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A Tharun G Srikanth vara prasad K Vamshi krishna Reddy

19P61A1205 20P65A1203 19P61A1245
IT Department IT Department IT Department


The objective of the work is to perform This system deals with performing functions
sentimental analysis on twitter data using Rule- dynamically through an online social media i.e.,
based algorithm technique and classify the tweets Twitter. Twitter posts of electronic products creates
based on their polarities (i.e., positive, negative, a dataset. Tweets are short messages with slang
or neutral) and find the overall percentage and words and misspellings. So, the sentence level
polarity of the given keyword and display the sentiment analysis is performed. This can be done
result as pie-diagram. Sentiment Analysis is a in seven phases. In the first phase, input data is
technique widely used in text mining.Twitter given. Here the input data refers to a username or a
Sentiment Analysis, therefore means, using hashtag. Then, the number of tweets to be analyzed
advanced text mining techniques to analyze the are specified. Those tweets are retrieved from the
sentiment of the tweet in the form of positive, twitter database. Then in the third phase, the
negative and neutral. retrieved twitter data is stored in a database
In fourth phase, the tweet is processed. This step is
ABSTRACT: performed before feature extraction. Processing
steps include removing URLs, removing stop-
This project addresses the problem of sentiment words, avoiding mis-spellings and slang words.
analysis in twitter; that is classifying tweets Mis-spellings square measure avoided by
according to the sentiment expressed in them: commutation continual characters with 2
positive, negative or neutral. Twitter is an online occurrences. Slang words contribute abundant to
micro-blogging and social-networking platform the feeling of a tweet. Hence, a slang word lexicon
which allows users to write short status updates is maintained to switch slang words occurring in
of maximum length 140 characters. It is a rapidly tweets with their associated meanings. Next part is
expanding service with over 200 million feature extraction
registered users out of which 100 million are
active users and half of them log on twitter on a TECHNOLOGIES USED:
daily basis generating nearly 250 million tweets
per day. Due to this large amount of usage we Hardware requirements:
hope to achieve a reflection of public sentiment  Desktop/Laptop with
by analysing the sentiments expressed in the Windows 7/8/10(32-bit or
tweets. 64-bit)
 2 GB RAM minimum, 8 GB
The existing system „Sentiment Analysis‟ takes the Software requirements:
static data which is already extracted from a social  Platform - Pycharm (IDE),
media platform. The data extracted is stored in a Anaconda prompt.
csv file or Excel file which is the input to the  Programming Language: Python
program or application. For each statement the  Operating system – Windows
program analyses, the output would be a floating-
point number which is termed as polarity. The  TwitterAPI
polarity values range from -1 to +1. Based on the  PythonLibraries:Tweepy,Matpl
polarity obtained the program determines the otlib, Textblob
emotion of the statement.


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Date of verification: Date of submission:

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