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the everyday diet plan

Scrambled eggs on toast. 2 slices of wholemeal Fresh fruit salad - mixed berries, melon and apple. Egg and soldiers - 2 boiled eggs and 2 slices of 2 Weetabix and 1 medium sliced banana
toast no butter, 2 eggs scrambled, 1 tomato halved wholemeal toast. Half a grapefruit
and grilled. LUNCH
LUNCH Wholemeal ham and mustard salad sandwich with
LUNCH LUNCH DAY 3 1 tin of Heinz minestrone soup. Followed by fresh 1 packet of Walker’s Baked Crisps. Followed by 1
Tuna pasta salad. Mix drained can of tuna (in Brine Jacket potato and beans. Serve the jacket potato pineapple sticks, as much as you want. medium green apple for dessert.
or Spring Water) with 50g cooked pasta, sliced red
onion, pepper, diced tomato. Toss to combine and
with half a can of baked beans, 30g grated ched-
dar cheese and a mixed salad. Follow with a large
Honey nut crunch - Nestle honey nut shredded
drizzle with a fat-free vinaigrette. Eat a green Apple orange. wheat and 3 sliced strawberries Pad Thai. Serves 4. Salmon salad – Flake cooked salmon fillet over
afterwards. Ingredients: chopped lettuce, tomatoes, a boiled egg and
DINNER LUNCH green beans. Serve with cooked new potatoes.
DINNER Turkey and bacon hotpot (Serves 4) Coucous salad - Place chunks of red and yellow
600g rice noodles
2 eggs Follow with a pear for dessert.
Cottage Pie. Serves 1. Ingredients: pepper, aubergine, courgette, and red onion on a 425g raw prawns
Ingredients you’ll need: 900g potatoes, cubed baking tray with crushed garlic. Spray with low-fat 1 red pepper, thinly sliced
250g potatoes, cubed
A handful parsley
Low cal cooking spray
2 leeks, sliced
cooking spray. and roast in the oven at 220 degrees 225g bean sprouts
for 15-20mins. Cook some couscous in vegetable 115g mangetout, shredded
1 finely-chopped onion
2 crushed garlic cloves
250g lean back bacon (remove visible fat) stock and top with the roasted veg. Great served
hot or cold.
300g shrimps in brine (optional) BREAKFAST
450g turkey breast diced 3 tbsp of light soy sauce Fresh fruit salad - melon, pineapple, grapes and an
1 finely-chopped celery stick
1 carrot finely chopped
A handful of thyme
200g mushrooms, sliced DINNER 1 tbsp sweetener apple, topped with natural unsweetened yoghurt.

200g extra lean beef mince (less than 5%) 285ml chicken stock Low-calorie lasagne ready meal.
4 spring onions, sliced
1 lime - to serve LUNCH
200g can chopped tomatoes 1 tsp vegetable gravy granules Bacon roll – add two rashers of cooked bacon to
140ml beef stock Serve with a mixed salad. Followed by Muller light a crusty brown roll. Finish with 1 medium banana
425g carrots cut into sticks
1 tsp beef Bovril
yoghurt and nectarine for dessert.
Cooking instructions: for dessert.
1 tsp oregano
1 egg, beaten
1. Cook noodles, beat 1 egg, with 1 tbsp
Cooking instructions: of water. Preheat frying pan and add the
egg, cook for 1 min until set and set Low-calorie chicken curry and rice ready meal, with
1 Activia yoghurt for dessert.
1. Boil the potatoes, cook for 20mins and
Cooking instructions: then cover.
aside. Repeat with the other egg.
2. Heat a large wok until hot and add the
1. Boil potatoes until tender, mash, and stir 2. Fry off the leeks and bacon for 5mins,
in parsley. Season and set aside. then add the turkey, thyme, and mush
prawns. Cook for 1 min until most have
turned pink, add the pepper, bean DAY 7
2. Heat a non-stick pan over a high heat, rooms and cook for a further 5mins. Add
add the onion, garlic, celery, carrot, and the stock and the veg granules, cover and
sprouts, and mangetout to the prawns
and keep stir frying for 3mins. Add the BREAKFAST
beef and fry for 6-8mins. Stir in tomatoes, cook gently cook on low heat for 5mins. noodles and shrimps (if chosen) and cook Full english breakfast – Serve 2 grilled bacon
beef stock, Bovril, and oregano. Bring to 3. Drain the potatoes, mash and season to rashers (Lean Back) with 1 fried egg, baked beans,
for 2 mins.
the boil and reduce the heat and cook for taste, cook the carrots in water for 5mins. 2 grilled tomatoes, grilled mushrooms and 2 slices
3. Mix together soy sauce and sweetener.
25-30mins, stirring frequently. of wholemeal toast.
Roll up and slice the egg and add to the
3. Whilst the filling is cooking, preheat the Serve the hotpot with the mash and carrots.
oven to 200 degrees/Gas 6. Follow with a small bunch of grapes for dessert.
noodle mix with the sauce. Serve with
the spring onions sprinkled on top and a
Quorn mince spaghetti bolognese. Serve with a
4. Transfer pie filling to a small oven-proof wedge of lime. fresh mixed salad.
dish and top with the mash. Rough up
the top and brush with the egg. Bake for
25-30mins until golden brown.
Follow with slices of apple and grapes, and a
Muller light vanilla yoghurt.
Mushroom omelette, served with chunky salad of
cherry tomatoes, cucumber, and celery.
Serve with green beans. Follow with unlimited pineapple sticks for dessert.
Have a Mullerlight for dessert!

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