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Worksheet ( 3 )

Unit “12” ‘Let’s find out ‘

 Structure : ‫تراكيب الوحدة‬

What can you see ? ‫ماذا ترى ؟‬

I can see an eraser. . ‫أنا أرى ممحاة‬

Where’s the mouse ?. ‫أين الفأرة ( الماوس ) ؟‬

It’s next to the keyboard. .) ‫إنه بجانب لوحة المفاتيح (الكيبورد‬

The crayon is between the pen and the ruler. . ‫ة جدا قلم التلوين بين القلم الجاف والمسطرة‬

1- Listen and circle the word you hear : ‫استمع و حوط الكلمة التي تسمعها‬
A. eraser – mouse – keyboard
B. pen – flag – ruler
C. crayon – mouse – pen
2- Listen and number : ‫استمع ورقم الجمل‬

What can you see ? The pen is under the chair .

Where’s the mouse ? It’s next to the keyboard.

3- Match :

a pen a mouse an eraser a keyboard a ruler a crayon a flag

4- Complete : ‫أكمل األعداد بالحروف‬

{two – four – ten – eight – six }

one three five seven nine

5- Choose : -

A . It’s { a / an } eraser . B. I can see { a / an } orange .

C . It’s {an / a } mouse . D. I can see { an / a } pen .

6- Read and circle : ‫اقرأ واختر‬

between – under under / on between / under in – next to

7- Complete the missing letter: ( p_ r _e_ m _c_ f_ k )

….rayon ….lag ….eyboard ….en ….uler ….raser ….mouse

8- Re- arrange : ‫رتب‬
A. next to _ is _ The ruler _the eraser ………………………………………………….
B. the _Where’s _ pen _ …………………………………………………………………………..….?

9- Copy neatly :
Where’s the mouse ? It’s next to the keyboard.

‫ حممود عبد الرمحن العُـــكر‬. ‫ أ‬: ‫إعداد‬

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