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Independent Learning
…to build

What does student Resilience mean to you?

Write some synonyms on a post it and stick here. Have a look at what others have written

Whilst you watch the video, look for these quotes and jot down your ideas on
how they relate to student resilience in an educational setting
“It was my mum that believed in me and for that I believed in her”

“I was able to jog and then run, but there were loads of injuries on the way!”

“Little by little, coming in to do the rehab, step by step, you started to see improvement”

“The only thing that stands between success and failure is mental toughness, it’s about being
resilient. Some people train brilliantly but, in a race, they don’t win!”

“Being an athlete isn’t like another job, the gym, the strengthening, the mind work, the fitness. For
one shot… for 11 seconds.”
What in your opinion is the difference between Homework and Independent

Homework/Independent Learning comparison task YES, NO, MAYBE

1. Is it clearer to the teacher which three students have put hardly any effort in this topic? Would
this have been evident only with HW data?

2. What can be said about the effort and attitude of students marked with green arrows? Would
this have been evident only with HW data?

3. What can be said about the effort and attitude of students marked with orange arrows? Would
this have been evident only with HW data?

4. Which table of results provides better evidence of building student resilience in the topic and

Can you think of other differences to add to the Homework/Independent

Learning comparison table?
Jot your ideas down here


Anonymous Questionnaire please circle
1. Did you feel that the CPD was a valuable experience for you?
Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree/Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree

2. Did you feel the CPD was relevant to your subject and of benefit in improving your delivery and
teaching of your subject?
Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree/Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree

3. Did you feel applying concepts of this CPD will encourage your students to become more resilient
in their study of your subject?
Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree/Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree

4. This CPD met the expected outcomes I had in mind when I chose to attend it.
Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree/Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree

Having had a look at your two post it notes, has your understanding of student resilience in an
educational setting improved:

In your opinion is setting weekly homework always meaningful


Do you feel students always look at your feedback and act upon it in a meaningful way

Would you consider incorporating Independent Learning alongside setting reduced homework

Has this CPD session inspired you to come in for part two:
Approaches to incorporate Independent Learning

Which parts of the CPD were most helpful to you and why?

Which parts of the CPD can be improved?

Thank you for your time in completing this questionnaire. Please hand over to the instructor.

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