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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Review Article

Dan L. Longo, M.D., Editor

Approach to Fever in the Returning Traveler

Guy E. Thwaites, F.R.C.P., and Nicholas P.J. Day, F.Med.Sci., F.R.C.P.​​

From the Centre for Tropical Medicine ever in the returning traveler is a common clinical scenario
and Global Health, Nuffield Department that often leads to hospitalization and may be the only symptom of a serious
of Medicine, University of Oxford, Oxford,
United Kingdom (G.E.T., N.P.J.D.); Ox- or life-threatening illness.1 Three percent of 784 Americans who traveled
ford University Clinical Research Unit, abroad for short periods reported an episode of febrile illness,2 and fever was the
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (G.E.T.); and chief symptom in 28% of 24,920 ill travelers who presented to travel clinics on
the Mahidol–Oxford Tropical Medicine
Research Unit, Faculty of Tropical Medi- their return home.3 The absolute number of travelers is large and rising, with the
cine, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thai- International Tourism Organization reporting 1.2 billion trips in 2015, an increase
land (N.P.J.D.). Address reprint requests of 4.4% from the previous year.4 The challenge presented by returning travelers with
to Prof. Thwaites at Oxford University
Clinical Research Unit, 764 Vo Van Kiet, febrile illnesses is changing for two reasons. First, increasing numbers of travelers
Quan 5, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, or at are older than 60 years of age or are seeking health care elsewhere (“medical tour-
­g thwaites@​­oucru​.­org. ists”), and these travelers are more likely than others to have clinically significant
N Engl J Med 2017;376:548-60. coexisting conditions and consequently increased morbidity from infections. Sec-
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra1508435 ond, the likelihood of multidrug resistance in the infecting organisms is increas-
Copyright © 2017 Massachusetts Medical Society.
ing.5-7 The recent Ebola epidemic in West Africa, the emergence of the Middle East
respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), and the reemergence of Zika and
chikungunya viruses have highlighted the importance of being alert to the possi-
bility that an emerging pathogen is causing a febrile episode.
Fever in the returning traveler is an evolving clinical challenge, with respect to
both the infections responsible for the fever and the sources and quality of informa-
tion available to assist the physician. We review available sources of global informa-
tion on outbreaks and the epidemiologic features of infectious diseases and offer
a practical approach to emerging or transmissible infectious diseases that may pose a
life-threatening risk to patients, as well as clinicians and laboratory workers.

Surv eil l a nce a nd Source s of Infor m at ion

A detailed travel history is central to the assessment of the febrile returning traveler.
Its value, however, depends on accurate, up-to-date, and rapidly accessible informa-
tion about the possible infections acquired in the places visited. There are a bewil-
dering number of sources of information concerning the geographic risk of various
infectious agents; an overview is provided in Table S1 in the Supplementary Ap-
pendix, available with the full text of this article at The Centers for Dis-
ease Control and Prevention (CDC) website summarizes the global epidemiologic
features of the key travel-related infections and provides essential information on
the geographic risks of malaria.
Disease surveillance among travelers provides an important source of informa-
tion that can inform advice before travel and clinical management after travel.8
Furthermore, surveillance among travelers can identify sentinels for outbreaks of
new diseases and can be used to track the global movement of infectious diseases.9
Collaborative networks of travel clinics have been developed as a powerful surveil-
lance tool; GeoSentinel is the preeminent example. Established in 1995 by the Inter-

548 n engl j med 376;6  February 9, 2017

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Approach to Fever in the Returning Tr aveler

