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cu») United States ‘US 2023000929941 2) Patent Application Publication co) Pub. No.: US 2023/0009299 AL Hopkins ANYE'S NATURAL HAIR GROWTH OIL (1) Applicant: Tilfanye Michelle Hopkins, Clarksville, TN (US) Inventor: ‘Tifanye Michelle Hopkins, Clarksville, TN (US) Appl. Nos 17/745,836 Filed: May 16, 2022 Related Us S. Application Data (63) Continuation of application No, 63/218,910, filed on Bul. 7, 2021 (43) Pub. Date Jan. 12, 2023 Publication Classification 1 Ime ch. AGIK 892 (2006.01) A610 7/00 (200501), (2) US. Cl, ce ABIK 8922 (2013.01); ABIQ. 7/00 (201301) 6 ABSTRACT ‘Shake Wel, Apply a few drops once a week oF as needed on damp or dry hair, massage well, and style as usual Procaution: if this product causes any irritation, please stop sing it I the product becomes elumpy'r appears solid just emerged in hot water before use US 2023/0009299 AI IFFANYE’S NATURAL HAIR GROWTH OIL, HAIR INGREDIENTS [0001] Black Casto! Oi [0002] Sweet Aone ol [0003] Peppermint oil [0004] Grape seed oi [000s] Neem oit [0006] Avocado oi [0007] Vian FO 1008} ”Atterate oi i needed to substi: 10009] Jojoba oil [oo1o] Tea we cil [0014] Lucas oi {0012} Cocomtoit [0013] Combine 1 oz of yrapeseed vil, | 07 oF almond oil Tor of avoesdo oil, and I 7 of black castor ol then stir in Jan. 12, 2023 2 o7 of neem oil, 4 dropper of vitamin E oil, and 3 drops ‘of peppermint ol, Mix well using a whisk, This makes one 1 oz bot, [0014] Combine 2 oz of grapeseed oi and avocade oil, 2/4 ‘oz of almond oil and black eastor oil, 1/4 07 of neem ei, 3 (3) droppers of vitamin E oil, and 10 drops of peppermint cil. Mix well with a whisk, This makes eight or ten 1 oz bottles [0015] The altemative oils are used if someone has an alley to any ofthe oils above. This is used only if I neo to substitute an oi [016] 145 07 of coconut oil [0017] 3 drops of Bucalyprus oil [018] 3 drops of tea tre oil 1. I Tiffanye Hopkins claim as the sole ownership and inventor of Tffanye’s Natural Hair Growth Oil

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