinal sections of Marchantia sp. capsule,
antheridium and archegonium had been examined. Seta, foot, sporangium, spores and
calyptra was drawn and had been labeled.
2. The prepared slides which show the longitudinal sections of Polytrichum sp. capsule had
been examined. Operculum, spore, peristome, annulus, calyptra, seta and capsule was
drawn and had been labeled.
Observation :
Archegonia of Marchantia sp. (1.s)

Actual magnification: 400x

Capsule of Marchantia sp. (1.s)

Actual magnification: 400x

Antheridia of Marchantia sp. (1.s)

Actual magnification: 400x

Capsule of Polytrichum sp. (1.s)

Actual magnification: 400x

Questions :
1. State the unique characteristics of bryophytes.
Non-vascular seedless plants, and they produce spores. And do not have real roots.
2. How is the transport of substances carried out in bryophytes tissue? How is this feature
related to the general size of these plants?
Bryophytes are non-vascular plants. They carry out the transport of water and nutrients via
diffusion process. Lack of vascular tissues, the members of bryophytes absorb water and
nutrients at the surface and transport the material from cell to cell.
3. What is the process involved in spore formation of bryophytes?
In the process of spore production in the capsule haploid spores are produced by the diploid
sporophytes. This happens by the process of meiosis, the same process by which animals
produce eggs and sperms and by which the flowering plants produce eggs and pollen.
4. Explain the adaptations of bryophytes to the terrestrial environment
There are three adaptation of bryophytes. Firstly, they have a sterile jacket developed around
antheridia and archegonia which present them from drying out. Secondly, presence of stomata
facilitate the movement of gases such as CO2 and O2 in and out through the cuticle. Lastly,
reproduction, delicate sex cells must be protected by gametangium.

Exercise 8.2 Pteridophytes

Apparatus :
Compound microscope
Dissecting microscope
Magnifying glass
Razor blade
Materials :

Fresh specimens:
Selaginella sp. (Division Lycopodiophyta)
Dryopteris sp. (Division Pteridophyta)
Prepared slides:
Lycopodium sp. – strobilus l.s
Selaginella sp. – strobilus l.s

Procedures :
1. The specimens of Selaginella sp. had been examined. The dichotomous branching, types
and arrangement of sporophyll and strobilus had been observed.
2. The specimens of Dryopteris sp. was examined. The rhizome, rhizoid, rachis, frond,
pinna and sorus had been drawn and labelled.
3. The prepared slides showing longitudinal sections of the strobilus of Lycopodium sp. and
Selaginella sp. had been examined. Sporophyll, sporangium, and spore (homosporous or
heterosporous) had been drawn and labelled.

Observation :
Dryopteris sp.

Strobilus of Lycopodium sp.

Actual magnification: 400x

Strobilus of Selaginella sp.

Actual magnification: 400x
Questions :
1. State the unique characteristics of pteridophytes.
They are seedless vascular plant. The vascular plant contains the most primitive xylem and
phloem. The sporophyte is large with true root, stem and leaves.
2. Fern sporophytes have an underground stem called rhizomes.
How do you distinguish that rhizomes are stems and not roots?
To distinguish rhizomes from roots, remember that rhizomes, unlike roots, are modified stems.
3. Compare the spores of Lycopodium sp. and Selaginella sp.
Lycopodium sp. is a clubmoss which is homosporous (one type of spores) while Selaginella sp.
is a spike moss which is heterosporous (two distinct types of spores)
4. Division Pteridophyta is considered to be more advanced than Division Lycopodiophyta.
Explain the advanced characteristic of Division Pteridophyta.
They are seedless, vascular plants that show the alternation of generation. The sporophyte has
true roots, stems and leaves. They reproduce by spores, which are developed in sporangia.

Discussion :
Bryophytes and pteridophytes are two large group of spores producing terrestrial plants. Compared
to the flowering plants, they have a longer history of evolution. The unique characteristics of
bryophytes is restricted in size. It is very small (1-2 cm in height) to make sure all cells could
obtain enough nutrients. It is also non-vascular plants. It lacks specialized vascular tissues.
Bryophytes rely on diffusion and osmosis. The whole surface of the plants can absorb needed
nutrients. Bryophytes have no true roots, stems and leaves and it is seedless plants which produce
haploid spores. Gametophyte is dominant while sporophyte is attached and dependent upon the
gametophyte for nutrition. Within the capsule, seta, foot, sporangium (capsule), spores (n) and
elaters (2n), can be found. Foot is an expanded bulbous mass of cells at the base of the sporangium,
serve as absorbing and anchoring organ. The function of seta (stalk) is to connect the foot to the
sporangium (capsule). Inside the sporangium the spores are produced and among them are yellow-
brown, bispiral (in a double spiral) structures, called elaters, whose function is to help in the release
of the spores. At archegonia of Marchantia sp., the ovum can be found. Within capsule of
Polytrichum sp., operculum, columella, spores and seta can be found. When the operculum falls,
there is exposed a ring of teeth that controls the release of the spores over an extended period of
time. The function of columella is to allow for nutrient exchange between the active protoplasm
below and the developing spores inside the upper part of the sporangial head.
Pteridophytes is vascular plants which is has the true roots, stems and leaves. It has lignified
vascular tissues and the xylem has tracheid and sieve tube only for transport and support system.
The sporophyte is dominant and easily visible. The gametophyte is reduced to a small and simple
structure. Lycopodium sp. is homosporous plants. It can produce one type of spores. Spores
germinate and produce independent gametophyte. Selaginella sp. is heterosporous. It produces two
types or spores and spores germinate within sporangia and produce dependent gametophyte.
Within strobilus of Lycopodium sp., sporophyll, sporangium and spores can be found. The
sporophyll forms a protective covering around the sporangium. Sporangium is the reproductive
spores are produced and stored. Within strobilus of Selaginella sp., megasporophyll ,
megasporangium, megaspores, microsporophyll, microsporangium and microspores can be found.
Microsporophyll bearing spores that grow into male gametophytes. Megasporophyll bearing
spores that grow into female gametophytes. The microspores are produced from the
microsporangium and megaspores are produced from the megasporangium.
Precaution steps for this experiment is be careful when handling the sharp object like razor blade
to avoid any injuries. Next, when using the compound microscope, always begin with the 4x
objective lens (the lowest magnification). Lastly, do not touch the objective lens.

Conclusion :
From this experiment, we are able to observe the diversity of species in bryophytes and
pteridophytes. Besides, we are also able to construct scientific drawing of bryophytes and
References :
1. Campbell, N.A, Reece, J.B, Urry, L.A, Cain, M.L., Wasserman, S.A., Minorsky, P.V,&
Jackson,R.B. (2018).Biology. (11Th Ed.). Pearson Benjamin Cummings.
2. Solomon, E.P., Berg, L.R. & Martin, D. W. (2018). Biology. (11th Ed.). Nelson
Education, Ltd, Canada.

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