national Society of Travel Medicine and the CDC, pendent evaluations of the program’s performance
GeoSentinel consists of 63 travel clinics on six suggest that it provides a reasonably accurate dif-
continents that contribute Web-based, real-time ferential diagnosis that may alert inexperienced
data on ill travelers to a central database.10 Ongoing physicians, in particular, to unconsidered infec-
trends are tracked on a month-to-month basis for tions.20-23
60 key diagnoses, with additional syndromic sur-
veillance. Quarterly reports are generated centrally Cl inic a l A pproach
for participating sites, and published scientific
articles report longer-term trends.11 Linked sur- The possible causes of fever in the returning trav-
veillance networks exist in Canada (CanTravNet)12 eler are legion, and a specific diagnosis is often
and Europe (EuroTravNet).13 All these networks difficult to establish because diagnostic tests for
share the same limitations of sampling and selec- many diseases either perform poorly or are not
tion bias, since they typically include information available locally. Even at referral centers with di-
on travelers seen at an institution with a linked agnostic expertise, approximately 25% of patients
participating clinic, and many of the clinics are in never receive a diagnosis (though they generally
specialized academic centers. Incidence rates and do well clinically).3 For this reason, a risk-based
absolute risks cannot be calculated without esti- approach is advisable, with initial priority given
mates of denominators and missing cases. to identifying and treating life-threatening causes
Novel surveillance methods provide a valuable of fever and those posing a high risk of trans-
additional source of information. Automated news- mission to health care workers, laboratory staff,
scanning software can enable early detection of and the wider population (Fig. 1).
outbreaks.14 For example, HealthMap successfully
tracked the 2009 H1N1 global influenza outbreak Recognizing Life-Threatening Causes of Fever
using multilingual data from news wires, media Among 82,825 cases of illness in travelers that
websites, RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds, were reported to GeoSentinel between 1996 and
mailing lists such as ProMED, and authoritative 2011, a total of 3655 cases (4%) involved acute
sources such as the World Health Organization and potentially life-threatening tropical diseases,
(WHO), the CDC, and the European Centre for and fever was a symptom in 91% of these cases11
Disease Prevention and Control.15 (Table 1). Falciparum malaria accounted for 77%
Advanced clinical decision-making tools are of the 3655 cases, and enteric fever for 18%. Thir-
also available to assist physicians. Swiss guidelines teen patients (0.4%) died: 10 with falciparum ma-
for primary care physicians on the management of laria, 2 with melioidosis, and 1 with severe den-
febrile illness in travelers are available through a gue. Falciparum malaria was acquired mainly in
Web-based diagnostic algorithm (www.fevertravel West Africa, and enteric fever was contracted
.ch).16 A recent evaluation involving 539 physician– largely on the Indian subcontinent. Travelers in
patient pairs showed approximately 40% adher- this study had predominantly visited developing
ence to the provided guidance per case and good countries and were seen at travel clinics, charac-
clinical outcomes.17 KABISA, developed by the teristics that skewed the results. For the examin-
Institute of Tropical Medicine of Antwerp, Bel- ing clinician, more widely distributed “cosmopoli-
gium, is another clinical decision-making sup- tan” infections that cause severe febrile illness
port system that is available free of charge for should not be overlooked, including respiratory
the diagnosis of febrile illnesses after tropical and urinary tract infections, meningococcal dis-
travel. In a study involving 205 patients, KABISA ease, and tuberculosis. Even among travelers re-
performed as well as expert travel physicians in turning from the tropics, “nontropical” causes of
diagnosing febrile illnesses, often providing un- fever are common, with a rate of 34% reported
considered diagnoses.18 The Global Infectious Dis- in one European case series.25
eases and Epidemiology Network (GIDEON) offers Morbidity, including rates of hospitalization
a commercial computer software program that with febrile illness, and mortality are greater
uses a Bayesian matrix to generate a differential among elderly travelers than among those who
diagnosis on the basis of a patient’s travel history, are younger.5,25 In most case series involving fever
the clinical and laboratory findings, and the in- in returning travelers, deaths have been uncom-
cubation periods for possible infections.19 Inde- mon, with overall mortality ranging from 0.2 to

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Consolidation (Clinically or on Chest Film)
If bacterial pneumonia suspected, treat as community-acquired pneumonia
Fever in a Returning Traveler Consider highly transmissible infections (influenza, tuberculosis, MERS-CoV, measles)
Consider unusual infections with pulmonary involvement (Q fever, psittacosis, leptospirosis,
Katayama fever, scrub typhus, melioidosis)
If eosinophilia consider filariasis, strongyloidiasis, fungal infections
Initial Risk Assessment
Assess qSOFA score (altered mentation, tachypnea, hypotension) Within 4 Days after Return from Country Where an
Assess for signs of severe disease (cyanosis, meningism, peritonism, digital gangrene) Fever with Respiratory Outbreak of Influenza or a Pandemic Was Occurring
Possible highly transmissible infection? If yes, isolate patient as appropriate Symptoms Test for influenza with rapid test or PCR
Treat with neuraminidase inhibitor
Isolate at home (or in hospital, if avian influenza suspected)
Possible Severe Disease (qSOFA Score ≥2 Uncomplicated Disease (qSOFA Score <2 and No Signs of Severe Disease)
or Other Clinical Concern) History: travel, fever onset, symptoms, possible exposures Fever with Jaundice
Resuscitate if patient in shock Examination: rash, jaundice, altered mentation, neck stiffness, cellulitis, Rule out possible life-threatening infections (lepto-
Perform blood cultures abdominal tenderness, pulmonary consolidation, eschar, lymphadenopathy, spirosis, severe malaria, viral hemorrhage fevers,
Obtain malaria films or RDT, if appropriate; treat genital sores, eye signs yellow fever, severe dengue, Carrión’s disease)
severe malaria with parenteral artesunate, Risk assessment: Consider acute viral hepatitis (hepatitis A, B, C, E),
followed by ACT Suspected life-threatening tropical infection? CMV, EBV (serologic tests)
Consider empirical antibiotic treatment, taking Suspected highly transmissible infection? Consider acute cholangitis — stones, liver flukes
into account possible pathogens and likely Isolate patient as appropriate

(ultrasound, blood cultures, stool examination)

AMR patterns Investigations: CBC, biochemical studies (e.g., LFTs and creatinine),
History, examination, and investigations (as for C-reactive protein, blood cultures, chest film, urine microscopy and
qSOFA score <2) culture, baseline serologic tests, whole-blood EDTA sample for PCR, saving Fever with Abdominal Pain or Tenderness
Consider causes of life-threatening tropical of serum for later testing, and specific investigations for focal disease; RDTs (without Diarrhea)
infections, as well as cosmopolitan causes for diseases endemic in the visited areas (e.g., dengue, leptospirosis, and Consider:
of sepsis rickettsioses for Southeast Asia) Cosmopolitan causes (e.g., appendicitis, urinary
Assess risk of highly transmissible infection tract infection, cholecystitis, pancreatitis)
Enteric fever (blood culture)
Undifferentiated Nonmalarial Giardiasis (stool microscopy, Ag detection, PCR);
Suspected Life- Malaria
treat with tinidazole or metronidazole
Threatening Possible Fever
Consider: Acute cholangitis — stones, liver flukes (ultrasound,
Tropical Infection blood cultures, stool examination)
Cosmopolitan causes (e.g.,
Eschar Present urinary tract infection, Liver abscess — pyogenic or amebic (blood cultures,
Obtain thick and Consider scrub typhus EBV, viral URTI, cellulitis, ultrasound, serologic tests)
thin blood films or spotted fever abscesses)
n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l

or RDT group rickettsial Common tropical or subtropical Fever with Diarrhea

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infection causes (e.g., dengue, rickett- Common causes

