Architectural Concept

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Concept of

Natural evolution
Evolution is one of the
main characteristics
of nature which is
needed to evolve
our ideas to create
-Connect evolved ones ! -Communicate
People & the Communication is a
market with nature & basic human need
the environment so we need to
with people

With Nature Through

-Renewable -Comfort
Creating Ideas to help A natural environment
people & provide is a comfortable place
comfort while helping to feel active ,creative
the environment & Initiative


Ideas !
-Adaptive -Minimalistic
Creating an adaptive environment A minimalistic look creates a
for our fresh entrepreneurs to comfortable environment & a
creat ideas that can always adapt good fertilized soil for growing
with the new technologies & great new innovative ideas.
evolution of our world.
Producing as minimal wasted
The innovation hub must be energy to decrease the human
adaptive to the environmental effect on the environment as
changes that occurs to minimize much as possible as well as
wasted energy on cooling & keeping good care of the
heating the facility. human health.

-Efficient -Aesthetic
Creating minimalistic facility that Aesthetic calm look creates
use every resource to construct comforting environment for
the most efficient road for young entrepreneurs to come up with
entrepreneurs to come up with new their innovative ideas.
useful ideas for the world without
wasting any given resource.

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