The Environment - Future Transportation

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In multiple-answer tasks, there are three ‘main possibilities for each idea. The idea might be: expressed different words i the text 2. incorrect, according tothe text. 3.not mentioned in the text. ¢ For each idea in the list, scan the text to find where/ifit is mentioned. Pay careful attention to words in the list like more, all and totally which can affect whether an ideais correct or incorrect. ENVIRONMENTS READING SKILLS FOR IELTS: MULTIPLE CHOICE (MULTIPLE ANSWERS) 1e makes deserts bloom — and lakes die.’ Gil Stern 1. Describe the area you live in (e.g. rural/urban/heavily populated/picturesquel, 2 How has your area been affected by human activity and/or pollution? @ skim the text about eco-towns. Match each paragraph with an idea. Paragraph A 1 inexpensive homes Paragraph B 2. greenerthan older towns Paragraph 3. travelling around 2 Paragraph D 4 construction details Eco-towns ‘A The fundamental principle underlying the new generation of British eco-towns is that they are more ecologically and environmentally friendly than traditional towns. To achieve this, guidelines have been drawn up which town planners should adhere to. B_ The guidelines state that the towns should aspire to be low energy and carbon neutral developments, with buildings being constructed from recycled materials. Environmentally- friendly waste disposal is also at the heart of the concept. © Asecond principle is that the new towns provide housing that is affordable to key workers, such as teachers, nurses and civil servants, and first-time buyers, With the largest eco-towns providing housing for some 20,000 residents, itis anticipated that 30 to 40 per cent of this will be in the form of affordable housing, D_ Reliable, efficient and cost-effective public transport will be essential to the success of the eco-towns. The aim is to develop urban and suburban spaces that are as car-free as possible, with the speed limit on main roads being restricted to 15 mph. QP 25 cwvimonments © scanthe textofind these ideas Wie the paragraphietterontheline. 1 reusing things 5 population numbers 2. getting rid of rubbish 6 people buying houses 3. creating written guidelines —_-—-?-_-nokdriving fast. 4 not wasting energy B thajobsaf ders @ Three ofthese ideas are mentioned in the text. Three of them are not menti Tick (the ideas that are mentioned. the exact size of the average eco-town the different types of public transport available the amount of housing for key workers and first-time buyers the removal of rubbish in a green way the desire to reduce the number of cars on the roads government funding to help reduce construction costs aunwne © Pura cross (x) next tothe ideas that are false, according tothe text. All the new eco-towns will be the same size. The new eco-towns will attempt to be carbon neutral. The new eco-towns willl stil have roads. Only certain buildings must be made with recycled material. All the houses will cost the same amount of money to buy. The buildings wil al be built according to green guidelines. © Which THREE ofthe following statements are true of eco-towns? 1 2 2] A There are different sets of guidelines for each eco-town. B_ One aims to avoid wasting electricity and other power sources. © _Eco-towns which are not totally carbon neutral may be fined. D_Allrecycled materials used should come from the local are, Ge E_ Itis assumed that most key workers are first-time buyers. 4 F Some eco-towns will have more than 15,000 inhabitants. G More than half ofthe housing willbe aimed at wealthier residents. H_ Drivers in eco-towns will never be able to drive faster than 15 mph. Cech ‘@ How could the Write a word from the text in each gap to complete the phrases. Try to do this =e without looking back at the text. environmentally 1. environmentally 5 waste friendly? 2 low 6 affordable ‘¢ Do you think 3 carbon 7 public eco-towns will 4 recycled 8 speed _ become more popular i 2 bee BSB, Exercises A-E, pp. 32-33 pian: environments 49 @GD LISTENING SKILLS FOR IELTS: NOTES/TABLE COMPLETION © Read the notes below. Decide whether each gap will probably need a NUMBER or a PLACE. 1 numb Size of Sahara: over, km? °F 2 World's largest desert: = 3 Approximately the same size as continental 4 Current population: approximately © 4H Avo, 19 Listen toa talk about the Sahara. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS ‘OR A NUMBER in each gap in the notes in Exercise A. @ 8 Av0.01,20 Listen tothe next partofthe talk. Choose the correct word, phrase or number to complete each note, Highest sand dunes: 80/118 / 180m In Nile Valley: lush vegetables / vegetation Mediterranean plants grow: northern highlands / islands Word 'Sahara’= sand / desert / heat in Arabic ogee © Look at the table and decide what type of words are needed for each gap. 2 ace) Skill Spot ‘@ When you have to ‘about as 1 asit istoday 2 innorth During last ice age y a “3 than today complete notes or «desert stants to spread around a Mrerlasticeage | «much 4. thantoday | “g i 1. predict what kind + est reassess than 6 Sede ieee roy Peeples «desert expanding south by about youwill need (e.g. srestupto7 raina year ava number, name). 