P. falciparum Diagnosis: serologic sial infections, leptospirosis, Travelers’ diarrhea (ETEC, norovirus)
malaria tests or PCR chikungunya, Zika virus [all Giardiasis
P. vivax, P. ovale,
Empirical treatment: diagnosed on serologic tests, Cryptosporidiosis
Severe Falciparum P. malariae, or

n engl j med 376;6  February 9, 2017

doxycycline Ag detection, or PCR] and Campylobacter infection
or Knowlesi Malaria P. knowlesi malaria
enteric fever [blood cultures]) Shigellosis

Copyright © 2017 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

Treat with parenteral Nontyphoidal salmonellosis
m e dic i n e

Consider empirical antibiotics

artesunate, followed (doxycycline or azithromycin) Intestinal amebiasis
by ACT Uncomplicated Uncomplicated Rash Present to cover rickettsia and Diarrhea is usually self-limiting, though empirical anti-
Falciparum Nonfalciparum Consider dengue, leptospirosis biotics may reduce symptom duration
Malaria Malaria chikungunya, Zika
Treat with ACT Treat with ACT virus and rickettsial
Consider hospi- or chloroquine, infections, acute HIV Prolonged Fever (>7 Days) Severe, Prolonged or Bloody Diarrhea
Urgent Hospital Admission talization with or without infection, measles, Consider enteric fever (empirical Investigate with stool microscopy and culture, blood
If qSOFA score ≥2, consider ICU for 24 hr primaquine Katayama fever treatment with IV ceftriaxone), cultures, stool PCR or Ag detection; sigmoidoscopy
care Consider empirical endocarditis (echocardiogram), with biopsy to rule out inflammatory bowel disease
If highly transmissible disease doxycycline for tuberculosis, brucellosis, Rehydration and empirical treatment with macrolides
suspected, isolate patient rickettsia, once visceral leishmaniasis, Q fever, or fluoroquinolones (tinidazole or metronidazole,
as appropriate dengue ruled out abscess, noninfective causes if amebiasis or giardiasis suspected)

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Approach to Fever in the Returning Tr aveler

Figure 1 (facing page). A Risk-based Approach to Fever

and urgent empirical treatment with antibiotics
in the Returning Traveler. (i.e., patients meeting two or more of the follow-
A positive result of a rapid diagnostic test (RDT) for ing criteria: altered mentation, respiratory rate
malaria should always be confirmed by assessing thick ≥22 breaths per minute, and systolic blood pres-
and thin blood films. After glucose-6-phosphate dehy- sure ≤100 mm Hg).27 An eschar should be specifi-
drogenase (G6PD) testing to rule out G6PD deficiency, cally sought; for travelers returning from south-
give primaquine for a radical cure if Plasmodium vivax
or P. ovale infection is confirmed. The Quick Sepsis-
ern Africa, one or more eschars may point to the
related Organ Failure Assessment (qSOFA) score relatively benign African tick typhus (caused by
ranges from 0 to 3, with 1 point for each of the follow- Rickettsia africae), but for those returning from
ing findings: low blood pressure (systolic pressure South or Southeast Asia, an eschar suggests scrub
≤100 mm Hg), high respiratory rate (≥22 breaths per typhus (Orientia tsutsugamushi infection), a poten-
minute), and altered mentation (a score of <15 on the
Glasgow Coma Scale, which ranges from 3 to 15, with
tially fatal disease.28 The eschar of scrub typhus
lower scores indicating reduced levels of conscious- is often missed, because the mite vector frequent-
ness). ACT denotes artemisinin-based combination ly bites in moist areas of the body that are usually
therapy, Ag antigen, AMR antimicrobial drug resis- covered, such as the genitalia, the perineum, and
tance, CBC complete blood count, CMV cytomegalovi- the area beneath the breasts.29
rus, EBV Epstein–Barr virus, ETEC enterotoxigenic
Escherichia coli, ICU intensive care unit, IV intrave-
As a priority, malaria should be actively ruled
nous, LFT liver-function tests, MERS-CoV Middle East out in all travelers returning from regions where
respiratory syndrome coronavirus, PCR polymerase it is endemic, regardless of whether they have been
chain reaction, and URTI upper respiratory tract infec- receiving chemoprophylaxis (Fig. 1). Thick and
tion. Adapted from Gherardin and Sisson.24 thin blood smears should be tested, with testing
repeated twice if the results are negative. Malaria
can be diagnosed within minutes when rapid di-
0.5%.3,25,26 Falciparum malaria is the most com- agnostic tests are performed either at the bedside
mon serious infection seen in returning travelers or in the laboratory. These tests are particularly
and remains the main cause of death. In areas useful in areas where local expertise in micro-
where falciparum malaria is not endemic, a delay scopic examination for malaria is in short supply,
in diagnosis is common and may have fatal con- though the result should be confirmed by assess-
sequences. During the recent Ebola epidemic in ment of a blood smear. Patients with malaria who
West Africa, falciparum malaria was the most are prostrate or comatose; those who have shock,
common diagnosis in patients returning from the acidosis, severe anemia, hypoglycemia, evidence
affected area.12 Other reported causes of death in- of vital organ dysfunction, or a high parasitemia
clude melioidosis, severe dengue, scrub typhus, level (>10%); and those who are unable to take oral
enteric fever, encephalitis, and nontropical infec- medications reliably should be treated for severe
tions, including influenza, bacterial pneumonia, malaria. In adults, children, and pregnant women,
and septicemia.5 severe malaria should be treated promptly with
Initial assessment of the patient should be the parenteral artesunate, which has been shown to
same as that for any ill patient suspected of having reduce mortality substantially as compared with
an infection. A full history should be obtained, quinine (and by extension quinidine).30,31 This is
with a view to determining exposure risks, risks followed by a course of oral artemisinin-based
associated with particular geographic areas, and combination therapy (ACT) when oral medication
likely incubation periods (Table 2). A thorough can be taken reliably. The Food and Drug Admin-
physical examination should be performed, with istration has not approved the use of artesunate
particular attention to signs of severity, a rash, in the United States, but it is available through
and an infectious focus such as a chest infection the CDC Malaria Hotline.32
or jaundice indicating hepatitis. The Quick Sepsis- Empirical treatment of patients with suspected
related Organ Failure Assessment (qSOFA), recom- life-threatening infections should be driven by the
mended recently on the basis of the Third Interna- clinical picture and likely exposure. If severe sepsis
tional Consensus Definitions for Sepsis and Septic is suspected, local and national guidelines should
Shock (Sepsis 3), can be used as part of a rapid be followed, with modifications for any differences
clinical assessment to identify patients at risk for in the prevalence of antimicrobial resistance in the
severe sepsis and in need of high levels of care geographic location visited. For example, Entero-

