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Assignment 2

University of Management and Technology, Lahore

Resource Person: Farhan Qadir

Course: Team Building

Name: Sonia Kanwal

I.D: S2022277014

Program: MHRM

Semester: Third

Section: A

“Fired”? John Smith

Q: “What Happened to John Smith, Why he was fired from the position of CEO of

Ans: John Smith is the president of DigiCorp he was fired from the position of CEO of
DigiCorp, because he couldn’t make successful and effective teams. John have not fulfill
your responsibilities carefully, he couldn’t focus on the 4 C’s ( Context, Composition,
Competencies or Change management skills of the teams) to making effective teams.

The Context for the Team: John Smith could not making team according to the
organizational environment, he cannot providing rewards and incentives after
accomplishing the tasks so team members feel uncomfortable and showing less interest to
doing their own tasks because john can’t explain the goals and also avoid the measuring the
any individual performance so this reason all team members cannot involved effectively in
critical situation.

The Composition for the Team: John could avoid to important factor of composition
means he cannot hire right people to their team for achieving goals because he hire
unskilled people for the technical tasks, he hired uncommunicative members for their team
they cannot interact and coordinate with the other persons of the doing specific task. John
have biggest mistake to unwide size of team so this reason any individual have feel burdens
of work.

The Competencies for the Team: John Smith could not build up the trust with the team
members because he can’t communicate with the all members of the team session, so he not
knowing about conflicts with the teams, so members of DigiCorp disappointed to the John
attitude. John can’t develop their teams because he cannot respect the feedback of their
team members. He can avoid these competencies so fail to make effective team.

The Change Management Skill of the Team: Monitoring is the important factor but John
Smith can avoid monitor the team members after making teams. After avoiding this factor
John cannot judging the strength and weakness of the team members, so he can lack of
knowledge about team members skills are need to improved and he can difficult to
identifying problems to create barriers of the best performance of the team.

Conclusion: In my point of view John Smith felt proud on the CEO position but he couldn’t
focus own their priorities and responsibilities. He avoid the all team members rights to have
must take from the organization this reason all members of the DigiCorp dislike this leading
position and easy to agree suspend/fired John for this CEO potion. For example Nokia
mobile company was failed because they was not follow the four C’s concept this company
employees putting inefficient effort because they are lack of skills, discommitment,
inability, lack of decision making so the productivity will be also decreased, because your
goal will be achieved with the help of high performance team. Ineffective teams could not
provides best outcomes.

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