2.remember that, — @_6% Avoio1, 21 Listen to the final part of the talk, Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS with numbers, you AND/OR A NUMBER in each gapin Exercise D. sa might also need to ‘°° writeameasurement (ARTSETENG as word or abbreviation (e.g. km, cm, years). ‘The words in italics are taken from the listening extracts. Each word is in the wrong ‘Never change the sentence, Write the correct word on the line. word, phrase or 1 Antarctica is one of the most massive places on Earth number you hear to 2 Watered daily, the plants will look inhospitable and healthy in no time. try to make it ft. 3. Because of the pollution, London was given the lush nickname, “The Smoke’ 4 Building a new skyscraper costs a/an monsoon amount of money. 5 Although a group of islands near the USA, the Caribbean is not ¢ What are the main considered to be part of the apt United States. challenges of living 6 When the continental rains fall in Asia, many people’ lives are lost. inadesert area? QD 50 cwvmonmenrs bre BSB, Exercises A-f pp. 34-35 Choose the correct word or phrase. Growing up on a farm was a / an unique experience. Id love to be able to go for a/ the picnicin a / the country more often. My hair often gets / get dirty from the / an air pollution! Where you live depends on how much / many money you earn, Only few / a few people around here own their own house. b>» BSB, Exercises A-D, pp. 36-37 © & Avot, 22 tistento candidates talking in Part 1 of the Speaking module. For each caneldat, decide ifthe statements are TRUE or FALSE. 1 He prefers life in the country. 2. She likes living on her own. 3 He doesn't mind commuting a long way to work. 4 Herlittle brother is very noisy. 5. His grandparents lived near him, TTS Write’prefer’ or‘rather’in each gap to complete the sentences. a0 living in a fatto lving ina house 2 18 study in my own country than go abroad 3 fs tohavea room of my own than share a room 4 ts not olive on a noisy street. bine) vee BSB, Exercises E-6,p.37 x» Speoking, pp. 109-110 Skill Spot © Make notes in your notebook to answer each question. We use preferto express general Preference, eg. refer chocolate to vanilla ice cream. 1 Which do you prefer: rural or urban life? Why? 2 Would you rather own a house/flat, or rent? Why? 3. Were there any things you didn't like about the place(s) where you grew up? @ Answer the questions in Exercise B. Be careful with countable/uncountable nouns. Use Id prefer or Id andarticles. SB rather to express 4 specific preference, Pronunciation: Silent letters 1 eg. [drather stay tonight. ©% Avvio1, 23 Say these sentences. Pay particular attention to the parts underlined. | _® We don'tuse I prefer Then listen and check your pronunciation. for hypothetical situations, Use Id Ittook ages to climb to the top of the hill. prefer oe hdrather 1 2. Idoubtiit'l snow tonight. 3. There aren't any good beaches around here to my knowledge. 4 Have you ever lived in a foreign country? eg.Ilive inan old building but fd prefer to live ina newer one. eunonnents 51 @D WRITING SKILLS FOR IELTS: COMPARING AND CONTRASTING OPINIONS, EVIDENCE AND IMPLICATIONS QW 82 ewvionenrs @ Read this paragraph from an IELTS candidate's essay. Tick (¥/) the opi "4 Grammarbank: Using modals be» Grammar, Section 8, pp. 103-104 Write a word from the list below in each gap to complete the sentences. If more than one word fits, write all the options. can could has | may should will 1. Most scientists believe climate change is happening but they bbe wrong. We remember that the Earths climate was very different 10,000 years ago, 3 Global climate change to be the most serious problem mankind has ever faced 4 The lastice age, for example, not have been caused by human activity 5 There are many things, such as recycling, that each of us do to help, 6 Tomy mind, itis unlikely that we be able to prevent climate change completely. bee BSB, Exerc AE re a Choose the correct word or phrase. Use the words in italics to help you. eS AC, p. 38 ‘On /In the other hand, itis unlikely we will be willing to give up air travel On /In contrast, some oil companies are now investing in alternative energies. Having said / told that, industry could do much more to prevent pollution, In spite / Despite of this, the plan does have some disadvantages. Even although / though it may be too late, we should all try to lead a greener lifestyle, Even if / though the scientists are proved to be wrong, it will still be worth doing, be» BSB, Exercises D-H, pp. 39-40 mentioned in the paragraph. gy Global climate change.. = ishappening, is getting worse every year. is caused by human activity. isnot happening. has always happened. is happening but might not be caused by human activity auawna Mest scientists now agree that global climate change is taking place Likewise, the majority believe that itis being caused by human activity, However, there is a minority of scientists who dhsagree with ths either denying that it isa real phenomenon at all or accepling ibs happening but arguing that humans may not be responsible for © Look at the paragraph in Exercise A again. For each of these words or phrases from the paragraph, choose a word or phrase which could replace it. More than one word or phrase may be correct. 