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I want to acknowledge every individual who helps me and inspires me to accomplish and make this
portfolio successful. And to the people who were able to give their willingness to help, for their
unwavering and undying support, financial assistance and encouragement of this field study.

To the school principal of our cooperating school Mr. Ramil P. Niones of Osmeña Elementary School for
letting us conduct our field study in their school. And for allowing us to be part of the school as we gain
new knowledge and ideas on how to be a teacher.

To my cooperating teacher, Mrs. Marlene B. Laruya for sharing her ideas and knowledge, for allocating
her time on guiding me through my journey of observation and demonstration. And for teaching some
techniques in teaching students and how to handle them. Also, I want to acknowledge all the students
of grade 1- Daisy for the time being, who help me experience how to be a teacher and help me to
develop my weaknesses and improve my strengths.

To our Field Study instructors, Mr. Jerson M. Renegado and Mr. Carlo C. Cantomayor for their untiring,
support, encouragement and concerns.

To my family for their undying support both emotionally and financially. Thank you for the sacrifices you
have made, for encouraging me to do my best in everything that I do. To all my classmates and friends in
supporting me to face my fear and for helping to accomplish this work through moral support.

And above all, to our Almighty God, for giving me the strength patience, guidance blessing, and
unending lo

Participation and Teaching Assistantship is an opportunity for the Field Study student to enhance and
develop their skills in the field of teaching. It is school based and allows a Field Study student to
participate and assist in a limited actual teaching-learning activities that relate to assessment of
learning, preparation of instructional materials, preparation of bulletin boards and other routines in the

As a field study student, it will help me immerse myself in the actual classroom situation and learning
environment. This course allowed the field study student to engage and practice their skills in teaching
like having the demonstration in the class, allow to make question exam, facilitate the students and
interact with the instructor and student.

In this portfolio, I am presenting an overview of my field study experience which can be seen and
understood through my answers and responses of the module of this portfolio. This also serves as a
record of the problems which I encounter in the classroom. This portfolio contains the answers to the
module lessons, reflective journal, attendance, and documentations like photos

This portfolio in Field Study 1 concludes all the narratives and reflections of the Field Study Students in
the course Observation in Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment. It will give an overview on
the learning experiences of the Field Study student during observation. The portfolio is divided into
seven chapters with approximately of five to seven lessons each. Inside this portfolio is the tasks and
observation she has experience during her deployment.

Reflected on this portfolio also are the reflection on the task she was assigned to which will evaluate her
strengths and weaknesses and to know where she excelled and which areas as an aspiring teacher she
needs to improve on. This is designed not just to assist the Field Study student, but also other students
who are aspiring future educators in understanding the respective duties and responsibilities of a

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