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+1 +2 +0
Broadsword 10

2 U 5[CD] 1 1 11
3 3 13
Parry Male, 17 Cimmeria
0 0 10
Petty Nobility Feud
Great Axe 9
Noble Warrior Inspirational
Family Footsteps Defeated a Savage Beast 0 0 9
2H 4[CD]
1 1 10
Int,Knock,Vic1 1 1 10
0 0 9
Cimmerian,Vendhyan 10

0 0 0 10
✘✘✘✘✘ ✘✘✘ 2 2 2 12
✘✘ 2 2 11

Hunter 0 0 9
0 0 9
Sheltered None
3 3 0 0 8
3 Subject None 0 0 8
1 1 9
✘✘✘✘✘ 0 0 8
✘✘✘✘ 0 0 8
1 1 9
3 3 Garrulous Society 8

Reputation Society 3 3 11
Heavy 2 2 10
A Modicum of Comfort Society 1 1 9
2 2 10
3 3 11
Suits of fine and traveling clothing No Mercy Melee
11 8
Warhorse with light barding (Armor 2) 1
Heavy Hauberk 1 1 9
Buckler 0 0 8
Broadsword 4
Great Axe A family heirloom of little more than sentimental value
Land deed Deerskin leggings and a heavy hooded cloak
Shield emblazoned with a coiled serpent eatings its own tail.

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