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English Report: Knowledge of Reproductive Health

Members: Sofia López- Catalina Mac-kay- Karol Salas

Teacher: Miss Lorena

Valparaíso, 2023

As a starting point, we seek to teach high-quality learning on a wide variety of

topics related to sexuality and reproductive health for a specific audience,
which would be children and young people from ten to eighteen years old.

Childhood and adolescence are significant stages in the development of people, so it

is necessary to implement a quality education that incorporates sexual education as
a human right and basic unit in today's life.

It is important to understand reproductive health as physical, mental and social

well-being in relation to sexuality. Maintaining a positive and respectful approach to
sexual relations is required, as well as the possibility of having pleasurable and safe
sexual experiences, free from all coercion, discrimination and violence.

It has been proven that programs that provide correct and complete information on
sexual and reproductive health lead to healthier behavior and better results helping
girls, boys and adolescents to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancies,
defend their rights, learn to question models harmful forms of masculinity, femininity,
and to protect themselves and their partners from sexually transmitted infections.

Our proposal and response to this problem is the creation and implementation of a
school book which has the objective of inform and educate about sexuality in a
healthy way. This could not only have informative texts, but also dynamic and
recreational activities for students. Focus on levels from fourth grade to twelfth
grade. At this age it is much easier to form an idea about sex education for children
and adolescents, to understand and learn about it as something normal, and not as a
taboo or controversial topic.

The text would be specifically designed in a striking way in order to catch the
attention of the students and achieve a positive impact on them including images,
graphics, and activities with testimonies that allow them to identify different situations
that may be negative for their lives.

To begin with, it is important to be informed about how our country is developing in

this area. Chile is the last country to make sex education compulsory in 2010,
however to date there is no regulation incorporating any official text to schools.

Compared to other Latin American countries, Chile occupies the lowest position in
the Evaluation of the implementation of the ministerial declaration “Prevent with

Recently at the end of 2020, Congress rejected the bill amending law 20,418, which,
as we mentioned earlier since 2010, obliges educational establishments to provide
sex education to middle school students.

This Comprehensive Sex Education project sought to lay the groundwork for an
education in sexuality and affectivity aimed at children and adolescents, which
included topics such as prevention of child sexual abuse, self-care, self-awareness
and gender, among others.
The headline of the campaign will be “Hands up and talk down”. Due to our
interpretation of the audience raising up their hands and giving their opinion freely
about sexuality.

As you know, the age of the audience to which this campaign is directed is between
nine and eighteen years old. Is the perfect age to learn about the sexual life they’re
going to experiment with whenever they’re ready.

The campaign will be delivered by the government only to schools for free, in book
format 20cm x 25cm thick cap and will have a total of 127 pages.

Participants in this campaign and their roles are:

Sofia Lopez:
- Author.
- Adapter: It will adapt the text through precise transformations to suit the
readers (students) of the different courses.
Catalina Mac-kay:
- Author.
- Designer: In charge of the creative process in which the visual characteristics
that integrate the text are conceived.

Karol Salas:
- Author.
- Illustrator: Responsible for creating and making images to be reproduced in
the text.

The book will include educational images, showing the elements that are considered
necessary to teach. Such as images of female and male condoms (condoms, birth
control pills, injection, among others), genitals (not explicitly), testimonies or texts in
which students can identify the problems that include these.

As an important point, we know that not all of the students' proxy or parents will
agree to the implementation of this book for the education of their children.
However, we believe that over time they will adapt, and serve to support and
understand their family members.

Actively informing and educating about sexuality from an early age helps to address
future situations in a respectful and healthy way, as well as being important in mental
and social development.

We believe that sex education is currently a topic that needs more relevance and
focus, because it is the cause of disinformation towards young people, that is why
we seek to implement this topic through a book, easy access and understanding,
thinking in this way about all students.

Dealing with issues such as sex education directly drives a more open mind, due to
self-knowledge. It improves our self-esteem and security with oneself.

We hope that with the implementation of our book, all children and adolescents can
feel understood and accompanied. That a space for communication and free opinion
can be created.

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