Questionnaire On Spirtualiy

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Q. Are spiritual/ religious beliefs important to you?

a. Yes 
b. No 
c. May be 

Q. According to you who is more spiritual?

a. Males 
b. Females 
c. Both a & b 

Q. According to you who age group is more spiritual?

a. 10-25 years 
b. 25 – 40 years 
c. 40 -55 years 
d. 55 years and above 

Q. According to you people of which area are more spiritual?

a. Rural 
b. Urban 
c. Semi –urban 
d. Both A & b 

Q. What is the importance of spirituality in your life?

a. Help you define your goals 
b. Help you decide who are you 
c. It is the part of your whole life approach 
d. It is integrated into your life 

Q. What kind of self awareness does spirituality brings in your life?

a. Self confidence 
b. Meaningfulness of life 
c. Satisfied with who are you 
d. All of the above 

Q. Do you agree spiritual beliefs help you cope up with?

a. Strongly Agree 
b. Agree 
c. Neutral 
d. Disagree 
e. Strongly Disagree 

Q. Do you agree that you spiritual health helps you in improving your mental and emotional health?
a. Strongly Agree 
b. Agree 
c. Neutral 
d. Disagree 
e. Strongly Disagree 

Q. Does any of the following increase level of spirituality in you? You can tick more than one
a. Reading 
b. Yoga 
c. Gardening 
d. Mediation 
e. Dancing 
f. Walking 
g. Talking bath 
h. Practice taking mindful breaks throughout the day 
i. Drink spiritual teas with herbs 
g. Create a vision broad or book 

Statement Strongl Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

y Agree Disagree
Do you agree that spirituality has helped in
personality and development
Spirituality has made you more confident.
Spirituality has helped you in developing
positive approach towards life.
Spirituality has helped you in balancing
personal life and career.
Does spirituality bring peace, joy in your
It is pleasing to me to pray and I feel calm
after worship
I feel more responsible and committed after
I enjoy religious and spiritual foundations
as a source of power and guidance
I feel secure on my inner strength
Q. Why do you use spirituality in life? You can choose multiple options.
a. For developing meaningful life 
b. To attain inner peace 
c. For maintaining relationship 
d. To have positive thinking towards life 
e. To find meaning is different situations 
f. To develop self-confidence 

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