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Table 1. Life-Threatening Tropical Infections Characterized by Fever.*

Disease (pathogen) Incubation Period Geographic Regions Affected Vector or Exposure Diagnostic Test Treatment
Viral infections
Avian influenza (H5N1 influen- 2–8 days East and Southeast Asia Poultry RT-PCR Oseltamivir, peramivir, or
za A virus) zanamivir
MERS-CoV 2–14 days Arabian peninsula Contact with infected humans or RT-PCR Supportive
Ebola virus disease, Lassa fe- <22 days Africa Contact with infected humans or RT-PCR Supportive; also consider
ver, and Marburg hemor- animals ribavirin for Lassa fever
rhagic fever
Crimean–Congo hemorrhagic 1–9 days for tick bite, Southern Europe, Middle Ixodid (hard) ticks; contact with RT-PCR Supportive
fever 3–13 days for infec- East, Africa, northwestern infected humans or animals
tive contact China
Yellow fever 3–8 days South America, Africa Aedes mosquitoes; haemagogus RT-PCR, IgM ELISA Supportive

and sabethes mosquitoes in

the jungle cycle
Severe dengue 4–7 days Widespread, particularly Aedes mosquitoes NS1 or IgM rapid diagnostic Supportive
South and Southeast Asia, test, NS1 and IgM ELISAs,
South and Central RT-PCR
America, Caribbean,
Japanese encephalitis 5–15 days Asia, western Pacific Culex mosquitoes IgM ELISA Supportive
Rift Valley fever 2–6 days Africa, Arabian peninsula Mosquitoes (species vary by re- RT-PCR, IgM ELISA Supportive
gion); exposure to blood
from infected animals
Rabies (rabies virus and 20–60 days (usually lon- Widespread Animal bite Saliva: virus isolation and RT- Wound cleaning, human ra-
n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l

other lyssaviruses) ger than 4 weeks but PCR; serum and spinal flu- bies immune globulin,

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can be shorter; occa- id: RFFIT for antibody de- and vaccination if high-
sionally months or tection; skin biopsy: RT- risk bite; supportive
years) PCR and immunofluores- care if disease develops
cence assay

n engl j med 376;6  February 9, 2017

Bacterial infections

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m e dic i n e

Anthrax (Bacillus anthracis) 1 day for cutaneous an- Enzootic in Africa and Asia Contact with infected animals or Bacterial culture, RT-PCR Prolonged combination an-
thrax, 1–7 days for animal products timicrobial therapy, an-
pulmonary anthrax titoxin
Enteric fever (Salmonella 6–30 days South and Southeast Asia Fecal–oral transmission Bacterial culture Antimicrobial therapy (mul-
enterica serovar Typhi tidrug resistance is
and S. enterica serovar common)
Paratyphi A and C)
Epidemic typhus (Rickettsia 7–14 days Central Africa; Asia; Central, Human body lice (Pediculus IgM and IgG ELISAs, PCR Doxycycline
prowazekii) North, and South humanus), flying squirrel
America; usually outbreak- ectoparasites, possibly some
associated ticks

