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NEW YORK POST Pomc etc Feds hid JFK film that could prove ‘grassy knoll’ conspiracy: lawsuit ker up ote abutMehan ptenre {28 Pert wines served papers SEs cea ine ; 60-year-old home vi ou aly reveal whether onEon: rust soot, and not alone gunman, esasenstes a SFKASSASSINATIN Praient.onn FKennacy butte feral govermerthas anil aks eae ores pek.nanunedomenmenr bmn te decades, cong nan expose now ‘shew na ged fora Tongs {fea he ure lowsut Ree ethedy The eis of Onl Nx Das mitnance man who WHATTO SHOPNOW ete armadyl ciA recorded he momento Kernods deat wi hishome- EEE STRONY [etiigurct Preston sotm po camera hae ed for oars ot his oa fn back fem he goverment csches, rman pet Pon dye orca he orginal Nin sad Sopebease ‘nda said Jferson Mey. uber of To Ghat ane ether books abo he CU ‘CSiccor ef acre za “woul scanty be 9 np Tra ntbest tarry 2 an lined. “Tar slgniicant es in quality youcenshop nam | 1 gonerator ofan anal fim ao Noes ‘The 20 best Memorial Day 2023 Terese ae pet an ‘Nis cp anit he bate known fim shot by Abraham Zap, was taken om he cate of Dsley Paza athe presidental nouns cov ino an auch on Em Stet n Dallas on Nov 22, 183, Seco wale Shopin 2623 tom Lt Samsung ‘Sve 21 beat dea on furntre, Examines \WofaMemori Day sl 212: 25 Nowon Page Six ‘uyeen topped wag as Bost star ens of tho ook Stitt ‘ni wth ie Baty row & Pa har ter oy nares VIDEO, 2 Dante Hopi comet ow =Nowon DECIDER proves only nem undue view of i infrous “gay Kl a et of tl hat — the sea where, some rsearcher im, addna riper wave concald Ns gal tn wa lt examined a 1978 by plo expars Need by te House Select Corte an at onl Re: ow Dest eseesinatns er Ang ew Nate Sree ow sotar' somnna ‘Basen part on that anys, the pane! conde hat Kennedy "was probably associat asa rsut cf conspiracy” a hate gue Ihaly fed ti sera ut the technaogy of hetine tthe expats in doubt abut whether Na's movi capture those aleped ‘marksmen — snd tre carpet, xg fim dsappared witht sce, Only inpertct cole ema lacing ne that sed on hoster serens in Olver Stones JF Forty. years ar, computer enhance analy ofthe oral ames cold tat she the myston, The new sia 52g ling in the US Couto Federal Cis in Washington, D.C, is oad wih 1983, the UP press agency pit Ni $5000 ~ about $50.00 today fora 25.yer onto. Ni handed ‘Special Conmites on Assassatons subpoenaed he orignal in rn UP 1978 ‘The st elas the goverment eartngyslopy handing of he prcslos pice of Anercan history alo ages tht ofl at he National Active nd Resor Ainisaton have repeat S io ‘he anil csming never to have had he “ou c-arera rina fn inthe posseeso, The Ns ar seeking $297 milion corpenssory damages lang wth he rlease ofthe tim But me could be runing out prominent pote exper sai 1th Castleman, a fora NASA snr scent alenger and Columbia disasters and sted “The Nfs ator nea the endo apa sl Ke whe analyzed photos forthe offal inestgaton of he the Nic fim inthe way 1970, ‘sam mage processing shuld be dove, Casteran tld Th Pest “Workin rect rom the orignal assuming it tilin good shape, might revel data hats ot ble on the cones” he ade “There renew acti to ting wp detain an image at mig posiy ng cut row fomaton at was ot bl previ © That lament. uted a "conrovri aspect bye HSA ‘was det rot person. was actualy est oe bight pos a appear soma fraes Castleman so Hehes "no expectation hat urher Sealy of te Nc tn wil enange that eau ‘ut resarchars have pita a wo oer locatons — one ath edge of etaning wa dancer inane pet