1. agree (sentence 1) accept / permit / believe / confess ghey 2 Likewise (sentence 2) Inthe same way /Similar/ Similarly /Same Se Geen si = often have to discuss 3. believe (sentence 2) tell trust /accept /agree ae 4 However (sentence 3) ‘Although / Nevertheless / Nonetheless / Despite eee 5 disagree with (sentence 3) _ dispute with / dispute / question / challenge eames 6 accepting (senten isi rehendin i ting (sentence3) recognising comprehending acknowledging /approving ae @ Read this paragraph from a different essay. Decide if the points below are definitely © Make sure the logic true (D) or possibly true (P), according to the writer. of your argument isclear: C5 While there ts no doubt that globol temperatures have risen over the post 100 years. there an — Js litte firm evidence thot it is human activity that has led to this. The most widely-held hand, to introduce view is that the marrmade emission of CO, ond other greenhouse gases is responsible eae We should, however: teke into account the fact that natural phenomena such as volcanoes piece ard changes in solar radiation hove altered the Earth’ climate throughout its history. and 2.use phrases such continue to have an effect as In the same way, to introduce 1. Global temperatures have increased in the ast 100 years. similarities and 2 Human activity has caused these temperature increases. Ga ‘comparisons. 3. CO,and greenhouse gases have caused these increases. g B.use phrases such 4 Volcanoes and solar radiation affect the Earth’s climate. as Because of this, to troduce effects © choose the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence. potty es Cars are an essential part of our lives so / so that banning them is nota realistic option, Cars are so essential to our lives that / so that banning them is not a realistic option, Because / Because of this, do not believe that banning cars isa realistic option. ‘Asa/the result, | do not believe that banning cars isa realistic option. For this / the reason, | do not believe that banning cars isa realistic option. © Write a paragraph about climate change (80-100 words) using these notes. + topic: prevent climate change. Possible? + many people believe istye change necessary ‘#Do you believe global + some things easy (2g. recycling, reducing waste, saving energy) climate change isa serious problem? ‘#Do you think there + s0 probably won't be completely successfal are any solutions? + but should still try What are they? + other things more dificult (eg, business, air travel) oon 5 oe WRITING TASK 1: Example 3 You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. ‘The diagram below shows a possible future means of transport. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. ‘The TaRa 1200 ~ Driverless Taxi of the Future? passengers writing mode smart card (pre-paid): magnets battery charging destination information (hundreds of stations city-wide) sensor detects trafic ~ automatic braking system Describe the The diagram shows a potential future driveless taxi, which rans on When you have appearance ee to describe of any of the y a process or aspects of The taxi itselfis about the same size asa moders car, although it looks procedure, make the diagram. tery futuristic and has no wheels ae wheel Fin on sure you describe ioe rails which have been put into fe cars use | allthe stages, lescribing. Make When the taxi n waiting mode’ atthe station, its battery charges, 50 comparisons presumably the taxi is eleckric and does not use petrol a all At this po eer with other dts st door is open. The wy the door gpens is similar to th Ore things ifthat in the foe Back eran “pe = as AL this point nates the to introduce description When the passengers arrive, they eltmbinto the taxi and the door closes. ee clearer. The passengers put on their seatbelts, and ont afshepassengers enters the destination information. This has already been prog ‘onto Itisacceptable «pre-paid smart card, which the taxi can read. The passengers ha tomake For task ike choice of hundreds of taxi stations allover the city Presumption this your final it scems tat the tant can travel ga ering the journey, there passa fee ‘is traffic ahead, a sensor on the front of the taxi ad traffic, and peeraiee engages the automatic braking system to prevent a collision. conclusion. i ‘Try to use your ‘own words as — - much as possible. a _)

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