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Leptospirosis 2–29 days Widespread, particularly Contact with urine from infected IgM and IgG ELISAs, PCR Doxycycline or azithromycin
South and Southeast Asia animals (many domestic (for mild infection); par-
and South America and wild animals, including enteral penicillin, doxy-
rodents) cycline, or third-genera-
tion cephalosporin (for
severe infection)
Louseborne relapsing fever 4–14 days Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Sudan Human body lice (P. humanus) Microscopic examination of Doxycycline (Jarisch–
(Borrelia recurrentis) blood smear, IgM and IgG Herxheimer reactions
ELISAs, PCR are common and may
require ICU admission)
Melioidosis (Burkholderia 1–21 days (but can be South and Southeast Asia, Contact with contaminated soil Bacterial culture Ceftazidime or a carbapen-
pseudomallei) months or years) northern Australia; isolat- or surface water em, followed by pro-
ed reports from Africa and longed oral therapy with
South America cotrimoxazole
Murine or endemic typhus 7–14 days Widespread, particularly Rodent fleas IgM and IgG ELISAs, PCR Doxycycline or chloram-
(R. typhi) Southeast Asia phenicol
Oroya fever, or Carrión’s dis- 10–210 days South America, particularly Phlebotomine sandflies Bacterial culture Ciprofloxacin plus ceftriax-
ease (Bartonella bacillifor- Peru one, chloramphenicol
mis, B. rochalimae, and
B. ancashensis)
Scrub typhus (Orientia tsutsu- 6–20 days Asia and northern Australia Larval mites (chiggers) IgM and IgG ELISAs, PCR Doxycycline, azithromycin
Spotted fever group rickettsioses 2–14 days Widespread Mostly ticks IgM and IgG ELISAs, PCR Doxycycline
Plague (Yersinia pestis) 2–6 days for bubonic Remote areas of Africa, Asia, Rodent fleas Bacterial culture Aminoglycosides (strepto-
plague, 1–3 days for and South America mycin or gentamicin),
pneumonic plague tetracyclines, or fluoro-
Protozoal infections
East African sleeping sickness 7–21 days Eastern and southern Africa Tsetse flies Microscopic examination of Suramin (for early stage),

The New England Journal of Medicine

n engl j med 376;6  February 9, 2017
(Trypanosoma brucei rhode- blood, lymph node fluid, eflornithine plus nifurti-
siense) or chancre-tissue biopsy mox (for late stage),
specimen melarsoprol (for late
Approach to Fever in the Returning Tr aveler

Falciparum malaria 7–30 days (can be lon- Africa, Asia, South America; Anopheles mosquitoes Microscopic examination of Parenteral artesunate (for

Copyright © 2017 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

(Plasmodium falciparum) ger) highest risk of infection in thick and thin blood severe malaria), ACT
sub-Saharan Africa smears; rapid diagnostic (for uncomplicated ma-
tests (antigen detection) laria)
Knowlesi malaria (P. knowlesi) 10–14 days Southeast Asia, particularly Anopheles mosquitoes Microscopic examination of Same as treatment for falci-
Borneo thick and thin blood parum malaria

* The listed diseases are those with an incubation period of less than 4 weeks and at least a 5% risk of death within 4 weeks after symptom onset in the absence of treatment. Only dis-
eases largely confined to tropical or subtropical regions are included. Data are from Jensenius et al.11 ACT denotes artemisinin-based combination therapy, ELISA enzyme-linked immu-
nosorbent assay, ICU intensive care unit, MERS-CoV Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus, RFFIT rapid fluorescent focus inhibition test, and RT-PCR real-time polymerase
chain reaction.


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Table 2. Obtaining a History of the Returning Traveler with Fever.*

History Implications or Associated Diseases

Day-by-day itinerary Provides geographic disease associations
Vaccinations and malaria prophylaxis Narrow the differential diagnosis but do not rule out vaccine-preventable diseases or malaria
Other drugs taken while or since traveling Partial treatment of infection may delay or alter disease presentation (e.g., malaria)
Immune status (diabetes, glucocorticoid treatment, renal failure, splenectomy, Melioidosis, listeriosis, tuberculosis, fungal infections, CMV infection
diseases associated with immune deficit)
Consumption of unclean water, unpasteurized milk, or improperly cooked or Travelers’ diarrhea, giardiasis, nontyphoidal salmonellosis, enteric fever, shigellosis, campylobacter
raw food infection, hepatitis A and E, amebic dysentery, brucellosis, listeriosis
Exposure to fresh water (rafting, kayaking, swimming in rivers or lakes, floods) Leptospirosis, acute schistosomiasis

Skin contact with soil (e.g., walking barefoot) Strongyloidiasis, melioidosis

Tattoos, piercings, intravenous drug use, or medical procedures (e.g., injections Hepatitis B or C virus infection, acute HIV infection, CMV infection, malaria, babesiosis
and blood-product transfusions)
Sexual contact, specifically unprotected sex with a new partner, commercial sex Primary herpesvirus infection; acute HIV infection; hepatitis A, B, or C virus infection; syphilis; gonor-
workers, or multiple partners rhea; Zika virus infection; viral hemorrhagic fevers
Visits with relatives or friends while abroad (Was anyone ill?) Tuberculosis, other infections transmitted by exposure to ill persons
Insect bites
Mosquitoes Malaria, dengue fever, chikungunya, Zika virus infection, Japanese encephalitis, yellow fever, Rift Valley
fever, West Nile virus infection, filarial fever
Ticks Rickettsioses, Q fever, tickborne relapsing fever, Lyme disease, tickborne encephalitis, babesiosis,
n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l

Crimean–Congo hemorrhagic fever, tularemia

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Mites Scrub typhus, rickettsialpox (R. akari)

Fleas Murine typhus, plague

n engl j med 376;6  February 9, 2017

Lice Louseborne relapsing fever (B. recurrentis), epidemic typhus (R. prowazekii), trench fever (Bartonella

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m e dic i n e

Flies Leishmaniasis, African sleeping sickness, bartonellosis, phlebotomus (sandfly) fever

Triatomine bugs Chagas’ disease
Animal bites Rabies, cat-scratch fever (B. henselae), rat-bite fever (Spirillum minus or Streptobacillus moniliformis
infection), simian herpesvirus B infection
Close contact with animals Toxoplasmosis, anthrax, Q fever, hantavirus infection, Nipah virus, Hendra virus, plague, psittacosis,
diseases from animal ectoparasites
Close contact with wild or pet birds Psittacosis, avian influenza

* CMV denotes cytomegalovirus, and HIV human immunodeficiency virus.

