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- What’s your name?

- What’s your surname/ last name?
- Can you spell your name?
- Where are you from?
- Are you Colombian/ Mexican/ German/ Chinese/ American?
- How old are you?
- What’s your hometown?
- What’s your email address?
- Do you work or study?
- Where do you study?
- What do you study?
- Do you study English at school?
- What’s your favourite subject?
- What is the most difficult subject?
- Where do you live?


Grammar: Question forms/ Simple Present and Present Continuous

Vocabulary: Common adjectives/ Adverbs

- What are you into? / Are you into social media?

- How do you keep in touch with your friends?
- Do you like meeting new people?
- Is it easy for you to make friends?
- How often do you send text messages to your friends?
- Do you prefer phone calls or text messages? Why?
- What is your favourite social media app?
- How often do you share important news on social media?
- Do you post photos or videos on social media?
- How often do you send emails?
- How often do you read things in English?


Grammar: Simple Past/ Past Continuous

Vocabulary: Tourism/ Travel collocations

- Do you like to travel?

- Where do you like to go on vacation?
- Tell me something about a vacation you’ve been on.
- Where have you been on vacation?
- When did you go?
- What did you do there?
- Who did you go with?
- Did you bring back any souvenirs?
- What kind of accommodation did you stay in?
- Do you prefer to travel by car or by bus? Why?
- What do you prefer to travel, a suitcase or a backpack? Why?
- Do you have a passport?
- Tell me three things you need to travel to USA/ the beach/ Cuenca.
- Have you ever missed your bus?
- Have you ever had an accident?
- Have you ever been on a strike?
- Have you ever got lost in a city?


Grammar: Present Perfect or Simple Past/ Present Perfect with already and yet

Vocabulary: Money and shopping/ Make-Do-Give collocations

- What do you like to spend money on?

- Do you like to go shopping?
- Are you a saver or a spender?
- Have you ever lent a friend some money?
- Did he/ she pay you back?
- Do you like to buy new clothes?
- Do you spend money doing things with friends?
- How do you prefer to pay for things you buy, credit card or cash?
- Do you buy things online or in real shops?
- Have you ever given away money or things to charity?
- Have you ever done volunteer work?


Grammar: Present Continuous and be going to/ Will/ Won’t/ Would/ Should

Vocabulary: Clothes and appearance/ Adjectives: places

- What are you wearing today?

- What are you going to do tonight?
- Are you doing anything tonight/ tomorrow/ this weekend?
- What are your plans for vacations/ summer?
- What your favorite celebration?
- What are you going to wear?
- Are you going to eat something special this weekend?
- Tell me three things to do or see in your city or town?
- How often do you go out for a coffee/ ice cream?
- How often do you go to cinema?
- How often do you do sports?
- How do you usually celebrate your birthday?


Grammar: Must-Have to- Can/ Will and Might for predictions

Vocabulary: Work/ Jobs

- Do you work?
- What’s the most interesting job?
- What is the most dangerous job?
- What job would you like to do in the future?
- What are your responsibilities as a student/ in your house?
- Tell me the rules at school/ in a museum/ in a hospital/ at the cinema?
- Where do you think you will/ might work in the future?
- What are your predictions about your future?
- Do you think you will graduate?
- Do you think you might get married?


Grammar: Imperative- Should/ Uses of infinitive

Vocabulary: Verbs with dependant prepositions/ -ed and –ing adjectives

- What problems do you have?

- When you have a problem, who do you ask for advice, your friends or family?
- Are your friends/ family good at giving advice?
- Would you give advice to a friend/ colleague about their work/ studies?
- What advice would you give to someone who can’t concentrate/ sleep/ is addicted to
their phone?
- Have you ever lived an extreme experience?
- What is confusing for you?
- Have you ever experienced something embarrassing?
- When do you feel annoyed/ frightened?

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