Verb Lists - Infinitives and Gerunds

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Verb Lists: Infinitives and Gerunds

Verbs Followed by an Infinitive: Example: She agreed to speak before the game.
agree consent have offer shoot
aim continue hesitate ought start
appear dare hope plan stop
arrange decide hurry prefer strive
ask deserve intend prepare swear
attempt detest leap proceed threaten
be able dislike leave promise try
beg expect like propose use
begin fail long refuse wait
care forget love remember want
choose get mean say wish
condescend happen neglect

Verbs Followed by an Object and an Infinitive Example: Everyone expected her to win.
advise choose have love remind
allow command hire motivate require
ask dare instruct order send
beg direct invite pay teach
bring encourage lead permit tell
build expect leave persuade urge
buy forbid let prepare want
challenge force like promise warn
Note: Some of these verbs are included in the list above and may be used without an object.

Verbs Followed by a Gerund: Example: They enjoyed working on the boat.

admit delay finish permit resist
advise deny forbid postpone resume
appreciate detest get through practice risk
avoid dislike have quit spend (time)
can't help enjoy imagine recall suggest
complete escape mind report tolerate
consider excuse miss resent waste (time)

Verbs Followed by a Preposition and a Gerund Example: We concentrated on doing well.

admit to depend on plan on
approve of disapprove of prevent (someone) from
argue about discourage from refrain from
believe in dream about succeed in
care about feel like talk about
complain about forget about think about
concentrate on insist on worry about
confess to object to
Gerunds and Infinitives – different meaning
Some verbs have different meanings when they are follwed by a gerund or an infinitive.

looks back in the past looks into the future
He'll never forget spending so much money on his Don't forget to spend money on the tickets.
first computer.
go on
to continue with the same thing to change the activity
Go on reading the text. Go on to read the text.
sth. has to be done to get a result intend to do sth.
You have forgotten your homework again. That I meant to phone your mother, but my mobile didn't
means phoning your mother. work.
you did sth in the past and you are not happy to tell bad news and you are not happy about it
about it
I regret being late for school. We regret to inform you that the flight has beeen
delayed for another two hours.
looks back in the past looks into the future
I remember switching off the lights when I went on Remember to switch off the lights when you go on
holiday. holiday.
to stop with an activity to stop in order to do sth.
I stopped smoking. I stopped to smoke.
to test sth. to do sth. that is not easy
I tried taking an aspirin but it didn't help. Try to be quiet when you come home late.

I like reading books. = I like to read books.
There is normally no difference in meaning. However, you can make the following distinction:
• Use the Gerund when like is used in the sense of 'enjoy'.
Example: I like riding my bike.
• Use the Infinitive when you do sth. in the sense of a habit.
Example: I like to do my homework in the afternoon. (I think, it is good to do my homework in the


If we use a Gerund after need, then the sentcene has a passive meaning:
The window needs cleaning.

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