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Approach to Fever in the Returning Tr aveler

bacteriaceae that produce extended-spectrum beta- are listed in Table S1 in the Supplementary Ap-
lactamase (ESBL) are highly prevalent in many de- pendix. The level of risk is defined according to
veloping countries, and travelers to such countries the exposure history, but direct contact with body
are at risk for colonization with these resistant fluids from people or animals known or suspected
bacteria, particularly if the travelers were hospi- to have a viral hemorrhagic fever constitutes high
talized or received antibiotic treatment for trav- risk. Sexual contact with an infected person and
eler’s diarrhea.33 If local guidelines for the treat- funeral attendance may also increase exposure and
ment of community-acquired sepsis do not include the risk of infection from Ebola, Lassa, and Mar-
a carbapenem, this should be given if the patient burg viruses.39-41
has traveled to an area where ESBL is highly preva- Malaria remains the most likely diagnosis in
lent, such as South or Southeast Asia. Similarly, patients with suspected viral hemorrhagic fever,12
melioidosis (caused by the environmental bacte- and blood films and other essential tests (blood
rium Burkholderia pseudomallei) is a common cause cultures, a complete blood count, and tests of kid-
of sepsis in parts of Southeast Asia, and suspected ney and liver function) should not be delayed
infection should be treated with a carbapenem or pending the results of tests for viral hemorrhagic
ceftazidime, since the bacteria are intrinsically fever, which are usually performed by specialist
resistant to most beta-lactam antibiotics and to reference laboratories. Any laboratory should be
aminoglycosides.34 If severe scrub typhus (or an- informed, however, of specimens submitted from
other rickettsial infection) is suspected, doxycy- patients with possible viral hemorrhagic fever.
cline should be added to the empirical regimen, Public Health England recommends that these
since O. tsutsugamushi and rickettsia species are specimens be analyzed with the use of biosafety
intrinsically resistant to beta-lactams.35 level 2 laboratory procedures and autoanalyzers;
standard precautions should also be taken.
Recognizing Highly Transmissible Causes Outbreaks of severe respiratory viral infections
of Fever during the past decade, such as those involving
A risk assessment for highly transmissible patho- influenza viruses (H5N1, H7N9, and H1N1) and
gens is a critical first step in the approach to the MERS-CoV, as well as the severe acute respiratory
febrile traveler (Table 3 and Fig. 1). Categorizing syndrome,42 have exemplified the role of travelers
risk allows for appropriate precautions to be taken as sentinels, carriers, and transmitters of these
that are aimed at protecting health care and labo- infections and the need for continued vigilance
ratory workers, other patients, visitors, and the for novel respiratory pathogens. Knowledge of cur-
wider community from acquiring life-threatening rent outbreaks is essential for identifying cases
infections. Viral hemorrhagic fevers such as Ebola, early and reducing transmission risks. More famil-
Crimean–Congo hemorrhagic fever, Marburg hem- iar and potentially highly transmissible infections,
orrhagic fever, and Lassa fever must be considered such as measles, chicken pox, and tuberculosis,
because of the high associated mortality and po- also require prompt consideration, especially in
tential for human-to-human transmission with hospitals because of the proximity of potentially
nosocomial outbreaks.36 But infections transmit- vulnerable patients.
ted by droplets or aerosols, such as influenza, Colonization or infection with antibiotic-resis-
MERS-CoV infection, measles, and tuberculosis, tant bacteria may complicate treatment and spread
should also be considered, as should coloniza- to others. Travel to tropical regions is associated
tion or infection with antibiotic-resistant organ- with the transient acquisition of antibiotic-resis-
isms such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus au- tant commensal bacteria in the gastrointestinal
reus or carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae. tract, lasting around 3 months,43 and the global-
Risk-assessment algorithms published by Public ization of health care, including the development
Health England and the CDC note that viral hem- of medical tourism, has created new risks for pa-
orrhagic fever should be suspected in patients who tients and hospitals. Planned or emergency in-
have fever (temperature, ≥37.5°C) or a history of hospital care in one country, followed by the trans-
fever in the previous 24 hours and who have trav- fer of care to another country, has the potential
eled within 21 days to an area where viral hem- to fuel the rapid global dissemination of highly
orrhagic fever is endemic or epidemic.37,38 Sources antibiotic-resistant organisms.44
of information on affected countries and regions Patients should be isolated in a single room

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Table 3. Serious Transmissible Infections in Febrile Returning Travelers.

