Oral Report Questions

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If you were God for a day, how would you change the world?

If you could break one rule, what rule would that be?

If you had a chance to discuss a social issue with world leaders, what social
issue would it be?

If you could change any one of your physical characteristics, which would it
be and why?

If you were the only human among aliens, what would you do?

If you had a remote control for men, what would be your first command?

If you were given a chance to live your life all over again, is there something
you would change?
If you could have any superhuman power, what would it be and why?
If you could change something in history, what would it be?
If you were the emperor of Earth, what would be the first rule that you would
If you could only eat one kind of food for the rest of your life, what would it
If you had infinite money, where would you live? What kind of lifestyle would
you have?
If Planet Earth was in a science fair competing with other planets around the
Universe, what would be Earth’s best option to exhibit?
If you were a famous person, how would you handle it?
If you could go back in time three times only, where would you go, how far
back, and what would you do?
If you had to become a teacher, what discipline would you pick to teach?
If you could meet any politician in the world, who would it be and why?
If you could be famous for any reason, what reason would you like it to be?
If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?
If you could go on a single date with a celebrity, which celebrity would it be?
If aliens promised to take you on a tour around the whole Universe but you
could never come back again to Earth, would you go? Why/why not?
If you had to pick a horror movie to live in for a night, what movie would it be
and what’s your survival plan?
If you had to describe your life in 10 seconds, what would you say?
If you had to give up one sense (hearing, smell, sight, taste, touch) which
would you choose?
If you had the chance, would you want to be pain-free for the rest of your
What would you do if you could improve one aspect of yourself but had to
reduce another by the same amount?
What three items would you take if you were shipwrecked on a desert
Where would you live, what would you do, and how would you live if money
were not an issue?
If you could ask your future self from the year 2040 one question, what
would it be?
How would your life be different if the average life expectancy was 500
If you had to wear a mask for the rest of your life, what kind would you wear?
If you were an animated character, which would you be and why?
If you had to wear the same outfit for the rest of your life, what would you
If you could teleport to any place on Earth, where would you go first?

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