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The habitat of antelopes


Impalas preferr the vegetation of the savannah and woodlands.


Springbok are found on open plains, they eat mainly grass, but also leaves and succulent plants.


Gemsbok do very well in semi-desert regions. They can survive without water for a long time.


Just like the name indicates, keep waterbuck from areas near persistent water sources.


Other than the antelope types, prefer the Klipspringer rocky areas. They can jump agilely because
their small hooves are adapted for that in that they have padding and can move from one rock to
rock. They can stand motionless on a rock point for a long time. The extra thick low hair on their
bodies insulates them against extreme cold or heat.


As the name indicates, Bushbuck are found in dense bushes. They are nocturnal animals, have a shy
nature and are camouflaged by white spots on their furs.


Wildebeest are herd animals and move around in small herds but the herd can be as big as a few
hundred. They prefer open terrains and move around constantly to get better pastures and water.

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