Immediate Precautions
Infection Geographic Regions Affected Mode of Transmission Incubation Period for Suspected Infection*
Viral hemorrhagic fevers
Ebola virus disease Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory Direct contact with blood, secretions, or- 2–21 days Isolate patient and use strict barrier
Coast, Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, gans, or other body fluids of infected nursing techniques; hospital workers
Democratic Republic of Congo, persons; contact with objects (e.g., have frequently been infected in
Republic of the Congo, Gabon, needles or clothing) contaminated Ebola outbreaks
Angola, Zimbabwe with infected secretions
Marburg hemorrhagic fever Ivory Coast, Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, Initial infection through exposure in 3–10 days Isolate patient and use strict barrier
Democratic Republic of Congo, mines or caves inhabited by rousettus nursing techniques
Republic of the Congo, Gabon, bats; person-to-person transmission

Angola, Zimbabwe requires direct contact with blood or

other body fluids from an infected
person (feces, vomit, urine, saliva, or
respiratory secretions)
Lassa fever Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Nigeria Initial infection through direct or indirect 5–21 days Isolate patient and use strict barrier
contact with infected rodent excreta nursing techniques
on surfaces or in food or water; per-
son-to-person transmission occurs
through contact with infected body
fluids (e.g., blood, saliva, urine, or se-
Crimean–Congo hemorrhagic fever Broad area of endemicity: Africa, Middle Tickborne transmission, but possible 1–9 days for tick Isolate patient and use strict barrier
n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l

East, Asia, Eastern Europe; outbreaks transmission to humans through di- bite, 5–13 days nursing techniques

The New England Journal of Medicine


in Russia, Turkey, Iran, Kazakhstan, rect contact with body fluids of infect- for direct con-
Mauritania, Kosovo, Albania, ed humans or animals tact
Severe acute respiratory infections

n engl j med 376;6  February 9, 2017

Influenza A Global distribution; outbreaks of avian Direct or airborne transmission 1–4 days Isolate patient and use strict barrier

Copyright © 2017 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

m e dic i n e

influenza in Southeast Asia and nursing techniques; staff should

China wear FFP3 or N95 masks
MERS-CoV Arabian Peninsula, particularly Saudi Direct contact with respiratory secretions 2–14 days Isolate patient and use strict barrier
Arabia or airborne transmission of large nursing techniques; staff should
droplets wear FFP3 or N95 masks
Pneumonic plague Remote areas of Africa, Asia, and South Inhalation of infective droplets or hema- 1–3 days, if ac- Isolate patient and use strict barrier
America togenous spread to lungs in septice- quired through nursing techniques; staff should
mic or bubonic plague inhalation wear FFP3 or N95 masks; prophylac-
tic oral ciprofloxacin or doxycycline
should be administered if a health
care worker is exposed

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Approach to Fever in the Returning Tr aveler

tions and previous infections in con-

immediately if they might have a life-threatening

tions and previous infections in con-

tacts in hospital (staff and other pa-

tacts in hospital (staff and other pa-

and potentially transmissible infection. Patients
Isolate patient; check status of vaccina-

Isolate patient; check status of vaccina-

isolate patient in negative-pressure

Isolate patient; for suspected case of
multidrug-resistant tuberculosis,
transferred from a health care facility in another
country may also need to be isolated before it
has been established whether they are colonized
or infected with drug-resistant bacteria. Health
care workers in direct contact with patients at

room, if available
high risk for a viral hemorrhagic fever or severe
airborne infections can reduce their risk of ex-


posure by increasing levels of personal protec-

tion, including meticulous hand hygiene, double
gloves, fluid-repellent disposable gowns and foot-
wear, a full face shield or goggles, and a fluid-
Months to years

repellent respirator (FFP3 [filtering facepiece,

10–21 days
7–21 days

class 3] or N95) for splash and respiratory pro-

tection. Negative-pressure isolation reduces the
risk of airborne pathogen transmission to other
patients and staff. Finally, those responsible for
hospital infection control and public health must
* Strict barrier nursing techniques include the use of masks, gloves, and gowns. FFP3 denotes filtering facepiece, class 3.

be informed about all patients with a suspected

or confirmed life-threatening infection with the
Direct or airborne transmission

Direct or airborne transmission

potential for person-to-person transmission.

Approach to Lower-Risk Travelers with Fever

Airborne transmission

Once the life-threatening and transmissible causes

of fever in a returning traveler have been ruled out,
there is a long list of other possible causes of fever,
not all of which are related to travel in tropical
regions or to an infectious disease (Fig. 1, and
Table S2 in the Supplementary Appendix).45 How-
ever, the number of possible travel-related infec-
Global distribution; common in Africa
Global distribution with regional out-

tious causes can be reduced substantially by iden-

tifying possible exposures and applying knowledge
of the incubation periods for various infections.
A detailed travel and activity history is essential.46
Different geographic regions are associated with
Global distribution

different presentations; systemic febrile illness

without localizing findings is common among
and Asia

travelers returning from sub-Saharan Africa or


Southeast Asia, acute diarrhea is common among

those returning from South Asia and Central Asia,
and dermatologic problems are common among
those returning from the Caribbean, Central
America, or South America.47 Travel in temperate
regions may also be associated with specific tick-
Other serious infections

Pulmonary tuberculosis

borne infections, such as Lyme disease, tulare-

mia, babesiosis, and spotted fevers in parts of the
United States and other diseases in eastern Eu-
rope and Russia. Each country visited, with dates,