fence at the tp of tba ray knoll — tat remain susp ‘igtzng th rg fn wit made equpment and anazing the da wth madem image procaesng techniques could poss ing ut iterating new deal Castanea Tho orignal im coud shad important Ighton ctr aspects ofthe assassination as wl, Maloy sl ©) mtn oeetatnanm ‘hmight al us more south enact of he shots on Kennedy, bth he rt shots the ft lawsuit. "This fin cou finaly rove — or disprove - th afl goverment concn ‘ny 39% of BLM S50 n dotnet carat Conversation 5-> comments 2K News ‘Share your stance Please achere to or gules arti . © sear Beck “That the dy Ue Rubi wa eed when Ue init ttt athe entagan permanety raed conta the US. permet. vate de dyn Amer ity © ronvtssos (nv it ules YOU ae EVIDENCE of conspicy Hy8 o ets ai Thi the lve Stone ited ago ata i tue. Te 2 ete root tile FX ws the same one that pat him in ofc hough tion and in "JFK tht and that hi, sr, a el a pve toe th Hit oOo“ dance Tha ® Kur Baron (cen Rea and haf edu pe with © re olefin sR ran a thie pay cana wl prove pth ‘opp geal mie get prs CP) an.tbewee @ Kconn © revptusses ‘Wel whitened tJ Le Harvey Ova © Erevet ‘What ely ne tithe darkest dyin soy ot the astsato lone, isthe CL Involvement and then king wore the coverup bythe Warren Commis and ober pela. The CIA and FEC ned oe expned od pte for these ofthe ton ad we theese @ Wotman tin ‘Why woul thehipatian Warren Commision embers thoy te carer, ono, andes covering up spleens, hey wo al hae Ben soc. Nonsnse. Pht ea th Waren repro Rsalning History yo want © wirrne front a psn in elec ro oun) ® Wotan rin The ica cording was ttl acid within son othe HSCA report ing eco over mou after the shots weed, hat tefl ord ct 8 ns ther”, To bd the HSA did hve the rules tbe net, intend of raring together eo ‘ut questonstoall he experts tht ow forse, why won the oneness the ‘eck ir? proven tine and agin afr tons oe mor than balfoAmeri @ smerget00 Jones ‘The UE Federal grverent ies eee eri eine of the rt Unni the Tate on The Temry being lee nr elects dipped in 2020, th reo le gone in urben ares, the US DO sk the KG in tel Sve year esr, diet a pe @ Woriman tim gut plots roo te Waren Commission the SCA dr nvetgton nce tht FK wit by only vo abot ohh entered ie rom hee ose ane think th ifient igh-regareddotor om diferettne eros cou al be parte con @ corre oth organiations wee truly btn to keep Trump ot fe hen er Tramp © dW0y0 Duby ris itresing see ant shal banal by moder day telsqes Same oa ‘he Archives fo hdig en the les, ony ols unter peli abd athe ot opr er norton hover ules @ Wise "ype Gowen Coverup What th ho Hi? they ol they woul ae Oe slighty wet Beg ean ll ou © roz0099 © Bwesincesr © correnseree Ther abo 0 way an asssinton osprey wok have Ben oe one str Dow fre the fourth an ith shoterseringin the UFO! © vvsieszs @ 201000 Feds hid JFK lm that could prove grassy knoll conspiracy: fcourse they di And the CIA was ivolved up tthe eye-broes That was the Harsh beginning of the manipulation of who will and will not be (Our Present moving forscard! © Prince ent November 22,1983, The murder of muchowed American President and a muchespectd Demon howe "Covert ste re Justi, al be surping an especial seer ALL deparoents ances ftil-ad hel fery membee- evolved a the wished and coma rie @ xy tioys Q Worse Considering what we have recent roel about the goverment seus agen, wou tating art hen and the dep tate wel wn tht Kenedy dn wa to invade tthe counties to fre rene changes. 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