must be determined and activity-based risks iden-


tified, including types of accommodation; food

eaten; exposure to animals, fresh water, and

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

bloodborne diseases (e.g., through tattoos or den- are influenza, enteric fever, and viral hepatitis.53 In
tal work); insect bites; and sexual activity. Con- the GeoSentinel database, vaccine-preventable dis-
tact with ill persons, including those visited in a eases are relatively uncommon (accounting for
hospital, may provide important links to disease approximately 3% of cases) but are associated with
outbreaks. high rates of hospitalization (60%), a finding
The reasons for travel, together with the trav- that supports the effectiveness of pretravel vac-
eler’s age, sex, and immune status, may influence cination in reducing the morbidity and mortality
the risks and possible causes of fever. Travelers from these diseases.10
who visit friends or relatives are at greater risk for The recent epidemics of Zika virus infection
malaria, enteric fever, nondiarrheal intestinal para- in Latin America, the Caribbean, and the Pacific
sitic infections, respiratory syndromes, tuberculo- Islands have caused considerable alarm, particu-
sis, and sexually transmitted diseases than other larly because of increasingly strong associations
travelers.48,49 Expatriates are at disproportionately with the Guillain–Barré syndrome and birth de-
greater risk for chronic infections, including fects, such as microcephaly.54,55 The presentation
malaria, filariasis, schistosomiasis, strongyloidia- of symptomatic acute Zika virus infection is simi-
sis, giardiasis, brucellosis, and tuberculosis than lar to that of a number of other common causes
are short-term travelers.50 Travelers older than of fever, including dengue and chikungunya (also
60 years of age have proportionally more life- transmitted by various species of aedes mosqui-
threatening illnesses, especially severe malaria toes and often sympatric), rickettsial infections,
and lower respiratory tract infections,5 than chil- and leptospirosis. Patients with these infections
dren, in whom diarrheal, skin, and upper respi- commonly present with fever, headache, arthral-
ratory tract infections account for the majority of gia, and a maculopapular rash (although the rash
reported diagnoses.51 How sex influences infec- is rarely associated with leptospirosis). Zika virus
tion susceptibility and reporting patterns is un- infection can cause conjunctivitis, as can chi-
certain, but women appear to be proportionally kungunya, and conjunctival suffusion and sub-
more likely than men to report acute or chronic conjunctival hemorrhage are common in pa-
diarrhea and upper respiratory tract infection tients with leptospirosis.
and less likely to report vectorborne diseases, Initial investigations should include a com-
such as malaria or rickettsioses.52 Opportunistic plete blood count; biochemical studies, including
infections in travelers who are immunocompro- tests of liver and renal function; blood culture;
mised further complicate the clinical assessment. rapid diagnostic tests for malaria and dengue;
Travelers taking immunosuppressive drugs or polymerase-chain-reaction (PCR) testing of a plas-
glucocorticoids and travelers with poorly con- ma sample (e.g., for rickettsia); serologic tests; a
trolled human immunodeficiency virus infection chest film; blood-smear examination; and urine
are at increased risk for infections (e.g., talaro- tests, including a dipstick test, microscopic ex-
mycosis in Southeast Asia and leishmaniasis in amination, culture, and possibly PCR testing
southern Europe, South Asia, and South America). (e.g., for Zika virus or leptospira) (Fig. 1, and
The majority of febrile illnesses related to Table S2 in the Supplementary Appendix). Clini-
exposures during travel develop within a month.3 cal suspicion may call for more specific investi-
Knowledge of the incubation periods of the sus- gations, such as stool-sample examination for ova
pected infectious diseases can be used to narrow and parasites, intracranial imaging and lumbar
the differential diagnosis. For example, if fever puncture in cases of reduced consciousness (in-
begins more than 21 days after a traveler’s return, cluding cases of confirmed cerebral malaria),
then dengue, rickettsial infections, Zika virus in- and abdominal or renal tract ultrasonography or
fection, and viral hemorrhagic fevers are unlikely, computed tomography in cases of jaundice or
regardless of the traveler’s exposure history. Infec- acute kidney injury. Point-of-care rapid diagnos-
tious causes may be further narrowed by pretravel tic tests for several tropical infections are in-
vaccinations and chemoprophylaxis, although nei- creasingly available, have been well validated, and
ther approach is 100% effective. The most com- are particularly widely used for the diagnosis of
mon vaccine-preventable causes of fever in travelers malaria and dengue.

558 n engl j med 376;6  February 9, 2017

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Approach to Fever in the Returning Tr aveler

F u t ur e De v el opmen t s likely to improve with the increasing connectivity

a nd C onclusions associated with these initiatives. Future integra-
tion of clinical data from electronic medical re-
The evidence base to inform the physician in cords would further enhance real-time surveillance
making a rapid diagnosis and instituting appro- and potentially provide early signals of changes
priate treatment of fever in the returning traveler in disease or patterns of antimicrobial drug resis-
is growing rapidly, thanks to surveillance net- tance and early warnings of developing epidemics.
works based in travel clinics (e.g., GeoSentinel) There will be new challenges as well. The rise
and international surveillance networks, many in popularity of medical tourism will provide in-
of which report up-to-date information in digital creased opportunities for hospital-associated mul-
form (e.g., HealthMap). With the spotlight on tidrug-resistant pathogens to spread to hospitals
antimicrobial drug resistance as a global health and communities in the traveler’s home country,
threat, funding for antimicrobial-resistance net- and the continuing rise in travel in general, par-
works, such as the WHO Global Antimicrobial ticularly among the elderly, will increase the
Resistance Surveillance System (GLASS) and the cross-border movement of infections. We can ex-
recent Fleming Fund initiative (https:/​­/​­wellcome​ pect continued expansion in resources to aid
.­ac​.­uk/​­press-release/​­f leming-fund-launched physicians in the treatment of returning travelers,
-tackle-global-problem-drug-resistant-infection), allowing for further improvements in evidence-
is increasing and should lead to higher-quality based diagnosis and management.
geographic information on the prevalent antibi- No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was
otic-resistance patterns in countries visited. The Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
collection, processing, and analysis of data are the full text of this article at

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